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Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 10:32am On May 13, 2017 |
oaroloye:how did you arrive at this conclusion?... there are so many things surrounding incidents in the bible especially the old testament... so linking them to say “the God of the Bible" is not proper... there are many sources that are connected to the Judeochristian God.. many outside the bible.. if you've read them you'd understand my point.. there is so much to the Judeochristian God than what has been written in any of the holy books You are lying about there being alternative interpretations of YAHSHUA'S TEACHINGS.i did not say there are alternative interpretations... i said there are different interpretations... yours is just one of them... my question was... “how does my disagreement with you make me 100% for Satan??" .. how come your interpretation gets to be the one and final one... i said different interpretations.. not alternative You'll stupidly say: "WHAT IF YOU DIE, AND FIND CHRISTIANITY WAS WRONG?"that quote of mine was old.. i don't follow any religion.. so i couldn't care less if any of them was right I hate "TALENT," and "GUESSWORK."sorry to say but your observations, inferences etc didn't give you a correct view of my beliefs THEN YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN, YOU IDIOT!Yahshua never said believing he died would automatically give you a key to heaven/paradise.. he gave commandments that would yield eternal life to the follower if followed.. I'm not the one calling Yahshua a liar.. salvation is not by believing he died.. salvation is by obeying his commandments HOW DO YOU DO THAT, WITHOUT BELIEVING YAHSHUA? You OBEY The Commandments of YAHSHUA because you BELIEVE YAHSHUA.if Jesus wanted everyone to believe he was the Christ before obeying his commandments, he would have been preaching that he is the Christ.. he brought the message which was necessary.. the roman Catholic church is the one that changed salvation to be hinged on just believing Christ came to die for you.. while disregarding his message.. newsflash.. scriptures were added.
you are clearly contradicting yourself... if someone's knowledge of Christ or God happened to be the adulterated type used for control and that person acquires true knowledge or knowledge more inclined to the truth than the previous one, his views will change.. you can't expect his knowledge to increase on the foundation of the false knowledge he was taught to believe.. also, if your views now are different from what they were before you became a full gospel Pentecostal, then I'm sorry but you are also a dog because you fit into the same category you classified me |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Nobody: 11:39am On May 13, 2017 |
oaroloye: Nonsense |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 2:24pm On May 13, 2017 |
FRESH OUT OF "SHALOM!" AT THIS TIME. oaroloye: Wilgrea7: This sort of asinine questioning is the proof that you do not know anything of significance. THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD ARE THE BUILDING-BLOCKS OF EXISTENCE. Whosoever DOES THEM will KNOW THE TRUTH, and be FREE from ALL BONDAGES and CONFINEMENTS- including the IGNORANCE and BLINDNESS that YOU suffer from, caused by your ARROGANCE, CYNICISM, and PRIDE. You refused to LEARN. You are refusing to learn NOW. Anyone who has to be cajoled into reading The Word of God is definitely not His Servant and is definitely not His Child- it doesn't matter what stupid rituals nor formulas they have been taught. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT DO THIS IMMEDIATELY IS NOT A REAL CHRISTIAN, AND CANNOT BE RELIED ON. .. LEVITICUS 11:1-12. 11 And The LORD spoke unto Moses and to Aaron, Saying unto them, 2. “Speak unto the Children of Israel, saying, ‘THESE ARE THE BEASTS WHICH YE SHALL EAT AMONG ALL THE BEASTS THAT ARE ON THE EARTH.' 3. "Whatsoever parteth the hoof and is cloven-footed and cheweth the cud among the Beasts, that shall ye eat. 4. "Nevertheless these shall ye not eat, of those that chew the cud or of those that divide the hoof: the camel, because he cheweth the cud but divideth not the hoof, he is unclean unto you; 5. "And the coney, because he cheweth the cud but divideth not the hoof, he is unclean unto you; 6. "And the hare because he cheweth the cud but divideth not the hoof, he is unclean unto you; 7. "And the swine, though he divide the hoof and is cloven-footed, yet he cheweth not the cud, he is unclean to you. 8. "Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you." 9. "These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. 10. "And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: 11. "They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. 12. "Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you."[/quote] THE WHOLE POINT OF THE BIBLE IS THAT YOU MEET UP WITH GOD. . DEUTERONOMY 30:19-20. 19. I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing: therefore Choose Life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 20. That thou mayest love The LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey His Voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy Life, and the Length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which The LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them. BUT WE HAVE TO CHOOSE IT. . DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9. 4. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: 5. And thou shalt love The LORD thy God with all thine Heart, and with all thy Soul, and with all thy might. 6. And these Words, which I Command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 7. And thou shalt teach Them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of Them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 8. And thou shalt bind Them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. 9. And thou shalt write Them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates. AND OUR COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION MUST BE MAXIMAL. . EXODUS 20:1-7. AND God spake all these Words, Saying, 2. "I am The LORD thy God, Which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the House of Bondage. 3. "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. 4. "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the Water under the Earth: 5. "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a Jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the Children unto the Third and Fourth Generation of them that Hate Me; 6. "And shewing Mercy unto thousands of them that Love Me, and keep My Commandments. 7. "Thou shalt not take The Name of the LORD thy God in vain; for The LORD will not hold him Guiltless that taketh His Name in vain." YOU CANNOT DEAL WITH GOD: THE CREATOR, AND ESTEEM SOMETHING HE CREATED AS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU THAN HIM. I think that that should be commonsense reasoning- but I think that I am in the MINORITY on that. . 2nd CHRONICLES 16:9. 9. "For The Eyes of The LORD run to and fro throughout the whole Earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.” . AMOS 3:3. 3. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” SOMEHOW, BOTH BELIEVERS AND UNBELIEVERS ALIKE EXPECT GOD TO JUST IGNORE THE FACT THAT THEIR FAMILY, THEIR JOB, THEIR BUSINESS, THEIR DIET, THEIR HOME, THEIR HEALTH, THEIR CLOTHING, THEIR FEELINGS, THEIR FRIENDS' FEELINGS ETC. ARE MORE IMPORTANT TO THEM THAN HIM.[/quote] After that, other people's ideas and opinions on God do not matter, because YOU HAVE THE SOURCE. You don't know GOD, nor do you believe in His Existence: because you have rejected Him as He was Presented in The TORAH- so you are looking for a substitute. Which can only be FAKE. I have already explained how to understand Scripture before. THE KOSHER/TREIF LAW is the encoded Secret Teaching on HOW TO ESCAPE FROM THE LIMITATIONS OF THE BRAIN, and use your WHOLE MIND. Wilgrea7: ((*Psst!*) GUYS? I THINK HE REALLY DOESN'T KNOW!) Wilgrea7: YOU ARE STILL SAYING "ALTERNATIVE!" There are NO "DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS" of GOD'S COMMANDMENTS: you either DO WHAT GOD SAID, or else it is a SIN. THE LORD gave examples of PHARISEE ATTEMPTS to give DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS of God's Commandments: "HONOUR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER;" and, "WHOSOEVER CURSETH FATHER OR MOTHER SHALL BE PUT TO DEATH." The Pharisees said that if their parents asked them for something, they could get out of it with an EXCUSE. That renders those TWO Commandments USELESS! GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS! He judges SIN based on OBEDIENCE OF THE BASIC PRINCIPLE. He Commands that you NOT COOK A KID'S MEAT IN HIS OWN MOTHER'S MILK. The JEWISH HYPOCRITES said: "WE WILL USE SEPARATE UTENSILS FOR SAVOURY AND DESSERT DISHES!" FOOLS. After they couldn't find the Son of God guilty in ANYTHING he ever did: NO pair of WITNESSES could accuse him of doing ANYTHING wrong. Finally, the High Priest asked: "ARE YOU THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD?" He said: "I am." "*ARRGH!* BLASPHEMY! WE GOTTA KILL HIM!" THE LAW FORBIDS the Priest to rip his robe: but he ripped his robe. He should have turned himself in to be crucified next to Yahshua- who was being executed on a made-up Commandment of Men. BUT THE SANHEDRIN FELT OKAY... THEY WERE NOT MIXING MEAT AND MILK TOGETHER!
LIARS CHANGE THEIR STATED OPINIONS LIKE THEIR UNDERWEAR- AND EVEN DO NOT CARE IF PEOPLE LOSE THEIR LIVES OR SOULS, BELIEVING THEM. sorry to say but your observations, inferences etc didn't give you a correct view of my beliefs You are lying again. You hate your Brother, and are BLINDED BY DARKNESS. You are in no position to say what others can or cannot see. Yahshua never said believing he died would automatically give you a key to heaven/paradise.. he gave commandments that would yield eternal life to the follower if followed.. I'm not the one calling Yahshua a liar.. salvation is not by believing he died.. salvation is by obeying his commandments |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 5:42pm On May 13, 2017 |
oaroloye: all the properties you listed above seem to be associated with you... you could not refute anything i said... you just went along to call me cynical and ignorant.. have you read other sources? i once asked you... if you cam reject some books in the bible e.g that of Paul... then isn't there a possibility of a book containing the things we need being outside the bible? ... you ignored that question and started preaching something else... you summarise that the commandments of God are gotten only from the Torah... you've not read the dead sea scrolls... you've not read the complete hebrew Scriptures.. you've not read books the Catholics considered unworthy for the new testament.. and you claim I'm the cynical ignorant one?? ANYONE WHO DOES NOT DO THIS IMMEDIATELY IS NOT A REAL CHRISTIAN, AND CANNOT BE RELIED ON.I've read the four Gospels.. and i intend to read it again.. it was after reading it the first time i began to doubt Paul... and later i rejected him SOMEHOW, BOTH BELIEVERS AND UNBELIEVERS ALIKE EXPECT GOD TO JUST IGNORE THE FACT THAT THEIR FAMILY, THEIR JOB, THEIR BUSINESS, THEIR DIET, THEIR HOME, THEIR HEALTH, THEIR CLOTHING, THEIR FEELINGS, THEIR FRIENDS' FEELINGS ETC. ARE MORE IMPORTANT TO THEM THAN all depends on your view of God After that, other people's ideas and opinions on God do not matter, because YOU HAVE THE SOURCE. so in your own personal opinion... God is confined to the Torah.. that's where we differ... the scripture you quoted states God would show himself to those upright in heart... it never said they must have a Torah... therefore.. God could reveal himself to anyone upright.. it must not be presented in the Torah.. i repeat... there is more to God than what is written in any book.. trying to confine him to a book is an insult After they couldn't find the Son of God guilty in ANYTHING he ever did: NO pair of WITNESSES could accuse him of doing ANYTHING wrong.ok... i understand your point... there were different sects of Judaism all claiming to follow the “law" not everything was recorded in the Torah LIARS CHANGE THEIR STATED OPINIONS LIKE THEIR UNDERWEAR- AND EVEN DO NOT CARE IF PEOPLE LOSE THEIR LIVES OR SOULS, BELIEVING THEM. you're saying the same thing while ignoring what i said |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 9:51pm On May 13, 2017 |
If you ever make the mistake of learning about GOD from THE MASTER OF CONTRADICTIONS, Oaroloye, you will end up in a state MENTAL ASYLUM. JESUS said, "I have come to give you life in abundance." Learn direct from the GOSPELS and a LIVING CHURCH where the WORKS manifest. oaroloye: |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 10:06pm On May 13, 2017 |
@Wilgrea7/Sciencewatch vs Oaroloye: see confusion in the body of christ. I guess the Holy Spirits in you guys are different from one another ![]() |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 10:45pm On May 13, 2017 |
TWOYANSH:This guy, Oaroloye is a demented low level ATHEIST poorly disguised as a FAKE PASTOR who's real agenda is to sow doubts in the minds of trusting children of God. He cowardly bullies Christians, but he won't dare mess with ISLAM because they have the DREADED ISLAMIC FATWA to defend against cowards such as Oaroloye. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 11:14pm On May 13, 2017 |
OtemAtum:LET IT BE CLEAR, THAT THERE IS NEVER CONFUSION IN THE BODY OF THE MIGHTY JESUS CHRIST. What you are witnessing, good Sir, is a scam perpetrated by A SATANIC ATHEIST named here as Oaroloye. He has cowardly chosen JESUS and the awesome miracles as his victim. He will shamelessly twist Hell into any TRUTH so that it matches his Satanical agenda. This idiot is small fry ! His lift don't go all the way to the top. He is now using the BIBLE to prove that JESUS CHRIST CONTRADICTED HIMSELF. This madman also uses the BIBLE to prove that RAPE IS NOT A SIN. IT seem like he is using Meth/ Tic which eat holes in the users brain. He display massive gaps in applied intelligence. Pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye's hateful 34 yr long cowardly propaganda against the lone SCOAN CHURCH NIGERIA with the help of thousands of jealous and envious Pentecostal PFN leaders and blind followers have proven to be a disastrous failure for him seeing that he swore under oath to succeed. Now that God has blessed the SCOAN CHURCH with the transparent live medium of Emmanuel TV to prove the truth to the world, you and your Pentecostal masters are exposed for what you are. Envious scumbags !! Pastor Bronchitis, you have exhausted all the top level smear campaigns and brutal propaganda techniques that served Hitler well, only to look like an idiot in front of the world. A simple transparent global TV channel called Emmanuel TV and the world-wide exposure of SCOAN CHURCH on youtube was your downfall. I am observing your psychotic behavior pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye and would like to donate to you an Asylum Straight-Jacket out of love you will need it. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 11:38pm On May 13, 2017 |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 11:39pm On May 13, 2017 |
ScienceWatch:kikiki, laffing in swahili |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 11:47pm On May 13, 2017 |
OtemAtum:Thank you for the question that you should by now be able to answer yourself. Meanwhile, about Wigrea7, I have read many of His posts and greatly respect him. I really should leave you to find your own answers for now. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 11:48pm On May 13, 2017 |
SHALOM! ScienceWatch: I teach that we can only know God from Yahshua. . MATTHEW 11:27. . JOHN 14:1-9. SCIENCEWATCH teaches that you can only know God from TUBERCULOSIS JOSHUA, and those who recognize him as a Prophet of God. JESUS said, "I have come to give you life in abundance." Learn direct from the GOSPELS and a LIVING CHURCH where the WORKS manifest. The Lord could not have been called "JESUS," because there was no letter "J" until some 400 years ago. Anyone using that COUNTERFEIT APELLATION cannot be in touch with THE TRUTH. DO WE LEARN FROM THE GOSPELS, OR FROM THE GOSPELS AND A CHURCH? The way that has always worked out, is that THE GOSPEL TESTIMONY is REJECTED in favour of the TEACHINGS of THE CHURCH. For instance, SCIENCEWATCH says that TUBERCULOSIS JOSHUA'S ALLEGED MIRACLES are PROOF that his Ministry is of God. I say that THE LORD SAID, that MIRACLES in HIS NAME will NOT PROVE that an ALLEGED Christian is Saved. I presented the Scriptures: . MATTHEW 7:21-29. . MATTHEW 24:22-26. What else could I say? If SCIENCEWATCH is truly representative of SYNAGOGUE CHURCH OF ALL NATIONS, either the other members are all idiots, or else Tuberculosis Joshua has started scraping the bottom of the barrel to get members. You DON'T have to MEDITATE on The Law of Moses to be successful, or THAT is EITHER ni longer ENOUGH, or else no longer necessary, according to TUBERCULOSIS JOSHUA: what you REALLY need is a bottle of TUBERCULOSIS JOSHUA MORNING WATER! WATER is like a CAPACITOR for SPIRITUAL ENERGIES. It can be used to Bless or Convey Blessing. That is not the issue. My objection is this: LORD YAHSHUA TAUGHT HIS DISCIPLES TO DEPEND SOLELY ON GOD. Not GIMMICKS. Not some "BIG BRETHREN." |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 11:53pm On May 13, 2017 |
ScienceWatch:you haven't answered my question. Is hell real or not? Just answer yes or no. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 11:56pm On May 13, 2017 |
OtemAtum:you will be laughing in HEBREW soon. The JEWS have finally welcomed the MIGHTY Misiah back to the holy land. This move brings incredible JOY to enlightened ones WORLDWIDE. But it stirs hatred and ENVY in the PETTY HEARTS of Lovers of SATAN. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 11:57pm On May 13, 2017 |
OtemAtum: i never claimed to be typing under the influence of the “Holy Spirit" nairaland is not an A vs B scenario.. many people are blinded by the desire to strongly oppose a particular faith that they will look for any possible way to oppose what someone said no matter how sensible it is just because he holds a certain belief.. I've agreed with o.aroloye on different occasions.. stop trying to paint an A vs B scenario.. you on the other hand ran away from a discussion with him... or is it that the spirit in him is greater than the atum in you? |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 12:00am On May 14, 2017 |
OtemAtum:Lol in HEBREW ! I really don't want to spoil your fun. Let Oaroloye work his magic on you. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 12:00am On May 14, 2017 |
ScienceWatch: Mighty scammer has gone to Israel. This is the work of nature to liberate Africa from gullibility. I'm looking forward to the day the likes of Oyedepo and co would leave Africa for us too. Gradually some of my urims are coming to pass. Churches will eventually be turned to more useful things as time goes on when many church members stop falling maga. ![]() |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 12:03am On May 14, 2017 |
ScienceWatch:Still on the question: is hell real or not? I just want to test if the Holy ghosts in you and Wilgrea7 are the same or different. I think Wilgrea7 has the Revised Standard Version of the HOLY Ghost while you have the KJV version. Pls answer the question. Thanks. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 12:04am On May 14, 2017 |
Wilgrea7:on what thread is that where I and Oaroloye argues? Maybe I have stopped using that username and I didn't know I was mentioned. Lemme check all my banned usernames again if I have any mention in them. Now a question to you, have you received the Holy |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 12:07am On May 14, 2017 |
OtemAtum:Lol in HEBREW! The way you are putting undue pressure on me, it feels as if the fire of he'll could be real already. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 12:12am On May 14, 2017 |
ScienceWatch:You're not straightforward here. As for me, I know that everything is about illusion. Anything can be made to look real to anyone, just as the Magicians do and there was a time in the history of the Universe when the wicked gods like Yahweh, Moloch and co. we're successfully able to make that illusion of fire for those who worship them. But the Light of God Almighty, the father of Mazda, Yahweh, Allah Vishnu, Jupiter etc has made it impossible for any of these gods to be able to make such illusions again. That is what I OTEM knows. Now for you, do you believe hell fire is still in existence or not? It's that simple to answer. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 12:12am On May 14, 2017 |
OtemAtum:he quoted your current account on this very thread he responded to your claim by mere wishful thinking of Jesus being fictitious... you didn't refute anything he said... you just quoted him saying the same thing all over again this is the link : |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 12:14am On May 14, 2017 |
OtemAtum:will you be disappointed if you had to wait another thousand years for your dreams to fade into nothingness ? History can help clarify wishful thinking. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 12:15am On May 14, 2017 |
OtemAtum: i have no interest in derailing this thread. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 12:19am On May 14, 2017 |
Wilgrea7:OH I'm very sorry, baba Oaroloye's posts are always too long and boring. I didn't even read what baba said before quoting him back to reaffirm that fictitious Jesus is Christ, no matter what and it shall remain Christ forever and ever in the books. Lemme go back and read baba's long sermon now and then give baba a suitable answer. ![]() |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 12:22am On May 14, 2017 |
OtemAtum:You say it is now not possible to make such illusions again. Then why do you push me for my opinion? |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 12:24am On May 14, 2017 |
ScienceWatch:by the year 2625, a large proportion of the uric would have been fulfilled. Already, people are wisen up. By the time the likes of atheists like HopefulLandlord, Hahn, Mrmister etc gives birth and their children are leading your children in class whenever things relating to logic and science is being asked, then your children will be forced to question you, daddy, why are the children of those who don't even worship any god more intelligent than us? Then gradually, your children will start using their brains to think and to know that worshipping a god is the greatest scam ever introduced to human ideology. And by the year 2625, Nigeria will be filled up with brain users rather than god-slaves. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 12:25am On May 14, 2017 |
ScienceWatch:I just want to know your stance concerning hell fire so that I can deduce whether the Holy Ghost in you and the one in Wilgrea7 are the same or different ![]() |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 12:26am On May 14, 2017 |
OtemAtum: this mindset @ the bolded is why i said you're close minded.. you've agreed that no matter what... Jesus remains fictitious... you're simply rejecting everything contrary to you.. not because they are wrong... but because you simply do not want to agree with them |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 12:28am On May 14, 2017 |
OtemAtum:Sorry to disappoint you. Your scan won't find the HOLY Ghost in me. I AM NOT ANOINTED ! |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by OtemAtum: 12:33am On May 14, 2017 |
oaroloye:The writers did so because they thought they were dealing with unwise people who will not bother to check whether the promises were actually fulfilled or not. And indeed, the people they were dealing with were truly unwise because the things written in the fictions didn't come to pass when they tried applying it,but the fear of hell fire in that storybook and the fact that they could be killed and termed pagans made them submissive to the scroll contents. They have used the name jesus to scam many in my nation for the past 2000 years and they are still using it till date. |
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