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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 12:08pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
IbkD: Alrite. Will respond accordingly! |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by peedeeasobie(m): 12:09pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
elantraceey: Let me borrow from what Elantraceey opined. You do not stop demonic attacks by praying and fasting! Jesus said 'you shall cast out demons, stop praying against them'. cast them out! say 'you foul demons, I charge in the name of Jesus, stop your maneuvers in my home and in my wife and I command you to go out and come back no more. I put a stop to the nightmares and your activities in Jesus name!' say these with all assurance in your heart and start rejoicing after you have said so that the demon is gone. Start declaring that the demon is gone and that ur house is not conducive for demonic activities 2 Likes |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 12:10pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
nkemdi89: My current landlord is the best a tenant could ever dream having. He's well to do. Well loaded, and we know his means of livelihood. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by femi4: 12:11pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
coogar:God bless you....She must have done something weird in the past |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by skentelelady(f): 12:12pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
To me it may not be the house but spiritual attacks from elsewhere Like babyosisi said, go and spend weekend in a hotel or family member's house for a while and see if the dreams persist If they do, please you and your family needs serious deliverance and prayers against untimely death or accident If the dreams stop, please you need to move out of that house asap. Forget the rent. God will provide another money 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 12:18pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
skentelelady: Thank you. It's exactly what we shall do. My wife's life is more important to me than all the money in the world. 3 Likes |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:22pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Na MFM fire prayers you need to drive all those demons and evil spirit away, our dreams are reflections of our subconscious mind & what goes on in our dream world, moreover, the spiritual controls the physical realm, she might just be getting a signal that danger is lurking around the corner..... ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:22pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
sammyke: gbam I was just wondering when a right thinking person will say this.......not everything is spiritual some things need medical attention ,unfortunately in this part of the world ,mental issues are erroneously treated as spiritual and with kid gloves..... seeing a psychiatrist doesn't mean a person is mad 2 Likes |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by demjohn(m): 12:22pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
dein77:Kindly allow her to stay and sleep at a relative house for sometime..and if she continue havn the dream ,it will be better for her to confes... What prompt...... |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Neplusultra(f): 12:23pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
U shud have heed her advice b4 going to renew d rent bros, pls listen to her, I know wot am sayin ![]() |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:23pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
ITbomb:He's isn't being reluctant because of selfishness. He has a side chick that he's "knacking" somewhere in their current neighbourhood. His wife is aware but doesn't wanna confront him so she comes up with persistent nightmares to justify her request for relocation. I dare you to deny it op and I'll post your picture and the picture of your babe. Sit your wife down and confess to her. Apologize for being unfaithful. Make sure you desist from your extra marital affairs. If you keep knacking the girl, I'll cry wolf. Hope u understand? |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:24pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
[size=13pt]you guys go sleep in an hotel for some days, if the dreams keep recurring, then its not the house, but if she sleeps fine, u have to move out of that house or ur wife will go nuts..... Dont let the mother of ur kids suffer.... Some demonic battles are not urs to fight.... And whether you truly pray to the house, ur wife still will be unhappy there because it has now become a subconscious thought. rent somewhere new.[/size] 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:24pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
skentelelady: this may not work because she psychologically has something against the house so mere not sleeping in that house will help her relax.....and not have nightmares |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:26pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Fit2Rule: ha! see gobe! @op is this true....... |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by ajetunde: 12:26pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Dude, Re the f**king locate, you don't want to be wasting your family's time energy and effort battling something you may not know anything about. Something bad may have happened in that house.... And why does this sound like "The Cojuring" go and watch the movie. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by pecothecash: 12:27pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
[size=40pt]what God has joined together, let no man put assunder. for better for worse. we will be together[/size] |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by ajetunde: 12:28pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Fit2Rule: ![]() ![]() |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by hero31x(m): 12:30pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Beloved Poster, It may be true that women are somehow more sensitve in spirit but I really want to take another angle to this. Having gone through your post, the following are my advice & submission: 1. Faith comes by hearing & Fear also come by hearing; what does your wife hear, watch or read? Get her faith materials like: books on faith, messages on faith & encourage her via the word of God. 2. I must let you know that it is an error to see light intimidated by darkness; is your wife Born Again? If she is, it then means that she is the light: Jesus said 'ye are the light of the world', there have never been a time light run from darkness; anytime it happens, it then means that light is no longer light. Attacks is a symbol of darkness, your wife really needs to know who she is in Christ Jesus. 3. The Lord said 'as a man thinkest in his heart, so is he' (Prov 23:7). What does your wife Meditate on? Locate faith filled scriptures & read it constantly to your wife day & night. 4. Your prayers may not be enough, you may need to invite an elder in the Lord who would join you in prayer: remember 'if two of you shall agree as touching anything, it shall be established'. Finally, if your wife continually thinks is from the house, then you should know that her thinking is affecting her dreams. You may heed to her suggestion to let peace rain. God bless you & hope this piece would be of help. 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:30pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Relocate first before arguing if its with your apartment or not. Why do we doubt out pastors most time? Why then did you go to meet him if you won't believe what he tells you? Yeah we all have power to reverse the devices of the enemy but then, God place people to encourage us when we need them and thy are called our pastors... Why not obey the voice of your wife, wife's friend and your pastor? You are the man we know but ,most times please act foolish.... ![]() |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:31pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
visit the dreams and interpretation thread |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:33pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Stop! Why must you say that? Don't you know that some people are more spiritually in tune than others? I know of a man whose brother-in-law gave his guest house to stay in and they lost their 3 children there after he had evil dreams about his in-law, but the wife disagreed and refutted them as mere dreams. After the death of their 3rd child, they left the state entirely (the man's business crumbled and his in-law didn't allow them worship at their own church, he said his church was better). This said man (dreamer) started all over again at the age of 45 and was able to make something good out of his life and family. Their lives turned around remarkably and their fiath in God grew stronger. coogar: |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 12:37pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
@OP pray seriously. Hold onto God and if the dreams persist, pls move out of that house peacefully (you don't know what God is trying to save you from). Don't be heady, just obey God. Even if you have to move into a smaller apartment, it is better than staying in a mansion and dying prematurely. God forbid any evil befalling you and your family in Jesus name. Amen. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Totfulguy: 12:38pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
dein77: I read the comment of people and I feel sad and upset at the way we think in this part of the world. Situations like what is described above can be the result of some sort of depression that can be handled with a simple medical intervention. Why must EVERYTHING in this part of the world be a result of "Spiritual attacks" or "Deeds of the past"? Until we free ourselves from the shackles of superstition and addiction to the "my-pastor-says" syndrome, we will never find solutions to our problems. We will not only be slaves to the conditions that befall us but the pastors that are ever ready to deceive us and rob us of our lean resources. @Poster: Please see a psychologist and then he will tell you if you need to see a psychiatrist. But dont be in a hurry to administer the antidepressants. Lets see if she can organically reset her thinking. She may be having some sort of Hallucinations which have NOTHING to do with "spiritual attacks". I can imagine what you are going through right strong! 4 Likes |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by alchemist(m): 12:39pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
dein77: The truth is knowing what your wife dreams about, pray fervently about this dreams and have faith in God. As much as God do give me Hunch and gives me vision about things, they have never come in nightmares so my conclusion is try and talk to your wife. She might have done something she is not opening up to you about, let her retrace her steps and i am sure from there both of you will have a solution IJN. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by uzhi(m): 12:39pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Sorry for what u are passing through. Experiment by asking ur wife to go and visit her parents or family, then observe if she have d same dream there. If not, that means the house isn't d problem. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by SaintMog(m): 12:41pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
I am a pastor. It will not be strange if your wife is the only experiencing it. Do a trend check on your finance, family health, job etc. If the trend confirms your wife's fears, then it is real. Compare the above trends before and while you are in your present location. Should you relocate if the trend prove that it is the compound? ANSWER: if you can gain your wife's confidence, don't. Demons should run away from fire of God and not otherwise. But you must get a deliverance gifted pastor to work there. Your family must be prayerful. After sometime it will stop. If you can't gain your wife's confidence, then relocate. Demons are real. Don't mind the all comers rubbish they say here. I once handled a case like this and the couple are still living there. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Jay5000(m): 12:43pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
@OP; My hunch is maybe there's a confession she needs to make. I might be wrong but you never know... |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by jamillion: 12:45pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Well! I av followed coments bt one thing left unattended to, anybody can be possess by evil spirit(jinn), forget does saying u should relocate do or not it will nt stop d occourences. Jst maail me on: for counseling |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 12:47pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Jay5000: Confession? My wife? No! 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Originalsly: 12:50pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
You love your wife and all that.... but in a situation like this you need to put all those sentiments aside and look at the matter as an outsider... objectively. You are told and I guess it appears that your wife is having reoccurring nightmares. Do you KNOW if this is true? No you don't. If it is true... spiritual attacks ... then it has nothing to do with the house but everything to do with her. She has either done some "spiritual stuff" to achieve some objective and it has now rebounded.....or..... someone is now attacking her spiritually because of something she has done .... like sneaking with someone's husband while you are at work. You ...nor no pastor can help her spiritually if she cannot confess what she has done. I suggest you focus on getting her to confess if she has done any such thing. On the other hand .... you have moved 3times. Your wife may be a drama queen and is using this means to achieve her objective. Maybe she wants to live in a mansion.....each time you moved... was it to a higher level?....a bigger house?.....a better and more prestigious neighbourhood? If yes... then you can see the trend and if you move now within a few years she would create another drama.Did you notice how she held on dearly to the moving suggestion? move permanently? As she still insists.....tell her you accept....and that you have found a place...smaller and in a lower level neigbourhood... ... her nightmares would come to a sudden end. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by skentelelady(f): 12:50pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
bisous: Spiritual attack dont have respect for places. Even if one goes to planet Mars, it will still follow one there. Which was why i said it might not be the house. If she doesnt have nightmares in another place, it simply means there is something evil that has just been done in that house since the have been there for like 5 years. 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by An0nimus: 12:55pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Fit2Rule:Are you for real? 1 Like |
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