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How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge - Romance (6) - Nairaland

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Do u have or your woman always have Dryness during sex Or No Sexual urge . / Here Is Why Your Sexual Urge (konji) Is So Strong And Uncontrollable (photos) / How Do You Control Sexual Urge When You Are Single.? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:22am On Oct 09, 2022
Go to weekly churches service like winners or salvation ministries and eat their communion & pray then thanks me later

Also channel your mind out of sex.
Am a guy of 30years of age . no gf . I don't masturbate & am not a gay . But i've stay for long now without sex
There are many unbelievers out there who don't wear the yokes you wear there - in bold - yet they are able to live without sex and relationships, some even longer than you. How come? undecided

Stop using these lies to deceive people into adopting what are nothing but meaningless religious rituals. undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:28am On Oct 09, 2022
I'm sorry to tell you but you'd eventually succumb to these pressures. The sexual urge is like hunger. It has to be fed. Unless you're a spiritual person then God, other forces intervene for you

The homestay, 'aloneness' are also not helping. Masturbate. It's better than cheating on your man. Just don't overindulge
How many of your spiritual pastors and mogs don't fall prey to sexual lust in your churches regularly? Even your choir members, ushers, and their wives, have over the years been revealed to be just as weak as the sexually undisciplined pedestrian on the streets and you have the nerves to lie to folks that some silly idea of spirituality is what will help those who struggle with this issue? undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear that to serve Him, one must adopt mental self-discipline, or else one's claim to serve God is in vain. As regards the sin of sexual lust, his mention of it indicates what is needed is for one to gain control of one's lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28 - self-discipline. There is no way around that simple exercise that even those who don't believe in God have figured out for themselves. So what is holding you lot back? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:29am On Oct 09, 2022

You guys just write anyhow, nawa.
What in my post suggests I want fuuckh some guy?

It’s human to have urges.
It is also human to gain control over one's urges. You don't let your urge for food control you, do you? So why let your sexual urges do just that? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:30am On Oct 09, 2022
8 months ooo, she over try sef. She is Married so she has every reason to yearn for her Husband's Touch
She try. So what should a man whose wife has been in a coma for several years be saying then? undecided

Abeg, make una dey reason before una talk! undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:34am On Oct 09, 2022

Fast 16/8
Less carbohydrates more proteins
Exercise maybe a 5-10km walk .
May the force be with you …
I like your suggestion better than much of the nonsense spewed so far. At least in doing this, she will get fit and healthy, and maybe end up building up her mental strength so she overcomes her body's urges within a matter of weeks. Much better than the suggestions that she put on religious shackles for life. undecided

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:34am On Oct 09, 2022
Go sit down assistant Jesus
There is nothing Jesus in any of what is spewed there. undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:35am On Oct 09, 2022
You need to deal with the spirit of lust, the spirit of lust can manifest in your life even in marriage, it's not bad to feel sexual urge, it shows that you are normal and your body system is functioning but when the urge is too strong that you can't handle it, a spirit is behind it. I have been practicing abstinence for years now and I don't even feel half of this urge like you feel, you need to discipline your mind and put your flesh under subjection.
There is no spirit of lust. undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear that to serve Him, one must adopt mental self-discipline, or else one's claim to serve God is in vain. As regards the sin of sexual lust, his mention of it indicates what is needed is for one to gain control of one's lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28 - self-discipline. There is no way around that simple exercise that even those who don't believe in God have figured out for themselves. So what is holding you lot back? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:38am On Oct 09, 2022
I bring out my bible and read Hezekiah and pray hail Mary five times.
So, when you are not in the mood to do that, you are fked abi? You don't take off what maybe shackles by putting on another set of shackles. undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear that to serve Him, one must adopt mental self-discipline, or else one's claim to serve God is in vain. As regards the sin of sexual lust, his mention of it indicates what is needed is for one to gain control of one's lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28 - self-discipline. There is no way around that simple exercise that even those who don't believe in God have figured out for themselves. So what is holding you lot back? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:39am On Oct 09, 2022
Enter prayers, That Bastard Demon Will Leave you.
Stop lying! There is no demon. It is all in your mind as Jesus Christ informed you ignorant minds over 2000 years ago. undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear that to serve Him, one must adopt mental self-discipline, or else one's claim to serve God is in vain. As regards the sin of sexual lust, his mention of it indicates what is needed is for one to gain control of one's lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28 - self-discipline. There is no way around that simple exercise that even those who don't believe in God have figured out for themselves. So what is holding you lot back? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:41am On Oct 09, 2022
You see all these people telling you to get busy or go to church programs, they are hypocrites. It is easier said when you are dishing out advice and not the person involved.

My own be say Long distance relationship sucks big time.
LOL... no be every day we dey read stories of pastors and mogs, prophets, apostles, choir masters, ushers, etc, succumbing to the flesh? Dem go lie say spiritual this and spiritual that when most of them in their churches struggle with the very same behind closed doors. undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:44am On Oct 09, 2022
Let me tell you the plain truth. You may not believe me. It is a sexual demon that came as result of the things you are exposed to like sex videos and the likes. Your mind will be flooded until you defile your body.
I know some people would be offering to have sex with you already. They will send you Pm. It is also part of the demonic activity to get you defiled. Just wishing you could stop won't help you. All you need is to get close to God.
1 Surrender your life to Jesus Christ.
2. Command the demon to go in Jesus name.
3. Start reading the Bible and praying always.
4. Plead the blood of Jesus Christ over your mind, your soul and your body.
I can guarantee you that you will not have those rubbish thoughts again. Warning: Don't follow men's advice because it would ruin you. Follow God's advice
Stop telling these horrible lies using God's name as if you gain His attention from Him by doing so. undecided

There are no demons except the ones you create in your minds in order to elevate these issues your weak minds have not been able to gain full control over. undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear that to serve Him, one must adopt mental self-discipline, or else one's claim to serve God is in vain. As regards the sin of sexual lust, his mention of it indicates what is needed is for one to gain control of one's lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28 - self-discipline. There is no way around that simple exercise that even those who don't believe in God have figured out for themselves. So what is holding you lot back? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 3:47am On Oct 09, 2022
The solution is to give your life to Christ, and study the Bible daily. Repent of the sin of pornography and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord.
Honestly, there is no way you can overcome this if you don't get spiritual.
Remember, the spiritual controls the physical.
Stop using the name of Jesus Christ to sell what are lies. undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear that to serve Him, one must adopt mental self-discipline, or else one's claim to serve God is in vain. As regards the sin of sexual lust, His mention of it indicates what is needed is for one to gain control of one's lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28 - self-discipline. There is no way around that simple exercise that even those who don't believe in God have figured out for themselves. So what is holding you lot back? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by BECALMBECALM(m): 3:48am On Oct 09, 2022
You folks should learn to leave God's name out of the bullsheet you sell people. undecided

Meditation on the word of God? For Pete's sake, God says it is sin to burn with sexual lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28, no amount of meditation will cause you to do that if you don't actively take control of your mind in stopping such nonsense, to begin with. undecided
One of the best ways you can control your mind is to practice daily meditation. Especially very early in the morning. If you do it very well and consistently, you will be the one controlling your mind. Remember i am not a pastor , but this is what has helped me and so many other close to me. Do it consistently and you will get result
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 4:02am On Oct 09, 2022
One of the best ways you can control your mind is to practice daily meditation. Especially very early in the morning. If you do it very well and consistently, you will be the one controlling your mind. Remember i am not a pastor , but this is what has helped me and so many other close to me. Do it consistently and you will get result
That is also a quick way to get your mind all fked up quickly in what is a delusion if care is not taken. Meditation is a good way to get yourself started with reduced stress at the beginning of your day but it is not a good way of going about establishing what are healthier mental habits that result in self-discipline. undecided

Again, think in terms of habits. In order to establish new ones, you have to practice over and over before these ideas take form in your mind. That is what self-discipline is about. It involves sifting through the thoughts that cross your mind, moment by moment, and making the necessary switches in how you handle each thought. Each and every time you catch your mind attempting to process lustful thoughts, decide to push such thoughts away by extinguishing them or refocusing your mind on more sensible activities. undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by xynerise: 4:14am On Oct 09, 2022
LOL... no be every day we dey read stories of pastors and mogs, prophets, apostles, choir masters, ushers, etc, succumbing to the flesh? Dem go lie say spiritual this and spiritual that when most of them in their churches struggle with the very same behind closed doors. undecided
Don't mind them. Nigerians and hypocrisy are twins grin
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by emerged01(m): 4:21am On Oct 09, 2022
Since I stopped watching porn my frequent sex urge stopped. Sometimes I wonder if I am ok but to be since I'm happy that it is under control.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by BECALMBECALM(m): 4:27am On Oct 09, 2022
God bless you for wanting to get advice instead of disrespecting your husband. Now listen to my humble opinion:1. You must practice daily mortification. 2.Wake up very early every morning and have a very quite meditation on the word of God.please do not make noise just keep calm and have deep meditation. 3. Do NOT stay idle. Keep yourself very busy. 4.Mind the kind of friends you keep but online and offline.5.DO NOT GO CLOSE TO ANY MAN.Remember the easiest way to overcome evil is to avoid any occassion that will lead you to it. Finally, if you are a catholic, pick up your rosary and cry to our lady. YOUR BODY IS THE PRIDE OF YOUR HUSBAND . PLEASE KEEP IT FOR HIM AND GOD.THOUSANDS OF MEN AND WOMEN ARE DOING IT. YOU CAN ALSO DO IT IF YOU ARE SERIOUS AND SINCERE.
@KOBOJUNKIE, my brother, i do not know what works for you. But what i told the lady is what worked for me and so many others that i know. 1. Daily meditation on the word of God, especially very early in the morning. 2. Mortification of your body and senses.3.Avoiding idleness.4. Avoid intimate relationship with a woman if you are a man. 5. Be careful the kind of friends you keep.And then finally if you are a catholic say your rosary everyday. I believe in Jesus christ and also believe in the intercession our blessed mother Mary. This is my opinion. And it is working for me. You can believe whatever that is working for you. God bless bro
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by LastProphet: 4:36am On Oct 09, 2022
And then when you find yourself no longer around the so-called good worship songs, then what? undecided

I am sorry, Self-discipline is better than this nonsense you claim here. Obtain it and free yourself from all the bondage you intend to create for yourself there. undecided

Teenagers everywhere, so self discipline is achieved by just deciding to do it? And self discipline is the same for everyone? A married woman whose husband traveled for 8 months counting is under the same test as one with her husband beside her every night abi? Nonsense juveniles
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 4:44am On Oct 09, 2022
1.so self discipline is achieved by just deciding to do it?
2. And self discipline is the same for everyone?
2. A married woman whose husband traveled for 8 months counting is under the same test as one with her husband beside her every night abi? Nonsense juveniles
1. That is actually the answer. You don't form a habit(which self-discipline is born of) by simply reading a book, you actually have to decide and act on it. undecided
2. The same way you develop a healthy exercise routine is the same way you develop healthy sexual discipline. You make a decision and you move to act regularly on it until your mental muscles for that habit become fully developed and it is no longer work but a part of who you are. undecided
3. There are married people who live in the same house and for one reason or another are not able to copulate - maybe one partner is sick or possibly mentally not available. There are those whose husbands work in other partners work for years in other countries. There are no separate rules as far as self-discipline for the married. undecided

Every day you read stories of unbelievers, even married ones, who have learned to control their urges better than those who claim to believe in God. Why do you lot prefer to make jokes of God by your beliefs which have nothing to do with that taught by Him? undecided

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 4:58am On Oct 09, 2022
@KOBOJUNKIE, my brother, i do not know what works for you. But what i told the lady is what worked for me and so many others that i know. 1. Daily meditation on the word of God, especially very early in the morning. 2. Mortification of your body and senses.3.Avoiding idleness. 4. Avoid intimate relationship with a woman if you are a man. 5. Be careful the kind of friends you keep.And then finally if you are a catholic say your rosary everyday. I believe in Jesus christ and also believe in the intercession our blessed mother Mary. This is my opinion. And it is working for me. You can believe whatever that is working for you. God bless bro
There are no different rules for different human beings. Only people adopt different delusions depending on how lazyminded they are at any given point in time. undecided
1. God never said that if you meditate on His word, you will become of Him. Instead, He said that only those who obey Him - those who act according to His teachings and commandments - are those who belong to Him. Obedience is the key, not your medications. undecided
2. God does not care about your mortification exercises since they mean nothing. According to Him the only way to honor Him is direct obedience to His teachings and commandments. undecided
3. God never asked anyone to avoid idleness as again, the only way to Honor God is to obey the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ - there is no other way. undecided
4. God never said to avoid an intimate relationship with a woman, as again, the only way to honor God is to obey the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ
5. God never asked His followers to be careful about the kind of friends they keep, as again, the only way to honor God is to obey the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ.
6. Your rosary rituals are equally meaningless to God who instead said that the only way to honor Him is to obey the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ.

In the end, you end up not honoring God by your refusal to actually do that which He commands, and instead of the one problem you started with, you added 6 more problems for your mind to contend with, but overall you are nowhere closer to God than when you first started. So what do you achieve exactly by these vain rituals you engage in? And why do you sell them to others using God's name ? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by LastProphet: 5:03am On Oct 09, 2022
1. That is actually the answer. You don't form a habit(which self-discipline is born of) by simply reading a book, you actually have to decide and act on it. undecided
2. The same way you develop a healthy exercise routine is the same way you develop healthy sexual discipline. You make a decision and you move to act regularly on it until your mental muscles for that habit become fully developed and it is no longer work but a part of who you are. undecided
3. There are married people who live in the same house and for one reason or another are not able to copulate - maybe one partner is sick or possibly mentally not available. There are those whose husbands work in other partners work for years in other countries. There are no separate rules as far as self-discipline for the married. undecided

Every day you read stories of unbelievers, even married ones, who have learned to control their urges better than those who claim to believe in God. Why do you lot prefer to make jokes of God by your beliefs which have nothing to do with that taught by Him? undecided

You are not even married yet
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 5:09am On Oct 09, 2022
You are not even married yet
Tell yourself whatever other lie you please there! undecided

Just as there are no separate commonsense rules for the married, there are no separate self-discipline rules for the married. You are not made special, different, or unique by your marriage. You are still subject to the very same rules that those who are single/divorced, widowed, etc, are bound under. In the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ taught His followers that marriages are of this world and not of the Kingdom of God - Luke 20 vs 34 - 36 - insisting that the same rules apply in the Kingdom of God to those who choose to remain single also applies to those who chose marriage for themselves. undecided

So, if a delusion that you are made unique by marriage is what you would rather cling to, then I suggest you abandon the mention of the name of God altogether as you make yourself seem a fool by such mention. undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by omonla10(m): 5:19am On Oct 09, 2022
Bible passages up and down for person wey Don dey wet already.. I tire for naija people sha

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by omonla10(m): 5:20am On Oct 09, 2022
To those that have probably been there or have an idea about it.
How do you handle sexual urges especially if your partner is not available.

It happens that hubby has been away for quite some time, eight month precisely and he isn’t coming back any moment.

These days has just been messy for me as I am always Hot and wet as fhhuckk, whenever I get up from bed, my pant is always soaked. I have tried to suppress the pressure to touch myself or use objects but it seems the pressure is overcoming me, damn I hardly even concentrate on any other thing, my mind is just fhhhuccked up right now, all my thoughts are bordered on dirty wild sex almost all day.

Are there therapists or some kinda experts one can talk to, I really fear for myself.
Let me tell u this cold truth. I'm suggesting ur husband is abroad.. From experience, most likely u won't be seeing him in 3 to 5 years.. Also, ur sexual urge is already up of which there's nothing u can do about it..
My advise is for u to get used to a process to make u cum.. Self touch, intimacy gadgets and co. Make I no mention married temporary companion Sha cos it is against our tradition(although 80% times, ur secret remains a secret for life) .. U already in Rome and whatever happens in Rome stays in Rome..

My own is, if u satisfy ur urge, u will die Las Las. If u don't, then u will die Las Las..

6 pages, and na bible hypocrites full am.. That's why this country will remain stagnant..

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by LastProphet: 5:33am On Oct 09, 2022
Tell yourself whatever other lie you please there! undecided

Just as there are no separate commonsense rules for the married, there are no separate self-discipline rules for the married. You are not made special, different, or unique by your marriage. You are still subject to the very same rules that those who are single/divorced, widowed, etc, are bound under. In the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ taught His followers that marriages are of this world and not of the Kingdom of God - Luke 20 vs 34 - 36 - insisting that the same rules apply in the Kingdom of God to those who choose to remain single also applies to those who chose marriage for themselves. undecided

So, if a delusion that you are made unique by marriage is what you would rather cling to, then I suggest you abandon the mention of the name of God altogether as you make yourself seem a fool by such mention. undecided

These are the 'educated' morooons our poor educational system is producing nowadays. See how he talks as if he was the one that verified Christianity. As illiterate as the Muslims that burnt Deborah
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 5:34am On Oct 09, 2022
These are the 'educated' morooons our poor educational system is producing nowadays. See how he talks as if he was the one that verified Christianity. As illiterate as the Muslims that burnt Deborah
Again.....Tell yourself whatever other lie you please there! undecided

Just as there are no separate commonsense/logical reasoning rules for the married, there are no separate self-discipline rules for the married. You are not made special, different, or unique by your marriage. You are still subject to the very same rules that those who are single/divorced, widowed, etc, are bound under. In the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ taught His followers that marriages are of this world and not of the Kingdom of God - Luke 20 vs 34 - 36 - insisting that the same rules apply in the Kingdom of God to those who choose to remain single also applies to those who chose marriage for themselves. undecided

So, if a delusion that you are made unique by marriage is what you would rather cling to, then I suggest you abandon the mention of the name of God altogether as you make yourself seem a fool by such mention. undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Jacketaltrade: 5:47am On Oct 09, 2022
You done?
Stop lying! There is no demon. It is all in your mind as Jesus Christ informed you ignorant minds over 2000 years ago. undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear that to serve Him, one must adopt mental self-discipline, or else one's claim to serve God is in vain. As regards the sin of sexual lust, his mention of it indicates what is needed is for one to gain control of one's lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28 - self-discipline. There is no way around that simple exercise that even those who don't believe in God have figured out for themselves. So what is holding you lot back? undecided

Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 5:52am On Oct 09, 2022
You done?
Stop using God's name to perpetrate what are lies! undecided

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Geovanni412(m): 5:56am On Oct 09, 2022
To those that have probably been there or have an idea about it.
How do you handle sexual urges especially if your partner is not available.

It happens that hubby has been away for quite some time, eight month precisely and he isn’t coming back any moment.

These days has just been messy for me as I am always Hot and wet as fhhuckk, whenever I get up from bed, my pant is always soaked. I have tried to suppress the pressure to touch myself or use objects but it seems the pressure is overcoming me, damn I hardly even concentrate on any other thing, my mind is just fhhhuccked up right now, all my thoughts are bordered on dirty wild sex almost all day.

Are there therapists or some kinda experts one can talk to, I really fear for myself.

Are you the type of person that believes that the only way to be successful in life is to never give up? Touching yourself is equivalent to giving up. If you can't direct your mind properly, you can't control anything else in this world. As helpful as spirituality is, even the Bible stated that we should guide our hearts and minds. You need to reframe your sexual thoughts and the way you see yourself.
Next time you think of how to touch yourself or you feel extremely alone, refocus your mind. When you're alone and naked, frame your mind to think of spending time with your baby or being an active participant in boxing or martial arts. You need to break the mental framework that being alone is equivalent to being Hot. After that, the next thing you need to do is to guard your mind jealously. Do not consume or watch porn. Also, avoid watching MTV or other music videos - the only thing they will do is remind you of sex.
You need to watch the music you listen to. Try listening to music that reflects your ideals. If it is making money, listen to young dolph. If it is about being sober and loving, you can listen to passenger, 6lack, coldplay. You get the drift - carefully curate your music playlist. What you listen to affects the way you think and move.
Along with changing all these things. If you are religious, try and listen to sermons of whatever religion you follow. Have a critical mind whilst listening to these things. Be like the Berean Christians - if you hear something, investigate it and be sure it is true. Don't blindly follow any Pastor or Church. Your job is to provide some degree of spiritual stability for yourself. You can achieve that by watching sermons online or going to a physical church. You already know by now, that you can pay your offering online - most churches are only interested in your donations and not about you.
One more thing - try and get busy with some activity. If you work and earn money, look for ways to improve your business. If you are a housewife, look for activities that you can do within the community. Try visiting orphanages and hospitals, donating to charities.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by fof1: 6:05am On Oct 09, 2022
Do you go to weekly church programs?
I doubt because if you do, your flesh will be kept under as your spirit is being lifted with the word of God but it's obvious the only things you feed your soul with are thoughts of sex and wild imaginations of sex.
Watching sexual videos and all sorts.

If you want to get your mind off it, think and dwell more on spiritual things like the word of God. Gospel songs and if possible, fasting and prayers asking the holy spirit to help ( He can/will help you). That is if you're even a christian.

You said it all...Op Pls Belueve in Gid Mire and be Focused...u are Married already,Hide under the Banner of Truths and don't be entangled with Lustful Desires and Pursuits...Dont Damage ur Flesh...Put ur Body under Subjection to the Truth of d Word. Communicate with ur Hubby frequently if Possible or ur Parents/his Parents or Elderly Female Friends, more Frequently...not Males,Pls. Chastity is a Prize to Pursue. May God help you...Amen.

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Dcaliphate(m): 6:12am On Oct 09, 2022
Do you go to weekly church programs?
I doubt because if you do, your flesh will be kept under as your spirit is being lifted with the word of God but it's obvious the only things you feed your soul with are thoughts of sex and wild imaginations of sex.
Watching sexual videos and all sorts.

If you want to get your mind off it, think and dwell more on spiritual things like the word of God. Gospel songs and if possible, fasting and prayers asking the holy spirit to help ( He can/will help you). That is if you're even a christian.

Hard/difficult truth.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Nobody: 6:12am On Oct 09, 2022

You said it all...Op Pls Belueve in Gid Mire and be Focused...u are Married already,Hide under the Banner of Truths and don't be entangled with Lustful Desires and Pursuits...Dont Damage ur Flesh...Put ur Body under Subjection to the Truth of d Word. Communicate with ur Hubby frequently if Possible or ur Parents/his Parents or Elderly Female Friends, more Frequently...not Males,Pls. Chastity is a Prize to Pursue. May God help you...Amen.


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