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Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 12:07pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
ahiboilandgas:Yes,trading can't be compared to industrial farming,not almajiri kind of farming. It is better to trade than farm like almajiris where one Alhaji will be rich and his farmers are paid in food without meat. This is the problem,not that agriculture is bad.They lack capitalistic farming but has chose to remain stuck in the 17th century kind of farming. That is why trade dominated regions is better than subsistent farming regions in Nigeria today. Ghana did not devalue their currency to uselessness,No!It depreciated out of control like what Venezuela is seeing today. I've always said here that devaluation and depreciation are 2 big different things. 3 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:07pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Theconglomerate:1 million tonnes of rice produced by kebbi state fell from the sky....Guy i taught we can have brilliant discussion ..not rants ..... 6 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:09pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Theconglomerate:sorry i cant continue with rants ...if u have a problem with the Nigeria state ....go to the National assemble or northern govt forum 8 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 12:11pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
ahiboilandgas:You wouldn't need ask me if their 1 million tonnes of rice fell from the sky if the lifestyle or real estate market in Kebbi was increasing and property price is skyrocketing,would you? No one is ranting,if at all I want to rant it wouldn't be because of the north that i have so much sympathy for. The truth always sound like rants to many people. 6 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:13pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Agriculture is the Main contributor to Nigeria Good domestics products(70)in a lay man term meaning farm related activities create the largest proportion of work done by Nigeria workforce ...while oil and gas has low Gpd contribution but 90 forex inflow..meaning very few people work for oil exploration firms ...other service sectors like buying and selling etc Contribute less than 15 percents |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:18pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Since we have identify the main Gdp contributor so what is the cause of the non attractive pull of work force toward it ....cos it energy consumping and poor how do we tackle it .....improve the value chain and mechanise...this improve the wages in the industry 4 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 12:19pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
ahiboilandgas:I can't go to the Nigeria state to complain when they are doing what I want na. CBN said they will be supplying forex henceforth for "strategic imports" even through BDC...meaning you will have to enlist what you want to import before you get CBN sourced forex. Meaning if you are importing nonsense,you will go to the streets and buy at street price. Nigeria is waking up to "western dumping" Since you are preaching revaluation,I think you are the one that needs to go to the state house to make CBN and Buhari reverse their decision. 1 Like |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:20pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
So what the govt doing about this ....the cbn founded Nisral to migitate the risk associated with agric products while the gederal govt recapitalzed the bank of agric to provide loans at 5 percents to famers ...but how will tomatos seller know all this ... |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:25pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
In this experiment Nigeria has reach self sufficiency in rice 30m tonnes yearly kebbi state and lagos state partnership in Lake rice (La ,ke ) Lagos purchase rice of 20 bn from kebbi state ..while kebbi state purchase from farmers ..improving their incomes....kebbi state have the highest number of millionaires farmers according to cbn |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by dejiotus: 12:28pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
No I did not. I thought I would be okay as well with the prepaid meter until the Ikeja electric Vigilance team visited my property and discovered the woman had tampered with the prepaid meter. It may be wise to ask an experienced electrician to check for you first and then decide on what to do in case any of your tenants is involved in illegal connections or power theft. If you invite a proper NEPA worker from their office, the light will most likely be disconnected from the pole and heavy fine issued. I didn't have that opportunity before my tenant was caught and 945K naira billed as loss of revenue Sholapey: 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:28pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Next step it to increase the value chain i other farm produces like cocoyam,cassava,irish patatos ,tomatos etc for export...example ones the local farmer in jos farm irish patatos she can just sell raw ...their must be value addition like processing it to raw chips and to be sold in eversupermartket world-wide..if the irish famer can whynot the Nigeria farmer 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 12:35pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
CBN have been giving agricultural loans to farmers and Grants since 13BC in Nigeria. Why has the north that is dominated by farming not improve,rather trade and industry dominated Lagos is turning to London? The reason is simple,the farming model the north practices is mostly subsistence farming,not industrial one. No one just wakes up and start building mechanised farms and industrial scale ones due to emotions. Farm scaling is driven by product demand. If there is a factory that need 5 million tonnes of orange annually in Nigeria,you will start seeing orange plantation spring up,not farms.This way the northerners that will work there will be paid salaries,not with plate of food and will increase the standard of living of that place. But how would someone come and establish that kind of juice factory in Nigeria when he knows he can just import and cash out rather than go through the stress and risk of running a factory? How do you stop imports without devaluing?Bans?what of smuggling?or will you shut your borders because of this and destroy your exports like Buhari did? ![]() Rice farming started increasing in the north because Coscharis and other industrialists started building mills around the country because of the ban of importation of rice. Now imagine if fx becomes so expensive.It will be like an indirect ban of almost all products we use to import and hence,industries that cut across all consumables will start to spring up just like rice. That is how farmers are encouraged,not by giving them loans that will likely turn to bad debts if they don't find who to buy their produce due to imports killing local demand. 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:35pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
The fulani herman is poor because of lack of education and innovations while his colleague in texa are rich cos of innovations and education....if u ranch a cow iy will produce 20 litres of milk daily while if u herd about it will produce 5 litres daily ....if u futher process into tin milk a 1 litres can be sold for 500 naira against 200 naira doing this industries spring up accountant will be needed , hr manager ,vet doctor, farm manager etc ...this what new Zealand does i can have milk from newzealand in a self in shorprites..but can have a fulani Nigeria originated milk in Algeria 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:46pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:47pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
1 Like |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Nobody: 12:49pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
dejiotus:Oh my God! Some tenants are terribly wicked. Okay, I will send someone to inspect mine too because I don't trust these tenants they can do and undo...thanks for the information. 2 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:49pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
According to cbn governor 88000 farmers turned millionaires....88000 idle people turn millionares by playing nijabet i guess 2 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 12:54pm On Jun 02, 2020 | favorite famer....some body sitting in one coner without any research will just say 70m people are idle ....this must be effect of ....... 1 Like |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ojesymsym: 12:57pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
New Zealand cattle rearers, na helicopter they de use herd their cattle. @conglomerate, the truth is that even when we hate to admit it, food in Nigeria is cheap and poor storage facility means that farmers will remain poor. You keep shouting mechanized farming, if you have ever tried farming that is when you will know what it is to produce products that middle men will price with an I don't care attitude of you either take the money or leave it because they know that your products are perishable. so if my small acre is difficult to sell at my price, what incentive is there for me to go mechanized next year? Agricultural value chain is what will drive mechanization. The value chain will include, product preservation and storage, create products that need these products as raw materials so that they will be constant demand, semiprocess them and make them available at the international market for forex, packaging, processing and refining. ahiboilandgas: 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 12:58pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
ahiboilandgas:So where did 88,000 people keep the millions then,when the same place is still suffering from medieval diseases and a complete lack of infrastructure,down to even toothbrush? ![]() Now what if there were plantation corporations instead employing hundreds of thousands of northerners paying them and average of 50k monthly and there would still be the 88,000 millionaire capitalists too. What will happen to the place? Multiple industries will spring up in the place due to millions of people having disposable income na. Rather than funding 10,000 farmers with low interest loans that can always hire almajiris and pay them with food rather than money. You grow a society by creating demand,not giving Grant's to a few while the rest wallow in poverty,widening the gap between social classes. A person earning 50k a month in the north will no longer find living in a hut comfortable,he will like to rent selfcon. This is real estate market springing up already. 9 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 1:01pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
ojesymsym:A lot of you don't understand what's going on obviously. Now how do you create that value chain when imports are there to fight price wise with that thing that you will produce here that gives that farm produce value chain? I really want you to tell me how. The consumers don't care about value chain,they care about product quality and cheap pricing. If you keep subsidising import by supplying cheap fx,how will the Nigeria value chain grow? Gosh!!! 6 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ojesymsym: 1:04pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
You keep missing the point, we all agree that imports does more harm than good, stop making it look like you are the first person to discover it. You are saying make dollar be 1k, 2k, 10k to force industrialization but the rest of us are saying it is not so straight forward. Anyway, you have tried. Theconglomerate: 15 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ojesymsym: 1:05pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Please, today is the SUKUK fund day, when should we start expecting news? |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ahiboilandgas: 1:05pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Theconglomerate:help your ignorance and pride and read the articles....a 10 bn wacot factoryis here....please ask the cbn govenor mr godwin head quaters central business district Abuja...Where is the rice millions 2 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 1:12pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
If you go to a supermarket to buy corn flakes and Nigeria shabby Nasco is N750 for 375g and imported Kellogg's is N850 for 375g,what will you buy? Be honest and answer to yourself not me as I know a lot of people here like to brag about money they probably don't have. But if naira is devalued to N500/$, 375g kellogs will automatically jump to N1500 whereas nasco might remain at N750 or increase to N850 max. In no time people will be forced to buy Nasco and forget kellogs and more people will enter the cornflakes production market to fill that void kellogs left. It's that simple really,not by giving Grant's to people doing nasco. Nothing will happen with grants or cheap loan that they will default because kellogs is taking their market share. I believe I have been basic enough. 16 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by ojesymsym: 1:14pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Magodo ![]() dejiotus: 6 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 1:18pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
ahiboilandgas:Seem you are the ignorant one here honestly. And I believe I've been very down to earth on this thread. Reason why you have the guts to call me tomato seller which I agree and love. You've been the one shouting oil and gas since to get noticed and you call another proud?Ironic if you ask me. The people in trade and industry that are millionaires in Lagos are not living in huts while their money is in Abuja. When you make money it becomes very obvious,reason why lekki,VI, what it is today. Capitalism,not government funded unsustainable ventures. 4 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by dejiotus: 1:27pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
You are welcome Sholapey: 1 Like |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Focusingmore: 1:37pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Theconglomerate: What else can Nigeria capitalise on if not farming? Devaluation will only plunder Nigeria into more poverty. Take a look at the current happenings within the us stock market and the the economic realities, you will notice a disconnect. The system is rigged. Forget about what you read in economic books. 2 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by dejiotus: 1:37pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
ojesymsym: You are 100 percent correct. That is why I intend to do a full Know your customer "KYC" checks before I rent to one of the prospective tenants showing interest. Unfortunately for me, all the professionals involved when the house was rented to my former tenants, did not do any KYC checks at all. The old tenant apparently absconded three weeks before the end of her tenancy and I have not been able to locate her. 1 Like |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 1:43pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
Focusingmore:I don't read economic books. Very unrealistic for you to have assumed that. There is something called business experience. 3 Likes |
Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Theconglomerate(m): 1:47pm On Jun 02, 2020 |
I just got informed that Dollar has now increased to 447 as we speak... Shebi I talk am yesterday. You can't learn how to predict currency in economic books ![]() ![]() ![]() Tomato selling school teaches more I guess. 5 Likes |
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