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Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation - Crime - Nairaland

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Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by lalasticlala(m): 6:47pm On Jul 27, 2020
A Twitter user, Tenacity, has shared a video of Izuchukwu Madubueze reading his suicide note before committing suicide over false rape accusations as 'RIP Izu' trends.

Izuchukwu Madubueze, a Nigerian entrepreneur, shot himself dead in Florida over an allegation of sexual assault, US police said.

Read the earlier thread about the accusation and suicide here... https://www.nairaland.com/6002245/justiceforizu-izu-madubueze-commits-suicide

Sharing the videos of Izu reading his suicide note, Tenacity wrote:

There's a video from Izu Madubueze with his last words. To those of you who said everything was a lie, shame on you. To those of you who fabricated stories here, shame on you. Many people have mental health challenges. It only takes one thing to tip them over the edge.

“I wasn’t ever given a fair chance to clear my name or explain my side of the story or verify whether any of the allegations against me were true or not” - Izu

“...this whole situation reiterates why I don’t need to be here …. I still maintain that I don’t know how or the person who said I sexually harassed her....” - Izu

“....to the girls who posted the list, thank you for posting the list. …I can’t shoot the massager. You denied me the opportunity to clear my name…” - Izu

“....understand what a safe place is first before you claim to create it… to everyone who reached out and tried to hear my side of the story, to everyone who supported me, thank you – it wasn’t in vain, I just don’t have much to live for” - Izu 4/ end.


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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by lalasticlala(m): 6:52pm On Jul 27, 2020
Official Statement From The Family Of Izuchukwu Madubueze.

This is said to counter the narrative making the rounds that Izu "did not commit suic¡de because of the false sexual harassment allegations" comments aimed to smear his name.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Shellsploit: 6:57pm On Jul 27, 2020
This life no balance even ontop scale!
Where's Lalasticlala sef shocked

26 Likes 1 Share

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 6:59pm On Jul 27, 2020
Not interested in frontpage likes
Modified: Stop liking! I don't need them. Strong headed nairalanders angry

163 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by illicit(m): 7:01pm On Jul 27, 2020

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Crackhead25(m): 7:02pm On Jul 27, 2020
Such a young and promising guy's life wasted over false claims and accusation from one idiot!

The punishment for false rape allegations should even be more brutal than the one used to try actual rapist.Maybe in that way,false accusers can have more sense and desist from such act.


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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Topmaike007(m): 7:11pm On Jul 27, 2020
This life no balance at all

Na him some people dey blast Dbanj to withdraw case from that mumu girl wey put false allegations for him head..

May you find peace with your creator izu

258 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by homesteady(m): 7:11pm On Jul 27, 2020
Are you people still claiming he was falsely accused of rape? The girl who made the list has made it public, he was included in that list for harassment. She also uploaded texts of him apologising for harassment.

Let people have a balanced view.

38 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by GOFRONT(m): 7:13pm On Jul 27, 2020
After snake, Fear Women....

50 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Mo3891: 7:16pm On Jul 27, 2020

Wicked world


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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Ejenavi18(f): 7:19pm On Jul 27, 2020
This young man just wasted his life for nothing.
He should have gone ahead to clear his name from the accusations levelled against him.
No matter what, suicide is never an option..

131 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by IvarTheBoneless: 7:19pm On Jul 27, 2020

I am very open-minded and neutral.

Wouldn't rush to conclude he was innocent / guilty like some have done.


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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by IvarTheBoneless: 7:20pm On Jul 27, 2020

Wow.... a whole MOD taking sides openly.

"False accusation"?

Seun should better investigate the background of his employees. Some just can't hide their tribalism.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Shedrack777: 7:22pm On Jul 27, 2020
let him come and collect his reward from me


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Shedrack777: 7:25pm On Jul 27, 2020
This young man just wasted his life for nothing.
He should have went ahead to clear his name from the accusations levelled against him.
No matter what, suicide is never an option..
some situations calls for suicide, it only takes the grace of God for one to escape suicide. you won't understand


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 7:25pm On Jul 27, 2020
Still no excuse that is why it is an allegation.Me that I have national embarrassment because of some people tagging me as Baba's pikin,why would I kill myself because of that, the baba sef dey Aso Rock.dey enjoy.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by yanabasee1(m): 7:26pm On Jul 27, 2020
Women will stop at nothing to make men go extinct....

False accusations of rape is a terrible scene to experience..

24 Likes 1 Share

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by yanabasee1(m): 7:26pm On Jul 27, 2020
Women will stop at nothing to make men go extinct....

False accusations of rape is a terrible scene to experience..


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Ejenavi18(f): 7:31pm On Jul 27, 2020
some situations calls for suicide, it only takes the grace of God for one to escape suicide. you won't understand
Who told you I won't understand?
Are you trying to justify suicide?
I'm not in a mood to tell stories now, but someone very close to me did it and up till now I still see it as a life wasted..
I know depression is real, don't come and lecture me about that..

21 Likes 1 Share

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by bigfish3k: 7:37pm On Jul 27, 2020
How can this fine boy kill himself because of a girl he is finer than.
An olosho looking girl for that matter

Guys false harassment /rape is real. I have witnessed it. Most women are bad if they mean you

60 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by PureGoldh(m): 7:38pm On Jul 27, 2020
Hmmm.....evil forces at work

No matter what you are going through in life. Suicide is not the best option for you.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Shedrack777: 7:38pm On Jul 27, 2020

Who told you I won't understand?
Are you trying to justify suicide?
I'm not in a mood to tell stories now, but someone very close to me did it and up till now I still see it as a life wasted..
I know depression is real, don't come and lecture me about that..
read my reply again, but this time, slowly with understanding. thank you


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Sonnobax15(m): 7:38pm On Jul 27, 2020
undecided He do am jor..

if not,he wouldn't hv shot himself..

the video changes nothing..he's dead and may GOD never 4give me if i should mistakenly type r.i.p..



Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Openbusiness4: 7:38pm On Jul 27, 2020
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Amotekun777: 7:39pm On Jul 27, 2020
But, the dude looks like a gay na. How come? Sad! angry

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by gungab(m): 7:40pm On Jul 27, 2020
Common Meeenh!

You don't need to take your life


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by explosiveskull(m): 7:40pm On Jul 27, 2020
they should find the girl in question and pour concentrated acid on her face and kpekus. that is what I'll do if the guy is related to me.
just from naija buy to and return ticket within one week interval, enter us, carry out your plan and waka out jejely to naija then be teasing the murderfuckin girl via social media make she know why i do am.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Lexusgs430: 7:41pm On Jul 27, 2020
He is dead, but his accuser lives...... Leaves this world out of stupidity........

To what end........

Be like a D'banj or that Abuja God of Man...... grin

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by dynicks(m): 7:41pm On Jul 27, 2020
You referred to it as a false accusation...so y kill yourself then?

All these ajebo pikin dem sef...

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