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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences (52981 Views)
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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Zinpat: 11:54am On Mar 15, 2021 |
In this country where d leaders don't v any good plans 4 d citizens, is this vaccine really what they say it is ![]() |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by ghettochild(m): 12:27pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
dre11:Most people don't know the meaning of vaccines sha. The vaccine is a weak version of the virus that's suppose to make u exhìbit symptoms and then recover from it.. so why are they not expecting side effects... now with modern advanced tech.. mRNA is used instead of a weaker version of the virus. |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Nobody: 1:19pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
The vaccine has reached like a hundred out of the millions of people in Lagos and we have people testifying Meanwhile they are discovering over 300 cases of COVIK_19 in Lagos every week and nobody knows nobody that has the sickness No be juju be thag ![]()
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 3:57pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
"He stressed that the risk of not receiving the vaccine was higher than the chance of taking ill from COVID-19."- Biggest lie from the pit of hell! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:01pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
bluefilm:You and your loved ones always have a choice! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:04pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
HBB1:Why calling Jesus now when you refused to heed the warning not to take it, but to exercise your faith in Him? |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:07pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
WILLuKPquiet:Zombie manifestations will happen later to those that will take the "mark of the beast"! 1 Like |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:09pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
Fibonacci88:They are both 5&6. |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:09pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
Amalekki:Story, story! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:15pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
ransomed:Imagine how gullible people are! NAFDAC refused any test because bill gates and co have settled their bosses. The bosses now said America CDC said its ok, so its ok. Amazing and scandalous event! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:16pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
ransomed:Imagine how gullible people are! NAFDAC refused any test because mr gates and co have settled their bosses. The bosses now said America CDC said its ok, so its ok. Amazing and scandalous event! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 4:17pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
atonement12: Heed whose warning? What are you saying? If you give children their normal vaccines, don't they have a fever? Abeg abeg! 1 Like |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 4:18pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
atonement12: Besides I was talking about Covid there Mr Oga, so.... |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:19pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
SarkinYarki:Is this tweaking moral or ethical? |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by SarkinYarki: 4:25pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
atonement12: Personally I think it's wrong but this is the first time the WHO is approving such a sha I will not be taking any MRNA Vaccine |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:26pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
HBB1:Don't take this abnormal microchip-embedded vaccine. A word is enough for the wise! 1 Like |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 4:28pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
atonement12: If they wanted to kill you tey tey, they would have... Or given you a microchip. Everything you consume is from the West, so how hard will it be to put it in your food, medications, toothpaste, everything... Do you people even fully analyse things? |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 4:44pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
HBB1:Are you a student of science? What goes through ur digestive system can not alter your DNA because the enzymes woud readily have destroyed or weaken it. You need to go straight through the blood to work on the DNA in the cell nucleus. There are many things that we consume that is not from the west. The technology involve in this gene modifications cannot be easily done using food or oral medications. It is not all Western organizations that have ulterior motives against humanity. There are still many godly men in the west that are working for the general good and speaking against unethical science as you have in the production of this covid mRNA vaccines etc. So, some of us have been fully analyzing things for some years now, by His grace! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by biggy26: 4:50pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
tonididdy:Na kunu PMB receive na. No shaking. |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by franklytrue(m): 4:54pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
The warnings are out there but some people don't listen. They disregard many things as just tales. This particular vaccine is not ordinary. It is evil! It is an endtime tool. It is a forerunner to the microchip (mark of the beast). Be warned!
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 5:22pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
atonement12: And the vaccine goes straight into the blood? So if its only injections that can cause Mutation, how does mutation then happen from inhalation, skin contact radiation... How do carcinogens work and how do immunosuppresants work? Or there are no oral anti-cancer medications? You see yourself?! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 7:00pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
HBB1: |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 7:04pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
HBB1:Don't try to twist the narrative. I never said mutation works only through injection's. I said in this particular case, digestive enzymes can weaken or destroy the drug. We are not talking about radioactivity or carcinogenics here. If oral medications ate easily effective to treat genetic disorder as in cancer etc. they would have avoided patients going through the discomfort of radiotherapy. My points were quite clear. |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 7:14pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
atonement12:]Don't try to twist the narrative. I never said mutation works only through injection's. I said in this particular case, digestive enzymes can weaken or destroy the drug. We are not talking about radioactivity or carcinogenics here. If oral medications ate easily effective to treat genetic disorder as in cancer etc. they would have avoided patients going through the discomfort of radiotherapy. My points were quite clear. |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 10:12pm On Mar 15, 2021 |
atonement12: Oga, there are oral chemotherapy medications... If these people want to kill you, they will do it easily. Una no reach. Quick question, what is the way out of the Covid situation? Please profer solutions. |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 1:57am On Mar 16, 2021 |
HBB1:How effective is oral chemothetapy? Idont know about you, but these people cannot kill me because my existence is not in their hands. There are physical/medical and spiritual side of things- It takes faith to understand! To know and agree on the way out of the covid situation is first to understand and accept that there is more to this corona pandemic hysteria than meets the eye. There is so much to explain, going back many years before covid 19 heats the airwaves. The summary is that it is a planned pandemic hysteria with the sole purpose of injecting people with these novel vaccines. The origin of the tech is from the old soviet union, with further research from Chinese and renegade Soviet scientists that relocated to the western nations after the collapse of the soviet union- it was meant to be used as a bio- weap.on. Basic treatments and precautions for the yearly cold flu can control the fatality of this virus. The additional use of hydroxychloroquine with zinc sulphate and other drugs have been shown to cure this infection with little or no fatality. The use of this ethically and morally wrong vaccines is completely sinister and unnecessary. |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 8:19am On Mar 16, 2021 |
atonement12: ![]() ...and your info ( Conspiracy theory) is from where? If you didn't know, I am a Medic. I saw day in day out the effect of Covid for a whole year. I saw people in their 30s struggle to live, with some of them dying. I have also seen the effect of vaccinations-- Covid rates have dropped dramatically. Chloroquine and Zinc, tell more about it. You sit in the comfort of your house and teach those dealing with the scourge what to do. You can't solve a problem, but fight those trying to solve the problem. E pele o! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 8:43am On Mar 16, 2021 |
![]() ![]() |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 8:49am On Mar 16, 2021 |
HBB1:"I have also seen the effect of vaccinations-- Covid rates have dropped dramatically."- Big, fat lie! There is no correlation between the drop in covid rates and vaccinations. The lower records experienced in Europe is just a reflection of the drop in yearly record of the cold flu cases when moving out of the winter season. Majority of what was recorded as covid is nothing but the yearly winter cold flu-thats why they stopped recording cold flu cases. There are some medical personnel that have become globalist stooge-usually for their pecuniary gains. What you call a conspiracy theory will take shape and form soon and become "facts" when the effects of this vaccine starts to manifest! I am fully in support of those trying to solve a problem in a Godly and ethical way! |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 11:05am On Mar 16, 2021 |
atonement12: ![]() You sit in some room half way across the world and can state matter of factedly what you don't know! So Flu was what was responsible for 'Covid?' Seasinal Flu was what was causing DVTs, Ischaemic Colitis, Pericarditis, P.Es and multi-organ failure ( in the unlucky ones)? All these info gotten from your room. ![]() You still believe Covid is a scam?! ![]() If you know any Nigerians abroad, ask them. At least they won't lie to you. Particularly if they are Doctors. Anyway, enjoy! ![]() |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 10:01pm On Mar 19, 2021 |
HBB1:. knock! knock!! Hello!!! Is somebody at home? It does not meet the CDC’s own definition of a vaccine,” says Dr. Steven Hotze Dr. Steven Hotze M.D., a conservative activist and medical professional out of Houston, Texas, wants Americans to know the COVID-19 shot is not technically a “vaccine” and is actually “a dangerous, experimental gene therapy.” “The so-called COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine at all. It’s a dangerous, experimental gene therapy,” he explains. “The Center for Disease Control, the CDC, gives the definition of the term vaccine on its website. A vaccine is a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease. Immunity is the protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without being infected.” Continuing, the doctor says, “This so-called COVID-19 vaccine does not provide any individual who receives the vaccine with immunity to COVID-19. Nor does it prevent the spread of the disease.” Because of this, “It does not meet the CDC’s own definition of a vaccine. That’s why it’s a deceptive trade practice, under 15 U.S. Code Section 41 of the Federal Trade Commission, for pharmaceutical companies who are producing this experimental gene therapy to claim that it’s a vaccine.” Dr. Hotze alleges these companies, along with government health bureaucrats, are lying to the public by mislabeling the product. The experimental gene therapy is “only designed to minimize your symptoms if you were to be infected with the COVID-19 virus.” For those who might ask why the pharmaceutical companies would intentionally call the gene therapy treatments a “vaccine,” Dr. Hotze claims Big Pharma is attempting to shield itself “because vaccine injuries or deaths are exempted by law from any product liability lawsuits.” With no published animal studies and no long-term human studies, individuals who are taking the experimental gene therapy “vaccines,” are basically Guinea Pigs for the scientific elite. The Texas doctor adds, “These ‘vaccines,’ which are manufactured using cells derived from human babies that were aborted in the 1970s, should more accurately be called an experimental gene therapy. They are an untested, unproven experimental gene therapy that poses a much greater danger to your health than COVID-19 itself.” Dr. Hotze explains how major pharma company Moderna was founded in 2010 as ModeRNA Therapeutics because they were interested in developing experimental gene therapy using synthetic mRNA for the treatment of various diseases. “Moderna has never successfully developed a product for treatment of any disease prior to this,” he states. “An experimental gene therapy using synthetic mRNA to treat an infectious disease has never been attempted in humans, because of its failure in previous animal studies.” The synthetic messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) experimental gene therapy has previously immune system hyper-reactions during animal testing. Dr. Hotze warns a similar side-effect could take place in humans when they are later exposed to the same coronavirus against which they had been previously vaccinated. The auto-immune response could set people up for a lifetime of serious inflammatory disease. According to Dr. Hotze, when people who take the COVID shot start to get even sicker due to the mRNA therapy, anti-vaxxers and “variant strains” of the virus will be blamed. However, since the experimental gene therapy is being labeled a “vaccine,” the companies producing these potentially harmful products are exempt from being sued for any injury caused by vaccinations. |
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 10:46pm On Mar 19, 2021 |
atonement12: You mean this man is your scientific evidence? A controversial alternative medicine practitioner? ![]() Sorry o! Besides I thought you said it was altering people's DNA? ![]() |
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