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Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Eddlad: 10:35am On Oct 07, 2016
@op Those other animals that practice Gang rape eg dolphins Or prostitution eg penguins and Chimp etc Or Homosexuality Penguins, Bonobo, mouse etc Or Phonography Eg Chimp or Bonobo pls What will happen to them?

The concept of righteousness or living right with God simply put is doing what he wants u to do. If some animals are doing that and God made them that way then it's not a sin.

What's sinful is simply living for self. Doing essentially what you want, being "good"(as in helping society) or not....
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by donnffd(m): 12:05pm On Oct 07, 2016

Rain and wind patterns grow plants then animals feed on them then I feed on animals, whereis the society in this?
Remember human interaction isnt a prerequisite for sustainance.
You probably don't even understand what I said.

Lol...Arrogance would get you nowhere...you think you are sooooo intelligent that the little thing you say is beyond everyone's comprehension, smh.

Anyways, i would love to see you survive in the wild without any human interaction for the rest of your life. You understanding the patterns of the seasons where as a result of your interactions with humans and books, No one man would have come up with the idea on his own, Infact our civilization is built on the foundation of past knowledge and knowledge is a product of a shared community, no man is an island of knowledge.

So if you think you can survive in the wild, without an human interaction, please be my guest.

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by APCsupporter: 12:47pm On Oct 07, 2016

Do u feel like sleeping with your kids(if any) or your sister if you see her unclothed? Your sheer hatred for Christianity isn't helping here. Think a bit more fairly if u are thinking at all.(addressed to the first part of your post)

You claim Christians watch porn, what makes them Christians if they fail to follow the scriptures? Tell me.

I believe op asked what your view was, consider answering this as if Christianity didn't exist, shouldn't be too hard since atheist is all about disproving God's existence.

Why call terrosists Muslims then? Can you see your hypocrisy?

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Eddlad: 8:14pm On Oct 07, 2016

Why call terrosists Muslims then? Can you see your hypocrisy?

I can't answer because I know little about the Quran. I know that I answer for Christianity though, and Christ didn't preach pornography and masturbation.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Eddlad: 8:22pm On Oct 07, 2016

Lol...Arrogance would get you nowhere...you think you are sooooo intelligent that the little thing you say is beyond everyone's comprehension, smh.

Anyways, i would love to see you survive in the wild without any human interaction for the rest of your life. You understanding the patterns of the seasons where as a result of your interactions with humans and books, No one man would have come up with the idea on his own, Infact our civilization is built on the foundation of past knowledge and knowledge is a product of a shared community, no man is an island of knowledge.

So if you think you can survive in the wild, without an human interaction, please be my guest.

I didn't mean to come across like you said,

What you see as a norm is as a result of what we have come to deem fit, much of it is not needed. In the wild man would simply adapt probably learning animal behavior and communication as likely replacement to human interaction.

I don' have to live in the wild to prove this, people are already doing this, living away from civilization.

Where is this jony guy who spoke of this moral code anyway.

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by EyeHateGod: 9:53pm On Oct 07, 2016

The concept of righteousness or living right with God simply put is doing what he wants u to do. If some animals are doing that and God made them that way then it's not a sin.

Are humans not animals?
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by EyeHateGod: 9:59pm On Oct 07, 2016

Now for an Atheist, how do you see these two things, are they right or wrong, If you think it is wrong, what logical conclusion do you bring up to see it as wrong.

CC: hahn johnnydon22 joseph1013 ifenes Lennycool et al

First tell me if it is wrong for this animals or it's "natural" http://gizmodo.com/9-animals-that-masturbate-other-than-humans-1723592357

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Eddlad: 8:50am On Oct 08, 2016

Are humans not animals?

According to science, regardless, even as humans we expect different things from different animals according to their nature. They stay true to how God made them.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by EyeHateGod: 8:54am On Oct 08, 2016

According to science, regardless, even as humans we expect different things from different animals according to their nature. They stay true to how God made them.
And also humans to? are we perfect?
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Eddlad: 9:28am On Oct 08, 2016

And also humans to? are we perfect?

If we were then here won't be an expectation of us, it would be assumed we will do, cause we are perfect.

All am saying is sin is doing your own bidding.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by spacyzuma(m): 3:50pm On Nov 16, 2016
As a follow up to my previous thread here; https://www.nairaland.com/3386908/why-atheist-not-engage-pre-marital#up about atheists and their view of pre-marital sex; I want to engage you guys on this topic too.

Morality is dicey. Who determines what is right and wrong? As a Christian, it is the bible and for a Moslem, it is the Quaran. For someone abandoning these books, there needs to be a new standard for morality.

These religious books have spoken against sexual immorality and most believers have taken pornography and masturbation as wrong.

Now for an Atheist, how do you see these two things, are they right or wrong, If you think it is wrong, what logical conclusion do you bring up to see it as wrong.

I'm non-religious. I watch porn, I masturbate, I have (pre-marital) sex.

To me, none of them are wrong. I understand how they feel wrong, because I once used to think so. And it's due to the 'brain-washing' I was subject to while growing up (like most people) that taught me that these activities were wrong and sinful. Now I know better.

However, like almost every activity on earth, it's wrong to indulge in them to excess.

Some people don't masturbate because they feel uneasy about it, for diferent reasons (usually religion). I think masturbation is a good way to pleasure yourself, explore your body's erotic zones, get orgasms without risk of STI or interacting with other people, and ease 'konji'.
It's safe and I recommend it.

I watch porn because (as I'm very interested in & excited about sex) I'm always looking for ways to improve my sexual skills and it's also a nice tool for masturbation.

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by juicydiceyjoe(m): 5:44pm On Nov 16, 2016

I'm non-religious. I watch porn, I masturbate, I have (pre-marital) sex.

To me, none of them are wrong. I understand how they feel wrong, because I once used to think so. And it's due to the 'brain-washing' I was subject to while growing up (like most people) that taught me that these activities were wrong and sinful. Now I know better.

However, like almost every activity on earth, it's wrong to indulge in them to excess.

Some people don't masturbate because they feel uneasy about it, for diferent reasons (usually religion). I think masturbation is a good way to pleasure yourself, explore your body's erotic zones, get orgasms without risk of STI or interacting with other people, and ease 'konji'.
It's safe and I recommend it.

I watch porn because (as I'm very interested in & excited about sex) I'm always looking for ways to improve my sexual skills and it's also a nice tool for masturbation.

I appreciate your sincerity.

Also, nice diary you got..always a worthy read.

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by joseph1013: 6:10pm On Nov 16, 2016

I'm non-religious. I watch porn, I masturbate, I have (pre-marital) sex.

To me, none of them are wrong. I understand how they feel wrong, because I once used to think so. And it's due to the 'brain-washing' I was subject to while growing up (like most people) that taught me that these activities were wrong and sinful. Now I know better.

However, like almost every activity on earth, it's wrong to indulge in them to excess.

Some people don't masturbate because they feel uneasy about it, for diferent reasons (usually religion). I think masturbation is a good way to pleasure yourself, explore your body's erotic zones, get orgasms without risk of STI or interacting with other people, and ease 'konji'.
It's safe and I recommend it.

I watch porn because (as I'm very interested in & excited about sex) I'm always looking for ways to improve my sexual skills and it's also a nice tool for masturbation.
Who are your favourite girls?

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by NoNonsense8464(m): 6:10pm On Nov 16, 2016
It's obvious that religions (especially Christianity) highly condemn sex before marriage, but how many percentage of these bigots are Virgins?

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by spacyzuma(m): 4:57am On Nov 17, 2016
Who are your favourite girls?

Lol. I'm not discussing that.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by joseph1013: 9:29am On Nov 17, 2016

Lol. I'm not discussing that.

Aww...I get it. You're the shy type. No worries, I won't tell mummy. grin
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by spacyzuma(m): 10:30am On Nov 17, 2016

Aww...I get it. You're the shy type. No worries, I won't tell mummy. grin


I'm not shy to discuss sex. I just resolved long ago to limit the amount of sexual content I share on Nairaland.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by urahara(m): 1:04pm On Nov 17, 2016
Bless you.. They say God don't exist but can't even give their atheistic views without mentioning God.

This statement is so incongruous cry cry
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Nobody: 4:27pm On Nov 17, 2016
I'm commenting as an atheist.

on the subject of premarital sex: I don't like it. So, for me, it is bad and I would never engage in it. this is, in part, due to the risk involved, and most importantly, the effort required to get a partner. I classify it as total waste of time and money. however, I don't judge others who do.

on the subject of masturbation: I see it as dependent on other factors. masturbating is not inherently bad. but addiction, and jerking off to child porn is bad.

on the subject of porn: if you're so worried about contributing to human trafficking and so on, you can just switch to art porn like hentai and sex comics. in fact, that way, you're helping someone else increase their financial status and/or giving them pride in their work. So that would be extremely Good. however, addiction is a no no. if you have time to watch porn, then you also have time to sit down and think about how to make other people's life better! this, for me, is the ultimate good.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by hahn(m): 5:06pm On Nov 17, 2016
I'm commenting as an atheist.

on the subject of premarital sex: I don't like it. So, for me, it is bad and I would never engage in it. this is, in part, due to the risk involved, and most importantly, the effort required to get a partner. I classify it as total waste of time and money. however, I don't judge others who do.

You need practice sha o grin

on the subject of masturbation: I see it as dependent on other factors. masturbating is not inherently bad. but addiction, and jerking off to child porn is bad.

People are sick sha undecided

on the subject of porn: if you're so worried about contributing to human trafficking and so on, you can just switch to art porn like hentai and sex comics. in fact, that way, you're helping someone else increase their financial status and/or giving them pride in their work. So that would be extremely Good. however, addiction is a no no. if you have time to watch porn, then you also have time to sit down and think about how to make other people's life better! this, for me, is the ultimate good.

Masturbathing is like Pringles. Once you pp you can't stop tongue
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Nobody: 5:18pm On Nov 17, 2016

You need practice sha o grin

People are sick sha undecided

Masturbathing is like Pringles. Once you pp you can't stop tongue

Pringles? seriously . . .

anyway, because of my philosophy regarding premarital sex, I've been repeatedly told that I will die alone.

who won't?
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by hahn(m): 5:19pm On Nov 17, 2016

Pringles? seriously . . .

anyway, because of my philosophy regarding premarital sex, I've been repeatedly told that I will die alone.

who won't?

I like the stance. It is cool

But you need practice

Do you intend on marrying a virgin?
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Nobody: 5:27pm On Nov 17, 2016

I like the stance. It is cool

But you need practice

Do you intend on marrying a virgin?
if I have my way, I won't even marry at all.

the whole affair is just too troublesome.

if I had to marry though, It's only natural to go for someone like myself.

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Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by hahn(m): 5:28pm On Nov 17, 2016
if I have my way, I won't even marry at all.

the whole affair is just too troublesome.

if I had to marry though, It's only natural to go for someone like myself.

Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by joseph1013: 5:42pm On Nov 17, 2016
if I have my way, I won't even marry at all.

the whole affair is just too troublesome.

if I had to marry though, It's only natural to go for someone like myself.
[b]You mentioned the effort required to get a partner to have sex with. Well, that I really don't understand. What effort? With the right approach and since the (responsible) sex is going to be between two consenting adults, I can't wrap my head around the effort part. Well, it's sometimes an art form. If you have it, you have it. If you don't, well, you can learn. It's like selling: Some people are born with it, the rest of us have to learn.

Or are you talking about the effort of the act itself? That you don't fancy the act of having sex? If yes, perhaps you are asexual, especially since you are already contemplating not getting married, which automatically means you might not have sex for your lifetime (since you are no believer in sex outside marriage). Well, it's natural not to have any appeal for sex itself.

If you're going to marry though, I advise you take sex more seriously. That you both are gonna get married as virgins is no criterion for marital success. It could be worse if you don't marry a virgin. Everyday, I read on the pages of newspaper about how sexual dissatisfaction is the major cause of divorce in marriage today. A report says 85% of all divorces is down to sexual problems in marriage. Any psychologist will tell you that it's a very big problem.

All the best, brother.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Nobody: 6:03pm On Nov 17, 2016
[b]You mentioned the effort required to get a partner to have sex with. Well, that I really don't understand. What effort? With the right approach and since the (responsible) sex is going to be between two consenting adults, I can't wrap my head around the effort part. Well, it's sometimes an art form. If you have it, you have it. If you don't, well, you can learn. It's like selling: Some people are born with it, the rest of us have to learn.

Or are you talking about the effort of the act itself? That you don't fancy the act of having sex? If yes, perhaps you are asexual, especially since you are already contemplating not getting married, which automatically means you might not have sex for your lifetime. Well, it's natural not to have any appeal for sex itself.

If you're going to marry though, I advise you take sex more seriously. That you both are gonna get married as virgins is no criterion for marital success. It could be worse if you don't marry a virgin. Everyday, I read on the pages of newspaper about how sexual dissatisfaction is the major cause of divorce in marriage. A report says 85% of all divorces is down to sexual problems in marriage. Any psychologist will tell you that it's a very big problem.

All the best, brother.
The effort I'm talking about lies in the selection and pursuing of the partner. I have such ridiculously high standards that in my entire lifetime, I can count on my fingers, the people that qualified. as a perfectionist, I am unable to lower my standards.

Higher standards mean more effort to get to know, and then later date these people.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by joseph1013: 6:12pm On Nov 17, 2016
The effort I'm talking about lies in the selection and pursuing of the partner. I have such ridiculously high standards that in my entire lifetime, I can count on my fingers, the people that qualified. as a perfectionist, I am unable to lower my standards.

Higher standards mean more effort to get to know, and then later date these people.
That's exactly why I mentioned approach. Approach matters. Dating could be a school in itself for some.

I obviously don't know you so I don't know the city you are in and how old you are, and pretty much anything about you. I know that environments can have a way of restricting our choices, as well as our level of exposure (for some, the older, the more exposed)

Let me ask you: Do you think it takes more effort to get a girl than it takes to pass an exam (I assume you have at least finished your first degree)?
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Nobody: 6:17pm On Nov 17, 2016
That's exactly why I mentioned approach. Approach matters. Dating could be a school in itself for some.

I obviously don't know you so I don't know the city you are in and how old you are. I know that environments restrict our choices.

Let me ask you: Do you think it takes more effort to get a girl than it takes to pass an exam (I assume you have at least finished your first degree)?
I think there has been a misunderstanding. I am actually a young adult with my life ahead of me: as they say. I haven't finished my first degree, and I in fact come in contact with several members of the opposite sex regularly.

I think the key is motivation. an exam, no matter how difficult will be easily passed by someone who has the motivation to do so. someone such as me, who lacks the motivation to engage in romantc affairs is most certainly expected to find them troublesome.

what I find interesting is other guys of my age and even older. You, for example. seem rather motivated for things like this. while I am not.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by joseph1013: 6:25pm On Nov 17, 2016
this discussion is interesting. I will continue when I recharge my phone.

Wait...are you the guy on your profile?
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Nobody: 8:09pm On Nov 17, 2016

Wait...are you the guy on your profile?
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by joseph1013: 8:30pm On Nov 17, 2016

I may be wrong, but a quick assessment of that picture indicates a teenager who is about getting into University or at the most, in his first years in the university.

If that's the case, you are better off concentrating on having a great CGPA in the university. Your whole life is still ahead of you. Don't even think of having sex now. You might make some irreparable mistakes.
Re: Atheists, What are your views On Pornography And Masturbation? by Nobody: 8:34pm On Nov 17, 2016

I may be wrong, but a quick assessment of that picture indicates a teenager who is about getting into University or at the most, in his first years in the university.

If that's the case, you are better off concentrating on having a great CGPA in the university. Your whole life is still ahead of you. Don't even think of having sex now. You might make some irreparable mistakes.

this is unnecessary. I wouldn't have sex even if you begged me to. I understand your concern though. so thanks.

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