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Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride - Pets (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Lamasta(m): 10:38pm On Jul 24, 2020

And run away when it roars dropping the gun. grin
I can only approach a lion with Dean by my side.
I want the emoji with hearts in the eyes now. cheesy

No na grin with you by my side the courage will come suddenly and we will take selfie as we like grin
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by nextstep(m): 10:41pm On Jul 24, 2020
It's nice... enjoy... a version of heaven (they always have pictures of humans and animals in harmony bah?)

Tigers, snakes, crocodiles, etc have one day eaten their human "friend". Won't be surprised to see him on the news in the near feature ... the latest victim of being too comfortable around wild animals (captive or not)
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by calebonuja: 10:42pm On Jul 24, 2020
Am just laughing

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Passionate1(m): 10:43pm On Jul 24, 2020
one day, one of these wild animals will eat him up
Without doubt. . definitely!
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by walexy06(m): 10:44pm On Jul 24, 2020
Can't be going out every day and thinking it might be my last day. We know these things n how it usually end.

E get why Nicolas Cage act 'Primal'

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Theoarhics: 10:44pm On Jul 24, 2020
One day u go hear say lion don use am do breakfast like Irwin that was eaten by crocodile in Australia.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Nickshrapnel: 10:46pm On Jul 24, 2020

So why do you envy him?
We crave that which we cannot get

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by bejeria101(m): 10:49pm On Jul 24, 2020

This picture is priceless

I swear boss. I have seen his videos. Mehn that kind trust no be here o
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Emilokoiyawon: 10:50pm On Jul 24, 2020
You know once issa white man doing something, it becomes 100 times more attractive to Africans with colonial mentality.Enter some kind rural villages in nigeria and see hunters playing with wild animals. cheesy I even saw someone in ph city one time who put a hyena on a leash made of chains and was walking the animal by the side of the road as if he was walking a dog, hyena o shocked He looked like a hunter anyway

It is the sad state of affairs we have in this country (and continent). African does something at level 10, he gets no praise or recognition from fellow Africans. Now, white man does the same thing on just level 1 and these colonially brainwashed mugus begin to salivate and worship their master. Some of us still have our African pride intact. We will continue to shame, expose and ridicule them until they learn how to behave as true Africans.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Heavance(m): 10:51pm On Jul 24, 2020
Dean Schneider always reminding me of Tippi Degre'
I love wildlife. I love everything about wildlife, except the snake part.
Tippi's videos makes me short of words always.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by V1C70R(m): 10:52pm On Jul 24, 2020
No na, Steve Irwin died on 4 September 2006, after being pierced in the chest by a stingray barb while filming in Australia's Great Barrier Reef, no be crocodile chop am!

One day u go hear say lion don use am do breakfast like Irwin that was eaten by crocodile in Australia.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Emilokoiyawon: 10:52pm On Jul 24, 2020
In Ethiopia, some specially designated people put meat in their mouth and wild, I repeat WILD hyenas come and take this meat right from people's mouth. Regularly, every night.I love Dean and follow him on Twitter, but he isn't really doing anything special.

Africa hunters are the true definition of bada$$ when it comes to this. No set of people on planet earth can rival them. TRUTH.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by gift2xl: 10:53pm On Jul 24, 2020
I have boundaries, life sweet!!. This is am expensive play!.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by pocohantas(f): 10:53pm On Jul 24, 2020

Pocohantas hope you gat no phobia for lion o cos only their roar alone I don reach my destination grin

I was watching a documentary on NatGeoWild where a hunter in the field where lions dwell hold his gun knelt down and aimed at the incoming lion coming close to him and the lion was not even moved it kept coming close to the hunter boldly and I was like is this hunter crazy or what and before I knew it the hunter released the trigger to avoid stories that touch and the lion fell and I was like mehn can't try this o merely seeing the lion coming I will forget am holding a gun and faint grin

I can’t say I have a phobia for them, but I will definitely be scared if I am face to face with one. However, I am intrigued by them and if there is a language they understand- I wouldn’t mind speaking. Lions are not my first choice in wild cats though, jaguars are.

...as per degree holder in knackiology okwaya? My village pipu go judge you and Ishilove for me, I don suffer for una hands.

I don’t know why I thought you are a fan of intense penising. Thanks to Ishi, I now know you are in the same subset with Churchill. kiss


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by BabbanBura(m): 10:54pm On Jul 24, 2020

Dangerous 'belong'


Greetings to you all, please I'm doing this at this point
because I'm already dying as I can't handle it again
strongly believing some help come my way. I'm a widow
with 4 children and with aged mother under my care. First,
I'm not claiming to be a teacher because teachers seem
to be most vulnerable at the moment when I am not. I'm
actually a teacher in a private school (I have every proof
you may want). If I am lying or doing this to scam,
judgment will be upon me. Like I said, I am doing this
because it has gone beyond my control at this point. The
family is solely taken care of by salaries earned from the
teaching practice and that happened last in the month of
February. Right now, we are in a very pitiable situation
with nothing to call our next meal again. Please help us
with any little amount you can. Not like you are owing us
anything but please have mercy on us. Consider my
situation please. Let's not die of starvation please. I
believe God will see us through these challenges. Thank
you very much.
30 539 775 83 - First Bank

ThankGod D.

Send me a PM, please
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Desiiger222(m): 10:55pm On Jul 24, 2020
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Emilokoiyawon: 10:58pm On Jul 24, 2020
Send me a PM, please

Book of Hushpuppi Chapter 4 verse 13: Be thou watchful that thou not fall within the grasp of scammers and magas. Lest thou suffer severe pains as thy monies are carted away and disposed.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by bbstarr(f): 10:59pm On Jul 24, 2020
I really like this guy but Nayla is too jealous. She's obsessed with Dean and always try to keep Dexter and others away. They are cute to watch sha.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by anoziechi(f): 11:01pm On Jul 24, 2020
he looks like the lion
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by bbstarr(f): 11:01pm On Jul 24, 2020
photo shopped pictures. it's not real
You need to check Instagram for his videos. I have them on my phone.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Grandmeister(m): 11:01pm On Jul 24, 2020

He has been asked many times if he isn’t scared they will one day turn on him, maybe OUT OF HUNGER!


grin grin
He is aware their instinct can kick in especially with the male lions...the females have less agro and are less likely to ever hurt him...the males hmmm...
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by martineverest(m): 11:02pm On Jul 24, 2020

E no mean

Na still animal kill Steve Irwin.
u can compare Irwin with this.....Irwin was killed by a 'wild' animal...this one is 'tamed'

I miss Irwin tho.....his crocodile and snakes show was awesome
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by guru90: 11:05pm On Jul 24, 2020
This Man na No.1 in the world via training wild animals.

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by traware(m): 11:05pm On Jul 24, 2020
I hope someday,one of those lions will kill that white devil angry


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by DonDraper66: 11:07pm On Jul 24, 2020
photo shopped pictures. it's not real
very real and priceless ,,,stop hating

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by guru90: 11:07pm On Jul 24, 2020
photo shopped pictures.
it's not real

100% real.......

I have watched his videos via feeding those animals.

This one no be photo shop at all.....

I can testify about those pics. Na real brother.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 11:07pm On Jul 24, 2020

It is the sad state of affairs we have in this country (and continent). African does something at level 10, he gets no praise or recognition from fellow Africans. Now, white man does the same thing on just level 1 and these colonially brainwashed mugus begin to salivate and worship their master. Some of us still have our African pride intact. We will continue to shame, expose and ridicule them until they learn how to behave as true Africans.

Point me to an African who established a wildlife sanctuary and rehabilitation center for animals born in captivity and I will celebrate him. What I keep seeing are grown ass African men killing kittens because they link them to witchcraft. Are you proud of them too? grin

We are talking about a man here who has dedicated his life to saving animals and this one is talking about walking animals on a leash. Your inferiority complex won't let you think logically and objectively and your shame and ridicule don't matter. kiss


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Grandmeister(m): 11:09pm On Jul 24, 2020
A times, I wonder the kind of research this people do to get close to animals. Whereas our professors in the same fields can't even hold chickens not to talk of goat
When you spoon feed an animal from infancy like you’re it’s mother it tends to develop such affection and bond...they’re not as dumb as we think they are. When I saw a man playing with an 8 foot crocodile I realized any animal could be bonded with, I never believed (prior to that) that you can bond with reptiles especially crocodiles that are said to do most of their stuff on instinct to kill and eat ....they act beyond instinct it seems

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by m140(m): 11:09pm On Jul 24, 2020
Belongs or he's yet to be eaten?
Go watch his YouTube channel, he is already part of the pride,
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 11:11pm On Jul 24, 2020

When you spoon feed an animal from infancy like you’re it’s mother it tends to develop such affection and bond...they’re not as dumb as we think they are. When I saw a man playing with an 8 foot crocodile I realized any animal could be bonded with, I never believed (prior to that) that you can bond with reptiles especially crocodiles that are said to do most of their stuff on instinct to kill and eat ....they act beyond instinct it seems

Did he spoon feed all of these animals from infancy?

Cc: Pocohantas
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by sniper619(m): 11:14pm On Jul 24, 2020

No phobia, I would love to cuddle them too but fear won't let me. cheesy
You can cuddle in their stomach na cheesy you'll fit in just fine.

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