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2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } - Education (5) - Nairaland

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Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by vickvan(m): 4:17am On Jan 08, 2016
Cc Sexykaycee, Prot0n, Mathefaro et al, now will be a good time to come in (my schedules, power supply and other unforeseen circumstances are not favourable).
[Thankyoujesus i need you to teach us more, pls try and use the syllabus. Nice work.]
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Nobody: 7:58pm On Jan 08, 2016
Thankyoujesus....i appreciate your work and effort you have committed into this forum but I'd like to correct you on something on your tutor concerning acceleration due to gravity on the Earth and that on the moon were you stated that
6g of Earth =g on the moon
This should rather be
1/6g of Earth=g on moon
since the Earth is approximately six times bigger than of the moon
...hence an object on the moon should fall slower than that on Earth.

I believe this mistake must have been due to stress,anyways cheers

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Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by thankyouJesus(m): 2:38pm On Jan 09, 2016
Thankyoujesus....i appreciate your work and effort you have committed into this forum but I'd like to correct you on something on your tutor concerning acceleration due to gravity on the Earth and that on the moon were you stated that
6g of Earth =g on the moon
This should rather be
1/6g of Earth=g on moon
since the Earth is approximately six times bigger than of the moon
...hence an object on the moon should fall slower than that on Earth.

I believe this mistake must have been due to stress,anyways cheers
Correction noted, thank you, it was an oversight.

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Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Justice28(m): 7:23pm On Jan 09, 2016
ThankyouJesus first of all let me thank u for the wonderful work u have done here so far, I really appreciate, God will reward u in a thousand folds In jesus name Amen..

Pls can u write a note on Simple A.C circuit.. Will appreciate it greatly...
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by thankyouJesus(m): 9:10pm On Jan 09, 2016
ThankyouJesus first of all let me thank u for the wonderful work u have done here so far, I really appreciate, God will reward u in a thousand folds In jesus name Amen..

Pls can u write a note on Simple A.C circuit.. Will appreciate it greatly...
Okay sir, I will do that in bits depending on my schedule.
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by thankyouJesus(m): 1:09pm On Jan 10, 2016
[b]Simple AC Circuit.
An alternating current changes direction periodically as a result of the changing of the emf. The circuit in which an alternating current flows is called an alternating AC circuit.
Peak Current and Peak Voltage..
The peak current is represented as Io and peak voltage as Vo.
Io=Irms X root 2.
Vo=Vrms X root 2.
Note; rms (root mean square)current is defined as the steady or direct current which produces the same heating effect per second in a given resistor.

Example; Find the peak value of a sinusoidal current when the rms value of the current is 30A.
Irms= 30A.
Io=Irms X root2.

Phasor Diagram.
Phasor diagram is the diagram by which AC currents and voltages are represented by a straight line, having definite direction and magnitude.[/b]
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by thankyouJesus(m): 1:26pm On Jan 10, 2016
Reactance is the opposition given to the flow of current in AC circuit, either through a capacitor or an inductor. It is denoted by X, measured in Ohm.
Capacitive Reactance.
This is defined as the opposition given to the flow of current in an AC circuit through a capacitor. It is denoted by Xc, and measured in Ohm.
Where w=2 X pi X f.
Xc1/(2 X pi X f X c).
Where pi = 22/7.
F is frequency.
W is Greek letter of Omega.
C is the capacitance (Farad, *F*).
Inductive Reactance.
This is defined as the opposition given to the flow of current in AC circuit through an inductor. It is denoted by XL and measured in Ohm.
Where w=2 X pi X f.
L is inductance (Henry, *H*).
Bonus; V=E=V X sinwt.
Where V is voltage.
W is Omega.
T is time
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by thankyouJesus(m): 1:42pm On Jan 10, 2016
Impedance is the total amount of opposition to the flow of current in an AC circuit through a capacitor, resistor or an inductor. It is denoted by Z and measured in Ohm.
AC containing resistance and capacitance.
The impedance is given as;
AC containing resistance and inductance.
The impedance is given as;
AC circuit containing resistance, capacitor and inductor.
The impedance is given as;
Bonus; Power factor (cosĀ¤) = R/Z.
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by thankyouJesus(m): 1:58pm On Jan 10, 2016
Example; a resistance of 40 Ohm, an inductor of 0.2H and a capacitor of 10uF are connected in a series with an AC supply of E=300sin314t. Calculate (a) frequency of AC supply (b) voltage amplitude (c) inductive reactance (d) capacitive reactance (e) impedance.
R=40 Ohm.
(a) comparing the equation with;
Recall that, w=2 X pi X f.
(b) same as above,
(c) XL=wL=62.86 Ohm.
(d) Xc=1/wc=318.18 Ohm.
(e) Z2=R2+(XL-Xc)2.
Z=258.43 Ohm.

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Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by thankyouJesus(m): 1:59pm On Jan 10, 2016
ThankyouJesus first of all let me thank u for the wonderful work u have done here so far, I really appreciate, God will reward u in a thousand folds In jesus name Amen..

Pls can u write a note on Simple A.C circuit.. Will appreciate it greatly...
Any question or question for "us" to solve?
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Justice28(m): 4:37pm On Jan 10, 2016
Any question or question for "us" to solve?
It's clear sir thanks
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by DebbyChris(f): 4:50am On Jan 11, 2016
[quote author=thankyouJesus post=41842894]Pls, teach us about VAPOURS
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by muhamadnur: 2:26pm On Jan 16, 2016
Good morning all, I want to assume most of you know this basic topics in Physics, lets move to more complex topics. To achieve this, could you drop a topic for me to write on taking into consideration my resumption date in UI.
Cc DebbyChris Oxytocin Geofavor Iceberryose Muhamadnur Orezy5
please sir how do i go about physics and understand it much beta, the reason why i dnt undstand physics is due to my poor attendance of school due to boko haram insurgency in my state. I only attended ss2 skipping ss1 and ss3. I wrote weac and luckily got 9credit.i went to polytechnic but failed in my pre_nd. And know i am putting more effort to pass jamb and go to unive$ty for geology. Please help advice.
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by bawz012(m): 4:20am On Jan 17, 2016
[b]Good morning all.
Elasticity is the ability of a material to regain its original shape or size after deformation. Deformation is elastic if the wire returns to its original position, while it is plastic if it does not return to its original position.
Terms used in elasticity.
1. Elastic limit; Elastic limit is the maximum load (force) which a body can experience and still retain its original size/shape. It can also be defined as the point which Hooke's law is no longer obeyed.
2. Yield point; Yield point is reached when a stretched wire does not return to its original position.
3. Maximum load; When a load is added to a wire that it cannot stand any further increase, it is called maximum load.
4. Breaking point; Breaking point is the point at which the wire breaks away from the original.
Hooke's law.
It states that the force applied to a spring is directly proportional to the extension produced, provided the proportionality limit is not exceeded.
F ~ E
F = KE
where K is constant (N/m).

Example; The extension on a spring when 5g was hung from it was 0.56cm. If Hooke's law is obeyed, what is the extension caused by a load of 20g.
5/0.56 = 20/x
5x = 0.56 X 20
x = 2.24cm[/b]

pls check dis out...

The total lenght of a spring when a mass of 200g is hung from it's end is 14cm, while it's total lenght is 16cm when a mass of 30kg is hung from the same end. Calculate the unstretched lenght of the spring assuming Hooke's law is obeyed.
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by mathefaro(m): 10:08am On Jan 17, 2016

pls check dis out...

The total lenght of a spring when a mass of 200g is hung from it's end is 14cm, while it's total lenght is 6cm when a mass of 30kg is hung from the same end. Calculate the unstretched lenght of the spring assuming Hooke's law is obeyed.
This question is a bit illogical because extension is directly proportional to the load so the more the load, the more the extension. In other words, it is impossible to have a total length of 6cm by a mass of 30kg when you have 14cm for just a mass of 200g(0.2kg) on the same spring. So check and rectify the error. However, after correcting the error in the values, you can then use the formula:
F1/(L1 - l) = F2/(L2 - l)
Where F1 and F2 are the weights of the two masses, (L - l) the extension while L1 and L2 represents the total lengths(extended) of the spring when the 2 masses were hung from the end of the spring and l is the original length(unstretched) being requested from the question.
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Nobody: 10:20am On Jan 18, 2016
[email] thankyoujesus.. >> A ball of mass 0.15kg is kicked with a horizontal velocity of 50ms-1. If it rebounced with a horizontal velocity of 30ms-1, calculate the impulse of the ball on the wall. [/email]
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Ikennablue(m): 11:13am On Jan 18, 2016
I dnt know that there's a rich thread like this, its a privileged to be here!...To our Teachers and contributors, more grease to your elbows, please dnt relent,
keep on with the good work
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Ikennablue(m): 11:25am On Jan 18, 2016
[email] thankyoujesus.. >> A ball of mass 0.15kg is kicked with a horizontal velocity of 50ms-1. If it rebounced with a horizontal velocity of 30ms-1, calculate the impulse of the ball on the wall. [/email]

ft (impulse)= Mv-Mu (change in momentum)

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Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Nobody: 12:12pm On Jan 18, 2016

ft (impulse)= Mv-Mu (change in momentum)
[email] Huh? In the past question it's different. Where did you get -30? [/email]
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Nobody: 12:15pm On Jan 18, 2016
[email] thankyoujesus
ikennablue >> A body of mass 10kg, moving with velocity of 10ms-1, hit a stationary body and had its direction reversed and velocity changed to 7.5ms-1 in 5seconds. Calculate the force of impact. [/email]
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Ikennablue(m): 3:17pm On Jan 18, 2016
[email] thankyoujesus
ikennablue >> A body of mass 10kg, moving with velocity of 10ms-1, hit a stationary body and had its direction reversed and velocity changed to 7.5ms-1 in 5seconds. Calculate the force of impact. [/email]

f= 35N.

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Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Ikennablue(m): 3:22pm On Jan 18, 2016
[email] Huh? In the past question it's different. Where did you get -30? [/email]

If the ball rebounce, it will be moving to the opposite initial velocity, so its negative. ie (-30)
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by thankyouJesus(m): 7:29pm On Jan 18, 2016
I have a lot to catch up on
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Nobody: 10:00am On Jan 19, 2016
[email] The least possible error encountered when taking measurement with a meter rule is? [/email]
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by bawz012(m): 6:48pm On Jan 19, 2016
This question is a bit illogical because extension is directly proportional to the load so the more the load, the more the extension. In other words, it is impossible to have a total length of 6cm by a mass of 30kg when you have 14cm for just a mass of 200g(0.2kg) on the same spring. So check and rectify the error. However, after correcting the error in the values, you can then use the formula:
F1/(L1 - l) = F2/(L2 - l)
Where F1 and F2 are the weights of the two masses, (L - l) the extension while L1 and L2 represents the total lengths(extended) of the spring when the 2 masses were hung from the end of the spring and l is the original length(unstretched) being requested from the question.

16cm ...... corrected
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by mathefaro(m): 7:24pm On Jan 19, 2016

16cm ...... corrected
Do you still need help with the solution?

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Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by bawz012(m): 8:47pm On Jan 19, 2016
Do you still need help with the solution?

Affirmative Sir
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by HOLRANGE(m): 1:54pm On Jan 21, 2016
That's the link for biology thread.. Interested people should visit

Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by williamstd(m): 3:59pm On Jan 21, 2016
enjoying this thread..... a nairalander created a study group on whatsapp.thankujesus I would love if u could help us with physics,08160081746 is d number.those interested would also be added.
Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by mathefaro(m): 8:53pm On Jan 25, 2016

Affirmative Sir
Here you have it. Sorry for the late reply

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Re: 2016 NAIRALAND JAMB TUTORIAL {the Physics Thread } by Geofavor(m): 7:49am On Jan 27, 2016
it's been a while here. Thankyoujesus, thank you for your work here.

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