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Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 7:36am On Apr 20, 2015 |
missclasssy:From the last two pages, can you provide a sensible post? |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 7:37am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Borrussia:Was your clueless president not a man? I guess that makes ALL men clueless, right?. Why do you guys find it easy to lump all women together but go mad when women do the same? If we start counting how many Nigerian men that have embezzled money compared to woman, do you think women will surpass them? Just so you don't know, Nigerian men have been ruling us since eons but we haven't been getting it right. Mtcheew Like my signature outrightly opined; the act of rebellion is mostly emphasized on when she's a woman. 6 Likes |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by kinglekan: 7:45am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Vickybee: Nice 1 Very objective point of view. |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 7:48am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Vickybee:Okay. I agree that our male leaders also embezzle funds. If you can tell me one thing that Alison did for Nigeria; I promise to be legal am about your claims. |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 7:50am On Apr 20, 2015 |
~ Vickybee ..shushhhh ! I have nothing against women and I believe in equality of the sexes but stop arguing blindly over something that's pretty obvious.. check the stats and peek into your history books if you know nothing The male species have obviously excelled intellectually than the female counter parts since the earth was formed. In Science, music, research, inventions, even religion. Most of these got the males fingerprints all over it. I said religion cos it actually takes intellect and great wit to formulate those documents, scriptures, cannon laws etcetera etcetera If these are not the criteria of judging Intellect then I wonder what is... one was even mentioning the woman's strength during child's bearing bla bla bla Please, you can't judge intellect with that. 2 Likes |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by vislabraye(m): 7:56am On Apr 20, 2015 |
missclasssy: If i sed this, they will say I'm a chauvinist. It will be hsrd before a woman become president in Naija |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 7:58am On Apr 20, 2015 |
TheSonOfMark:I know she's not a female. 1) She claims to be a teenager living in UK. 2) She's a muslim and anti-feminist. 3) On a thread like that, she was talking how Adichie lost her culture of a true African women(submissive wife). Inconsistency; 1) How can a teenage Nigerian-briton know so much of African culture about a submissive wife?. 2) No UK-based Nigerian woman on this forum is anti-feminist. By the way, they are mostly atheists sef. Etc etc |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by vislabraye(m): 8:00am On Apr 20, 2015 |
MrsChima: Okay let's forget education. Nigerian men are more intelligent that Nigerian women. The op gave concrete facts and you dey vex. 1 Like |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:01am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Borrussia:She's one of the bad egg in female gender just as there are many in male gender. |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:09am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Vickybee:She is even so dumb that she couldn't cover her tracks after embezzling funds. I mean who doesn't know about the currency she stashed. Tell me, have you ever heard of a situation whereby Jonathan is being accused of embezzling funds even though he is. So what are you telling me? |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:10am On Apr 20, 2015 |
~ and to the person that said uneducated women give quality advise and bla bla Please..for Pete sake you don't judge intellect with that. even the dumbest morrron can give good advises at times. and as for being knowledgeable. I won't categorically say all the women of the world, but Nigerian women seem less knowledgeable than the male lot. Not really their fault though, the mediocre education meted out in this part of the world is partly to be blamed. And only if women could stop acting all weak, childish and annoying. I'm sure the money you spend on excess make up kits could be converted and used to buy some books instead. What stops an art student from reading physics?. The time you use in crying over the boyfriend that jilted you could be used to study as well. The time you use in gossiping like jobless kittens could be used in developing yourself and earning respect. I'm talking of Nigerian girls now. I'm not saying you can't look sexy, hot and stuffs but when it becomes a priority, it becomes a problem. All your photos are either showing your butts and never only your face. I'm not saying I don't like big butts or those kind of sexy pics ![]() That's just how I see it. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:15am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Darkrebel666:I'm not arguing that male species haven't excelled more than their female counterparts. But, stop taking solace in the past let's talk about the future and happenings. Without Augusta Ada Lovelace, there won't be anything like computer programming today. She's a female and she invented it. In the ancient medieval days when men were making tons of invention, the world was chauvinist, sexist and misogyny towards women that they weren't recognised. There level of education compared to men was nothing to write home about. Just the way you can't compare an African man with the westerns because they are far ahead. Black men are trying to catch up; same as women. Feminism was formed and they have been able to achieve some goals e.g women were barred from voting etc Even most powerful goddess are women e.g ISIS, Ashtoreth(Queen of heaven) etc worshipped by men. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by cao(f): 8:17am On Apr 20, 2015 |
I love how folks always go peep into the history books, like history didn't talk about the suffrages movement, where history shows how women could not vote, could not run for office, couldn't hold any position of power. Easy how people forget or try to sugar-coat it. How quick you forget about the Aba Women's Riot. Then of course, folks are also quick to quote the Old Testament, copying and pasting choice scriptures, while ignoring others. Times have changed, we live in a time where we are now able to call people on their BS regardless of whether they live in Nigeria or Australia. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:21am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Vickybee:You again ![]() Nairalanders who know me outside Nairaland can verify my story. I am a Muslim lady, studying in UK and I am not a Briton because I am a Belgian ![]() ![]() How many Nigerian-Britons have you meet for you too assume that they are all Feminists. FYI, most of them pretend to be, you will be sirprised that they still depend on their boyfriends to pay for their Brazilian weaves ![]() I am a proud Yoruba Muslim woman, who have succeeded to reconcile her gender role in her culture and religion with today's woman. Therefore that makes me an independent, decisive, opinionated, strong, intelligent and submissive African Queen. ![]() I think the issue here is why I do not appear to be girly like other ladies. The reason s that I am the only girl, I was brought up with books. Movies were forbidden in my dad's house except the ones he chose to buy(if I can remember my day bought only her two movies, Saworoide and Agogo Ewo). My body, lips, face, walk and fashion style can testify to my feminity hence I never saw the need to be more feminine (recently started painting my nails and using lipstick, thanks to friends). Above all I live dealing with real issues not ‘my bf dumped r for my best friend'. And I am no teenager, I am way older than you. I finished my WAEC in 2010 at a very young age. Stop comparing yourself to me. Don't worry, I will start watching Kim Kardashian and Scandal: P 1 Like |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Mikwus(f): 8:31am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Darkrebel666: i hope you know this includes your mama and sisters. Just saying, you should think before you speak ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Misogynist2014(m): 8:37am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Justfollowit:Upload your pic to remove all their doubts. |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:38am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:42am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Vickybee: ~ Black men are playing catch up yet a black man rules America? Even now, the situation is the same.. You are mentioning one woman out of a million If not for a lot of genius men, a lot of things wouldn't have been in place. . I don't have to start mentioning them The computer programming is not a big deal. if she hadn't done it, someone else would have..... Talking about goddesses here?. Are you seriously gonna use that to prove a point? That's very laughable. Superstition/Idol worshipping has no place here or in arguing about intellect or something logocal We even had more gods then and now than goddesses. what does that tell you? @bold...The females rarely had meaningful things to offer in the medieval times and its not because of the misogynistic attitude showed towards them by the males..Far from that. Did you ever hear of a popular female Artist.(like during the era of Da Vinci, Michelangelo?) Did you ever hear of a female scientist or archaeologist or physician? Answer is no... And its not because they were suppressed or denied education. Its because they never got involved in intellectual stuffs. Most of em' found school boring and preferred staying at home, knitting and petty jobs. Perhaps the movie Spartacus would serve as an example. While the males were always seen scheming, manipulating, engaging in gladiatorial combats etc, the women on the other hand were always seen gossiping, snoozing and were more of sex instruments because they portrayed themselves in that manner. People take you for what you present yourself as ... and that mentality is still dwelling in the minds of you females up till now... The need for wanting to impress males physically yet ignoring the mental and brainy aspect. Mini skirts, tight leggings and selfies are now priorities. So what do you expect them to be seen as? In every music video, the men are well clothed and the women are half nakedd shaking their butts and doing what they know how to do best.. Only very few are exceptional and have their brain wired differently.. Only very few 3 Likes |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Misogynist2014(m): 8:43am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Mikwus:This post is just a cheap blackmail. I've come to realize that women are 'sexual beings' and men are 'thinking beings'. Like Mesomorph, Ectomorph and Endomorph, each can have similar characteristics of the other, but their main self is dominant. 1 Like |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Misogynist2014(m): 8:45am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Justfollowit:Then your statement remains unproven and unprovable. 1 Like |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:46am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Misogynist2014: Your headache |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 8:48am On Apr 20, 2015 |
cao: ~ The Aba women riot (1929) was because the women didn't wanna pay the tax imposed on em' by the British colonial masters.. How is that important or related? They don't wanna pay tax yet they don't wanna be seen as subordinates.. jokers.. 2 Likes |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by tosyne2much(m): 8:49am On Apr 20, 2015 |
bangleslover:I don't trade words with fools like you with bereft reasoning who use vulgar words during arguments. I argue with those who make valid points Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. I only said the bitter truth and if you find it very uncomfortable, kindly go and jump into the lagoon. If I were to be a female, it wouldn't stop me from saying the truth. Now that you have gotten my attention, are you happy now ? So fccck up my mention 1 Like |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 9:09am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Justfollowit:Moet jij jezelf ook bewijzen lmao |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Misogynist2014(m): 9:10am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Darkrebel666:Vickybee is just one of the pathetic ladies out there, except you are chatting with her for the fun of it, chatting with her will only 'dullen' your brain. I don't usually waste my time typing on feminism, neither will I comment on this thread again cos I've learnt from the responsible girls I've seen not to generalize. The ancient Greeks knew women can perform, they only saw that comparative advantage is in the kitchen. Trying to use the slowly improving participation of women in innovation compared to limitless of men is silly. Like Dïck Masterson noted, women (not all) won't recognize oppression if it passed in front of them. 2 Likes |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 9:15am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Misogynist2014: ~ She's my friend and she's not pathetic. Don't speak of her like that again... and yeah you are right about the Greeks. |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 9:19am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Yareey: Ik voel me te leuk dit morgen ![]() Ik ben te leuk aan het voelen (juist?) |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 9:20am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Mikwus: ~ They are different from you lot ![]() wayyyy more intelligent and advanced. . |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 9:36am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Darkrebel666:I'm not talking about leadership roles. It's totally different thing. If we are to avert to that direction and I apply your logic, what about? Mrs Okonjo Iweala - Ex Female world bank president. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf - Liberian president Angela Merkel - German Chancellor equivalent to president Diezani Allison-Madueke - OPEC female president etc and many more. Are females not equivalent to their male counterparts. By the way, i'm talking about inventions. Black men are far behind westerners...No doubt about it There are many women that have invented things. I mentioned "her" because we are arguing on internet. It's safe for you to google women and their invention to learn more about it. Wow! Should I also say if those male inventors had left it, some women would have invented it too? You wish... You think invention is all about chest-beating. Err', I diverted to goddess because you mentioned religious books. I know that you are an atheist but failed to recognise it while mentioning yours( Double standard?). LOL! Women found school boring? ![]() ![]() Women weren't given chance for an education in the ancient medieval days. Men were sexist. Men were chauvinistic. Men were misogyny. I'm darn sure that any invention ideas brought out by a female might be stolen by a domineering man. In spartacus? Were you expecting women to start engaging in a fight. Fighting is an individual thing and if I don't want to fight, na by force? Darkrebel666 be real jor. ![]() ![]() Sometimes, what we put on(I mean attire) isn't because we want to impress men. It's nice to look good and because a pervert is outside there stalking shouldn't mean I'm not going to live my life anyhow I feel like. Justfollowit, okay, I got your point. But saying, "you again?", i'm not sure that our path have crossed or do you have an alternate? ![]() 5 Likes |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by TheSonOfMark(m): 9:37am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Vickybee: I busted ITS bubble weeks ago...and on front page too. It got a lot of people questioning IT and I suppose that informed ITS decision to start being active on other sections. That IT is still 'pained' weeks since then lends further credence to my assertion(s). NOTICED I USED 'IT' INSTEAD OF 'HER' OR 'HIS'? WELL, HOW ELSE DOES ONE ADDRESS A TRANSGENDER? The same way invertebrates(only subphylum/class where haemophrodites are naturally found) are addressed - IT. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 9:39am On Apr 20, 2015 |
Misogynist2014, you have been noticed. ![]() |
Re: Are Nigerian Guys Wiser And More Knowledgable Than Nigerian Ladies. by Nobody: 9:42am On Apr 20, 2015 |
I just love vickybee. |
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