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Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride - Pets (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride (87889 Views)

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Lamasta(m): 10:15pm On Jul 24, 2020

Hope you don't have lion phobia o grin
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Lamasta(m): 10:15pm On Jul 24, 2020

Hope you don't have lion phobia o grin
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Bekool(m): 10:16pm On Jul 24, 2020

With his hyena, Chuckie...

This guy have obviously spent a lot of time and resources to be able to bound with these dangerous wild animals. This is my first time am seeing someone who has been able to tame a hyena.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 10:17pm On Jul 24, 2020

Hope you don't have lion phobia o grin

No phobia, I would love to cuddle them too but fear won't let me. cheesy


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Emilokoiyawon: 10:17pm On Jul 24, 2020
You are a very bitter fellow.

Of course - the truth is bitter.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 10:18pm On Jul 24, 2020

Of course - the truth is bitter.

No, you are.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 10:19pm On Jul 24, 2020

Pocohantas hope you gat no phobia for lion o cos only their roar alone I don reach my destination grin
Pocohantas that even has phobia for dogs and housecats that she sees and can go close to, it's lion she's now here acting like she loves.
Na only from far her own start & end grin

But come to think of it, what kind of animal lover doesn't like dogs and cats? Answer me Pocohantas. Lol


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by AmazingELixir: 10:19pm On Jul 24, 2020

Diswan na Tarzan ni..

1 Like

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Emilokoiyawon: 10:20pm On Jul 24, 2020
This guy have obviously spent a lot of time and resources to be able to bound with these dangerous wild animals. This is my first time am seeing someone who has been able to tame a hyena.

Hyenas are tamed regularly in Northern Nigeria by Hausas. Go to the North and see for yourself.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 10:21pm On Jul 24, 2020

You are a very bitter fellow.
You hate the truth,why?

11 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Emilokoiyawon: 10:21pm On Jul 24, 2020
No, you are.

STILL your opinion.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by abdullahi45: 10:21pm On Jul 24, 2020
Damn I would love to be part of a pride but fear no fit gree me....

He needs to tell us how it became possible oooo...

I am definitely getting a baby lion....

I watched one of his videos and I was motivated to walk into a pride and introduce myself

Okay man grin
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Lamasta(m): 10:21pm On Jul 24, 2020

No phobia, I would love to cuddle them too but fear won't let me. cheesy

Fear won't allow you abi Don't worry I will be beside you and nothing will happen
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Ebenezar2O2O: 10:22pm On Jul 24, 2020
one day, one of these wild animals will eat him up
If the Lion had to make a choice between eating grass and him, the answer is obvious.
one day monkey go enter market e no come back >smiley

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Ndipe(m): 10:22pm On Jul 24, 2020
How does he do it? It's a miracle really.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by PiggyvestMoney: 10:22pm On Jul 24, 2020
True, 8 follow him on Twitter

He has been asked many times if he isn’t scared they will one day turn on him, maybe OUT OF HUNGER!


grin grin
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 10:22pm On Jul 24, 2020

Fear won't allow you abi Don't worry I will be beside you and nothing will happen

And run away when it roars dropping the gun. grin
I can only approach a lion with Dean by my side.
I want the emoji with hearts in the eyes now. cheesy

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Ebenezar2O2O: 10:24pm On Jul 24, 2020
Yea I follow him on YouTube. Handsome Swiss he is. Humble and down to earth simply doing what he loves. He's definitely living his best life.
[/s] sharap


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by mariahAngel(f): 10:24pm On Jul 24, 2020

And run away when it roars dropping the gun. grin
I can only approach a lion with Dean by my side.
I want the emoji with hearts in the eyes now. cheesy

1 Like

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Lamasta(m): 10:24pm On Jul 24, 2020

Pocohantas that even has phobia for dogs and housecats that she sees and can go close to, it's lion she's now here acting like she loves.
Na only from far her own start & end grin

But come to think of it, what kind of animal lover doesn't like dogs and cats? Answer me Pocohantas. Lol

I am shock too o may be we need to take her to the zoo o to meet wild dogs grin

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by SweetCunt97(f): 10:25pm On Jul 24, 2020
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 10:25pm On Jul 24, 2020
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 10:27pm On Jul 24, 2020

I am shock too o may be we need to take her to the zoo o to meet wild dogs grin
Hehehehe cheesy

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Jerryolumide(m): 10:28pm On Jul 24, 2020
one day, one of these wild animals will eat him up
I'm sure those animals have a better heart than yours
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Nobody: 10:29pm On Jul 24, 2020

Poco darling, J111333 no dey do pass two minutes and even after two minutes is over he needs like another one and a half hours to recharge to gather strength for another round.
40secs actually. Learnt from my mentor, Big Churchill. Who wan kee hinsef? undecided

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by InSanety: 10:30pm On Jul 24, 2020
if u watch him on Instagram u will know why the lion's won't eat him ...those lions behave like human..they love him like mad

E no mean

Na still animal kill Steve Irwin.

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by pappy4real(m): 10:31pm On Jul 24, 2020
Hmm � � �
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by GabrielYulaw(m): 10:32pm On Jul 24, 2020

Hyenas are tamed regularly in Northern Nigeria by Hausas. Go to the North and see for yourself.

In Ethiopia, some specially designated people put meat in their mouth and wild, I repeat WILD hyenas come and take this meat right from people's mouth. Regularly, every night.

I love Dean and follow him on Twitter, but he isn't really doing anything special.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Sultty(m): 10:34pm On Jul 24, 2020
8— He doesn’t understand how anyone can hate snakes. He would most likely be surprised at the number of snake pepper soup posts on NL. Lmao

Dean and his 4.5meter Burmese python.
Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala wtf is wrong with my touchpad
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Lamasta(m): 10:35pm On Jul 24, 2020
Wild animals don't lie. Yet, do you need to hear the truth from them? cheesy cheesy
E weak me o Zimri abi which kind rough play be that na grin
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 10:37pm On Jul 24, 2020

You Africans keep getting fooled by white people. Nothing special about his relationship with these lions - Its called imprinting. Basically, he got the lions as very little BABIES and imprinted on them from an early age that he is one of them. Its not a big deal.

What is a big deal, is that African hunters have been taming ADULT wild beasts - including lions - before white people came out of their caves in the Caucasian mountains. That is what is impressive. Not these idiots that imprint on baby animals and start posting ridiculous instagram and tiktok pics/videos.
You know once issa white man doing something, it becomes 100 times more attractive to Africans with colonial mentality.
Enter some kind rural villages in nigeria and see hunters playing with wild animals. cheesy I even saw someone in ph city one time who put a hyena on a leash made of chains and was walking the animal by the side of the road as if he was walking a dog, hyena o shocked He looked like a hunter anyway

17 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by LilMissRobbie(f): 10:37pm On Jul 24, 2020

Dangerous 'belong'


Greetings to you all, please I'm doing this at this point
because I'm already dying as I can't handle it again
strongly believing some help come my way. I'm a widow
with 4 children and with aged mother under my care. First,
I'm not claiming to be a teacher because teachers seem
to be most vulnerable at the moment when I am not. I'm
actually a teacher in a private school (I have every proof
you may want). If I am lying or doing this to scam,
judgment will be upon me. Like I said, I am doing this
because it has gone beyond my control at this point. The
family is solely taken care of by salaries earned from the
teaching practice and that happened last in the month of
February. Right now, we are in a very pitiable situation
with nothing to call our next meal again. Please help us
with any little amount you can. Not like you are owing us
anything but please have mercy on us. Consider my
situation please. Let's not die of starvation please. I
believe God will see us through these challenges. Thank
you very much.
30 539 775 83 - First Bank

ThankGod D.

The person behind this account is a man and a serial nairaland scammer. Be Warned o

Dominique Mynd44 Lalasticlala Mukina2 Seun Oam4j

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