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Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy - Romance - Nairaland

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Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Reminderz: 6:51am On Jul 01, 2023
Share your experiences...

Here's mine: I'm always happy for him, even when he opened his own store and rented his own space, in fact, I was one of the first person to get there when he celebrated his winnings... I gave him the needed support and encouragement... I realised that anytime I got my own breakthroughs, he never celebrated me or does as if he noticed them...

I later found out he was even jealous of my own winnings despite how true I was to him... I cut off the relationship before I got stabbed in the back... I didn't really know where the envy or jealousy was coming from...

212 Likes 19 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by VenExchangee: 6:55am On Jul 01, 2023
The moment he Carried my ex when we broke up.
The moment he told people he gave me clothe to wear.

The moment I taught him something and he went to my back to start doing it.
The moment he started stalking all my girlfriends.

The moment I knew the moment

165 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by donbachi(m): 7:13am On Jul 01, 2023
Such can never be memorable

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by JASONjnr(m): 7:19am On Jul 01, 2023
Do people still keep friends these days?

288 Likes 23 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Cassandraloius: 7:53am On Jul 01, 2023
Jealousy, envy, hatred, gossip, and every other evil thing you could think is what you'll get when you keep friends, I don't even keep friends, that shit ended in my university days.
We now live in a world of pretence.

Y'all should check my signature. ☺️

157 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Yugoslavia247(m): 8:16am On Jul 01, 2023
Share your experiences...

Here's mine: I'm always happy for him, even when he opened his own store and rented his own space, in fact, I was one of the first person to get there when he celebrated his winnings... I gave him the needed support and encouragement... I realised that anytime I got my own breakthroughs, he never celebrated me or does as if he noticed them...

I later found out he was even jealous of my own winnings despite how true I was to him... I cut off the relationship before I got stabbed in the back... I didn't really know where the envy or jealousy was coming from...

I try as much not to be jealous or envious of people. No matter what. I rather use your success to motivate my self.

However, alot of so called friends are actually in competition with you. The earliest you realize it the better for you.

If you are caught in that situation and you still need to keep the friendship for important reasons then do this. Note some people are indispensable due to some circumstances.

Hide your progress
Hide you plans to your progress
When you achieve something good, hide it.
Never emphasize the importance of a step to your progress or discuss it.
Always keep a low profile around them
Never tell your secrets and don't try to know theirs.

If you can not do those.
Cut them off.

They could kill you for progressing and hiding it.

That is why when some people become successful they stay far from close friends.

Because those friends were not really friends but they had to keep up with them due to circumstances

219 Likes 17 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by superCleanworks(m): 8:21am On Jul 01, 2023
police is your friend

56 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Nobody: 8:30am On Jul 01, 2023
It was back in varsity... She said she was craving donuts and I gave her my debit card, only to receive an alert on my phone of more money getting withdrawn.

She thought I didn't have an alert on my phone to notify me.

She was jealous that I bought this other friend of mine that two plate and mini oven stove... And I bought that stove because I knew how much my friend needed it because it was her first year and she was still kinda struggling.

83 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by PerfectStranger(m): 8:43am On Jul 01, 2023
It's always better when both friends are winning.

But as life no balance,one person will be winning and the other isn't. There's bound to be envy wich most times is normal.

102 Likes 14 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by talented321: 9:16am On Jul 01, 2023
Na so one of manchi park few of my clothes, sha that was back then.
I no dey make friend again, many at times it does not ends Well

25 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Quadribabaalagb: 9:20am On Jul 01, 2023
Omoh, make I no talk.

12 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by dontrulee: 9:28am On Jul 01, 2023
You don't have a friend!
The person you think is your friend, may be your enemy in disguise.
Never loose your guard. It's the nature of people to disappoint, same with Friends.

"Knowing what will happen when you put your hands in the jaws of a lion, with friends you'll have no such caution"

62 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Belteshazzar1: 9:30am On Jul 01, 2023
Though i know how important people are, i don't really keep close friends.....
Even those soo close only knows 60% of stuff about me..... Hence the reason for few frenemy's experience......


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Sonnobax15(m): 11:58am On Jul 01, 2023
The moment a man goes broke,na then he go realize say na only am him mama born on his birthday.

177 Likes 19 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Reminderz: 12:53pm On Jul 01, 2023
Omoh, make I no talk.

talk about it, that's what the thread is all about... let others learn from your experience...


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by UcheKingsley1: 1:15pm On Jul 01, 2023
Fvck friends... Be your own best friend.

55 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by LandMann: 2:15pm On Jul 01, 2023

1 Like

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Cloudflare: 2:16pm On Jul 01, 2023

Become broke, that's when you'll know and understand what fake friends Means. You'll be deserted and become an island 🏝️

In all you do, avoid brokenness e dey bring see finish!!!!!!

101 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Greatn3ss: 2:16pm On Jul 01, 2023
They only give me advise but once you mention money everybody freestyles you


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Abolodje: 2:17pm On Jul 01, 2023
Here for the lies😹


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by helinues: 2:17pm On Jul 01, 2023

We were 5 in a group working together, 2 of us planned side deal, the other guy was caught, and then he turned everything on my head that it was only my initiative, I didn't even argue, accepted all the blames.

Learnt a lot from that actually, I never raised the matter with the guy after cos i wasn't even around when the kasala burst, we still talk today self. Imagine a decade old story

Such friends are those who prepare someone for better future. For the fact you have known their motives, they can't hurt you anymore

102 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by ibechris(m): 2:17pm On Jul 01, 2023
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by christejames(m): 2:18pm On Jul 01, 2023
I hardly make friends these days, apart from my siblings and relatives, I only have pockets of people that I can call friends.

Well, I always sense fakeness even before you show it to me, my premonition on that is always high...

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by b3llo(m): 2:18pm On Jul 01, 2023
Shame on those who put hope on their friends to celebrate them. When last did you celebrate those friends or share in their joy or sorrow Fake people. The world does not revolve around you!!!

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Lance008(m): 2:18pm On Jul 01, 2023
Nothing like friends again to be honest if your friend see another friend dem go switch
Focus on yourself
At this stage of my life I no longer feel disappointed with anything again I see everything as lesson as you lived you learn daily because have been betrayed and disappointed a lot

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Tickles001(m): 2:18pm On Jul 01, 2023
Nothing can replace friends. Just understand human behaviour and you'd realise why people behave the way they do. It's not necessarily because they're bad friends.
Your best friend may be someone else's fake friend. Just be observant, self reliant and know that friends owe you nothing.

87 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Kurtis02(m): 2:19pm On Jul 01, 2023
I don't have any frenemy story to share because I don't really keep friends like that. My friendship is always based on mutual benefit.

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by absoluteSuccess: 2:20pm On Jul 01, 2023
I got to know I was dealing with an enemy when a guy called macof on this site declared he has all the information about me and can easily locate me.

When someone who hates you with passion says he can easily locate you, just put your house in order. You are already dealing with a psychopath whose capacity for evil is not yet known to you. And that's to be forewarned.

Very awkward moment of self searching and reappraisal of my contacts began. And not quite long, a customer on Jeep visited my shop, and made a pass at my wife, I know I'm at the very verge of death and it just seems all my fears were well founded.

Thank God my wife shared that sensitive information with me, it's the curiosity I felt with that experience that really awake me to the risk of my business being infiltrated by enemies acting as customers and friends.

I've threads about the experience. The fellow is hardened and persistent. Be careful who you engage with as friend and be very careful who you engage with as an enemy. Either can set you up and it might be too late to escape.


I really appreciate and thank God for my wife, let's say she chose to play ball, it's one easiest way to kick me out of existence without much ado: the wicked would have gotten their desire without a trace. I give all the glory to God.

It's better to be alive and be mocked as being paranoid, the reason they want you dead in the first place. Again this fellow quoted me here but called the mod on me instead of the police for defamation, he's not that stupid.



Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Chno: 2:21pm On Jul 01, 2023

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by backtovillage: 2:21pm On Jul 01, 2023
You might b getting things wrong.
U an extrovert while your friend is an introvert I guess.


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