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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / What Does Heaven Have To Offer? (4577 Views)
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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Nobody: 10:21am On Aug 29, 2017 |
hahn:If I share with you would you believe? |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 10:30am On Aug 29, 2017 |
dalaman: It was not until this past century that blue Topaz became widespread on the gem market! Before then it was an insignificant gemstone. 2 Likes |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by dalaman: 10:47am On Aug 29, 2017 |
butterflylion: I read the wikipedia entry Ranchhoddas posted and it suggest that the topaz mentioned in the bible is a yellow stone that is different from the topaz known today due to translation error from the Septuagint. |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 10:51am On Aug 29, 2017 |
Ranchhoddas: By the way ranchhoddas here is an extract from Forbes. You can copy the test and search for the actual article. Until recently, only emerald, ruby and sapphire were officially called precious gems. Everything else was called semi-precious. The precious categorization is a reference to value: a really fine ruby, emerald or sapphire can be priced higher per carat than a diamond. Did you see their careful reference to value? ![]() I bet you would still miss it. ![]() |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 10:54am On Aug 29, 2017 |
dalaman: Let me post that specific scripture. Revelations 21 from verse 20 the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. Can you show me where God gave specifics about the topaz mentioned there? Anyway you already used the word SUGGESTS. So you already defeated your argument and the Bible passage sealed it for you. Thank you for the effort but Kolewerk! ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 11:03am On Aug 29, 2017 |
butterflylion:Your experts are wrong. Gold will lose value if it becomes commonplace. I gave you Mansa Musa's example which you have refused to acknowledge. The value of gold dropped when he began distributing it to everyone. Your insistence on the reverse shows you only read things without thinking. What inherent quality does gold have that would make it still valuable if it was so common that even streets were lined with it? This article gives you an idea of the topaz that was meant. Value is the usefulness (utility) of something. How useful will gold be in your New Jerusalem? You should also note that value and price are not mutually exclusive. Fortifications are only necessary when there is an adversary or a potential one. Are you expecting such in New Jerusalem? 2 Likes |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Bolaji21(m): 11:03am On Aug 29, 2017 |
hahn:It's an undeniable truth. Our God already has a master plan in place to undo all the havoc that Satan has caused and to fix the problem of the world permanently and it'll be a happy ending. I look forward to that world. How do I know it's possible? my God is omnipotent. The fact that he's not acting now doesn't mean he cannot or is incapacitated. |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 11:10am On Aug 29, 2017 |
dalaman:He's going to pretend he did not see it. |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by dalaman: 11:11am On Aug 29, 2017 |
butterflylion: From wikipedia: "Many modern English translations of the Bible, including the King James Version mention topaz. However, because these translations as topaz all derive from the Septuagint translation topazi[os], which as mentioned above referred to a yellow stone that was not topaz, but probably chrysolite (chrysoberyl or peridot), it should be borne in mind that topaz is likely not meant here" |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by dalaman: 11:13am On Aug 29, 2017 |
Ranchhoddas: He was mentioning blue Topaz. ![]() Ranchhoddas: I like your succinct post. |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 11:25am On Aug 29, 2017 |
Ranchhoddas: The value of gold in this new Jerusalem would be valueless and you know why? It's because it would be on the streets! People would trample over them. The writers from their own perspective saw it as value but from Gods angle it's of no value since its for all to walk on even though it would be of the best quality. On earth gold is rare but it's value isn't! I can see you do not still understand what value really is ![]() Even when its common place its value wouldn't change simple as ABC. Gold is precious not because it is rare. It is because it is chemically uninteresting. I suggest you and anyone else who is interested should read this The value of gold isn't dependant on supply. Because gold is a mineral, it's strength and value lies in its properties and that takes us to our periodic table. Read the article I just posted. If you cannot I would post it here for you. Regarding the gates and walls I am sure you saw me mention the gates would never be shut. I may not have all the answers but I do know one thing and that is that the gates will never be shut so this means the gates or walls are not for fortification. If they were then they should be shut at some point. But the scriptures say at no time ever will they be shut. 1 Like |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 11:47am On Aug 29, 2017 |
butterflylion:Are you alright at all? So you mean you can see from God's perspective but the Bible writers could not? Do you mind telling us how you acquired this ability? I just showed you that Musa devalued gold by increasing the supply. Why do you still insist otherwise? Get this into your coconut head - VALUE AND PRICE ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. Did you not say that the New Jerusalem will be on earth Value is utility. Nothing more. 4 Likes |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 12:00pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Ranchhoddas: Your block head is certainly doing a number on you today. ![]() Let me help you a bit before you get cardiac arrest. Value represents the amount of money that you are willing to pay for anything. Price is the amount of money that you are asked to pay for it READ THIS OVER AND OVER UNTIL IT SINKS IN! PEOPLE BUY THINGS IF VALUE IS GREATER THAN PRICE! PRICE NEVER AFFECTS VALUE! (Read that over and over as well) Regarding this streets of gold issue, it's common sense that God would use only the best for man based on mans values hence the street being paved with gold. But since it would be on the streets and trampled upon (I know that is God talking about how common he sees it) but we place value on it. VALUE IS WHAT YOU GET! PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY. VALUE IS NEVER DEPENDANT ON PRICE! I can see you are no longer holding on to your precious stones argument ![]() Being block headed is curable. Receive your cure ![]() 1 Like |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hahn(m): 12:23pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Bolaji21: What was your god doing when Satan was causing problems? NOTHING! Besides your god is to blame for evil. It has even accepted responsibility in the book of crap Isaiah 45:7 New International Version I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things. Yes. It is incompetent |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hahn(m): 12:24pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
asuustrike2009: Share it first. Then it will be subject to scrutiny ![]() |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hopefulLandlord: 12:29pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
hahn:Hehehehehehehehe the guy is just talking nonsense and doesn't even know when to stop lol 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 12:45pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
butterflylion:I am getting tired of you. Show me where I said that price affects value. I told you that gold will drop in value if it becomes commonplace and gave you a real life example. Value is what you think something is worth. Its UTILITY and this is not independent of price. Stop creating arguments so you can defeat them. Neymar is very valuable, so he commands a very high price. They are not the same thing, but the distinction is subtle. If you still don't understand it then you should gerarahere. 3 Likes |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Bolaji21(m): 12:53pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
hahn:I see you're angry with your God. Well, he's still your creator and you're his creature. You can't change that. If you feel the inventors of gun powder are to blame for world War 1&2, it's your choice. And if you feel the German chemist who discovered uranium is to blame for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings too, it's your choice. Man has always been known to instinctively shift blame to others. 1 Like |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 12:57pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Ranchhoddas: Chai Chai Chai. ![]() So much empty headedness in one person. SMH. Value has nothing to do with price. A FREE THING CAN BE MORE VALUABLE TO ONE THAN THINGS HE PAID FOR. VALUE IS PERSONALLY GIVEN WHILE PRICE IS MARKET DRIVEN! I CAN DERIVE IMMENSE VALUE FROM A SIMPLE FREE HUG THAN FROM A DIAMOND ENCRUSTED WATCH I BOUGHT FOR $1M VALUE CANNOT BE BOUGHT! VALUE CAN BE ATTACHED BUT NOT PAID FOR! read these again and again until sense falls on you. Let me repeat. VALUE AFFECTS (DETERMINES) PRICE AND NOT PRICE AFFECTING (DETERMINING) VALUE! sell a car for $50billion and I will not buy it simply because I SEE NO VALUE IN IT! HOWEVER SHOW ME REASON WHY I SHOULD VALUE THIS CAR THEN I WOULD DETERMINE MY PRICE FOR IT AND IN MOST CASES MY PRICE WOULD BE HIGHER THAN YOUR AASUMPTIONS. good marketers would always tell you to sell value and not price because price is nothing. VALUE IS EVERYTHING! VALUE AND PRICE ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE A LOT BECAUSE VALUE IS RELATIVE! What person A holds as valuable may not be so with person B. What person A decides to pay for a valuable item depends on how much VALUE he has placed on that valuable item. You say Neymar is valuable which is why he is highly priced. You are wrong! The team who need Neymar had VALUE for him so were willing to part with said sum for him. Other teams did not see same value in him otherwise a lot of teams would have been trying to outbid each other for him. They rather saw VALUE in other players based on their personal areas of focus. I hope you have read the link I gave you and filled your empty head with some nuggets of knowledge. If you did and still do not get it then gerraraahiaaa men! I would then treat you as a special needs nairalander. 1 Like |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hopefulLandlord: 1:03pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Bolaji21: he's not angry with any god, he's just telling you your god idea makes no sense! don't make the mistake of thinking criticising your imaginary friend is same as hating it |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 1:06pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
butterflylion:I think you are crazy. Where have I said price determines value? Please show me where I said it before I continue. |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 1:08pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Ranchhoddas: You do not need to continue because you have nothing more to add. ![]() You said price and value are not mutually exclusive and I just told you that value and price are mutually exclusive because value can be gotten from a free item while price cannot force me to place value in anything I personally see no value in. In that regard value is everything while price is simply a personal preference placed on value. 1 Like |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Bolaji21(m): 1:09pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord:Even an average student of English language knows if someone is angry from what he typed. Point of correction, He's not an idea, He's an absolute truth which is not begging for you to believe. Just say He doesn't make sense to you, that's all. Don't get emotional about it. |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hopefulLandlord: 1:17pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Bolaji21: it is an idea that's begging us to believe lol ![]() your god remains an idea out of thousands of other god ideas and your religion remains an idea under a god out of many other ideas and you're the one getting emotional ![]() |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 1:21pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
butterflylion:Does value affect price? Simple yes or no! |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Bolaji21(m): 1:27pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord:The audience knows you're the one begging God not to exist. A simple look into your nairaland profile says it all. I rest my case. 1 Like |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hopefulLandlord: 1:32pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Bolaji21: audience? lol, never knew you can read minds, is that another gift from your imaginary hole-ly spirit? |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 1:36pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Ranchhoddas: Value does not necessarily affect price. It is not set in stone. What you are doing is known as subjective theory of value Which is simply a circular reasoning. If you say value affects price then anyone who sees the high price SHOULD believe that item is valuable to them. WRONG! value is relative to people and what one person has given value to and caused a high price tag on it does not mean everyone or another person would also give same value to the same thing or even be willing to pay a dime for it. Value is gotten via SELF SATISFACTION! if it can satisfy me then I MUST HAVE IT! but if it cannot satisfy me then I DO NOT WANT IT EVEN FOR FREE! there are those things which hold SENTIMENTAL VALUE to people. For example a car made in 1940 which in todays world has no physical value due to its technological backwardness and limitations but to another it holds SENTIMENTAL value and such people are called COLLECTORS or ANTIQUE COLLECTORS. you can have such a 1940 vehicle sitting in your garage and rusting away and even looking for who would come and buy it for scrap metal. But a sentimental collector would come and offer you $500k for it. The value that collector PERSONALLY gave to that thing determined his price but to you, it held no value. NOTE THAT IT WAS A PERSONAL DETERMINATION AND NOT A GENERAL ONE. Hope you are not still confused sha ![]() ![]() |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 1:46pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
butterflylion:Oh God. Is this satisfaction not what I meant by utility? Does this not affect price? From your car example you have just shown that value/satisfaction and price are not independent of each other so why are you wrestling with your shadow? |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Bolaji21(m): 1:57pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord:If this is what you want to keep doing, please don't bother to mention me again. Is it that hard to figure you're not the only one viewing or will view this public topic? 1 Like |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 2:01pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Ranchhoddas: Na wa o! Why are you so blind to the obvious. I said price per value is not general but relative but you said price per value is general. Price does not determine value! This is what your stance implied : it implies that once a high price is placed on an item anywhere in the world then that item must be valuable to everyone in the world. THIS IS WRONG. I had to take time to give you a lengthy breakdown so you would see the glaring difference but as expected you still did not see it. It's alright anyway, not everyone is meant to quickly grasp simple issues ![]() Anything else? 1 Like |
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hopefulLandlord: 2:01pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Bolaji21: don't get emotional bro, I'm only scrutinising your claim of knowing exactly what those viewing are "thinking" but if you don't want me to mention you again, just reiterate it and it would be done, no biggie 1 Like |
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