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The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) - Romance - Nairaland

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The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 9:47pm On Apr 13, 2024
I want to explore an aspect of my research that I haven't touched on

I've been trying to gather information about the humans that were here before the great reset 300 years ago; their culture, way of life and technology.

Admist all the information I've gathered so far, there is one that I failed to identify. It has been here all along staring us in the face and I never noticed until recently.

The best way to hide the truth is in plain sight and this one is no exception.

Get ready to have your mind blown.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 10:04pm On Apr 13, 2024
Every history before the camera is fabricated

Some of you might get triggered by the above but I'm fairly confident that any history before the invention of the camera is practically fabricated.

The camera was not invented in the 1800s like we were told, it was simply reintroduced in the 1800s along with other supposed inventions.

Megalithic structures all over the world show evidence of advanced knowledge of mathematics, geometry and engineering. The Puma Panku stones show evidence of laser technology. The location of stone henge show evidence of an advanced form of transportation. The so called Baroque art which I'll soon get into show evidence of an advanced form of printing.

It's historically incongruent to suggest that the camera was never invented until just less than 200 years ago. This is a lie from the pit of hell.

So why lie about the date the camera was invented? Simple. When you make the date for the invention of the camera very recent, it allows you to fabricate centuries of stories that cannot be debunked by photographs or videos.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by muyico(m): 10:18pm On Apr 13, 2024
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 10:25pm On Apr 13, 2024
The Baroque period.

The Baroque period is a perfect example of fabricated history.

According to mainstream history, this was an Era in the arts that originated in Italy in the 1600s and flourished elsewhere well into the 1700s.

This was the period that marked the creation of some of the magnificent artworks that I'll soon share.

What's important to note is how the dates were carefully constructed to ensure all of this happened before the invention of the camera, else the lies would be easily debunked cos there will be no photographic proof for any of the events that were claimed to have happened.

The photos below will give you a better understanding.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 10:37pm On Apr 13, 2024

The sculpture below is called Modesty. It is said to have been sculpted in pure marble by Antonio Corradini in 1752 during the Baroque period.

I'm showing this sculpture because it's impossible to create even with our current technology.

The attention to detail here is beyond shocking. It's practically unbelievable.

Sculpting stone to look like bending skin is incredible. Sculpting stone to look like rippling cloth is incredible. But sculpting stone to look like translucent cloth covering skin is practically impossible.

Yet we are told this was done without power tools. Conveniently it was done before the camera was invented so we have no way to see how it was actually sculptured.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 10:53pm On Apr 13, 2024
Attributing impossible structures and art to fake names and fake eras

When you fix the date for the invention of the camera so recent, any historical inconsistency can be explained by fabricating names, events and eras and making sure they predate the invention of the camera.

The picture below is another example. It's called the Epic Colossus. It is claimed to have been erected in the late 1500s by renowned Italian sculptor Giambologna.

This sculpture is said to have been carved out of one huge piece of pure limestone with just chisel and hammer

Now here is the problem. Did Giambologna ever exist? We can't prove nor disprove this because there aren't any photographs or videos of him, just paintings that could be drawn by anyone.

Did Giambologna actually carve this in the 1500s? We also can't prove nor disprove this because apparently cameras weren't invented at the time.

You can clearly see how by fixing the invention of the camera at a recent date, the rewriters of history always get away with anything. They can fabricate a century of lies and you won't be able to prove nor disprove it; and invariably you'll have no option but just to accept it as fact.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 11:04pm On Apr 13, 2024
The true creators of the Baroque and Renaissance art

The true creators of these marvellous works of art that I posted and others like the monalisa aren't the men our history books tell us. Most of those names are fabricated. There are never any photos of them, or videos of them sculpting or painting these artworks as their lifetimes conveniently predate the invention of the camera.

The true creators of these artworks were the advanced human civilizations that were wiped out during the great reset around 300 years ago.

This is why their works marvel us; we haven't reached their level of technological advancement.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 11:06pm On Apr 13, 2024
Their gift to us

The previous advanced race of humans that were wiped out during the great reset left us with some of their buildings which I've explored in multiple threads and their art which I just shared in the posts above.

But they also left us with something else;
a deeply inspirational, soul crushing form of art most of us have heard many times but never understood.

They left us with their music.

And just like their buildings, paintings and sculptures marvel us till this day, their music also marvels us
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 11:12pm On Apr 13, 2024
The redundance of speech

Speech is a common feature of low level spiritually aware beings.

When a being operates at a high level of spiritual consciousness, communication is done telepathically.

The race of humans that existed before the reset were a telepathic race, who rarely used speech to communicate to one another. This is also a feature of every advanced species I've researched about.

It should then follow that their brand of music would be one that wouldn't incorporate speech.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 11:22pm On Apr 13, 2024
Tracing the timeline of music

When you follow the evolution of music, you'll notice something very strange

Every music from the 1800s up until now sounds very similar. Not only does it involve the combination of vocals and instruments, it is representative of our culture, struggles and values.

However when you explore music before the 1800s, you find what we currently term as classical or Baroque style music. A form of music devoid of vocal sounds; a sophisticated, almost otherworldly form of music that is ever green and appreciated across every culture, race and time.

This is the music of the pre-reset humans and it's been hidden in plain sight for hundreds of years. Just like in the case of the artworks I mentioned above, European names have been fabricated to explain the origin of all of these musical masterpieces.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 11:32pm On Apr 13, 2024
We are them and they are us

Remember, we are the reincarnated souls of the pre-reset humans. We were all killed and our souls were put in these newly created weak bodies.

So when you listen to Mozart, Beethoven or Pachelbel, you are essentially listening to the same music we created at the height of our civilization.

Perhaps classical music might be a key to unlocking a part of our minds that can finally remember who we once were.

I've always known that classical music increases our vibration, now I understand why. It's music created by beings that operated on 5th level spiritual consciousness.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Carcholce: 11:44pm On Apr 13, 2024
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Vicboy1(m): 9:48pm On Apr 14, 2024
Nice thread
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Teophilus96(m): 10:09pm On Apr 14, 2024
1. Can you provide evidence of Reincarnation, especially from the bible?
2. Why do I practically see things by closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep. I could see things about the future and sometimes about someone. I can see very weird things that words can't even describe but can only be understood by my mind when I try it out.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Zaksart: 9:35am On Apr 15, 2024
1. Can you provide evidence of Reincarnation, especially from the bible?
2. Why do I practically see things by closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep. I could see things about the future and sometimes about someone. I can see very weird things that words can't even describe but can only be understood by my mind when I try it out.

The bible was a creation to tame mankind and put fear in them. There's no heaven anywhere and Jesus is not coming back here brother, he only spoke about his christ consciousness coming to our understanding at the right time. Praying to a God is a low frequency thing to do. The God of the religious and the God of the pagans are same things that's why you see paganism in Christianity anywhere you look. Research more and get enlighten, indeed our people are perishing for lack of knowledge. You are a God yourself.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Zaksart: 9:47am On Apr 15, 2024
The Roman Catholic stole knowledge and Wisdom from all tribes in the world and locked it away in the archives, burnt thousands of books and knowledge. As a Christian why is it that the bible n Quran was the only book that spoke of Jesus?. Because they have hidden and burnt other evidence of him so you and me will be blind to the truth. The shocking truth was they gave you a white man as Jesus 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

If you think the people who subject our ancestors to slave trade will give you a true religion then you are only open to lies. We have always been lied too from the beginning, it's your duty to do research and make your conclusion.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 2:31pm On Apr 15, 2024

The bible was a creation to tame mankind and put fear in them. There's no heaven anywhere and Jesus is not coming back here brother, he only spoke about his christ consciousness coming to our understanding at the right time. Praying to a God is a low frequency thing to do. The God of the religious and the God of the pagans are same things that's why you see paganism in Christianity anywhere you look. Research more and get enlighten, indeed our people are perishing for lack of knowledge. You are a God yourself.

this is a fools statement. the world is coming to an end right in front of your eyes. we are not gods... a higher being created the human race, and thats why man has been loking for that God through several religions of which christianity is the only logical religion.


Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 2:33pm On Apr 15, 2024
The Roman Catholic stole knowledge and Wisdom from all tribes in the world and locked it away in the archives, burnt thousands of books and knowledge. As a Christian why is it that the bible n Quran was the only book that spoke of Jesus?. Because they have hidden and burnt other evidence of him so you and me will be blind to the truth. The shocking truth was they gave you a white man as Jesus

If you think the people who subject our ancestors to slave trade will give you a true religion then you are only open to lies. We have always been lied too from the beginning, it's your duty to do research and make your conclusion.
how can you know this truth and still make the statement you made initially.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by correctguy101(m): 5:04pm On Apr 15, 2024
this is a fools statement. the world is coming to an end right in front of your eyes. we are not gods... a higher being created the human race, and thats why man has been loking for that God through several religions of which christianity is the only logical religion



Èlèyí gîdí gán undecided
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by DeepSight(m): 5:09pm On Apr 15, 2024
this is a fools statement. the world is coming to an end right in front of your eyes. we are not gods... a higher being created the human race, and thats why man has been loking for that God through several religions of which christianity is the only logical religion.

The logical religion that teaches you that God impregnated a virgin to give birth to himself so that he could ensure that he got killed inorder to convince himself to forgive his creations of their flaws right?

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by DeepSight(m): 5:16pm On Apr 15, 2024
Every history before the camera is fabricated

Some of you might get triggered by the above but I'm fairly confident that any history before the invention of the camera is practically fabricated.

The camera was not invented in the 1800s like we were told, it was simply reintroduced in the 1800s along with other supposed inventions.

Megalithic structures all over the world show evidence of advanced knowledge of mathematics, geometry and engineering. The Puma Panku stones show evidence of laser technology. The location of stone henge show evidence of an advanced form of transportation. The so called Baroque art which I'll soon get into show evidence of an advanced form of printing.

It's historically incongruent to suggest that the camera was never invented until just less than 200 years ago. This is a lie from the pit of hell.

So why lie about the date the camera was invented? Simple. When you make the date for the invention of the camera very recent, it allows you to fabricate centuries of stories that cannot be debunked by photographs or videos.

You are onto something when you say there is a gap in history and that there were civilizations before this one of ours. I think there were many in fact.

But you are simply nuts and smoking cheap ganja when you keep saying all that was 300 years ago.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 7:33pm On Apr 15, 2024

The logical religion that teaches you that God impregnated a virgin to give birth to himself so that he could ensure that he got killed inorder to convince himself to forgive his creations of their flaws right?
you make such statement because you dont known the bible.the God of the bible has a son. proverbs 30:4. this son was sent by God to the earth through a miraculous conception not impregenation. he is not God but the son of God. he was killed because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin and also he did shed his blood to purchase the souls of the believers as his own inorder to give them eternal life in his kingdom this is what love is about. tell me that is not logical and reasonable?

if you understand the scriptures you will not be typing sarcasm as response.. sorry for you.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 7:33pm On Apr 15, 2024


Èlèyí gîdí gán undecided
the ph.u.c.k is that supposed to mean?
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by DeepSight(m): 7:36pm On Apr 15, 2024
you make such statement because you dont known the bible.the God of the bible has a son. proverbs 30:4. this son was sent by God to the earth through a miraculous conception not impregenation. he is not God but the son of God. he was killed because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin and also he did shed his blood to purchase the souls of the believers as his own inorder to give them eternal life in his kingdom.

if you understand the scriptures you will not be typing sarcasm as response.. sorry for you.

If you believe that blood must be shed for your sins to be forgiven you are a ritualist.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by DeepSight(m): 7:37pm On Apr 15, 2024
the ph.u.c.k is that supposed to mean?

It means "this one is strong" or "this one is hard" . . . . .
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 7:47pm On Apr 15, 2024

If you believe that blood must be shed for your sins to be forgiven you are a ritualist.
this is not about ritual as you think. if you understand that the wages of sin is death. thats is anything that is corrupt is headed for decay, so is mankind headed for death due to sin. now it is not our fault but because we are born in sin and so automatically headed for death. God sent forth his son to die that death in our place so that any man who believes would be saved from death. this is what jesus did on the cross. all you have to do is have that faith its not difficult. if you understand this, then every thing will make sense to you,..in otherwords logical!!.


Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by DeepSight(m): 7:52pm On Apr 15, 2024
this is not about ritual as you think. if you understand that the wages of sin is death. thats is anything that is corrupt is headed for decay, so is mankind headed for death due to sin. now it is not our fault but because we are born in sin and so automatically headed for death. God sent forth his son to die that death in our place so that any man who believes would be saved from death. this is what jesus did on the cross. all you have to do is have that faith its not difficult. if you understand this, then every thing will make sense to you,..in otherwords logical!!.

This doesnt add up. . .

1. A God of justice would not do something unjust by making one man bear the sins of another man. That is unjust. And that can never balance the scales of divine justice.

2. What happens to all those who lived before Jesus and never heard of him.

3. What happens to all those who lived after Jesus and never heard of him.

4. What happens to all those who lived after Jesus, heard of him, but could not make sense of such a bizarre ritualistic teaching on ritual human sacrifice as being the way.

5. The man who has faith in Jesus death still has to live righteously to be saved, so what is the point of the death?

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 8:04pm On Apr 15, 2024

This doesnt add up. . .

1. A God of justice would not do something unjust by making one man bear the sins of another man. That is unjust. And that can never balance the scales of divine justice.

2. What happens to all those who lived before Jesus and never heard of him.

3. What happens to all those who lived after Jesus and never heard of him.

4. What happens to all those who lived after Jesus, heard of him, but could not make sense of such a bizarre ritualistic teaching on ritual human sacrifice as being the way.

5. The man who has faith in Jesus death still has to live righteously to be saved, so what is the point of the death?
the bible said for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son.

love is the reason why God sent his son to die for our sins and also because God could raise him from the dead is another reason why he let his son die. this is absolutely justifiable.

all those who lived without the law will be judged outside the law on the day of judgement and all those who lived by the law will be judged accprding to the law.

there is no way a rational human will not make sense of john 3:16 if you understand that corruptuon leads to death. and some one has died but ressurrected in otjer for you to live eternally

we are justified by faith and not by works. we only work to show our repentance but we are not saved by works. Ephesians 2:8-10


Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by DeepSight(m): 8:15pm On Apr 15, 2024

love is the reason why God sent his son to die for our sins and also because God could raise him from the dead is another reason why he let his son die. this is absolutely justifiable.

This is meaningless because the bible itself makes it clear that no matter what, whatever a man sows, the same shall he reap. Therefore the so called sacrifice of Christ means nothing because the bible says that Karma will always take effect. Here is scripture for you:

Gal 6 v 7 - Be ye not deceived for God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth the same shall he reap."

Matt 26:52 - 52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

Proverbs 26:27
27 Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.

Psalms 7:16
16 The trouble they cause recoils on them; their violence comes down on their own heads.

Gal 6:9-19 - 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

2 Cor 5:10 - 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

Psalms 28:3-4
3 Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts.
4 Repay them for their deeds and for their evil work; repay them for what their hands have done and bring back on them what they deserve.

all those who lived without the law will be judged outside the law on the day of judgement and all those who lived by the law will be judged accprding to the law.

So God has different standards for different times and different people. This means he is not the same yesterday, today and forever. He is slippery and shifts the goal post and this is untrustworthy.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 10:57pm On Apr 15, 2024

This is meaningless because the bible itself makes it clear that no matter what, whatever a man sows, the same shall he reap. Therefore the so called sacrifice of Christ means nothing because the bible says that Karma will always take effect. Here is scripture for you:

Gal 6 v 7 - Be ye not deceived for God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth the same shall he reap."

Matt 26:52 - 52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

Proverbs 26:27
27 Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.

Psalms 7:16
16 The trouble they cause recoils on them; their violence comes down on their own heads.

Gal 6:9-19 - 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

2 Cor 5:10 - 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

Psalms 28:3-4
3 Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts.
4 Repay them for their deeds and for their evil work; repay them for what their hands have done and bring back on them what they deserve.

So God has different standards for different times and different people. This means he is not the same yesterday, today and forever. He is slippery and shifts the goal post and this is untrustworthy.
you are just trying hard to convince yourself of whats not true.see what the bible says about all you just wrote.

2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away;
behold, the new has come.

Romans 8:1 ESV
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

I can bring more quotes but I think these two has done justice enough to nullify all you wrote up there and all the bible verses you quoted.

whats different standards are you talking about? is it not fare that people are judged according to what is applicable at there own time and knowledge. the bibel says for with the law comes the knowledge of sin romans 7:7-9, romans 30:21. so all those who have known the law will be judged by it and all who have not kown will be judged outside of it. nothing can fairer nor more just than that.

your just grasping at straws...

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by DeepSight(m): 12:19am On Apr 16, 2024
you are just trying hard to convince yourself of whats not true.see what the bible says about all you just wrote.

2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away;
behold, the new has come.

Romans 8:1 ESV
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

I can bring more quotes but I think these two has done justice enough to nullify all you wrote up there and all the bible verses you quoted.

whats different standards are you talking about? is it not fare that people are judged according to what is applicable at there own time and knowledge. the bibel says for with the law comes the knowledge of sin romans 7:7-9, romans 30:21. so all those who have known the law will be judged by it and all who have not kown will be judged outside of it. nothing can fairer nor more just than that.

your just grasping at straws...

So some bible verses cancel other bible verses. Very good.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 8:15am On Apr 16, 2024

So some bible verses cancel other bible verses. Very good.
the bible made it clear,...THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST!! for the wages of sin / corruption is death.

he who has the son has life he who does not have the son does not have life..1 John 5:12

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