Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 8:52am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Caleycash(m): 8:52am On Oct 06, 2016 |
ChemicalReaction: #11. When med science failed, my dad was healed of stroke.. My next door neighbor was booked for CS until God intervened and doctors didn't have any valid explanation. My miraculous admission. Without any connection, even didn't meet the cutoff of my course, LAW but GRACE took me where my strength and money could. I am a christian and my God works in mysterious ways. Halleluyah!! Am a bonafide Christian, but I have no doubt that you er a pathological and serial liar, anyone who believes all these testimonies of yours is a stupid fool, and hell bound... if you want to slug it out with an atheist don't be too spiritual or maybe refrain to lying so as to out wit them, Paul in the Bible said to win the soul of a sinner I will tend to appear a sinner, the problem with us, Christians is that we appear too holy and righteous which is all sham, cus most of us are serial sinners. don't you guys ever think how did the white men manage to win us over to Christianity?!... because they have regards for our gods back then, personally as a Christian I don't believe someone will die, then come back and start telling us all manner of shiit, the Bible says after death comes judgement. that's what I believe, please read your Bible and other books it will expose and help you all alot, stop making God and his Son Jesus a ridicule, bless you all. 2 Likes |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by adjoviomole(m): 8:56am On Oct 06, 2016 |
1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by adjoviomole(m): 8:59am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Caleycash: Am a bonafide Christian, but I have no doubt that you er a pathological and serial liar, anyone who believes all these testimonies of yours is a stupid fool, and hell bound... if you want to slug it out with an atheist don't be too spiritual or maybe refrain to lying so as to out wit them, Paul in the Bible said to win the soul of a sinner I will tend to appear a sinner, the problem with us, Christians is that we appear too holy and righteous which is all sham, cus most of us are serial sinners. don't you guys ever think how did the white men manage to win us over to Christianity?!... because they have regards for our gods back then, personally as a Christian I don't believe someone will die, then come back and start telling us all manner of shiit, the Bible says after death comes judgement. that's what I believe, please read your Bible and other books it will expose and help you all alot, stop making God and his Son Jesus a ridicule, bless you all. How about mine, I was cured of anemia wich I got wen I was born. I have never been to an hospital b4. I have never used any drug before. When I fall sick I pray and it has never failed me not once. U can say its a lie anyway since it did nt happen to u. 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 9:00am On Oct 06, 2016 |
namuguibe: I cannot say definitely which religion is the right one .... but I can say with full confidence which religion is the wrong one. It does not take much guessing but here are some hints : Borno, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan ... It should be very obvious now. Do you know there was peace in most of this countries before America invaded them (911) and try to change their beliefs and what will you say about Israel (a Christian country) invading and killing innocent people in Aleppo |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by johnsonjosbles(m): 9:01am On Oct 06, 2016 |
beautydutch: u are on your own abi na. my hand nor dey oh |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by rigarmortis: 9:03am On Oct 06, 2016 |
my man. miracles exist. you can take that to the bank. |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 9:04am On Oct 06, 2016 |
DamZik: My Dad was healed of 'chronic renal failure', my mother was healed of 'deficating blood' and my fiancee who has a big swell (Yoruba people call it 'koko ara') on one of her legs for about 25 years (from birth), the swell (bump) just got disappeared one faithful day. Praise the Lord. It disappeared one faithful morning so how do you know it was prayer that made it disappear |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 9:08am On Oct 06, 2016 |
namuguibe: I cannot say definitely which religion is the right one .... but I can say with full confidence which religion is the wrong one. It does not take much guessing but here are some hints : Borno, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan ... It should be very obvious now. Do you know most of this countries were peaceful until 911 and them trying to change their beliefs and what will you say about Israel (Christian country) bombing Aleppo and killing innocent people |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Izonpikin: 9:12am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Caleycash(m): 9:14am On Oct 06, 2016 |
How about mine, I was cured of anemia wich I got wen I was born. I have never been to an hospital b4. I have never used any drug before. When I fall sick I pray and it has never failed me not once. U can say its a lie anyway since it did nt happen to u.
I believe in miracles, what am emphasising on is refraining to lie in order to beat an atheist when arguing, but why is it people don't like to read cus if you really read what I wrote you won't come up with this, please and please people read!!! 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Blackfire(m): 9:17am On Oct 06, 2016 |
the monsters u evil pastors are raising will one day attack the very house... but not to worry the owner of the house is coming..
judgment will start from the house of God.
as for the op ... continue. 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by honourhim: 9:18am On Oct 06, 2016 |
hahn: I know what you are thinking, "my religion is the right one!"
Well, that is what the adherents of other religions also say and there are 4,199, excluding yours, of them
As you can see, the odds are not in your favour 
Let us also put into consideration that there 7 versions of hell, ie 7 religions who also have hell (aside from yours),
the odds are still not in your favor.
But there is hope! 
This thread aims at helping you identify if your religion is wrong as to as ensure you make the right choice and not end up in the real hell 
In no particular order, here are common signs you can use in detecting if your religion is the true one and also help you identify the true religion if you happen to come across it.
Please note that the true religion will not have any of these traits. 
1) Your "holy" book has lots of contradictions: Let us assume for instance that you are about to purchase a maths textbook for your kid, or for yourself, and on the first page you see "1+1=11", wouldn't this be enough to make you feel skeptical? Now, let us further imagine that you turn to the next page and the next and the next and keep seeing contradictions, would you still buy the book and even, in obvious stupidity, go around telling people that 1+1=11? 
If your "holy" book has these contradictions, it would be wise to throw it in the trash can. This is an obvious sign that your religion is false.
In order find out if your "holy" book fits into this category, it would be advisable that you read it on your own. Do not rely on heresay, your pastor, imam, holy junkie to read and interpret it on your behalf. Pick it up and read it for yourself 
God will be proud of you 
2) You find a hard time explaining your religion to other people: Whenever someone else asks you "why" about your religious teachings you seem to find it difficult explaining it to them. No matter how hard and long you try to explain, you always seem to end up at a dead end. Most times, your religious teachings just do not make enough sense when you try explaining it to someone else.
Honestly, if your religion was from the one true "God", it wouldn't be that difficult to explain, now would it? 
Afterall, God is not one of confusion. 
3) Your religion seems to be plagiarized from other older religions: This one is a hard one to notice especially if you do not have adequate knowledge of other religions. If your religion has similar stories from other older religions then your religion is obviously fake. Afterall, God doesn't copy and paste. 
To verify this, you would have to read up on ancient religions and point out the similarities with yours. If there are any, your religion is false. is a good place to start. And it's FREE! 
4) You are required to believe without evidence and only faith : So, you want to buy a house and the real estate manager tells you that the house is beautiful and gives you all the specs of the house but tells you that you cannot see the house but that all you have to do is believe the house is there and make payment for the house, will you pay? 
Now, apply this analogy to your faith. If someone tells you to believe whatever it is they are talking about without any proof, my bro/sis, na bobo. Pure scam. Do not risk eternity for such vague and unverifiable promises 
5) You have never seen your God: Your God seems to be invincible, no one has ever seen it, or you have to carve stones and sticks just to see it then your God is nothing but a project of someone else's imagination. As beautiful and magnificent as the sun is we all see it. If your god was so real we would see it. Trust me, god would have no reason to play hide and seek.
6) Your god's characteristics contradicts itself: Your god is omnipresent but was not there when the first sin took place to prevent it. Your god is omniscient but created the devil to deceive people knowing very well they will end up in hell eventually. Your god is all loving but threatens people to love it or face eternal torture, damnation and barbecue in hell. That is not unconditional love. To know the meaning of the word unconditional, check it yourself @ It is free. 
7) Your god needs to be worshiped: Even to the extent of threatening to burn you in hell if you don't. Seriously? God that created everything needs you, a human who happens to be infinitesimal in the grand scheme of the universe, just to feel funky? If your god is truly great, it wouldn't need to servitude and slavery. These are human cravings, not that of a supreme being. 
Your god supports slavery, discrimination and genocide: Just look into your holy book. If there are pages where these things are supported then your god is actually a psychopath and if you eventually see it, take it to a psychiatric hospital 
9) No one has ever seen the hell or heaven of your religion: This one is kinda tricky because every religion that has hell and heaven also have adherents who have "died" and seen these places. Christians have died and seen Jesus and Jehovah so have Muslims who have died and see Allah and their future 72 virgin wives , Buddhists too etc.
Even you can deduce that there is something fishy here. Did they really see heaven or hell or just projections of their imaginations or are they just plain old lying? 
10) There is no where in your holy book where your god refers itself as the god of your people: God of the Ibos? God of the Yorubas? God of the hausas? God of Africans? Have you ever heard your god refer to itself as the god of your people?
I doubt that. It is either it is god of israel or god of arabs of god of indians etc.
If your god is like this then be certain it is not a true god because a true god will not be tribalistic or take sides. After all, it did create everyone, didn't it? 
11) You do not know anyone personally that has been healed miraculously by your god: And neither have you. All the "testimonies" are always in church, mosque, radio, tv, blogs, websites but never to you or people around you. You know a crippled in your area but no pastor or imam has ever been able to heal that person just out of the goodness of their heart. Very suspicious I say 
12) Your god always needs money: Your pastor says you need money to build a house for god(as if spirits need to live in houses ) or that it needs money before healing you or providing any of it's other services like granting you a job, giving you a wife/husband, kids etc. It sha needs tithes and offering EVERY TIME. I mean how hard can it be for god to make money? Didn't it create everything?
A side effect of this is that the pastors, imams and spiritual junkies who collect these tithes on behalf of your god always seem to wear the finest clothes, ride the best cars, send their kids to the best schools(which 80% of the congregation cannot afford) and enjoy all the canal things of earth while you wait for paradise in heaven. Nigu 
I will stop here for now. But these tips should be enough to guide you and help you avoid following the wrong religion, finding the right one and not ending up in hell. 
Source: Na me write am. You dey find your own?  Ok your point is that i should leave christianity and join atheism. Kindly tell me what i stand to gain in atheism? |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 9:18am On Oct 06, 2016 |
mztakayswitch3: Was getting along with ur first few points but not until i got to the latter part of the write-up that i realised that u re nothing buh an atheist who is tryna mock God here But you saw and read the topic of this thread what were you now thinking the thread will be about? |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by zoedamade(m): 9:18am On Oct 06, 2016 |
I'm not to defend MY MORE-THAN-CAPABLE-GOD..... God knows the right way to reveal Himself to every individual. He also has ways to explain what he has written about himself. My dear OP, my earnest prayer is that God will open your eyes of understanding.. |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by EyeHateGod: 9:26am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Do you know most of this countries were peaceful until 911 and them trying to change their beliefs and what will you say about Israel (Christian country) bombing Aleppo and killing innocent people Israel is A Jewish country we only have 0.2% of Christians there |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 9:27am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 9:33am On Oct 06, 2016 |
atoleybaba: there is an explanation for it. And I will tell u. The only explanation is that this is d result of Adam and eve's sin and also the result of man ruling himself with the supervision of Satan the devil...that was why when u were in sec school u normally say d lord's prayer "our father in heaven.....let thy kingdom come" in other words, this is why we pray that God kingdom to come to end this wicked system of things that is been ruled by the wicked one Satan the devil. For more explanation, visit or ask any Jehovah's witnesses around u for a copy of who really controls the world or good news from God. Or ask them any question and dy will give u reasonable and comprehensive answer I thought you all say Jesus as died for the sin |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Izonpikin: 9:37am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Atheism is not a religion how is it hard to comprehend that so which religion is then true from the OPs stance??... |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Clementor(m): 9:38am On Oct 06, 2016 |
If Your god supports slavery, bombing, beheading, marrying of teenagers, discrimination and genocide: Just look into your holy book. If there are pages where these things are supported then your god is actually a psychopath and if you eventually see it, take it to a psychiatric hospital. I know a religion that their god support all that evil mention above. 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by chuksmad(m): 9:40am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Do you know there was peace in most of this countries before America invaded them (911) and try to change their beliefs and what will you say about Israel (a Christian country) invading and killing innocent people in Aleppo Israel is not a Christian country, they are mostly Judaism which still believe the old laws of Moses. Please be sure what you say before commenting |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by winner01(m): 9:42am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Since Jesus said that If you are not with him that you won't inherit the kingdom of God.Does this mean that other people of different religion have been condemned to hell and don't forget also that they view Christians same way.? Jesus made some claims and performances you should research. Mohammed, buddha, confuscious etc never claimed to be the Son of God or the truth. Spend more time finding the truth than staying on this section. 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 9:47am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Citrula69: I wonder... has the writer seen his Brains??, heart or any of his organs Of course not. Then why does he believe he has a Brain for instance? Or maybe he probably doesn't... Pity... Just a typical example of an idle mind being the devil's workshop... #walksaway You don't even know what you are saying go to labs and you will see brain and other organs in human but can we say that of your god |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by adjoviomole(m): 9:53am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 10:05am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Clementor(m): 10:07am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by EyeHateGod: 10:08am On Oct 06, 2016 |
winner01: Jesus made some claims and performances you should research. Mohammed, buddha, confuscious etc never claimed to be the Son of God or the truth. Spend more time finding the truth than staying on this section. "The only religion approved by God is Islam (Submission)." 3:19 Krishna is the second person of the Hindu Trinity. He is considered to be one of the incarnations of the God Vishnu. Some Hindus believe that he lived on Earth during perhaps the 2nd or 3 rd century BCE. Why u to day lie for Jesus? 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Immorttal: 10:11am On Oct 06, 2016 |
You just formed another religion. Please give us it's name. it is called Jesusism, check it out on google. These rubbishes among thousands of verifiable others made me renounce religion. Am not mentally inept, i choose to THINK and deduce facts from fairy tales. 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 10:12am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Israel is not a Christian country, they are mostly Judaism which still believe the old laws of Moses. Please be sure what you say before commenting Ok Israel is not a Christian country but your god is looking at Israel while they kill people in Aleppo |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by adjoviomole(m): 10:15am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Some atheist don't believe in Big Bang theory
Is that not what I av been saying since? It is based on someones thought/guess.
1. postulation - (logic) a declaration of something self-
evident; something that can be assumed as the basis
for argument.
Its like u truly need ur sleep. |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Deicide: 10:19am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Is that not what I av been saying since? It is based on someones thought/guess.
1. postulation - (logic) a declaration of something self- evident; something that can be assumed as the basis for argument. Its like u truly need ur sleep. And an Atheist Made the postulations about abiogenesis?? |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Immorttal: 10:19am On Oct 06, 2016 |
ItsQuinn: why do you bother about what the christians say, if you don't believe in it, you shouldn't be concerned, you can simply just ignore. why is that so hard?  because it influences people the wron way and expose them to many unavoidable mistakes. Travails of religion surpasses its benefits ie. If ever there is any! |