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When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 1:14am On Dec 11, 2015

not right now,maybe by tomorrow,more reason why i have not given you a call,my phone has a fault
Ohh OK.. But I still care to know why you're excited
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 1:15am On Dec 11, 2015
Keep showing affection till when you get the 'positive' result
koni da fun aye affection grin ton cause infection
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 1:16am On Dec 11, 2015

Ohh OK.. But I still care to know why you're excited
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 1:21am On Dec 11, 2015

Really! shocked. I need just only "snake sharwama" cheesy. Jokes apart, ain't we gonna celebrate that?.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 1:21am On Dec 11, 2015

lol! walahi you no well..you don abuse me finish con conclude with no insult,,if you wan insult me nko? wettin you go talk again?

Relax aburo and get this straight.

Apparently the picture you have in your head is a situation where a guy sleeps with every thing in skirt.

As per my HIV status let me blow your mind that i dont sleep around and for the past 12years of my life i had only one lady and the last time i checked,i am as clean as you can ever imagine so save your comical assertion and get my message clearly.

Only a reckless lady will get down with just any man...real sexually decent ladies don't hjust open their legs for guys to swim in except they are whores and YES condom are designed for whores and not regular ladies.

Now i will repeat this for the last time,no one is really free from stds or HIV because your wife or hubby can still bring it home for you and even condom is not 80% certain to prevent the virus.

What im writing here is about what goes through the mind of a man when he uses a condom on a lady and i believe this is simple enough to understand.
speak for yourself..,as for me.,NO GLOVE NO LOVE..shikena..
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 1:24am On Dec 11, 2015

Really! shocked. I need just only "snake sharwama" cheesy. Jokes apart, ain't we gonna celebrate that?..

edit my post jor undecided

its ordinary konga n cost a little for shipment
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 1:25am On Dec 11, 2015

Na by force to have sex?

Stay away from sex until you are ready to have babies abi which kain wahala be this?

If you like cry an ocean..if a man uses a condom on you then you are as cheap as the LovePeddler in the brothels and you can as well ask him for payment after the act..
mr man.., u are seriously misleading people..u dont reason like this at this age/time..pls my people protect urself.,male and females are likely to be carriers of stds..be wise..
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 1:30am On Dec 11, 2015


edit my post jor undecided

its ordinary konga n cost a little for shipment

Ohh. OK I'd love to go to ClubVegas. Unilag guys have a party on 18th of this month.. Abi I no chop from that money?
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 1:31am On Dec 11, 2015
mr man.., u are seriously misleading people..u dont reason like this at this age/time..pls my people protect urself.,male and females are likely to be carriers of stds..be wise..
bruh don't even bother to reason with that chauvinistic eediot and his cohorts he will bring you down to his level...

i'd advice you read and walk pass biko,let him keep preaching unrealistic rubbish to hypocritic eediots like him

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 1:33am On Dec 11, 2015

abeg go jor...you no even sabi the meaning of the thread you dey here dey support rubbish.....am not suprised though you are only but a troll and never made sense before am just suprised at the OP of this thread,he usually is a reasonable person until this...

gosh am so pained....yes pained

now am out,quote me at ur peril undecided
Now U Are Making sense..Am surprise am with u on this one..
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 1:34am On Dec 11, 2015


Ohh. OK I'd love to go to ClubVegas. Unilag guys have a party on 18th of this month.. Abi I no chop from that money?
edit your own post too abeg

and no i have no lagos plans for now.....am not a lagosian knows jack about lagos
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 1:39am On Dec 11, 2015

edit your own post too abeg

and no i have no lagos plans for now.....am not a lagosian knows jack about lagos
Where do you stay?.. Just come, I'll direct you or wherever you see any over head-bridge, just stop, that's lagos
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Princess4eva(f): 1:45am On Dec 11, 2015

i created a thread on this when a male friend told me something relating to this..


i related this to another guy,he said that my friend is likely to be a carrier already as that is the lie this carriers tell just to spread their disease and na mumu girls fall for it....so i am tempted to ask you are you a carrier,if you say no show us a proof of your HIV,Hepatis,overall sexually transmitted diseases test

please sir forgive my outburst but i have to be frank with my post on this tonight...

of all threads you af been creating forming alpha male,chauvinistic male,i swear this is the most illiterate and unreasonable one and I begin to wonder if your association with nairaland boys has corrupted your sense of reasoning....seriously i used to see you as matured adult

i would want you to answer the following questions,i need to test your knowledge of the use of condoms and STDs

Now what is condom? what is it used for
what is an STD,who are the carriers,is it only females that harbour STDs?

who are those that should protect themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies?

Now the worst you can do is to insult my moniker and call your children to defend you but am ready for you all,btw am sorry i don't mince words when i talk

btw no offeinse meant but i can't allow you preach what will affect the coming generation

Seriously, am with you on this one. I didn't want to comment before cos I don't know where to start the convincing from. Like you, I used to think op has it, but this thread is making me think otherwise. I mean where did the notion emanated from that condoms are for prostitutes? It's a form of birth control people can use even in marriage. The advantage it has over IUCD, pills, withdrawal method and the likes is that apart from helping with child spacing it also doubles as a prevention from STIs in the case of an infected partner.

In marriage, it is the decision of the couple to choose a birth control measure that suits them. The woman may even be the one that wears the female condom.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Laveda(f): 1:51am On Dec 11, 2015
undecided This thread makes no sense to me at all.......total nonsense....

So I shouldn't use a condom cause he's my boyfriend? undecided trying to prove to him that I'm faithful?....mtcheeew...i'd rather stay single... undecided

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Johnsown1(m): 2:06am On Dec 11, 2015
Everyone is architect of his or her option.
U understood that condom is for casual sex
u understood that is not good.
Ok don't use it.
While i think that some guys uses it
1:to protect themselves from std.
Some gals can nt be trusted,cos average gals nowadays date atleast 3 guys
2:to prevent unwanted pregnancy,some gals may claim that they love u bt may be wicked,if ur nt sure of urself, they may transfer the responsibility of her pregnancy from one man to another and some of them are determined to get married at any chance if it enters.
I think that the reason that the married men don't use it is cos mark of ownership.(the gal is his property and he has noting to fear) and what if u used pills at the early stage and it affects her system therefore make her barren or deformed children.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Princess4eva(f): 2:11am On Dec 11, 2015
[quote author=Toks2008 post=40889015]

These are dep facts that may be hard to comprehend.

First you are asking me to leave decency out which is tantamount to saying decency is impossible but just let me flow with that.

Now to the issue of protection..let me be frank with you...except both of you are 100% faithful towards each other,no partner is really safe from stds because as i explained in one of my threads,use of condom does not guaranty protection and i explained in details.

Now even if i preach abstinence does that change the fact that millions will still do it tonight?

Condom use is a deceit from the pits of hell cos it has given the liberty to fornicate easily but im not here to preach but to state the fact that in 99.9% of the cases,when a man makes love to a lady using a condom, he is passing a message to her that his affection for her has a limitation.

If abstinence will solve the problem, fine but as a lady,no man will ever stick that rubber in me neither will i ever use it to make love because when you use a condom,you are only having sex and not making love.[/quote

Hmmnnn....So much for another theory being propounded. Toks, you no try at all.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Qualer: 2:14am On Dec 11, 2015

That's your moniker!

@op, I can't help but agree with you.

you agree shocked but your eyes in that picture looks like somebody wey just 'arrange" !! grin
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 4:53am On Dec 11, 2015

Seriously, am with you on this one. I didn't want to comment before cos I don't know where to start the convincing from. Like you, I used to think op has it, but this thread is making me think otherwise. I mean where did the notion emanated from that condoms are for prostitutes? It's a form of birth control people can use even in marriage. The advantage it has over IUCD, pills, withdrawal method and the likes is that apart from helping with child spacing it also doubles as a prevention from STIs in the case of an infected partner.

In marriage, it is the decision of the couple to choose a birth control measure that suits them. The woman may even be the one that wears the female condom.

Can you just read again and you will observe how sane,healthy,mature and insightful your comments sound.

But when i read comments from people who claim to be enlightened like the likes of misspicy who have been making an odoriferous representation of herself with her manner-less and unwarranted ignorant rantings,i simply shake my head because i just wonder how insolent some people can ever get.

I have heard guys reiterate the fact that Naija ladies are mostly unintelligent and dumb with no ability to maintain any intellectual discussion and they have been proved right judging from the mediocrity of intellect displayed by many female nairalanders who rather than discus issues will rather resort to name calling and i weep for such people especially the ladies who one day hope to get married to a man and little wonder we have growing case of wife battering.

GET THIS STRAIGHT..IF you like get all the degrees in the world..Anyone who can not respect other people's opinion and lacks the ability to discuss issues without resorting to name calling is very uneducated,unintelligent,mentally and psychologically immature and possibly has a trace of mental delusion..

I have decided that anytime i come accross such on or offline,i avoid them like plague because that is indeed what they are.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 5:02am On Dec 11, 2015

Seriously, am with you on this one. I didn't want to comment before cos I don't know where to start the convincing from. Like you, I used to think op has it, but this thread is making me think otherwise. I mean where did the notion emanated from that condoms are for prostitutes? It's a form of birth control people can use even in marriage. The advantage it has over IUCD, pills, withdrawal method and the likes is that apart from helping with child spacing it also doubles as a prevention from STIs in the case of an infected partner.

In marriage, it is the decision of the couple to choose a birth control measure that suits them. The woman may even be the one that wears the female condom.

Now do me a great favor by reading and assimilating the original post again and you will agree with me that 99% of posters on this thread have blatantly refused to understand the message. No one is asking anyone not to use a condom neither am i preaching about abstinence and i cant remember mentioning anything about birth control pills on that post.

What i am saying is that when a guy uses a condom on you,some thoughts go through his mind and those were well spelt out and i also lay emphases on a subliminal message that its better to just marry and have it the way it is intended ratrher than LovePeddler around with different men in the name of using a protection and i really get freaked out when i read reactions from surposedly educated fellas.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Sijo01(f): 5:04am On Dec 11, 2015

you agree shocked but your eyes in that picture looks like somebody wey just 'arrange" !! grin

Lol, guy you nor serious o. Arrange for working hour. Gerarahere menh.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 5:26am On Dec 11, 2015
And for many gullible ignorant crusaders of the use of condom,i believe this thread i created months ago will come in handy so read.

Does condom really prevent STDs and HIV?

I know this topic will shock many people who believe in the propaganda that the use of condom is a formidable prevention against HIV but unfortunately,using a condom does not prevent you from contracting HIV but only reduces the chance of contracting it.

Now read this and i doubt if you will ever read this anywhere else because the condom industry is a huge one and facts like this may not be widely disseminated but here i give it to you to ponder over.

-Human immunodeficient Virus(HIV) is very virulent and can pass through through unnoticeable and painless skin abrasion on the penile shaft as well as the vaginal region.

-The viral load is present in cervico-vaginal fluid and of-course in the blood.

-We will agree that in most cases if not all,the condom no matter how carefully worn still exposes some part of the penile shaft and this is where the problem lies because in most cases,the vaginal secretions come in contact with this exposed region of the shaft.

-This means an automatic entry of the virus from the vaginal fluid into the man especially when there are some abrasions on the penile skin which of-course is so delicate and easily bruised.

-If the man also has the virus and he happens to have any form of abrasion on the penile shaft then the woman can easily contract the virus once the Unclad part of his shaft touches the walls of the vaginal.

This is just a simple illustration to show that condoms are no guarantee prevention against HIV.

Staying faithful to one sexual partner who is HIV negative and will not be silly enough to indulge in careless sexual act with an infected individual remains the best way to prevent HIV.

The bottom line is that no one is really safe and we all stand the risk of contracting it as the Virus has a transient period between when it is contracted and when it can be detected in the blood so you may meet someone who is tested negative today and later may test positive.



Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by opribo(m): 5:29am On Dec 11, 2015
True talk OP, them all glorified sex peddlers. A man fondles the lady inside out but at the height of arousal his brain remembers to grab the condom yet the lady doesn't want to be seen as cheap.
Condom usage has demystified the act of sex as you can get it anywhere and everywhere and that is why it has been commercialised.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by opribo(m): 5:34am On Dec 11, 2015

TRUST and a clean bill of heath is not handed freely to every strangers, so YES, until you can trust her and her status is revealed to you, there is NO WAY you should have unprotected sex with anyone.

So is it not degrading to the woman you don't trust to be sleeping with her. sex with condom first and foremost takes away the real essence of love and corpulation which sex is meant to be
With condom sex becomes a alorified form of mastubation.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 5:35am On Dec 11, 2015
True talk OP, them all glorified sex peddlers. A man fondles the lady inside out but at the height of arousal his brain remembers to grab the condom yet the lady doesn't want to be seen as cheap.
Condom usage has demystified the act of sex as you can get it anywhere and everywhere and that is why it has been commercialised.


You just summarized my assertion.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 5:48am On Dec 11, 2015

So is it not degrading to the woman you don't trust to be sleeping with her. sex with condom first and foremost takes away the real essence of love and corpulation which sex is meant to be
With condom sex becomes a alorified form of mastubation.

This is intelligence!

Apparently the ladies that have been calling for my head here are cheap and loosed because i kept wondering why they kept attacking me when they can easily back off from illicit sex until marriage and more appalling is their notion about std prevention and i kept wondering if anyone is really safe from sti.

Even when you eventually get married to a man who is free from any form of STIs,there is still no guaranty that he wont bring one home if he is not careful and same goes for teh woman so the issue of sti prevention shoulkd not even be mentioned here.

They kept attacking me that im encouraging safeless sex and i just feel like giving such people an E-slap cos i dont know where they got that erroneous idea from.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 6:20am On Dec 11, 2015

Seriously, am with you on this one. I didn't want to comment before cos I don't know where to start the convincing from. Like you, I used to think op has it, but this thread is making me think otherwise. I mean where did the notion emanated from that condoms are for prostitutes? It's a form of birth control people can use even in marriage. The advantage it has over IUCD, pills, withdrawal method and the likes is that apart from helping with child spacing it also doubles as a prevention from STIs in the case of an infected partner.

In marriage, it is the decision of the couple to choose a birth control measure that suits them. The woman may even be the one that wears the female condom.
Thank you my sister,good morning hope you slept well?
so I thought i was the only female who can be truthful and OPEN for once and not listen to any jabs from stupid chauvinistic male egos on nairaland in order to be tagged innocent and given the dignity award like some eediots am seeing roaming here,i would have love to dismantle Almighty Toks2008 posts on this thread one after the other but i will save myself the stress and allow you go through the post from page 0 till here bet me you will find
1)misplaced priority


3)over bloated ego

4erroneous accessions eg his first post that guys use condom ON not WITH girl,my sister is it only guys that are protecting themselves? and when i explained that part of his post as, "he meant only girls has STD" the eediot said that is not what he meant and ended up calling me slut,lovepeddler cheap etc,my sister is there any sense here?
and when i reciprocated his uncalled for insulting words,the agbaya,old for nothing fool got pained and had to resort to reverse psychology to get to me imagine,meanwhile that old fool started the use of insultive words
Now I truely believe that a fool at 40 is a fool forever

Because what will make an elder encourage sex without condom on the basis of dignity? love,respect and call the use of condom demeaning? even married couples use condom does it mean the husband is demeaning his lawfully married wife?
Now this few things is for your viewing pleasures

1) my post here does not in anyway relate to my life outside nairaland if you go through my posts you will see places i claimed to be a virgin,places support NO SEX BEFORE marriage,FEMALE VIRGINITY....my posts relates to the the topic on ground it does not reflect my personal life

2) I misspicy is not on nairaland to make hypocritic friends or look for men to call me chaste,dignity, innocent rubbish rubbish etc because that does not neccessarily mean am innocent outside nairaland or mean their useless selves will marry me.

3)respect is earned not demanded and when you begin to ask for respect on a faceless forum it means you are not getting enough of it outside here.......if you reflect respect people will respect you,but if you demand for it using insults on people then OYO lo wa

4) I will flee not run from men that reason like this in my locality because i actually have a male friend that said something like this,i reduced and stopped my friendship.with him

see contradictory words of toks2008 this yourself

This leaves me with one answer to why a man will use a condom on a lady and that is because he sees you as
cheap,untrustworthy and a potential std
carrier and of-course has no deep
respect and affection for the lady...This
is what goes through the mind of guys in
most cases.

So any lady that allows a man use
condom on her is sexually reckless
and should be placed side by side
with the LovePeddler in the brothels
and you can as well ask him for
payment after the act.....quote me
anywhere...condom is mainly for
casual sex with a casual lady a man
has no deep respect or affection for her

You can never remove the risk factor
from whatever we do in life and even
if you marry a virgin,she can still go
out to bring any nonsense to you and

after typing all the above the old fool typed this below

It seems this thing guys say about ladies ways of assimilating is totally
haphazard..what is that talk about only
ladies harboring disease,where did you
get that from?

My sister are you still confused? in this present day and time where a woman should demand the use of condom and even carry condom with her incase her boyfriend does not have one around inorder to protect herself from STDs and unwanted pregnancy which this eediots might even deny, our know it all father on nairaland said girls who use condom is demeaning to them in the name of love respect and dignity

my sister I weak angry


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by danbrowndmf(m): 6:32am On Dec 11, 2015
You did not sleep ni?

Thank you my sister,good morning hope you slept well?
so I thought i was the only female who can be truthful and OPEN for once and not listen to any jabs from stupid chauvinistic male egos on nairaland in order to be tagged innocent and given the dignity award like some eediots am seeing roaming here,i would have love to dismantle Almighty Toks2008 posts on this thread one after the other but i will save myself the stress and allow you go through the post from page 0 till here bet me you will find
1)misplaced priority


3)over bloated ego

4erroneous accessions eg his first post that guys use condom ON not WITH girl,my sister is it only guys that are protecting themselves? and when i explained that part of his post as he meant only girls has STD the eediot said that is what he meant and ended up calling me slut,lovepeddler cheap etc,my sister is there any sense here?
and when i reciprocated his uncalled for insulting words,the agbaya,old for nothing fool got pained and had to resort to reverse psychology to get to me imagine,meanwhile that old fool started the use of insultive words
Now I truely believe that a fool at 40 is a fool forever

Because what will make an elder encourage sex without condom on the basis of dignity? love,respect and call the use of condom demeaning? even married couples use condom does it mean the husband is demeaning his lawfully married wife?
Now this few things is for your viewing pleasures

1) my post here does not in anyway relate to my life outside nairaland if you go through my posts you will see places i claimed to be a virgin,places support NO SEX BEFORE marriage,FEMALE VIRGINITY....my posts relates to the the topic on ground it does not reflect my personal life

2) I misspicy is not on nairaland to make hypocritic friends or look for men to call me chaste,dignity, innocent rubbish rubbish etc because that does not neccessarily mean am innocent outside nairaland or mean their useless selves will marry me.

3)respect is earned not demanded and when you begin to ask for respect on a faceless forum it means you are not getting enough of it outside here.......if you reflect respect people will respect you,but if you demand for it using insults on people then OYO lo wa

4) I will flee not run from men that reason like this in my locality because i actually have a male friend that said something like this,i reduced and stopped my friendship.with him

see contradictory words of toks2008 this yourself

after typing all the above the old fool typed this below

My sister are you still confused? in this present day and time where a woman should demand the use of condom and even carry condom with her incase her boyfriend does not have one around inorder to protect herself from STDs and unwanted pregnancy which this eediots might even deny, our know it all father on nairaland said girls who use condom is demeaning to them in the name of love respect and dignity

my sister I weak angry
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by danbrowndmf(m): 6:36am On Dec 11, 2015

not right now,maybe by tomorrow,more reason why i have not given you a call,my phone has a fault
this one u dy say make pple drop number make u call them..?ahn ahan kilode na? Emi toast e mo jare..emi jealous gan o.iru rada rada wo leleyi na.sad?
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Pamelayoung: 6:57am On Dec 11, 2015
Ha women don suffer. So its only d men that shld fear contracting STD and not the women. How about cases whr dis birth control has failed.
I thnk injectible that kills sperm cells is da best for men.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 7:11am On Dec 11, 2015
this one u dy say make pple drop number make u call them..?ahn ahan kilode na? Emi toast e mo jare..emi jealous gan o.iru rada rada wo leleyi na.sad?
funny boy cheesy
....so i cannot make friends again because you want to toast me cheesycheesy.....i got his number like 5 months ago even before i know danbrowndmf exist on nairaland yet i did not give him a call and i have never had any conversation outside nairaland with him

good morning,i don't like jealous toaster o
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 7:13am On Dec 11, 2015
You did not sleep ni?
i slept when i told you i wanted to sleep n.i slept that late cox i was over excited but i still need to get up early and prepare for work cheesycheesy

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 7:14am On Dec 11, 2015
Ha women don suffer. So its only d men that shld fear contracting STD and not the women. How about cases whr dis birth control has failed.
I thnk injectible that kills sperm cells is da best for men.
my sister i weak pass you
i thought am the only one that saw that part and to think the Mumu OP is calling any lady against his idea and writeup loose and lovepeddler is funny

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