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UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets - Foreign Affairs (5) - Nairaland

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by FreeStuffsNG: 11:27pm On Sep 16, 2022
Yes, i am pissed, my only step brother i have in nigeria is living in my mansion in nigeria right now, with his wife and 4 children, he refused to move, he sold all my properties, diverted all my landed properties and kept everything, he even threatned to kill me if i ever set foot in that shithole, or try to fight him for my properties. So tell me! Why i shouldn't cut him outta my life. As i ve said, you don't know the circumstances.
You are from a dysfunctional family and you can deal with it if you are humble. That you used the world I so generously for your average earthly possession itself says a lot about your arrogance like many other Nigerians overseas who are so ignorant to think and belief Nigerians at home are in penury and according to poor and arrogant you, "living in small huts" not knowing that many Nigerians are doing far well above you here at home.

My opinion is that you are not different from your brother who is greedy and seek validation from vanities. With the intense attachment you have for these things, it is your faulty dysfumctiomal family background of scarcity mentality, poverty and lack of fear of God that is haunting you . If you now have wife and children, fix these gaps that damaged your orientation about wealth; you can always create wealth and you can never lose with God. He owns what you claimed as yours , including your life, and will never allow it be taken away from you.

Settle with your brother and henceforth, transfer your asset management to professional assets manager like FBN trustees. Your brother can not be all evil so play to his strength and if he needs your help, give him what you can afford to lose.

When things go wrong like this, it is your family that has problem and not the land Nigeria, be humble enough to ask for wisdom from that same God who blessed you with the wealth through the power to make wealth.
It just happened to be your brother and he is based here, it could be your own wife or son doing same to you in God-knows-wherever-you are land.
You are not yet as rich as late Chief MKO or Warren Buffet who spent all their lives in large family and community service so stop eating up yourself with arrogance and ingratitide to God.


Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by OnionBandit(f): 11:28pm On Sep 16, 2022
So if you happen to inherit any of these properties your worries would be 40% inheritance tax? sad what bout the person who died and left the property? What should they be worrying about? Are you greedy or what?
No, I am not. I think you are just too dumb to understand the post.

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by SKIBiNSKI(m): 11:28pm On Sep 16, 2022
Gbamsulotely, naked we come and naked we exit, only The Redeemed of The Lord, washed in the blood of Jesus Christ will enter The paradise of My Father, God Almighty, Halleluyah cool
in that case why bother to be succesful, sit and wait till you enter your imaginary paradise. cheesy afterall you will not take anything with you to this unexistence paradise.
Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by SKIBiNSKI(m): 11:30pm On Sep 16, 2022
No, I am not. I think you are just too dumb to understand the post.
Sorry, you are correct, i am very very very dumb. Ciao!

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Nobody: 11:32pm On Sep 16, 2022
UK government should just sell everything and send us the money since their families are untraceable.

Nigerians and Africans still living in foreign countries should learn from this before its too late, we're all gonna croak someday and leave everything behind.

This reminds me of Abacha's loot that is still unknown.

Personally I don't think I will buy any property or save huge amount of money in another country.

Meanwhile I'm over the moon that Russia is losing badly in Ukraine, dictator Putin has finally made Russia a laughingstock, Russia will be ranked number 10 in the next global military power
Send you the money? Somebody’s personal wealth that he acquired serving and working in the UK? O ga o

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by AngelicBeing: 11:32pm On Sep 16, 2022
in that case why bother to be succesful, sit and wait till you enter your imaginary paradise. cheesy afterall you will not take anything with you to this unexistence paradise.
He pain am well well grin
Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by SKIBiNSKI(m): 11:36pm On Sep 16, 2022

You are from a dysfunctional family and you can deal with it if you are humble. That you used the world I so generously for your average earthly possession itself says a lot about your arrogance like many other Nigeriabs overseas who are so ignorant to think and belief Nigerians at home are in penury not knowing that many Nigerians are doing far well above you here at home.

My opinion is that you are not different from your brother who is greedy and seek validation from vanities. With the intense attachment you have for these things, it is your faulty dysfumctiomal family background of scarcity mentality, poverty and lack of fear of God that is haunting you . If you now have wife and children, fix these gaps that damaged your orientation about wealth; you can always create wealth and you can never lose with God. He owns what you claimed as yours , including your life, and will never allow it be taken away from you.

Settle with your brother and henceforth, transfer your asset management to professional assets manager like FBN trustees. Your brother can not be all evil so play to his strength and if he needs your help, give him what you can afford to lose.

When things go wrong like this, be humble enough to ask for wisdom from that same God who blessed you with the wealth tjrough the power to make wealth.
It just happened to be your brother and is bases here, it could be your own wife or son doing same to you in God-knows-wherever-you are land.
You are not yet as rich as late Chief MKO who spent all his life
bla bla bla bla bla, More rubbish. You keep talking rubbish about dysfunctional famliy, grin what does that shit even mean? how did you know i am from a dysfunctional so call family? Again, you are concluding sitting in your small minded irrational thinking hut. Your life and families are sure 100% perfect right? grin

You are very good in passing judgement, your life must be soo perfect! People like you are comfortable with their way of thinking. They always think nothing could ever go wrong in their small hut life.

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Thomasankara(m): 11:38pm On Sep 16, 2022
[/color]but if them launder money in family name den go Sabi trace that one[color=#770077]

Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by SKIBiNSKI(m): 11:38pm On Sep 16, 2022
He pain am well well grin
Is this rubbish even mean anything? try writting in the language i can understand not everyone can read your rubbish or understand it , grin
Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by beejay85: 11:40pm On Sep 16, 2022

Who is the author and where can I get it, please?
Samuel Sevlon ....u can download its pdf online for free

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by MT: 11:41pm On Sep 16, 2022
Thank you!

You are welcome
Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by FreeStuffsNG: 11:42pm On Sep 16, 2022
More rubbish. You keep talking rubbish about dysfunctional famliy, grin what does that shit even mean? how did you know i am from a dysfunctional so call family? Again, you are concluding sitting in your small minded irrational thinking hut. Your life and families are sure 100% perfect right? grin

Nobody is perfect and there is no family without issues. That is why I totally belief that it is in our weakness the power of God can make manifest. To have such thinking alone is from humbly placing yourself in the place of weakness and imperfection.

No vess. Go and deal with your brother. I know folks like you wink
Shah keep your bad energy within your family. You see that hut you are mentioning , I bless it, the land and God for it daily.

You used the word hut because you are obviously from a village in Nigeria and I do not begrudge you. Where I come from in Nigeria, there is no single hut. #Originalcityboy wink

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Webhorizon: 11:45pm On Sep 16, 2022
Where do you see that I mention $1k daily? Information is power, $1k monthly is very easy and possible, please do your research. Thank you!
In Nigeria of today, if you make $1000 daily on amazon kdp, you will never preaches vanity upon vanity.
Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Dalnadoni: 11:49pm On Sep 16, 2022
My uncle's name suppose dey there oo sad
He traveled to UK in 1967 and never returned
Uncle e ti kuku iya danu...ahahahahah

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by SKIBiNSKI(m): 11:58pm On Sep 16, 2022

No vess. Go and deal with your brother. I know folks like you wink
Shah keep your bad energy within your family. You see that hut you are mentioning , I bless it, the land and God for it daily.

You used the word hut because you are obviously from a village in Nigeria and I do not begrudge you. Where I come from in Nigeria, there is no single hut. #Originalcityboy wink
You are so good in passing judgement, your life and families must be sooo perfect, people like you are comfortable with their way of thinking, that nothing could ever go wrong in their soo perfect lives. Try rational thinking sometimes it will do you good, not everything is how you think it is.

Yes, i live in a small western European village near the beach where my so called families can never find me and i love it! cheesy

The word hut i used is just to decribe your mindset not that you live in a hut grin you came on here and started mocking people who lived and died abroad and some more crap about dysfunctional family without knowing their circumstances.. and yapping crap about nigeria, nigeria is hell hole.

And you! Will live forever! grin

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by DAYOODS(m): 12:02am On Sep 17, 2022
Can't find my uncle's name embarassed embarassed

Your Uncle no get Property for Uk be that.


Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by macrodata(m): 12:04am On Sep 17, 2022
My uncle's name suppose dey there oo sad
He traveled to UK in 1967 and never returned
my uncle spent 37years and forgot his origin. I stumbled on him by Facebook suggestion and showed my Dad to confirm if he's the one? I've never seen my Dad's face so flushed the way he reacted. That same month, uncle visited Nigeria after 37 years and decided to retire back to Nigeria. Life is just funny.
Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Oyindaberry(f): 12:30am On Sep 17, 2022
Can't find my uncle's name embarassed embarassed

grin grin Check very well pls
Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by InvertedHammer: 12:39am On Sep 17, 2022
So many of them are from dysfunctional families , cut off links from their families and even Nigeria so they ended up like that.

For those trash-talking and cursing Nigeria from a foreign land today, same fate awaits you.

Your condescending curses on our land here is what our land will return to you in multiple folds and those curses will follow you to your grave. I read of a few of such hate-filled unpatriotic Nigerians overseas who died during covid 19 and got buried in unmarked graves with no trace by their families till date. smh.

The land of Ngeria will bless those who bless it and curse those who curse it. That curse will follow you around even if you travel to antarctica.
May God bless Nigeria my fatherland for ever!


Like those dead ones really care. Go and make your own money and stop being unnecessarily sentimental.
The real losers here are their family members not the dead fellas.

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Walllee: 12:40am On Sep 17, 2022
So many of them are from dysfunctional families , cut off links from their families and even Nigeria so they ended up like that.

For those trash-talking and cursing Nigeria from a foreign land today, same fate awaits you.

Your condescending curses on our land here is what our land will return to you in multiple folds and those curses will follow you to your grave. I read of a few of such hate-filled unpatriotic Nigerians overseas who died during covid 19 and got buried in unmarked graves with no trace by their families till date. smh.

The land of Ngeria will bless those who bless it and curse those who curse it. That curse will follow you around even if you travel to antarctica.
May God bless Nigeria my fatherland for ever!
You go just dey the talk trash,which part of land of Nigeria that will bless you?,if you are working against southeast Nigeria,then their land will curse you in agreement to what you wrote above

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by FreeStuffsNG: 12:51am On Sep 17, 2022


Like those dead ones really care. Go and make your own money and stop being unnecessarily sentimental.
The real losers here are their family members not the dead fellas.
Aimokan is disturbing you all. He or she loses here and in the beyond!

The end experience of their earthly toils further benefits the living who will learn from their uneventful sojourn here on earth. It is a spiritual verdict and it is the fate of those still attracting curses from cursing the land.

He that has ears let him hear. No be by force wink

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Showkeh(m): 1:08am On Sep 17, 2022
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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Osanoghodua1: 1:24am On Sep 17, 2022
Bad family lines can cause this. They should have gotten married, father children and have Spouses.
Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by InvertedHammer: 1:29am On Sep 17, 2022

Aimokan is disturbing you all. He or she loses here and in the beyond!

The end experience of their earthly toils further benefits the living who will learn from their uneventful sojourn here on earth. It is a spiritual verdict and it is the fate of those still attracting curses from cursing the land.

He that has ears let him hear. No be by force wink

Make money and let others inherit from you.

Why cry more than the bereaved? Everything happens for a reason. If the loss is on the dead, why is it paining you very much? Let him/her enjoy the pain in peace. grin grin

Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by SaLongs1(m): 1:34am On Sep 17, 2022
The number 2 in the list
is it not FFK relative

FFK is a danm prodigal son grin
and lover of food grin grin

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by CheapHomes1: 1:36am On Sep 17, 2022
UK government should just sell everything and send us the money since their families are untraceable.

This reminds me of Abacha's loot that is still unknown.

Who are the "us"? All monies sent by the UK govt to Nigeria, how much have you received?

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Litmus: 1:39am On Sep 17, 2022
Now. This is a sane society where records are properly documented and the right thing is done. Imagine receiving a forgotten or unknown inheritance because the state is responsible. No fights or unnecessary drama. The records and statements cannot be disputed.

Record keeping is vital. I've worked out that lack of record keeping is the reason Africa is backward. Without culture of keeping written records, you will not develop a technological society, develope an all encompassing philosophy, evolve industrial scale farming, keep long lasting empires, improve on achievements, pass on societal leaning to descendants, keep consistent recipes and do nothing that you actually do, competently or expertly enough. Our chaotic environments has their foundation in poor record keeping. Regardless of any support, Oral tradition was simply too limiting.

Slavery, colonialism, external meddling, greed, selfishness, tribalism and the other human vices is not the true reason for Africa or Nigeria's underdevelopment, lack of the culture of record keeping is the foundational cause. We missed the organisation that evolves from the industry that is required to keep and maintain records. Record keeping ecosystem is huge.


Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by SirdimayG(m): 1:47am On Sep 17, 2022
Lol.. I thought I would see my Aunt.

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by madjune(m): 1:49am On Sep 17, 2022
Now. This is a sane society where records are properly documented and the right thing is done. Imagine receiving a forgotten or unknown inheritance because the state is responsible. No fights or unnecessary drama. The records and statements cannot be disputed.

You're funny.

Does the statement or records show who gets what or to whom any certain inheritance ought be bequeathed?

Nothing. It's just there. The state will eventually claim them.

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Re: UK Publishes Names Of Dead Nigerians With Unclaimed Estates, Assets by Egoveen: 2:13am On Sep 17, 2022

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