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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case (67716 Views)
Help! I Think I'm Everlastingly Skinny!!! (2) (3) (4)
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Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by mariahAngel(f): 6:39pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
DaSkinnydude: What kind of foods do you eat on a regular? |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 6:40pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
TheCork:you and sense dey fight? If una dey fight,abeg settle with am make you get sense. |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by donMIG(m): 6:41pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Take ur dick out of ur hand man... That shit is harmful Eat egg, butter bread, dei shit once in a week ![]() Drink milk, eat apku n all those heavy food 1 Like |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by SenecaTheYonger: 6:41pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
DaSkinnydude: I’m also slim, but I managed to put on weight when I found out this secret. Your body needs both solid and liquid nutrient. If you reply my comment, It means you read and are interested in what I have to say. |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by TheWalkingMind: 6:44pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
fati2001:I eat a lot and digest fast, but I don't gain wait. 1 Like |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Tatashi: 6:45pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Buy Apetamin supplement and thank me. The first day you take it ul sleep oh so prepare for that day. I'd advice you take it on Friday night so you can sleep through Saturday then you go dry chop like mad man. The supplement programs your brain to eat rest eat. But after that day two you won't feel drowsy again. But Pls note that if you stop it let's say a week and go back again. U must feel drowsy the first day again. It's a very good supplement and I promise ul add weight and look fresh. Mix malt and milk and drink bfr bed too. Thank me later A bottle sells for about 3k,what I do is I order from jumia and buy 3 for like 7500 or you can see four bottles in a set for a huge discount. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Angelfrost(m): 6:47pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
The biggest enemies of weight gain are: stress, poor dieting or eating habits, abnormally high metabolism, and lack of quality rest and sleep. Sort out the above, and watch your body fill out!!! Let me be emphatic here... There are no drugs for weight gain!!! Absolutely none!!! Weight gain from medications is merely a side effect, not a main or healthy indication of that drug!!! Do not take meds for weight gain!!!... Whatever weight people gain from drugs, takes a lot out of their tissues and organs! This is harmful!!! People who bulk up do it via proper eating, and sleeping routines!!! And, it takes time!!! Not a stroll in the park, certainly not an immediate thing. Get the services of a good dietitian. Google is also your friend!!! I personally gained 20kg in less than 2 months on an augmented diet of Bananas, Soya milk powder, nuts, potatoes, white bread, and lots of meat, etc... Of course, the weight was largely muscle, cos I was equally working out. 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Maxwellisaac: 6:47pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
[quote author=DaSkinnydude post=94216236]Good day Nairalanders I'm posting this here cos this is one of the most active sections. Please I need your advice I'm 20 years, normal height, decent looking, but I'm skinny AF. I have very skinny wrists (and legs). Heck, slightly below my rib cages i even have holes on both sides. Even when i'm with friends, I don't pull off my shirt. I've been having insecurities and self esteem issues because of this. I love short sleeve shirts but I can't wear them. I can't even wear a wristwatch. I'm someone who likes a well built muscular body, but as of now I can't afford to maintain a steady diet (say a particular amount of calories a day). To the body builders and health experts in the house, here are my questions - (WITHOUT A STEADY DIET) 1 - With my current body, can I gain more muscle/weight through rigorous exercises (like calisthenics)/ gyyming ? 2- How can I make my thin wrists and legs thicker ? 3- To gain more weight, are there supplements I can take with my normal diet? Cc: Neduluiz, Pansophist Thanks in anticipation. Should you not know this, I will tell you! Being skinny is the best stature one could have. Growing up before 20, i was very skinny and felt bad about it. Now in my very late 20s , I found out I added just little and now a bit muscular. People laugh at me still, but the truth is: they wish they could just be me with same stature. I have had most of them confessing that to me. Skinny gets younger not older. Be proud of that. Do not spoil what you have got. Nothing far more than natural. You will be proud of urself soon in some years to come. I just hope I made a point. 1 Like |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Bojass: 6:48pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
If you ave small change try and buy WHEY protein goes for "9k max" but if u can't afford it try and make Soyamilk/fura De nunu ur favorite drink...rmber cypril gold been describe for u early get side effect.and concernin gym aspect i can be of help by giving u follow up and train you on light program...07067736074 whatsapp line. 3 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Kwara1stson: 6:49pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
go get some WHEY PROTEINS 3 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by nedekid: 6:50pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
DaSkinnydude:Your metabolism is high. When did you deworm last? 1 Like |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by criuze(m): 6:52pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
my advice is 1. thou shall not soak garri whether ijebu garri or Yankee garri 2. avoid oloshos 3. drink a lot of water 4. you see beans never joke with it 5. take more soft drinks even beer 6. no near Igbo or cigarettes 7. then marry our fufu with vegetable soup finally if you must gym be careful for the meat in your legs may transport go up Then trust me things will turn around 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Jennyoral: 6:54pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
eat healthy that is all |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 6:56pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
tarantino1:no u not getting what i say.I am not saying if an overweight person just reduces his food intake and doesnt work out he will gain muscle..nope.A fat person has more advantage cos when he"s working out he has something to convert to muscle unlike a person who is damm skinny and has nothing to convert to muscle.Note when i say working out i mean doing body resistance exercise that puts effort on the muscles like pushups,weight lifting,chin ups.anything to puts a strain on ur muscles.And having said that there are ppl who are slim but also fat the same time. Such ppl have wat we call skinny fat.When they are on their shirts they look slim but when they pull off their shirts they have fat stomachs,manboobs and fat folds but skinny arms.such ppl also need body resistance exercise.We dont even know the type of skinny op is..weda its skinny fat or just ur normal skinny skinny .If its skinny fat then he"s at an advantage cos he can convert it to muscles by body resistance exercise as i said.When the fat depletes then muscle will come.But if he is skinny skinny then he has a lot of work to do..bulking up a little would be the first tin to do. 3 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 6:57pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
DaSkinnydude: |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Hathor5(f): 6:59pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
illicit: 13 likes already Like I said, be the first to comment on a thread and you will get many likes no matter how true or smart your comment is. |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by ThierryJay: 6:59pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Hello daskinnydude, Are you as skinny and tall as the skit comedian Okiki, one of Sidney talker's gees? Or are you more like Laycon skinny with average height. Wear your skinnyness with confidence just like those two guys I mentioned. Also, follow the plenty body building and dieting advice already provided by several nairalanders. You'll be fine. If it helps, I was very skinny at 20 too. My story started to change as I became more confident and started to exercise. Now I have a model like tall frame. 2 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Cecero(m): 6:59pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Bro ur problem is money Hustle get money and you'll naturally start to chop up, na u go beg say u don dey overweight. I'm a testimony. I used to be that skinny in my younger years, but now, I'm the one eating less to avoid getting too fat. Of course, I'm a very tall guy and overly skinny those days. 5 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Lavish88(m): 7:00pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
I used to have your body type and I struggled with it for many years. Everything changed when I started taking whey protein supplements. It costs around 15k and you'll start seeing results in 2 weeks. 3 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by TheWealthiestMan: 7:00pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
illicit: if he's not masturbating but having actual sex, will there be any difference? |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 7:00pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
If you were a girl, I would have asked you to go and get pregnant and deliver. Your sure ticket to getting real fat 1 Like |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by TheCork(m): 7:00pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Heartlessbanker: U skinny like envaromental stegomaya moskito & then u come to nairaland asking people for food to eat....does nairaland lookalike hospitul? Bro r u ok in the head?(no oofense) ![]() |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 7:01pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
criuze:lol no no no ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Telsidelake: 7:04pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
I wanted to write 'love yourself' 'vanity' etc and all that sh*t. But i deleted it. Nowadays, women go to plastic surgeons to change the way they look. Why not men? My brother, it seems you are not earning an income yet. Focus on your studies (if you are in school) so you can get a good job or start a business when you finish. When you start making money, you will start eating well, dressing well, smelling like a bouquet of wood spice. Naturally, you will gain weight. If you don't gain and you still have self esteem issues, you can try out weight gain pills. In the meantime, love yourself. Develop the courage to laugh at yourself. It's not that deep. Comedians who are ugly use their ugliness to make jokes. By so doing, they are in control. You can't make jest of them because they acknowledge and accept their flaws. All the best. DaSkinnydude: 4 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by KfashionHubb: 7:04pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Reach me quickly DaSkinnydude: 1 Like |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by proclinician: 7:06pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Can you afford to eat Domino pizza 2500 everyday for one year? There lies the answer you seek. The result will blow your mind. 1 Like |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 7:09pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
TheCork: Shuu! Go learn some grammar then come backets converse. You can't even spell sef. Nawa o |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 7:10pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Trayceey:he said he wants to look well built..he didnt say he wants to looked shaped like a football ![]() 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by kolade560: 7:10pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
if ur parents are skinny, just accept fate bro.
but if not, use supplements to boost ur body fat. 2 Likes |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 7:10pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
proclinician:lol thats much bro ![]() |
Re: I'm a super Skinny dude. Nairaland Body Builders, Pls help my case by Nobody: 7:11pm On Sep 23, 2020 |
Telsidelake:op this advice is cool too |
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