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Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes - Travel (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Cocolatti(m): 6:00pm On May 16, 2020
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Osidazz19: 6:00pm On May 16, 2020
yeah right.




150 Billion in 1973? Not even a good lie.

1500 Destinations in 1973? Complete lie.

The truth is that Nigerian Airways back then was just as bad as the country.
I took one of their last flights to JFk and we ended up not leaving for almost 24 hours having to sleep on the floor at MMA.
Just like with everything Nigerian, those with connections were given hotel rooms while young ones like myself were left to sleep at the airport waiting for almost 24 hours before departure to JFK.


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Lexusgs430: 6:00pm On May 16, 2020
Blame IBB......

I remember buying a ticket to the UK for only N9824.00...

Yes, Nine thousand eight hundred and twenty four naira only...........

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Dreambeat: 6:00pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria was never meant to be. Nigeria was created on a faulty foundation and was only a matter of time before it crumbled. The result of which we are seeing today.Of course there is no solution in sight.


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Baffupdrizz(m): 6:01pm On May 16, 2020
It didn't bring tears to my eyes.

What about you?


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Kenmatt(m): 6:01pm On May 16, 2020
Air Peace is the new Nigeria Airways

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by SeriouslySense(m): 6:02pm On May 16, 2020
NO No, expired country
It didn't bring tears to my eyes.

What about you?


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by just2endowed: 6:02pm On May 16, 2020
You forget to mention that OBJ and his houseboy saint Atiku destroyed the remnant of Nigerian airways

Nigerian airways was already running on yearly loss like nnpc
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:02pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria hostess in 1973, Nigeria leaders are among the best in the world. They have turned Nigeria airways to a super intercontinental carrier with 1500 destination across the globe, generating 150 billion naira yearly and providing jobs to 10,000 Nigerians, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates have indicated interest in learning the magic industrious Nigerians, now the towering pride of the black world.
But no tears drop down my eyes. Well, let just face the reality and forget past glory. Although it an history for some!
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Baffupdrizz(m): 6:02pm On May 16, 2020
Like this comment if It didn't bring tears to your eyes. Share if it brought tears to your eyes.

What about you?

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by nairavsdollars(f): 6:03pm On May 16, 2020
Why can't Buhari revive it?
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by osaspotorico: 6:04pm On May 16, 2020
I am still looking for tears

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by SeriouslySense(m): 6:04pm On May 16, 2020
And what have you done better
IGBO people killed Nigeria by exporting crime globally and destroying the county's credibility, now no one wants to do anything with Nigerians!
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by jamace(m): 6:05pm On May 16, 2020
Thy glory oh Nigeria is slain upon the high places. How are the mighty fallen? cry

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by JuanDeDios: 6:05pm On May 16, 2020
That figure of 150 billion per year is suspect considering the naira at that point was roughly equla to the dollar. Maybe they meant to say 150 million naira.

The story doesn't draw any tears from me! The elements running Nigeria today are the same ones that ran it back then and ran it aground! The rot wasn't showing that much then because they had just started their ruinous control of power, plus the fact there was plenty of petro-dollars to cover up their mistakes at the time!
True. But you can't compare the level of corruption now to what we had then. Then we still had the "ten-percenters"; today, they steal 100 percent and do nothing. Our rulers and public office holders went from stealing to plundering starting with the Babangida era.


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:07pm On May 16, 2020
I get am before no be property o.

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Myhusband(m): 6:07pm On May 16, 2020

these people that destroyed your power sector, Education, aviation, industrialization, agriculture, innovations are either in power today or in opposition. these beasts are still being worshipped by you brainless idiots, so what sober is the Op talking about

go and make a research about the developing and developed countries today, their citizens were patriotic to the country and not to individuals as we do here in Nigeria hence the progress.

Nigeria is an underdeveloped country to me, a country that have 20% physical development and 0% human development shouldn't count herself among the developing countries. shame on Nigeria and Nigerians

Shame on Azikwe
Awolowo and other useless Ancestors who laid down the foundation of this useless and Godforsaken country


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Osidazz19: 6:07pm On May 16, 2020
Blame IBB......

I remember buying a ticket to the UK for only N9824.00...

Yes, Nine thousand eight hundred and twenty four naira only...........

My ticket was N300 from Lagos to JFK in 1986.

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by 12345baba(m): 6:07pm On May 16, 2020
The westerners now came and corrupted cos we were competing with them
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:08pm On May 16, 2020
A country where the best known aircraft out of it is from a private owner.Air peace.The thing is even if Nigerian airways was here today it will be in an extremely sad and sorry state.There will surely be a country.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Justiceleague1: 6:09pm On May 16, 2020
The north have been ruining, destroying and destroying the country since time immemorial


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:10pm On May 16, 2020
That figure of 150 billion per year is suspect considering the naira at that point was roughly equla to the dollar. Maybe they meant to say 150 million naira.

The story doesn't draw any tears from me! The elements running Nigeria today are the same ones that ran it back then and ran it aground! The rot wasn't showing that much then because they had just started their ruinous control of power, plus the fact there was plenty of petro-dollars to cover up their mistakes at the time!
. Was like 75kobo to $1

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by GodPunishBiafra: 6:10pm On May 16, 2020
Imagin How All This New Old People Could Die Out At Once Then We Start Afresh,
The only good thing that can happen.

Those old people are FAILED GENERATION.
Especially 55 to 90 years old.
Dead and alive

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Joefat: 6:11pm On May 16, 2020
Slay Queen don start no be today oo.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:11pm On May 16, 2020
This was when we still had small “British brain”. Now our mentality and orientation has strayed so far from what our colonial masters taught us.

Fighting for independence so soon was Nigeria’s biggest mistake.

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by livebyday(m): 6:11pm On May 16, 2020
The caption now describes Biafra's destination, not Nigeria it was originally meant for.

Derailing thread off topic comment to instigate tribal bashing

Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Enyimbamercedes: 6:11pm On May 16, 2020
Guess who destroyed it?

Correct... the dullard himself who is still president today

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