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My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Ballzproblemm: 10:57pm On Jun 04, 2022
Some risks are not worth taking

Sometime last month my girlfriend discuss with me about a girl that she met, that use to sale to her hair products (women stuff na) that she confided with her about her present predicament
She said her aunty she was staying with gave her a week to vacate maybe because of insecurities. I asked her does men snatcher ever occur to you or you only read on people's story thought it can never happen to you, you trust me yes and I stop womanizing but how are you bringing a mature girl to stay with us
You rob me of my freedom, I can't wake up with erected penis freely again I'll have to wear something tight

On weekends we use to flex alot walk around naked and have fun all that will be gone. How about bumping into her unknowingly maybe while changing or bathing and the picture of what I see will keep playing in my head all that was my thought, so today she called me to talk about the same girl, according to her the girl said she moved in with her female colleague of hers which also started acting up recently and she's not comfortable staying there(maybe that one bf start eyeing her too) I thought

Out of curiosity I asked my girl to show me the girl that's making all women insecure she forwarded her Facebook link Lo and behold very curvy lady I was like no no no it's not happening but then again my girl really begged me and I kinda making it look like I'm heartless, maybe she can't ask for a favor from me and be granted
I'm really confused though I told her no problem if she thinks she can handle it with care
What do you guys think, is this risk worth taking?
are you not a man ,I don't know why men run to NL to carry out simple decision when it comes to women ,,tell her if she brings that lady you will kick both of them out unless she's paying have of the rent, and your girlfriend is naive ,have she not read stories of women snatching women's boyfriend/husband

P.S:- women the biggest mistake you will make is to let another woman close to your man be it your friend or relative ,no introduce them to him ,the only time they should see your partner is when they visit apart from that make e end there


Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by moyosore32: 11:30pm On Jun 04, 2022
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Kirkman: 11:54pm On Jun 04, 2022
I see OP wanting to have a slice of the pie when the new girl comes + fight between the 2 ladies later on. I see Op letting down his defensive guard, I see the new girl catching feelings for OP, I see Op picking unnecessary fights with his real girlfriend. All these i have seen. grin
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Whizzy080(m): 3:23am On Jun 05, 2022
are you not a man ,I don't know why men run to NL to carry out simple decision when it comes to women ,,tell her if she brings that lady you will kick both of them out unless she's paying have of the rent, and your girlfriend is naive ,have she not read stories of women snatching women's boyfriend/husband

P.S:- women the biggest mistake you will make is to let another woman close to your man be it your friend or relative ,no introduce them to him ,the only time they should see your partner is when they visit apart from that make e end there
Bro I shock to even hear that, I'm just trying not to betray her but somethings are avoid able
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Whizzy080(m): 3:30am On Jun 05, 2022
I see OP wanting to have a slice of the pie when the new girl comes + fight between the 2 ladies later on. I see Op letting down his defensive guard, I see the new girl catching feelings for OP, I see Op picking unnecessary fights with his real girlfriend. All these i have seen. grin
Lols I love my girl bro �
Maybe she's capitalizing on that knowing fully I won't still cheat
Forget I was Odogwu for street, I taste that stuff till I see nothing de inside I decide to pick one pretty banny join body cheesy

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Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Kirkman: 6:44am On Jun 05, 2022
Lols I love my girl bro �
Maybe she's capitalizing on that knowing fully I won't still cheat
Forget I was Odogwu for street, I taste that stuff till I see nothing de inside I decide to pick one pretty banny join body cheesy
OK o! Stay loyal to your pretty banny abeg
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Sheistoopretty(f): 7:19am On Jun 05, 2022
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by bluefilm: 7:24am On Jun 05, 2022
Nonsense story of lies...
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Whizzy080(m): 7:29am On Jun 05, 2022
Nonsense story of lies...
dem de pay una?
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by okoroemeka(m): 8:48am On Jun 05, 2022
I know this is a made up story but I'll say that you are not sharp enough. You are missing a new kpekus
I will bet that those two women has something sleazy going on,for a woman to bring another woman with big boobs and ass,a potential competition to her house will raise eyebrows, these gender is far too advanced in emotional and matters sexual to make such mistakes,the lady is just bringing her lesbian lover closer to her.


Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Malory: 9:59am On Jun 05, 2022
I will bet that those two women has something sleazy going on,for a woman to bring another woman with big boobs and ass,a potential competition to her house will raise eyebrows, these gender is far too advanced in emotional and matters sexual to make such mistakes,the lady is just bringing her lesbian lover closer to her.
You are not far from the truth

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Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Djelectron(m): 10:15am On Jun 05, 2022
Some risks are not worth taking

Bro, you will finally end up sleeping with the girl which will in turn end up destroying your relationship.
Act like a man and tell her to choose between helping the said lady and saving her relationship.
This lady she wants to help will end up taking her dick,her man, her relationship, her freedom and her peace of mind!

Make una 2 just reason am well ooo


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Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by adadike(f): 11:29am On Jun 05, 2022
No it's my apartment
then spell it out to her! Tell her to her face that she is leading you into temptation and you just want to apologize for future fuckingg of her girlfriend
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by ashawopikin(m): 2:02pm On Jun 05, 2022
If this story or true,what are u waiting for grin grin?
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by iamfactor(m): 2:10pm On Jun 05, 2022
How can this even be a question? It is either one of the following permutations:

1. Your girlfriend trusts you 100% while you trust yourself 20%.
2. Your girlfriend wants to leave you but looking for alibi.
3. The girl is her lesbian girlfriend, she is looking for opportunity for them to be close.
4. Your girlfriend cannot say No to a friend's request because she is emotionally weak.
5. The story is a lie because it is very rare for such to happen not with a wife but a girlfriend who doesn't yet know her fate.

My bet is on number 5

Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you... You dey see road
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Truvelisback(m): 2:47pm On Jun 05, 2022
Some risks are not worth taking

Sometime last month my girlfriend discuss with me about a girl that she met, that use to sale to her hair products (women stuff na) that she confided with her about her present predicament
She said her aunty she was staying with gave her a week to vacate maybe because of insecurities. I asked her does men snatcher ever occur to you or you only read on people's story thought it can never happen to you, you trust me yes and I stop womanizing but how are you bringing a mature girl to stay with us
You rob me of my freedom, I can't wake up with erected penis freely again I'll have to wear something tight

On weekends we use to flex alot walk around naked and have fun all that will be gone. How about bumping into her unknowingly maybe while changing or bathing and the picture of what I see will keep playing in my head all that was my thought, so today she called me to talk about the same girl, according to her the girl said she moved in with her female colleague of hers which also started acting up recently and she's not comfortable staying there(maybe that one bf start eyeing her too) I thought

Out of curiosity I asked my girl to show me the girl that's making all women insecure she forwarded her Facebook link Lo and behold very curvy lady I was like no no no it's not happening but then again my girl really begged me and I kinda making it look like I'm heartless, maybe she can't ask for a favor from me and be granted
I'm really confused though I told her no problem if she thinks she can handle it with care
What do you guys think, is this risk worth taking?
Hurray!!! U now have 2 kpekus grin
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Nonexisting: 2:58pm On Jun 05, 2022
She is your girlfriend, not your wife so if the incoming girl is hot, fucck her silly too. Life is too short to put yourself in a cage over someone you are not married to.
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by Agbebakun22: 8:24pm On Jun 05, 2022
As long u are nt the one taking her in pls jst chill. Enjoy free pussy na ur babe loose in case things turn out bad u wouldn't be blame
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by ghettochild(m): 9:56pm On Jun 05, 2022
Help her..
Control any urge u have...
Ask bout her family...
Then see how u can help her get a place or another single lady she could split rent with.
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Female Stranger To come And Stay With Us by anthonyuncle(m): 10:12pm On Jun 05, 2022
this your relationship have come to an end

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