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Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes - Travel (5) - Nairaland

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Poor Managerial & Maintenance Culture; The Sad Case Of Nigeria Airways & Okada A / Nigeria Airways 18 Years After It Packed Up (Pictures, Video) / Nigeria Airways Begins Operations, December 2018 (Photos) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by skippypo(m): 6:31pm On May 16, 2020
You forget to mention that OBJ and his houseboy saint Atiku destroyed the remnant of Nigerian airways

Sentiment will kill you. You forgot to mention the origin of the demise of Nigeria Airways with Shehu Shagari and Buhari in Power. The airways was doing well when Obasanjo was in power till 1979.
The introduction of International Monetary Fund policies, along with corruption,mismanagement and overstaffing, led to a steady decline of Nigeria Airways from the 1980s. The carrier had accumulated significant debts that outstripped its revenues from the mid-1980s, to the extent that aircraft were detained or impounded for unpaid debts.

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Odunolumide(m): 6:32pm On May 16, 2020
Read "Honour for Sale" and I must say no be today corruption start for 9ja
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by brownbib(m): 6:33pm On May 16, 2020
Too bad to be true!
Naija is now a scaler quantity!
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Lovelyn451(f): 6:33pm On May 16, 2020
Ive never dropped a tear for Nigeria and never will...thanks
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by PeaceNexus(m): 6:34pm On May 16, 2020
These are all lies.....this country never worked even before independence and would probably never work. So shove it.
Nigeria hostess in 1973, Nigeria leaders are among the best in the world. They have turned Nigeria airways to a super intercontinental carrier with 1500 destination across the globe, generating 150 billion naira yearly and providing jobs to 10,000 Nigerians, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates have indicated interest in learning the magic industrious Nigerians, now the towering pride of the black world.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Saintly01(m): 6:35pm On May 16, 2020
So so sad, that we have lost it.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:35pm On May 16, 2020
Nigerian Airways is a microcosm of Nigeria.

There was a country
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by mechanics(m): 6:36pm On May 16, 2020
Wow, the good old days.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Austeeenxx: 6:38pm On May 16, 2020
No sane Nigerian will shed a tear for this fraudulent nation.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by drololaaof: 6:41pm On May 16, 2020
Shame on our managers in the national level , they colluded with foreigners to ruin our investment so that they can replaced it with their private companies. Nigeria Airways of blessed memory is elegant in the sky. Someone will now come and say we are rebuilding Nigeria they have done nothing
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by tot(f): 6:42pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria hostess in 1973, Nigeria leaders are among the best in the world. They have turned Nigeria airways to a super intercontinental carrier with 1500 destination across the globe, generating 150 billion naira yearly and providing jobs to 10,000 Nigerians, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates have indicated interest in learning the magic industrious Nigerians, now the towering pride of the black world.

Every couple of months, you will create a new thread with this same picture and writeup. Then alternate it with your usual zombie posts. Are you not tired?

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by koyyess: 6:45pm On May 16, 2020
Industrious keh?

Were they the ones that built that plane at the background? angry

Borrow borrow make me shine.

It took just a few years to open their nyash and empty brain.

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Kassimfavour12: 6:46pm On May 16, 2020
But today the case is different as everyone is busy collecting and diverting the economy to individual base levels
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by kingkon(m): 6:46pm On May 16, 2020
LORBISH angry if you like be there CLYING sad as if they are FLYING things ALOUND you. MTcheew! indaboski...
LORBISH angry if you like be there CLYING sad as if they are FLYING things ALOUND you. MTcheew! indaboski

Vote for me again come 2023. I will bring a change in this country. N1 will become $1 . Petrol price will be reduced. i will provide jobs for 6million Nigerians. and so on... and so on.
So our Pathetic fools will still vote them yet come here to shed tears..
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:47pm On May 16, 2020
With the current crop of brain-dead, self-serving leaders, the shithole is beyond redemption!
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by emilfischer(m): 6:47pm On May 16, 2020

Not holding fast for Nigeria. The country is a mess but of those four airlines mentioned SAirways has gone bankrupt, Kenya and Ethiopia Airlines are mammoth millstones around the ne ks of those countries and Emirates barely turns a profit. No country in the developed world operates a national carrier wholly these days. Like oil, the business is cutthroat, fluid and vulnerable.The kinds of subsidies paid to the likes of Air France, Lufthansa and other marquee carriers will so ply bankrupt a country like Nigeria.

We should not be anywhere bear acquiring or operating an airline as a nation. We should rather encourage the private sector to invest IN AN AVIATION INDUSTRIAL BASE first to have the capacity to maintain aircraft. For pride sake we may make the very best performing airline our national flagship or flag carrier on a renewable term basis.

Bro I like the way you think jare.... While everybody else is bitten around the bush you went straight to the point state why Nigerian airways crashed.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:47pm On May 16, 2020
With the current crop of brain-dead, self-serving rulers, the shithole is beyond redemption!
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:50pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria hostess in 1973, Nigeria leaders are among the best in the world. They have turned Nigeria airways to a super intercontinental carrier with 1500 destination across the globe, generating 150 billion naira yearly and providing jobs to 10,000 Nigerians, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates have indicated interest in learning the magic industrious Nigerians, now the towering pride of the black world.

Nairaland has really become a child's play. Moderators approve stupid things everyday. How does this bring tears to my eyes? Imagine someone will even kill snake and run out to post and moderator will bring it to front page. Another stupid one, a lady broke up with her boyfriend , the guy ran here to make noise about it and suddenly its on front page. Everything is becoming too boring and annoying. Nairaland is now place for snake and monkey killers

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by joefelin2345: 6:50pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria hostess in 1973, Nigeria leaders are among the best in the world. They have turned Nigeria airways to a super intercontinental carrier with 1500 destination across the globe, generating 150 billion naira yearly and providing jobs to 10,000 Nigerians, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates have indicated interest in learning the magic industrious Nigerians, now the towering pride of the black world.
And could you believe that the motion to establish that Agency was successfully moved at the Parliament by Late Chief S.L. Akintola, the last Premier of Western Region. Yet this was one of the people that was maliciously killed. by the coup plotters on January 15, 1966 on the pretence that they wanted to install another prominent politician as the Prime Minister of Nigeria. Blessed are the death of righteous people for they shall rest from their labour. Nigeria never had it so good again since then.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Leafflet: 6:52pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria hostess in 1973, Nigeria leaders are among the best in the world. They have turned Nigeria airways to a super intercontinental carrier with 1500 destination across the globe, generating 150 billion naira yearly and providing jobs to 10,000 Nigerians, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates have indicated interest in learning the magic industrious Nigerians, now the towering pride of the black world.

I know you hate igbos here and on twitter but I want to be sure of something, Which tribe was mostly in power when this was happening?/ I expect you to know... Just asking
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Francejaik(m): 6:53pm On May 16, 2020
I no see any tears in my eyes.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:53pm On May 16, 2020
Hmm... The country is now a shadow of itself coz its foundation was even faulty from the start.. SMH

My friend will you shut up! Nothing was wrong with the foundation as you can clearly see.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by ekitimanalways(m): 6:54pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria hostess in 1973, Nigeria leaders are among the best in the world. They have turned Nigeria airways to a super intercontinental carrier with 1500 destination across the globe, generating 150 billion naira yearly and providing jobs to 10,000 Nigerians, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates have indicated interest in learning the magic industrious Nigerians, now the towering pride of the black world.
Nigeria ain't worth my tears!
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by hakeemhakeem(m): 6:54pm On May 16, 2020
Hmm... The country is now a shadow of itself coz its foundation was even faulty from the start.. SMH
nothing is wrong with foundation some people without human brain, for them to continue the work of the founding father they wrecked it
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Bossman(m): 6:55pm On May 16, 2020
Not just that figure. The whole thing is. No way in the world they served 1500 destinations. That's a whole lot of destinations...LOL! I don't even think they served 50 destinations. While I understand what the article is trying to say, all the figures mentioned are seriously exaggerated!! To give some perspective, Today Delta and British Airways fly to 242 and 170 destinations respectively. And these are 2 of the largest airlines in the world.

That figure of 150 billion per year is suspect considering the naira at that point was roughly equla to the dollar. Maybe they meant to say 150 million naira.

The story doesn't draw any tears from me! The elements running Nigeria today are the same ones that ran it back then and ran it aground! The rot wasn't showing that much then because they had just started their ruinous control of power, plus the fact there was plenty of petro-dollars to cover up their mistakes at the time!

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by MichaelDuf: 6:57pm On May 16, 2020
Can any good come from hausa fulani?
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Rennie303: 7:01pm On May 16, 2020

You don't know? Their IQ is higher than the blacks

That's very incorrect...
I feel so amazed that there's still this level of inferiority complex among the blacks...
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by gudugudumeje: 7:01pm On May 16, 2020
....Until Obasanjo, Shagari and Babangida military govts. Prodigals and profligates came to power to deplete the fortunes. And in 1988 sold out the assets, aircrafts and as well as 124 ships of Nig. Airways and Nat. Shipping. Lines...
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by bigfish3k: 7:04pm On May 16, 2020
Hmm... The country is now a shadow of itself coz its foundation was even faulty from the start.. SMH
Faulty foundations can't last long

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