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What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by NairaMaster1(m): 10:27am On Sep 01, 2024
You said you didn't ask questions when you saw those Christian paraphernalia on his hospital bed so it's really difficult to draw conclusions based on what you saw alone. It's possible they were dropped off by some preachers who didn't know his religious beliefs or lack of it so to speak. It's also possible he met them there and didn't want to create tension asking for their removal.

Second, assuming they even belonged to him, that still doesn't prove he was healed by those materials or the power behind/within them as you seem to imply in no unclear terms. Afterall he was in the hospital for treatment, wasn't he? Despite the fact that lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer, there are still a few people who survive it with or without treatment. A quick Google search will confirm that. Besides not all Christians (in short very few) get miraculous remission from deadly diseases and other medical conditions so why jump to conclusions?

We are saying the same thing Sir. You won't believe until then.

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Danmisra(m): 10:28am On Sep 01, 2024
A simple challenge to you and the Christians around.
Can someone give us 2 good verses in the Holy Bible where it says clearly without any confusion that Jesus is God. I dare you because you don't have it in the Bible.
This is why Christianity is losing members everyday and Christians are daily questioning the authenticity and morals of the Bible.
Finally Christianity has turn to business in many countries not only in Nigeria and it is not today that, this started. You know how Protestant faction of Christianity came to existence, pls read the main reason.

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by JaffyJoe(m): 10:31am On Sep 01, 2024

Do you have problem reading or what?
So you're implying that the atheist's momentary comfort with religious materials somehow invalidates the intellectual arguments against those beliefs?

Intellectual arguments are the lifeblood of critical thinking, and they can't be dismissed because someone finds comfort in a Bible or pamphlets during a crisis. That's an emotional response.

Like I said in my OP, correlation doesn't imply causation. You do know people find solace in things, without necessarily endorsing the beliefs, right?

You can't just cherry-pick emotional anecdotes and expect them to trump logical reasoning. If you want to engage in a meaningful discussion with me, no issues. Just something reasonable!

You are very funny. Finding comfort momentarily in the Bible when in despair is clearly an indication that he was willing to accept anything that could facilitate his recovery at that moment. Now from the story, what we were made to understand is that he eventually beat the sickness. You cannot sit there writing stuff about the shift in his belief system then and now, that is a clarity you can only attain if you are privy to know him in person like the original story teller does. In the absence of that privilege, we can base our conclusion in what we do know, which is quite simple: man didn't believe in God, man got sick, man out of desperation, personal encounter or whatever became comfortable with items symbolic to God's existence around him, then man got healed.
Maybe it was a spiritual healing, maybe it's efficient medical intervention we don't know, but either way, what I do know is that to the man, going forward, he now has a probability level of believing God's existence a minimum of 50%. That is something worth thinking about.

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Roger3D(m): 10:38am On Sep 01, 2024
What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of His Rich Atheist' Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer

He saw a Bible and Christian magazines.

Here's his story:

Oluwanishola Akeju

Super story grin
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by blingxx(m): 10:38am On Sep 01, 2024

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

I wonder what will happen to those who were born before Christ ..ontop this slave masters religion

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by bluefilm: 10:41am On Sep 01, 2024
All these books you mentioned,are they not religions pointing to EXISTENCE OF GOD?

You people just too delusional and myopic in reasoning. What OP said, many of u have digressed in other to win cheap point.

......the OP is emphasising that, a known aethist trying to renounce his bilif and accepted the existence of God wen death is imminent, but many of you are shifting and talking trash.

Xtian, islam, budih, hindu are they not the way to God existence in their own unique

I see your point

But at the same time, do you see my point that there is really no Superior God?
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Kevineleven(m): 10:42am On Sep 01, 2024
Many will doubt it but God heals, thank you Jesus
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Franking: 10:44am On Sep 01, 2024
Don't christians die of lung cancer and other diseases? Religion helps the delusional and the pastors cashing out.


Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Botragelad: 10:45am On Sep 01, 2024

You are very funny. Finding comfort momentarily in the Bible when in despair is clearly an indication that he was willing to accept anything that could facilitate his recovery at that moment. Now from the story, what we were made to understand is that he eventually beat the sickness. You cannot sit there writing stuff about the shift in his belief system then and now, that is a clarity you can only attain if you are privy to know him in person like the original story teller does. In the absence of that privilege, we can base our conclusion in what we do know, which is quite simple: man didn't believe in God, man got sick, man out of desperation, personal encounter or whatever became comfortable with items symbolic to God's existence around him, then man got healed.
Maybe it was a spiritual healing, maybe it's efficient medical intervention we don't know, but either way, what I do know is that to the man, going forward, he now has a probability level of believing God's existence a minimum of 50%. That is something worth thinking about.
Oh, come now! So you think a momentary lapse into comfort with religious symbols is a clear indication of a willingness to accept the supernatural? Lol

I said in my previous response that people turn to familiar or comforting objects in times of distress, regardless of their beliefs. It's a psychological coping mechanism, not a sudden change of heart. Don't you understand?

Just because the lad found comfort in the Bible and then recovered, it doesn't mean the Bible was the cause of his recovery. You're assuming a causal link where none exists.

As for your assertion that the guy now has a 50% probability of believing in God's existence, well, that's a baseless claim. You can't assign probability levels to someone's beliefs without direct evidence. And even if he did have a change of heart, which is far from clear, it would be an anecdotal example, not empirical evidence for the existence of god. 😄

It's quite easy. You just need to think critically!
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by melow666: 10:48am On Sep 01, 2024
I've always said "the fear of death is the beginning of wisdom for most atheists".

This is yet another proof of that.

What i find really hard to understand though is why they have to wait til that critical point of their lives before realizing themselves, because not many get the chance to make amends.

This is one of the few lucky atheists that did.

Thank God he realized himself and repented before it was too late.

I hope other atheists get to learn something from his story.

God bless.

So God threatens us into loving him. I do not think so
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Medici777: 10:51am On Sep 01, 2024
Stories that touch

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by femi4: 10:52am On Sep 01, 2024
This one don cast!

It's true Christians go to hospitals to use emotions make people convert to Christianity and particularly their church denomination!

That's why you'll see Bible anywhere even in hotel drawers carrying dust!
Is that why your religion of peace started doing evangelism, vigil and putting Quran in hospital n hotels.....A case of if you can't beat them.....

Yeye dey smell
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by chatinent: 10:58am On Sep 01, 2024
Una god dey allow children die but heal old men. Politics healing.

Btw, how does this story concerns Christianity?

Or the conspiracy is to link all man's effort to your god?

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by obonujoker(m): 11:00am On Sep 01, 2024

I wonder what will happen to those who were born before Christ ..ontop this slave masters religion

Slave masters or not. There is no salvation anywhere to God except what Jesus Christ did on the cross.

As for those that died before Jesus came, they had the laws of God, for instance, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness - Romans 4:3-8.

Hebrews 11, tell us many were saved by Faith, and Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of those that had faith, both in the BC and now in AD
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Edzy: 11:02am On Sep 01, 2024
Death is enough as an admonition for mortals. So seek for the truth, and never associate any partner to Allah ; Avoid the worship of any of Allah prophet/any saint.
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by dominique(f): 11:13am On Sep 01, 2024
You always know where to dig out all these stories to support your biase.

If it was the other way round and a believer lost the battle even after seeking the face of the Lord constantly, you'll probably say he lacked faith. You won't say God failed him, you'll blame him. Double standards and hypocrisy.

Anything to help you sleep at night.


My issue with these type of stories is that how come believers succumb to this same cancer yet God chose to have mercy on an atheist. God did not have mercy on the Christians that dedicated their lives praising and worshipping him yet still went on to die of devastating diseases but gave the mercy to an atheist that suddenly remembered him when he was dying of cancer? I fail to understand this kind of thought process.

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by kingxsamz(m): 11:15am On Sep 01, 2024
What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of His Rich Atheist' Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer

He saw a Bible and Christian magazines.

Here's his story:

Oluwanishola Akeju


Such a beautiful piece of crap. We all know how much Christians love to fantasize about Atheists being in life threatening situations where they are so desperate for help that they decide to patronise their sky daddy. Even though this mostly never happens, Christians would always create this sort of scenario in their head to make themselves feel better, while ignoring the fact that there are more bed ridden Christians than atheists.
Most Christians aren't even aware of who an atheist is anyway. Once you say you don't like pastors or church, they'll call you an atheist.


Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Krisdan(m): 11:15am On Sep 01, 2024
Anything based on Christian topic dey give me joy....everybody fit bring contribution as the thread dey always dey open
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by kingxsamz(m): 11:19am On Sep 01, 2024
Fantasy grin
This topic is misleading. It should have been WHAT A CHRISTIAN IMAGINED THAT HE WOULD SEE ON THE SICK BED OF A DYING ATHEIST grin cheesy grin

Famous atheists have died countlessly in different parts of the world, but no stories of their deathbed moments, but now we have to believe the story of a dying random atheist written by a living random christian and propagated by the younger brother of Jesus.
Just dey play grin

This is just another made up story to give Christians a hard on.


Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Akasammyoka: 11:20am On Sep 01, 2024
Had same experience but this time it was me. I never believe Bible or God, man was more interested in that Charles Darwin theory about life. Got sick in January of 2014, by June man was a new member of Assemblies of God carrying my big good news Bible around. Thank God he saved me. But it was a very tough story

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by kingxsamz(m): 11:23am On Sep 01, 2024
To al them atheist in the house, as you no believe there's God, when that terrible health challenge that medicine can't handle will hit you, who will you turn to??

Definitely not your useIess sky daddy called Yahweh who can't help his own worshipers.


Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Juoflife1(f): 11:35am On Sep 01, 2024
Nigerians are naturally afraid of death. We want to live forever.
Death is part of the cycle of life.
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Electorate: 11:43am On Sep 01, 2024
You said you didn't ask questions when you saw those Christian paraphernalia on his hospital bed so it's really difficult to draw conclusions based on what you saw alone. It's possible they were dropped off by some preachers who didn't know his religious beliefs or lack of it so to speak. It's also possible he met them there and didn't want to create tension asking for their removal.

Second, assuming they even belonged to him, that still doesn't prove he was healed by those materials or the power behind/within them as you seem to imply in no unclear terms. Afterall he was in the hospital for treatment, wasn't he? Despite the fact that lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer, there are still a few people who survive it with or without treatment. A quick Google search will confirm that. Besides not all Christians (in short very few) get miraculous remission from deadly diseases and other medical conditions so why jump to conclusions?

Oga, things like this cannot be explained by words, you need to experience it to understand, you will understand better in your point of death which will happen soon...you will come back here to share your experience.
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Okortor: 11:53am On Sep 01, 2024
Can the blind see? Obviously NO. So may God help you before it's too late or at the point of your death then u realize but might be too late for you.......

A simple challenge to you and the Christians around.
Can someone give us 2 good verses in the Holy Bible where it says clearly without any confusion that Jesus is God. I dare you because you don't have it in the Bible.
This is why Christianity is losing members everyday and Christians are daily questioning the authenticity and morals of the Bible.
Finally Christianity has turn to business in many countries not only in Nigeria and it is not today that, this started. You know how Protestant faction of Christianity came to existence, pls read the main reason.
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by imagrg(m): 11:54am On Sep 01, 2024
For more than 30 years I never went to church until one Sunday I picked up my Bible and went to Redeem Church and that was the beginning of my Christendom.

Today, I am a full member of the Living Faith Church aka Winners.

God is Winning!

One moral lesson I always want to preach to people is that they MUST NOT kill.
Not for any reason!

Give generously to the poor and the needy.

Don't take what's not yours forcefully.

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by Archworld(m): 11:54am On Sep 01, 2024
What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of His Rich Atheist' Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer

He saw a Bible and Christian magazines.

Here's his story:

Oluwanishola Akeju


In the words of pastor Chris Oyakhilome , those who do not believe in miracle/God will one day believe when they need one

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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by WantsandMore: 11:55am On Sep 01, 2024
The threads approach towards dismantling this saying is just as limited as the Atheistical Ego and very limited knowledge.
Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by ProfesawFred(m): 12:00pm On Sep 01, 2024
Am just speechless
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Re: What A Christian Saw On Hospital Bed Of Rich Atheist Friend Dying Of Lung Cancer by otherway: 12:02pm On Sep 01, 2024
I don't take Athiests serious.

They are confused bitter angry souls who constantly fights their thoughts about the existence of GOD.

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