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Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. - Travel (14) - Nairaland

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Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by AnthonyAk(m): 5:43am On Jul 25, 2019

Boss man no be money but remember i get boss and my boss still get boss and they get higher fortnight payment.

25 per hour is not money bro , atleast its not enough to afford to rent a 1 bedroom flat and still eat in my city. Im not even adding making car payments and saving. To live a decent life in any major north american city one needs atleast 75k annually and thats the bare minimum to rent , pay bills , get a car loan , save and still go out


Here lies one of the major reasons Nigerians abroad go into fraudulent activities. How many Americans earn this much? Just imagine this dude's statement. Very sad

Dont go and bunch yourself with north american problems because you and an american arent coming from the same place.

So because most north americans are bums dosent mean i have to me.

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Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by alphaNomega: 5:44am On Jul 25, 2019
whatever you do in life, politics controls it, so if u want to be super great, u must consider politics and play politics.

My political nature comes from family background, and because I know one can't do without politics if u aspire to be at the topmost top in life.

My interest in life bothers around finance/money, technology/ICT, politics and romance, then others.

I am a programmer from childhood. I code too. I develop apps. I code for fun, and I write too.

I can never disclose my domains or sites cos I have so many spies and enemies here due to my blunt political views and criticisms against the barbaric government of Buhari and APC!

I have had several attacks, so don't ask for further details from me.

I have worked with Russian programmers, I have few Israeli friends who are also coders, so I couldn't argue Fiverr cos Israelis are as great as US, and if they exist for another 100yrs, they will join US and China, maybe with Biafra too wink

Fixed smiley
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by colestephan86: 5:48am On Jul 25, 2019

These countries you are mentioning are very expensive to have a good life, so don't think about any of these
This is absolutely a zero intelligence response.
By the way in which one of them have you lived?
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by alphaNomega: 5:50am On Jul 25, 2019

See eh, I live in the Netherlands. I am so comfortable here that moving to the USA will reduce my quality of life. America has no public healthcare system, and healthcare is the number one reason for bankruptcy in the US, meanwhile here, even if my medical bills cost 100 million dollars, I won't pay a dime. It is completely free. Education is almost free, and as NL is a country of the EU, its citizens are entitled to live anywhere and access quality services like citizens there. Education in the Nordics are completely free, and I will take a course in maybe Sweden or Finland next year, and it will be completely free for me. An American ex that came to my uni for exchange could not believe that it was free for us to study, and she has close to 150k usd in student loan. Imagine starting life as a young adult with that amount owed to a bank, and it grows with interest. Just in case you do not know, student debt is a common cause of suicide in the US among young people.

The US is not safe, with the gun problems, I can't imagine raising a kid there. How about the foods? do I need to remind that the US is the most obese country in the world? Americans are fat because the food there is horrible. GMO in foods without the label. Over here, every foods has a label if its GMO or organic, so I know what I am eating. And I do not like that government spend money bombing other countries, policing the world and destabilizing smaller countries. Also, mobility in EU is so efficient. Go to ryanair.com, wizzair.com, or easyjet.com, you will see cheap flight for as little as 5euros to let's say the UK from Germany. Travelling is cheap, efficient and awesome. It is difficult for me not to travel at least once a month to a different country. In the winter if I need sun, the Spanish island in Africa, or Malta, or somewhere in Italy will do. Like snow? go to Scandinavia, the EU is like a giant, multicultural country, and I love it.

The US taxes its citizens on income they earn abroad. SO if you are an American working in the UK, you pay tax from your salary in the UK to the US. I am trying not to write a long sentence here, but if you wanna know exactly how I feel like a European to move to the US, read this thread on Quora, with European telling you why the US is a bad deal for to move to. I tell you in all honesty, I won't if you gave me an American passport. I can visit, but will never live there.


This is where Black human beings are terrible. Nigeria has the potential to be great with its diversity in culture but the fundamental disease of being a black person won't allow this country be great. Nowadays I see being Black as a genetic disorder because of the way people in Black nations love to see their neighbours suffer. Just look at Nigeria for example.

Nigeria would have been the greatest country in the world if it was a white nation!


Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by nairalanduseles: 5:51am On Jul 25, 2019
You are talking about a whole continent here. Which citizens of which country in Europe tour more than American citizens? None of course. Americans work the whole year just to spend all their earnings on vacations in summer and the circle continues year in year out.

French and Germans mate ...
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by alphaNomega: 5:58am On Jul 25, 2019

every african born canadian i know hate the USA, why ? I dont know -- they are constantly angry whenever USA is mentioned, I guess they are hating because they know Canada is inferior to USA

It is because they are black! Being Black is a disease, why hate something because it is superior to you and yours?
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by etrange: 5:58am On Jul 25, 2019
got this same trouble on my hands now, virtually loosed all my kids up there to excessive Social life jamboree. That land us also partly cursed aside been parrtly blessed!

You can only do your best, bro. It's not your fault you tried to raise them up in a supposedly better society.
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by YoungKeem(m): 6:00am On Jul 25, 2019
True, it is worse here in Los Angeles, everyone is scared.

I honestly feel pity for the folks here without legal presence because they are just trying to make a living too.

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Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by alphaNomega: 6:03am On Jul 25, 2019

most jobs give you health care - moreover, in the USA, NO HOSPITAL WILL DENY U TREATMENT AS LONG AS YOU ARE HUMAN BEING - yes that will be a debt for u to pay later when you get well fully --- but you will be treated even if you dont have one penny in your pocket.. IT IS THE LAW.. and the same hospital will give u a list of charities who pay for medicals for poor people so u can call them later to pay ur bills.... so whats the fuss about ? THE REASON PEOPLE CANT PAY THEIR BILLS IS THAT HOSPITALS WILL TREAT U FOR COMMON SKIN STYE INFLAMATION and charge $2,000 which normaly is should net even be more than $200. NOW TRUMP HAS CREATED A SYSTEM THRU HHS that will enable patients to compare the cost of treating ailments across counties within each state so people can make smart decisions. SO GONE ARE THE SAYS WHEN HOSPITAL WILL TREAT YOU AND CHARGE 3K WITH THE PATIENT SHOCKED TO THEIR BONES. Now the patient can go online and see what the competing hospitals are offering to treat the ailment and this will soon bring the cost down drastically

I like the way you explained the healthcare

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Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Nobody: 6:04am On Jul 25, 2019
As a Canadian, I disagree. We would fight for our own sovereignty if that were the case. My brother is both American (born there) and Canadian, but prefers living here. Canada is 10x better. I've been to the U.S a few times too and don't see the hype at all. Yawn.

NY dear u purposely avoided stating thus about u s and more as many who haven't visited will call me liar

There is no one on earth who lives in u.s as a black especial my that will claim what most here are .stating
U.s is the more successful P.R in the world
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Nobody: 6:06am On Jul 25, 2019
As a Canadian, I disagree. We would fight for our own sovereignty if that were the case. My brother is both American (born there) and Canadian, but prefers living here. Canada is 10x better. I've been to the U.S a few times too and don't see the hype at all. Yawn.

NY dear u purposely avoided stating thus about u s and more as many who haven't visited will call me liar

There is no one on earth who lives in u.s as a black especial my that will claim what most here are .stating
U.s is the more successful P.R in the world ..by use of media,movies, songs etc they sell their country to your imagination and u buy with ur life and money.....yes its way more developed that Nigeria but a lot of buts exist


Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Shimran(m): 6:09am On Jul 25, 2019

For me, Germany is the best country in the world. To each his own. You can't force him to accept that USA is the best country in the world. One man food is another man's poison
For me, Nigeria is my birth country in the world
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Nobody: 6:13am On Jul 25, 2019
I know a few illegal immigrants in my neighborhood who are Nigerians. One particular lady introduced my wife to the party life. Now my wife has gone astray and parties every weekend. I have decided to call ICE on her and her family this weekend.

Hahahaha grin grin grin
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by AlliengodJ: 6:19am On Jul 25, 2019

Hahahaha grin grin grin
grin cheesy grin Hahahahh
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by OnlyJesusSaves: 6:23am On Jul 25, 2019
I am in US as well. My brother, no country will ever be like this country. Av been here for just 3years and my life and that of my family have changed for good. Thank you Lord! My fried is a Canadian citizen and believe me, the difference is clear


Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Mcslize: 6:27am On Jul 25, 2019

My brother lives there. I know they pay well but cost of living is high as well. I know that for sure.

Nairalanduseles is right. It all depends on where you live. If you live close to the city central in Sydney and Melbourne, cost of rent will usually be higher.

But there are other lovely places to live with cheaper rent like Newcastle in New South Wales. So, it all depends on where you live. Most persons like living in the busy, bustling city central. But for person like me, I will prefer a quiet inner supurb with lots of greeneries and gardens.

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Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by henryhemon(m): 6:28am On Jul 25, 2019

There is no need to scare people away from going to the US legally on a visiting or student visas.

After their three months legal stay in the US they can get an American to fall in love, marry and then can change their temporary status to permanent status via adjustment of status to obtain a green card. Unfortunately this is one of the weak US immigration loopholes that most visiting and student immigrants have used and are still using.

How is that unfortunate?
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by gnykelly(m): 6:30am On Jul 25, 2019
god, I’ve been laughing since I open this thread, a very big shout out to everyone making it fun, damn it I just love the bants and everything. More strength to y’all, I will definitely continue tomorrow grin grin grin

That is the beauty of NL.... A free for all democracy

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Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by AlliengodJ: 6:30am On Jul 25, 2019

Nairalanduseles is right. It all depend on where you live. If you live close to the city central in Sydney and Melbourne, cost of rent will usually be higher.

But there are other lovely places to live with cheaper rent like Newcastle in Sydney. So, it all depends on where you live. Most persons like living in the busy, bustling city central. But for person like me, I will prefer a quiet inner supurb with lots of greeneries and gardens.

Majority of Nigeria citizens outside her country don't know how to fix easy math, moreover they want to live extravagant life higher than their income, imagine that guy talking about car loan, why get a car loan when 2 fortnight checks can get you a car to move around.... Lol


Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Shully19(f): 6:31am On Jul 25, 2019
The best goes to Luxembourg they are the richest and best country
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by alphaNomega: 6:32am On Jul 25, 2019
UK will die a natural death because they created evil in Africa and still supporting evil in Nigeria today!

Yes my hatred for UK is in two parts; one for their evil deeds in Nigeria and secondly for their crooked wicked ways.

Despite stealing from Nigeria and Africa, how many free immigration program do they run to help Nigerians and Africans enter UK to survive

Despite being the colonial masters of Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia and knowing Nigeria's official language is English why are they still milking poor Nigerians through IELTS before they allow them come into UK to study or work

UK have has no innovative brain to make money again, so they rely on crook crooked ways like stealing, and indirect slavery of black Africans through study in UK, IELTs, etc.

Their crooked ways can't allow them think and invent useful technologies that will boost their economy like US, China, etc.

I pity any Nigeria Nigerian that's living in THE UK or planning to move to UK there, they are better in Nigeria or elsewhere. They are better in Nigeria or elsewhere. * See below

**They tax their citizens so much. So it cancels the nonsense free education and healthcare cos UK citizens pay for it through their heavy taxation which make makes them poor and almost living from hand to mouth.

You can hardly see a Nigerian living in UK and doing very well financially, very rare, and if you ever see one, he or she is either a doctor or a nurse

From the point you complained about IELTS I had to make some corrections in your posts to make you see why the British requires IELTS even though Nigeria is an English-speaking country. Call it extortion, but I see them trying to preserve their language. Have you even heard the Indians speak English?

I know if we had a system to preserve our indigenous languages it would be a fvck fest because:

1. We still use English alphabets and special characters eg. é, à, ö to express our language in writing unlike the Russians, Japanese, Koreans etc that have a unique writing system for their own languages.

2. The problem of which language(s) to preserve will arise as any tribe whose language is not going to be preserved will suspect a systematic elimination of a part of their identity.

3. We are Black people, we suck at getting things right especially things that have to do with national progression.

4. The list is not exhaustive, but I will stop here.

I will accept some of your errors as the fault of your keyboard autocorrect (it happens to the best of us, including me), but if you wrote this text in an IELTS exam, the best you would score is band 5 in writing.

* Correction due to bad punctuation.

** Also bad punctuation.

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Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by falopey: 6:32am On Jul 25, 2019
Young man Australia minimum wage is higher than that of America..most people from there you see in America got family ties down there. Americans are broke and ignorant. Only brainwashed people believe the hype. America is one overrated poo hole
first tell us the value of Australian dollar compared to US dollar before talking about their minimum wage. Someone earning $20 in Australia is the same as someone earning $13 in the US.

Abi dem never tell you say Australian dollar has less value compared to US dollar?


Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Nobody: 6:33am On Jul 25, 2019
Wetin people dey go find for America

Useless shlthole for rich people

When Europe is closed and Canada we can consider america



Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by sweetTai(m): 6:38am On Jul 25, 2019
Interesting thread. Let me read first and post later. I have 23 years of experience in this facade called America.


Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by alphaNomega: 6:39am On Jul 25, 2019

UK that their apartment look like matches box? O[b]NE guy was eating his own cattarh inside the train from Hearthrow to the City - Blackfriar train station[/b]. men forget that place, it is name only, it is a dead country

Eeeeew undecided
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by timesup234: 6:41am On Jul 25, 2019
first tell us the value of Australian dollar compared to US dollar before talking about their minimum wage. Someone earning $20 in Australia is the same as someone earning $13 in the US.

Abi dem never tell you say Australian dollar has less value compared to US dollar?
do a proper research before you dare challenge me. I will leave you for now to figure out your error
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Duggedised12(f): 6:41am On Jul 25, 2019
depends on the criterion bro. technologically and economically it is germany but millitarily and politically, it is russia
what is the business of a migrant with military and political?.
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by falopey: 6:44am On Jul 25, 2019
do a proper research before you dare challenge me. I will leave you for now to figure out your error
what proper research are you talking about. $18 dollar is the minimum wage in Australia. Besides there are people earning less than that still. How much is that in USD? $12. You guys talking like they are using the same dollar value
Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by alphaNomega: 6:47am On Jul 25, 2019

AND ARE THEY EVEN HIRING LIKE THAT? many of them run here to go to school again so they can live decent lives

free health care bla bla bla, when canadians have cancer, they run to America for treament, LOL

I don't know if it is the Nigerian way of life that has affected my thinking, but whenever I hear anything "free" from a government, what comes to mind is "low/poor quality" cry

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Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by Dipsong: 6:48am On Jul 25, 2019

Keep deceiving yourself.
If you were a citizen in Canada, you won't talk this way
grin 4 where usa is overrated Australia better pass am wella ,yanke too dey over price abegi


Re: Fleeing To The US ... A Word To The Wise. by alphaNomega: 6:49am On Jul 25, 2019
America is great in terms of opportunities but fir me, I am really scared of the gun violence in that country. You don't have to offend anyone before you get killed by gun

Get yourself a gun!

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