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Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 10:33am On Dec 12, 2022 |
There is a dilemma for Muslims, they believe that Yahweh is not Allah because of the 99 names of Allah, Yahweh is not one of them and the deeds and attributes of Yahweh and Allah are different, yet there are prophets of Yahweh whose names reflect Yahweh that Muslims claim were prophets of Allah. This error came into place because the authors of the Quran just plagiarize the Jewish scriptures without proper editing and thanks to technology advancement, the errors that were not visible to desert dwellers of those days are now visible to the whole world. Check the names of the Jewish prophets below: Thanks to TenQ who made this compilation easier Confusion of Allah, Islamic prophet have names of Yahweh and not Allah
Muslims know that Allah is not Yahweh, and yet they claim that Yahweh’s prophet whose names reflect Yahweh are dubiously claimed by the authors of the Quran as the prophet of Allah! Can a Hindu worshipper name his children after Osun/Ogun etc? 3 Likes |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 10:40am On Dec 12, 2022 |
Can an Shoponna worshipper stand up today that Muhammad was a prophet of Shoponna? Muslims will reject it and start their chaos, yet that is what Islam is doing to the Jewish and Christian religion, they claim that Yahweh’s prophets are prophets of Allah/Baal! 2 Likes |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 10:41am On Dec 12, 2022 |
Antichristian, Haekymbahd, Lukuluku69, Rash4ductluv, NeoWanZaeed, motayoayinde, IMAliyu, LegalWolf 1 Like |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by LegalWolf: 11:01am On Dec 12, 2022 |
advocatejare: ? |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 11:07am On Dec 12, 2022 |
1 Like
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by LegalWolf: 11:20am On Dec 12, 2022 |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by AntiChristian: 11:27am On Dec 12, 2022 |
advocatejare: If you want to be foolish, be foolish on your own and stop my mentions! "YHVH" at best! You don't make sense! 1 Like |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by oteneaaron(m): 11:47am On Dec 12, 2022 |
AntiChristian: No offense, but instead of insulting him, why don't you answer his questions? Just like you criticize other religions, you should accept the reality that your religion would be criticized too. Don't give what you can't take. Kindly answer the OP, have constructive debates and stop throwing insults all around. Cheers! 3 Likes |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by AntiChristian: 11:58am On Dec 12, 2022 |
oteneaaron: No offense taken! Did i mention his name on my threads? Abeg if you can't judge well just keep mute cos you'll also be judged erroneously as you judge me now! |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by Blue86(m): 12:30pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
This is nothing but the oil of light. 2 Likes |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 12:32pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
AntiChristian:We know your tactic, anytime you’re exposed and lacks meaningful things to respond with, you resort into insults Why won’t I mention you when you’re the one always saying “create your topic and mention me” If you can’t answer this question, I understand your plight, defending Islam is not easy because there are so many inaccuracies. How can Allah name his prophet after the name Yahweh? Names that gives glory to Yahweh. Allah is confused, so are you his slaves! It won’t because Allah has blinded your heart “Allāh has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.” -Quran 2:7 1 Like |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 12:35pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
AntiChristian:Oteneaaron When AntiChristian is asked questions on his post, he won’t answer he would submit that “don’t derail my thread, create your topic and mention me” Now we are mentioning him but because he doesn’t have answers, he’s sulking! |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by haekymbahd(m): 12:54pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
advocatejare:Really, how did they know are you just making an assumption advocatejare:Where in the Quran did Allah made the claim that he is YHWH or not or is this just an assumption from you? Allah is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Exodus 6 2. And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am the Lord. 3. [b]I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name Lord I was not known to them. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said: "Say, "Allah has told the truth. So follow the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth; and he was not of the polytheists."" (QS. Aal-i-Imraan 3: Verse 95) |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by AntiChristian: 1:03pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
advocatejare: So did i gave you permission to mention me in perpetuity? Abi which kind argument be this? |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 1:13pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
AntiChristian: ![]() ![]() Antichristian can I mention you on this thread ? ![]() |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by AntiChristian: 1:16pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
advocatejare:How many times did i say you should mention me? Did i say mention me forever? If you can’t answer this question, I understand your plight, defending Islam is not easy because there are so many inaccuracies. How can Allah name his prophet after the name Yahweh? Names that gives glory to Yahweh. Allah is confused, so are you his slaves!Even your question is not correct! There's nothing known as Yahweh by the Jews! The best you can get is "YHVH" which is the name of the supreme being creator of everything! In the beginning God ( Elohim) created Heaven and Earth Gen. 1:1 Who is Elohim here? The Creator! Hausa Bible (Farawa 1:1) 1A sa'ad da Allah ya fara halittar Sama da duniya, So in essence the creator is God (Elohim) = Allah = the Supreme Being never pronounced by the Jews as Yahweh/Jehovah! It won’t because Allah has blinded your heart The verse is not for Muslims but disbelievers like you! This is where context comes in! Stop misrepresenting the Islamic text to present falsehood! 6. Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. 7. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearings, (i.e. they are closed from accepting Allah’s Guidance), and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment. (Qur'an 2:6-7) |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by AntiChristian: 1:18pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
advocatejare: OK, now stop mentioning me again! |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by oteneaaron(m): 4:02pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
AntiChristian: Lol. I'm not trying to judge you bro. I've seen you create many threads to criticize Christians. It is only natural that when they create counter threads like these, they'd mention you just like the OP did. Can you answer any of the questions the OP raised? I am quite interested in your response. Cheers! 2 Likes |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 4:30pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
haekymbahd:Oh, so they didn’t know? They didn’t question why Zakariyau means Yahweh remembers and not Allah remembers? Yahweh, not Allah is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob In the Exodus 6:2 that you quoted, the word translated as “The Lord” is Yahweh and not Allah. Stop lying
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 4:32pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
AntiChristian:As long as you’re on this Public forum called Nairaland, I will continue to mention you! 1 Like |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 4:35pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
AntiChristian:Anytime Muslims are exposed that their Allah is an idol and not the same as the Allah Arabic-speaking Christians worship, Muslims run to get validation from the Christians. Islam Allah is a moon and star idol whose image they put at the top of the minarets of their mosques. Muslims, stop using the fact that Arabs Christians also refer to God as Allah to say that Muslims Allah is not a pagan god. The generic name for God is Ilah in Arabic and it's usually preceded with 'Al' which means 'The' hence, Al-Ilah which was later contracted to mean Allah. As for your own Allah, the Arab moon god is called Lah and this is also preceded by Al which means 'The' hence, Al and Lah was combined to give you your own Allah. The Allah Christians,(whether Arabs or Hausa) pray to and worship is the Holy One of Israel, the Father of Christ the Mesaiah, The One not confined to the Kaaba, the One Who doesn't support immorality, the one whom Muhammad was not his Prophet, the one not prayed to in the mosques. So, the name may sound the same, the One Christians worship is different. The Arab Christians never joined in the naked worship of Allah in the Kaaba, they never did pilgrimage to the Kaaba, they never associated with the Allah of the Muslisms. Another thing you should know is that the so called pagans were actually worshipping Allah who was and is, also a pagan god they knew Allah for whom he was and still is, Muhammad didn't tell about a new Allah, Christians and Jews in Mecca that time never joined them in naked worship of Allah the immoral god in the Kaaba, everyone knew the whom they were worshipping. Abdulmuttalib, Muhammad’s grandfather wh every Muslim agree was pagan but being a pagan that he was, he named his son after his Idol, Allah : Abd Allah :Abdullah.. Another evidence is the revelation in the Quran:
Note that from the above, they mentioned Allah as their god who had been supporting their sexual immoralities and nudity during Tawaf and this continued even until after Muhammad became the Prophet of the same allah and then decided to modify the tradition but Fahisha still take place at the Kaaba, women are being groped abs molested while doing Tawaf
And even today, Christians who call God Allah don't pray to Allah the idol of the Kaaba, they don't accept the Muhammad as the Messenger of God, they don't associate with the idol Allah, so how can you Muslims say you worship the same God as Christians ? Continue worshipping your idol while Arab and Hausa Christians worship Al-Ilah the Holy One of Israel. But Muhammad made us know that the pagan Allah was the same Allah his Quraysh tribe worshipped that's why he retained all the practices and only modified some. Allah of Muslims and Islam is the same as Hubal and Baal the moon idol and that's why the symbol of Islam is crescent moon and star. Islam clearly goes against the order of God that they should not set up a stone for worship Lev.26.1 - "'Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God. While Yahweh forbids bowing down to stone, Muslims bow down to the Blackstone to kiss it as part of the religious obligation during hajj. Shalom |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 4:36pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
AntiChristian:What kind of grammar is this? Anyways, this is a public forum I will continue to mention you! |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 4:39pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by LegalWolf: 5:19pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
Smiles, I actually wAnt to avoid another disaster who cannot think before he constructs argument and that is why I really wanted you to establish your credentials before I give you that scarce attention of mine. advocatejare: That said, and not that I really intend to spend time fuelling your hallucination. Just three questions may be apposite: 1. Was El, who the Jews derived ELOAH or its plural variant Elohim, a Canaanite God or not? 2. Do you know that quite a lot of biblical scholars (I’ll want to express the opinion that they are almost unanimous) are of the view that yhwh was originally a son of EL/ELYON/ELOAH ? 3. And if you do not know this, do you know that the original version of Deut 32: 8 - 9 originally read “ according to the number of the children of El” and not Israel? Again, just asking for your views. And if you’ll consider it worthwhile to respond, please let it be grounded in authoritative sources not insinuations! |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 7:12pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
LegalWolf:So have you established the credentials? ![]() I will teach you like I have taught those before you. El/Elohim simply means God in Hebrews Just like Ilah means God in Arabic Anything not found in the scriptures is not acceptable, just like if I give you something that is not found in your Quran, hadith or Sira will you accept it? So carry your bullshit lie about Biblical scholars away Another lie from the slave of Al-Makireena the best of the deceivers! So you now have access to the original Deuteronomy that your likes have been saying is lost? ![]() Israel knew their God as Yahweh, They named their prophet after Yahweh like I showed above The authors of the Quran who never acknowledged Yahweh as their god, stupidly copied the name of prophets of Yahweh and claimed it as prophet of Allah. Now that I’ve asked your questions, would be honorable to answer mine? Why did Allah name his prophet after Yahweh? 1 Like |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by LegalWolf: 8:38pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
LOL! You are quite an interesting person. You have written over a hundred posts and a cross-check of many of your posts is laughable at best. But that is not the issue. Let me go to the core points here: advocatejare: Off course not. The only thing this shows is that you are not credentialed enough for me to spend my time on. If your subsequent posts does not hit the issue on the head, I will laugh as usual and ignore. I gotta make this money, man! advocatejare: Smiles! Again, you are such an interesting person. Remember you cannot teach what you know not, or can you? ![]() ![]() Real 'advocates' will say the issue here is a very narrow one that should not muddled up. Let me put it in highlight so you can see the question clearly: Was El, who the Jews derived ELOAH or its plural variant Elohim, a Canaanite God or not? advocatejare: Smiles! Off course, anything not found in the scripture is unacceptable. But you once said here: advocatejare:(underline mine) Apparently, you made reference to texts/sources outside the Quran to deduce this when engaging Antichristian and haekymbahd, or am I wrong in my assumption? If I am wrong, which it will be interesting, can you point out to the 'scriptural' source for this? (and even remember that literally, hadith and sunnah are not scriptures). It will be interesting to see, honestly. And again, have you ever bothered to know which point in Islamic history that moon was used as our 'sign' on minarets and the context behind it? (Anyways, this is irrelevant) advocatejare: Again, you did not answer my question. To respond to you, and as far as I know, the texts in which Deuteronomy was based is the Leningrad Codex (LC) which is dated around 1000 years or so ago. But there is a more juicy text - the Dead See Scrolls. This texts is at least 2000 years old and I must admit that it contains quite a lot of similarity to the LC. However, there are some important if not fundamental differences and one of which is Deut 32: 8 - 9. The Dead See Scrolls is currently held in Israel and this website provides an helpful insight to the texts as we have them. Please you can have a look at it. In fact, to the best of my knowledge - that verse clearly reads bny el in the oldest extant variant of the bible we have and not bn yisra'el! So apparently, you guys do what you know how to do best ![]() advocatejare: LOL! You answered no question of mine. Absolutely no question of mine was answered and all you did was just to throw tantrums. When you are not rooted in logic, common sense and reason, this is what is expected. And this is why lukuluku69 always call you all to think rather than wasting time with you! Anyways, TenQ has said he wants to write a topic on this issue. I really hope one day he does. And when he does, I hope he takes cognizance of the Older Texts of the Bible, historical nuances and what credible research (ers) have said on the topic and not cussing/insults. You will agree with me that cussing is atypical of what is expected of reasonable people, or am I wrong on this too? |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 8:56pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
LegalWolf: ![]()
![]() Your brought innovation into your religion by putting crescent moon and star at the top of the minarets of your mosques. Why would I be the one to its origin for you? In as much as none of you is condemning it, it means you accept it wholly! Confused Allah slaves, someone like AntiChristian will claim that the Torah is lost, another Muslim called LegalWolf is saying that the oldest manuscripts of the Torah is preserved. Who did this to you people? In short even up till now you’re yet to be man enough to answer my questions, don’t fret I won’t be too hard on you, just say you don’t know and l’ll you like I’ve been teaching AntiChristian, Lukuluku69, Haekymbahd, NeoWanZaeed and your likes |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by TenQ: 9:07pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
Cc: advocatejare Please Watch how LegalWolf would respond with volumes of meaningless rants to hide his shallowness! LegalWolf:When someone's ignorance is beyond measure he posts volumes in ignorance. El is a Semitic word which means DEITY! Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic are all Semitic languages. Examples: El-Shaddai El-ohim El-Elyon Are all names of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sometimes, the El (Hebrew) or Al (Arabic) is replaced with THE to emphasize the uniqueness of the Deity. In Arabic: Al replaces El Examples: The three Daughters of Allah Al-Manat = god Manat Al-Lat. = god Lat Al-Uzza. = god Uzza AND the Islamic God himself Al-Lah. = god Lah This is why you Muslims will say Alhamdudi-Lah INSTEAD of Alhamdudi-Allah AND Bismil-Lah INSTEAD of Bismil-Allah Even your prophet's father's name is Abdul-Lah= Servant of Lah INSTEAD of Abdul-Allah Please keep quiet when you are not learned about a FACT! 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by advocatejare(m): 9:59pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
TenQ:LegalWolf, Lukuluku69 and his likes always think that writing long meaningless things will confuse us, they don’t know that we read them and see how empty their useless rants are. Let’s keeping teaching them sense |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by TenQ: 10:43pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
advocatejare:It may take time, but TRUTH always win! The Smallest Light will still expose what their Blackest Darkness Hide! |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by LegalWolf: 10:56pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
LOL! The point concisely stated is simple: you guys are straw manning! You will now wonder where on Earth I should start discussing with you guys on logic. Like, just cruise and pure vibes. TenQ: I have three problems with this your assertion, Mr. 'Prosecution TenQ'. First of, you did not answer my simple question which which is whether El, the basis for Eloah, was a Canaanite God or not. This question remains unanswered and I will beg you to answer that question. Second, you said 'El' is a 'Semitic word' which means deity. This is true, to a very limited extent. In fact, this does not reflect the ancient understanding of the word. Let me invite you to read this interesting research article on the history of the Canaanite religion (and the implication on the Bible as we have it) and let me know your opinion - If you cannot get access, let me know so I can arrange for it. The point that must be stressed is a very simple one: El is BOTH a personal and generic name for God of the Canaanite and this was transposed to Hebrew! Simple and Short. Finally, you have gone to bring three proofs that confirms my point: El - Shadda means El the Most High Elohim means Gods El Elyon means God the Highest So what exactly are you trying to prove with this? If not anything, this conforms that 'El' is a personal name for God in Hebrew so as it was in Canaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or why is it not Yhwh Shaddai but El? ![]() TenQ:. Smiles ![]() Please where is the source of your proposition that 'Al' in arabic EVER meant god? I am quite curious because I have never come across any source to that effect despite my study of Islam and Arabic. In fact, any authority on both the modern and classical Arabic understanding of the word 'Al' to mean god will be appreciated. Because, I call myself s "Al-Fulani' or 'Al-Kwarawiyy' at times. Does that mean I am god Fulani or god Kwara? Ehn 'Mr. Prosecution TenQ'? TenQ: Ignorant, adamant, and ludicrous rants! Ideally, I should have thrown jabs at you but I want to keep this civil. I had an interesting conversation with a christian and let us see if I can with you as well. So, please let us know your 'evidences' to us sir ![]() Modified: Just to restate the questions you have attempted : 1. Was El, who the Jews derived ELOAH or its plural variant Elohim, a Canaanite God or not? 2. Where is your source that 'Al' ever meant 'god' in both classical or modern Arabic ? Two further questions to consider that Advocatejare ran away from: 3. Do you know that quite a lot of biblical scholars (I’ll want to express the opinion that they are almost unanimous) are of the view that yhwh was originally a son of EL/ELYON/ELOAH ? 4. And if you do not know this, do you know that the original version of Deut 32: 8 - 9 originally read “ according to the number of the children of El” and not Israel? cc: Advocatejare 1 Like |
Re: Allah, A God That Named His Prophets After Another God by LegalWolf: 11:01pm On Dec 12, 2022 |
Three questions and you cannot even answer one! advocatejare: Okay, answer the first one, please! |
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