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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Travel / Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 (910219 Views)
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Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by bbiz: 7:16am On Nov 03, 2015 |
damsell: Damsell you are wrong for saying that I am an agent for who? do you really think they can afford me? Do you know whom I am and what I do for a living? like I don't know your too. please do not judge me because I have not judge you too. |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by akelvin(f): 7:20am On Nov 03, 2015 |
@bbiz u know ur accommodation ain't for ladyg said u r running an enterprise wit a package attached so just come out n advertise it no need hiding behind 5 Likes |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by neks31(f): 7:20am On Nov 03, 2015 |
Austine2020: With Us visa n Turkish fligh u can enter n get a one month at d airport 1 Like |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by neks31(f): 7:22am On Nov 03, 2015 |
modath: I could careless about Google!! What I saw seemed small... Must u ARGUE everything?? So annoying when d bottom line is that we r advising her against Turkish airways! Smh 11 Likes |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by modath(f): 7:27am On Nov 03, 2015 |
bliz123: Since she didn't misrepresent her state, then dig out aeason 2 of the US give birth drama & read... You won't ask a single question after you are done.. @bbiz, Thou protest too much, if you aren't an agent, you come across so glaringly like one. You are on an anonymous forum to "help" strangers who may or may not put your position in jeopardy. ![]() Everything, you have a solution to & can only be done by PMing you, you yaff try.. No be little kiddies dey hia oooo... |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by neks31(f): 7:28am On Nov 03, 2015 |
bigfido: GBAM!!! This one is saying d plane is OK! That is the worst flight I've ever been on to Newyork, emirates , qatar, BA brandishing correct planes to America n these racists can't do better!! |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by neks31(f): 7:35am On Nov 03, 2015 |
bbiz: If that is truly ur truth that's fine but if not everything is in GODS hands!! Last last they " click" will end up running people out of this page by bullying them!! So the new Preggy mamas that just registered will be so afraid to come here and tell us about their research , POE et all!! Let them Kontinu as den don born finish n chilling in naija.. Long hiss 4 Likes |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by LadyGuinivere: 7:40am On Nov 03, 2015 |
bliz123: Yes it would matter cos if u lied its misrepresentation and your poe experience would not be a peach. And as modath pointed out, pregnancy is 9 months so if it isn't 9 clear months from interview to EDD , change the story. It won't wash |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by fehinebony(f): 7:41am On Nov 03, 2015 |
bliz123: Did she deliberately lie about the pregnancy or she dint know about it as the time of interview? Lagos or Abuja. Lagos -, Abuja - Yes you will get a response from them, it's a generic response, though you "may" be called for an interview Your intentions will be geniue as long as you're Truthful, it's not illegal to have your baby in the US When asked at the POE your purpose of visit, simply say the truth Burden of proof: Docs corespondence, docs appointment, proof you can pay your bills without accepting any us government aid. You can read part2 of the thread for more info. |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by modath(f): 7:41am On Nov 03, 2015 |
neks31: Am i advising her to fly TA & cos i want to discourage her, I'm supposed to misrepresent glaring facts? It's their service that is poor & treatment of black folks that i didn't like. The plane to & fro chicago was cool, it's the Abuja leg that is unacceptable ....!!! How can you be the only one who experienced a small airport, an airport that has more than 200 boarding gates ![]() & to also claim it was under construction... ![]() I bow to your "ingenuity", more grease to ya elbow.... |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by firsttymum(f): 7:44am On Nov 03, 2015 |
Bbiz don't get me started. Did u send accommodation package to those who pm'd u or not? This Bbiz woman her package is like d likes of soulcare et AL.. Someone forwarded her msg to me... Don't make me post ur email to her. Be honest and seriously there's no need for the unnecessary "bragging" story... 1. We don't care 2. It doesn't matter 7 Likes |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by firsttymum(f): 7:48am On Nov 03, 2015 |
neks31:Babe u r my person... When u say clique... Haba Running people out of this thread by bullying them? Seriously? I don't expect such a statement from u. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by bbiz: 7:49am On Nov 03, 2015 |
LadyGuinivere: Madam thanks for your advise but you should check your fact before you say stuff about me like you've just did. 1. I did share my accommodation for free before for and I don't need to share details with you. 2. I did not brake any rules because I do not see any different between me and those other post that says they also need a roommate due to the fact their wife is bored or lonely or they are lonely. 3. Naira land never stated that pregnant woman should not share their space with others either? 4. Or am i been penalized for begin a US Citizen from nija who happened to have a space to share with other pregnant mom? 5. What is the different between us? How many niara land mom's paid for sharing their accommodation space. 6. If i was doing this for money making business, I will not come here because many of you mom's here are very cheap. Why very many are more reasonable. 7. please do not judge me. Pregnancy take 9-10 month to deliver, many choose to come earlier than others dose not mean they are agents of two rooms madam. |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by firsttymum(f): 7:50am On Nov 03, 2015 |
akelvin:sweetheart tell her... What's all this grown up lies and cover up... 1 Like |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by OsyCollins(m): 7:50am On Nov 03, 2015 |
JDQueen: Congratulations JDQueen! Thank God for safe delivery. Ur princess & mine came the same day. ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by firsttymum(f): 7:54am On Nov 03, 2015 |
U r trying so hard to paint a picture of a "big woman" and u r here hustling people to share a room with u? What's even annoying is the fact that u r denying u r an agent... And giving us tales we didn't ask for.... Smh 4 Likes |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by justwise(m): 7:55am On Nov 03, 2015 |
This is probably coming too late but let me say this.... Don't reply PM from a stranger from your inbox rather reply them through their nairaland profile. If you replied through your inbox you are giving away your actual email address and name. 14 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by LadyGuinivere: 7:56am On Nov 03, 2015 |
bbiz:You are now so jumbled up u are mixing issues. Werrin consign u and the person asking for advice about birthing with visa after getting it for another reason. He's being given sound advice all round to assist him. Oh and we'll judge u dear. Cos if u don't need the money, then STOP selling your rooms and ad on NL. That speaks volumes dear. U need the money and u depend on NL moms 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by firsttymum(f): 7:59am On Nov 03, 2015 |
LadyGuinivere:GBAM 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by JDQueen: 8:04am On Nov 03, 2015 |
bbiz: Amen, thanks. |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by firsttymum(f): 8:06am On Nov 03, 2015 |
JDQueen Congratulations... We give God the glory... God bless you and your household |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by JDQueen: 8:06am On Nov 03, 2015 |
OsyCollins: Wow, that's lovely. May God bless them both and let them fulfill their purpose on earth. And may we live long for them to bless us. 1 Like |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by JDQueen: 8:09am On Nov 03, 2015 |
firsttymum: Amen, Thank. I pray for supernatural delivery for you in Jesus name. Class captain November mama. Lol 1 Like |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by modath(f): 8:12am On Nov 03, 2015 |
JDQueen: Congrats, God bless & keep you both... Thanks to God for his faithfulness. |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by fehinebony(f): 8:13am On Nov 03, 2015 |
JDQueen: Congrats dear, may God bless and keep the LO, amen |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by neks31(f): 8:27am On Nov 03, 2015 |
modath: Excuse me mrs!! Lemme tell you that d airport I stopped by was under construction and so u mean to tell me that they don't repair or add things to the airport area again?? " ingenuity" how mrs?? Ur ITK knows no bound n this is my daughter inside d shitty air craft!! Don't let me give u more receipts!!! This is a faceless forum but I can go a d way to prove u r a NEGATIVE soul that needs jik to bleach it!! Are things that hard in your life that u sit on Internet being NEGATIVE! 13 Likes |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by neks31(f): 8:30am On Nov 03, 2015 |
Pls JW help me remove my baby girls pix mbok!! Some people will carry their every day "struggle" to a faceless forum!! Long hiss |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by LadyGuinivere: 8:33am On Nov 03, 2015 |
^^^Maami bow o! @neks did u just post your daughter's pix ON A PUBLIC forum to make a point? Chaieeee! If I yarn werrin de ma mind, dem go ban me. Make I lef u with ur 'wisdom' 1 Like |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by firsttymum(f): 8:34am On Nov 03, 2015 |
JDQueen:Hahahhahahaah... I say a big Amen o |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by nefertitiram: 8:34am On Nov 03, 2015 |
Austine2020: Yup, visa on arrival for 40 bucks, u apply at passport control. And dey don't care if u r a US citizen or not. U pay d $40 or get d fk out of dia face. Very annoying people. One came to wake me up whr I was slpn and sed I shd relocate sleeping position. See me see local trouble? Was I sleeping on his head? 2 Likes |
Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 3 by hellomosquito(f): 8:38am On Nov 03, 2015 |
OMG. I just stumbled on this forum based on my goggle asking exploit. I guess I have a problem that needs professional advice. My interview is in December which I booked last month to fit into when I will have time but I'm pregnant,i guess 3 months. What do I do..i only filled in for vacation but was happy when I discovered I was pregnant cuz I taught I had the chance to give birth in US. But after reading this forum I think it's bad to travel on a visit visa and give birth.. Please everyone how do I correct or adjust this situation. 1) should I just go for my initial interview cuz my belle isn't up yet 2) can I adjust my initial submitted form. 3) I don't know anyone in US so if I go to have my baby who will stay with me and will I still stay in the hotel I booked previously. 4) I have enough money to spend for whatever comes up |
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