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My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home - Family (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home (80667 Views)

How My Maid Has Taken Over My Husband & Marriage / My Madam And Me / Barren Woman Displaced By 14-year Old House Maid From Her Home (2) (3) (4)

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Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Nobody: 11:59am On Nov 07, 2021

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Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by oyatz(m): 12:33pm On Nov 07, 2021

How will you feel if your mother gets pregnant for your driver and end up marrying him

There is a stage you get to in life that you begin to understand that everybody, irrespective of their status and regardless of the feelings or opinions of others crave for happiness and their rights to pursue this happiness should be respected.

I used to be critical of housemaids ,regarding them as dirty and flirt because of certain past observations.

Later on, i realized that housemaids are also humans, who like other humans have sexual urges but aren't allowed to freely express it, so they tend to gratify their sexual urges by sleeping with the males in the household or around it like their madam's husband, relatives, gatemen, gardnerd or even their madam's children.
One guy once recollected that when he was in primary-2, their housegirl asked him to be licking her private part, that it will later-on turn to ice-cream in his mouth.

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Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Inferior19: 12:34pm On Nov 07, 2021

A logical response, and @bolded, I'm glad you see my point that selfish traits has nothing to do with a particular gender but humans generally, no man or woman will be happy seeing his father getting married to their maid, no man or woman will be happy seeing his/her mother get pregnant and marry their driver,

All these idiots coming online, opening their dirty mouth/typing with their hands, making it seem as if being unconformable or going against what is not the norm is a woman thing of hating each other, are fools I have to say, fools too stupid and ignorant to accept reality to know that it is okay to hate what you hate.
In this case the man is happy his father is getting married to maid,so what's your problem?


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by GboyegaD(m): 12:36pm On Nov 07, 2021

Who said they shouldn't enjoy their choices?

Get it, making ones opinion known on an issue positively or negatively as in the case of the Op, and expressing it is not a bad thing, this shouldn't be too hard to understand.

Did you read the post well? Maybe you should take out time to go read it again.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by crackhaus: 12:40pm On Nov 07, 2021

There is a stage you get to in life that you begin to understand that everybody, irrespective of their status and regardless of the feelings or opinions of others crave for happiness and their rights to pursue this happiness should be respected.

I used to be critical of housemaids ,regarding them as dirty and flirt because of certain past observations.

Later on, i realized that housemaids are also humans, who like other humans have sexual urges but aren't allowed to freely express it, so they tend to gratify their sexual urges by sleeping with the males in the household or around it like their madam's husband, relatives, gatemen, gardnerd or even their madam's children.
One guy once recollected that when he was in primary-2, their housegirl asked him to be licking her private part, that it will later-on turn to ice-cream in his mouth.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Collinsemegreat(m): 12:41pm On Nov 07, 2021

Overtake don overtake, overtake.

Overtaking is allowed, madam.

The first shall be the last, and the last.....?

Rush hour!


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by oyatz(m): 12:41pm On Nov 07, 2021

Do you know the difference between feeling and decision?

I know one man who married his widowed mother off to her new husband and even helped to drive her and her belongings to the house of the new husband.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Mariangeles(f): 12:45pm On Nov 07, 2021
One thing's for sure, I'd really love to see this play out in a movie, with RMD playing the father in-law and my Genny playing the nanny. cheesy


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Imustnottalk: 12:51pm On Nov 07, 2021

A logical response, and @bolded, I'm glad you see my point that selfish traits has nothing to do with a particular gender but humans generally, no man or woman will be happy seeing his father getting married to their maid, no man or woman will be happy seeing his/her mother get pregnant and marry their driver,

All these idiots coming online, opening their dirty mouth/typing with their hands, making it seem as if being unconformable or going against what is not the norm is a woman thing of hating each other, are fools I have to say, fools too stupid and ignorant to accept reality to know that it is okay to hate what you hate.
no difference between you and the lady op is talking about


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by TheWolfen(m): 12:54pm On Nov 07, 2021

I didn't go with the children because I can't Believe my father in-law stoop so low to marry my maid when there are other women out there

Madam allow the old man marry in peace. Men dont care about women social or financial status, Anybody wey give man peace of mind, man dey marry them

The problem here is with you...
She was your nanny doest make her less human


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Misterone: 12:59pm On Nov 07, 2021

I'm not asking of your mum's decisions, I'm asking of your outward emotions and reaction to what she did,

The wife the Op talked about expressed her feelings on what her father in law did, which in her right she is justified, no one will be happy of such a scenario except we want to deceive ourselves, and I for one do not like to deceive myself.

If your mother gets pregnant for your driver, you will not be happy about it, but you just have to accept her decision to marry him.
Madam, the wife has no say in this issue. she should be thanking her God that it was not her husband the nanny is pregnant for. the father in-law is old, he needs a companion and has chosen the nanny. respect that and be happy for him. if not a time will come when a thread will be opened with the title "I was thrown out of my matrimonial home because of my nanny"


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Mvena(f): 1:05pm On Nov 07, 2021
Okay, I don’t understand the problem of this woman now abi which kin advice she dey find


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Oizee(f): 1:06pm On Nov 07, 2021
So what's the big deal here? Abeg make she go sleep.....is the man her own husband? Inconsiderate and selfish woman.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by flokii: 1:06pm On Nov 07, 2021
Moral of the story.. never look down on anyone in this life.

Next time the lady refers to her father in-law's wife as 'my nanny', they should give her multiple dirty slaps. She is very stvpid.

Someone God created, you're calling her your nanny just because you married into a wealthy home. Nonsense!


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Walkee: 1:15pm On Nov 07, 2021

I tell u d way women hate themselves no get part two imagine calling her new mother in-laws a nanny no be d same under them get
I remember dis song
Those who u meet on yur way up you might meet them again when u coming down
If nanny can make d father in-laws happy so bi it
Nice one from d husband standing by his father decision atleast how long d man get to live dat she want to deprive him of happiness
which one is women hate themselves?
Mumu popular talk. Everybody hates one another. It's normal. Life is competition

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Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by neonly: 1:16pm On Nov 07, 2021

How will you feel if your mother gets pregnant for your driver and end up marrying him

Children of hate you are so quick to call out some parent
Am very sure u are a product of single parent


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Styluss: 1:18pm On Nov 07, 2021
Mumu. The way you looked down on her, it's your turn now. Get a bucket, cry into it, then drink your tears later
would she have gotten pregnant if the old man was poor?


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by franklingud(m): 1:22pm On Nov 07, 2021
Tell the ogbeni complainer to pack out of that house if she can't bear the shame... Or better still she can divorce her husband for supporting his dad to remarry.

Enemy of progress.... Idiot!

Congratulations to the house girl, God has lifted her up.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Nisiw365: 1:24pm On Nov 07, 2021
would she have gotten pregnant of the old man was poor?
Would the wife have married the husband if he was poor?

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Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Nobody: 1:27pm On Nov 07, 2021

How will you feel if your mother gets pregnant for your driver and end up marrying him

It is just ego. How can my nanny now become the madam of the house, that's what keep going in her mind. She has to suck it up, that's life for you.

I remember a story here on nairaland how a guy got upset because the driver or so his mum recommended for his aunt who lost her husband is now sleeping with the aunt. Thereby turning oga in the house.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by josielewa(m): 1:29pm On Nov 07, 2021
What are the lessons to be learnt here. When you decide to hire a nanny, do not hire an adult nanny with black bush, big bakassi & big, succulent boobs.

You see, the Preek & Toto are designed ELECTROMAGNETICALLY to transmit surface waves that communicate even without the consent & awareness of the owners.

Now, let us use a mathematical example to explain the variables.

If the ratio of two variables (x and y) is equal to a constant ( Temptation = Preek / Toto), then the variable in the numerator of the ratio (y) can be product of the other variable and the constant ( Preek = Temptation + Toto ).

In this case Toto is said to be directly proportional to Preek with proportionality constant K (which is Temptation).

Now, if you do not understand the equation about and need a demonstration, I need 3 female volunteers from the major tribes: Hausa, Yoruba & Igbo - with bakassi & black bushes.
eti ya were sir...lmao


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Biglittlelois(f): 1:34pm On Nov 07, 2021

Children of hate you are so quick to call out some parent
Am very sure u are a product of single parent

No correlation, but look how pained you are cos I gave an example of you in the Op's shoe, what is the difference between your reaction and that of the Op? As a man that you are with your reaction, is it a gender or "woman hating each other" thing?

You actually proved me right, no one will be happy about it.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Biglittlelois(f): 1:35pm On Nov 07, 2021
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by DriverX: 1:35pm On Nov 07, 2021

I'm not asking of your mum's decisions, I'm asking of your outward emotions and reaction to what she did,

The wife the Op talked about expressed her feelings on what her father in law did, which in her right she is justified, no one will be happy of such a scenario except we want to deceive ourselves, and I for one do not like to deceive myself.

If your mother gets pregnant for your driver, you will not be happy about it, but you just have to accept her decision to marry him.
Your reaction depends on your outlook of fellow humans. If you classify people as being beneath you simply because you employed them, then it's easy for your outward reaction and emotion to lean towards disgust.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by DriverX: 1:38pm On Nov 07, 2021
would she have gotten pregnant if the old man was poor?
She would have gotten pregnant as long as the dick enters the toto.

The maid came to the house with no expectations. She would have slept with anyone that showed her the love she wasn't getting from the people she was serving. Dick and toto issues usually isn't about money, which is why rich women sleep with their drivers. It's more emotional than financial.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by ActuaRise696969: 1:51pm On Nov 07, 2021
She was a nanny, now she is the landlady
Your father in law, owns the house and automatically, it is his wife's property and by extension, his children.

Now that father in law has companion, it is wise for this woman and her husband to find a different place to live, if the woman can not understand that the pussy she has, the ex-nanny now madam, has.

But I suspect she will not respect the decision of the Father in law, cos she had already concluded that her husband will keep chunk of the transferred as heir, but the old man is getting a new child and loves the nanny.

I see war and I love war as long as i am on the winning side.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by ibechris(m): 1:56pm On Nov 07, 2021
U are simply the problem here,just because she is ur nanny,she should waste away.
Madam,cool down this ur attitude go make them plan coup for u.

Respect her and have ur peace.

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Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by portplus: 2:03pm On Nov 07, 2021
Just flow with the tide.
You can't win this fight.
Accept the woman.
I am a man and a husband.....I will do exactly what your husband has done...
Switch to your husband's side....make peace and focus on your own family.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by mabea: 2:05pm On Nov 07, 2021
She should just swallow her pride and be happy for the Nanny. Imagine a 33 year old woman that luck shined on and you want to deprive her of this opportunity. You better sit up before you leave in her stead.


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Anikay: 2:13pm On Nov 07, 2021
Live and let live.
It is not good for the old man to continue staying alone.

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Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by silibaba: 2:14pm On Nov 07, 2021
This is a true life story.

The lady in question is so confused on what to do.

Please advise her responsibly:

(Matured Minds Only)


Good morning, I am married into a very wealthy home, my husband is the eldest child, they are four, 3 male and a female.

Last two years I got a nanny, she's 32 years, my husband is in charge of his father company, his father has houses everywhere around the world but he's leaving with us, because of loneliness, he lost his wife 12yrs ago and since then he refused to marry again, he's 65years old but still young, I have a supermarket, so my nanny cook and takes care of the home while I'm away, my nanny has been sleeping with my father in-law but I didn't know, March this year we found out she's pregnant and she said it was papa that was responsible, when I ask her how long she has been sleeping with him she said since last year.

I was shouting at her when my husband shut me up that I shouldn't talk to her like that, that she's not a child, my own house help! When my husband talk to his father about it, he said the girl, that is my nanny has been his companion that he wants to marry her, mogbe I said over my dead body, my own maid, instead of my husband to be on my side he said if marrying the girl will make his father Happy that he has his support, the house we are living is build by my father in-law, it's a duplex, Mummy as am writing you my husband and his brothers followed my father in-law to pay my nanny dowry, they came back yesterday.

I didn't go with the children because I can't Believe my father in-law stoop so low to marry my maid when there are other women out there, last night I was talking to my husband and he told me to stop referring her as my nanny that she's now Married to his father therefore I should be calling her "Aunty mi", and my kids who usually call her Aunty should start calling her "Mummy", and I asked him what will she be calling me, he said anything she likes.

I am just here crying, someone I brought into my home has now turned madam over me, what should I do, and I can't tell my husband to rent another apartment when he has a duplex, papa can't leave either because he want to be close to his son, how long can I take this, please I need advice. Thanks. Married for 10years.

What a Life!

What Are Your Thoughts?

She would be in the comment section reading.

Nanny's are better wives than girls like you.

Is nanny not a human being?

Abeg shifti


Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by kunlesmiles(m): 2:16pm On Nov 07, 2021
Madam should focus on her own husband, before another "Nanny" take over her husband...

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