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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union (46563 Views)
Same-sex Couples: Pope Was Misquoted By Enemies Of D Church - Archbishop Kaigama / Pope Approves Blessings For Same-sex Couples / Pope Endorses Same-sex Civil Unions, Says Homosexuals Are Children Of God (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by BigBrother9ja: 11:15am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Righteousness89:Shut up! He is Christian like you. He was anointed by god 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by CloudResident(m): 11:19am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Same people propagating polygamy is bad! ![]() |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by martooski(m): 11:20am On Oct 22, 2020 |
The Catholic Church DOES NOT Accept Same Sex Marriage: + The demand for Same Sex Marriage is not a demand for marriage to be extended to our gay brothers and sisters but for marriage to be redefined so that it is no longer linked to the begetting and raising of children by their natural parents. So, in turning marriage into a mere partnership, the law render marriage largely Meaningless, and makes it less likely that children will be raised in ways that best suits them. + The slogan "Equal Marriage" implies equality of access to the same institution; in fact, in means Overthrowing the Institution, making marriage Equal to Non-marital Relationships. + The Church believes the state should continue to promote conjugal marriage, not because it disapproves of our gay brothers and sisters or rejects any particular group in society, but because it believes Marriage is a Conjugal Institution that the state should promote and protect for the sake of society and above all of Children. + Same Sex Marriage enshrines in law the Idea that the Gender is incidental to marriage and the raising of children, such that all those who believe otherwise become vulnerable to the accusation that they are promoting discrimination and prejudice. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by HuntSon(m): 11:21am On Oct 22, 2020 |
dalass: I'm saying this because the only argument y'all seem to have against LGBTQ is religion! It's not about forcing anyone! Same sex relations exist even in animals so don't even start! If a gay man has a child, does that ungay him?? Reproduction only involves a sperm and an egg you shouldn't even necessarily love the person, a lot of Nigerian households being a testament to this fact! There is nothing unnatural about the fact that someone doesn't have feelings for the opposite sex, respect that! No one is asking you to like queer people, just respect their nature rather than using religion to promote hate! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Donair(m): 11:22am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Evil people everywhere. God is watching |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by obivick: 11:23am On Oct 22, 2020 |
cupidFlint: If u think this 2020 has bn more of ruff rydin bro hmm i tell u in clear term....brace up for the worst you never imagined.Year 2020 ends the years of grace....from 2021 starts real earth beginning of sorrows.
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by HuntSon(m): 11:25am On Oct 22, 2020 |
CloudResident: No one said polygamy is bad. Monogamy was even promoted by Christianity and Europe had a great effect from it. To also prevent emotional harm and unnecessary breed of hatred in the family. Also equality, if many of you won't support a female having more than one husband, why do you think it's okay for a man to have more than one wife? Plus some countries doesn't restrict the number of children you can have so what the difference? |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by profkalu(m): 11:26am On Oct 22, 2020 |
ikorodureporta: |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Carlylepneuma: 11:26am On Oct 22, 2020 |
God created Adam and Eve nt Adam and Steve. Christianity Religion of confusion, contradiction b and scammers. see una life it a shame... x |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Nobody: 11:26am On Oct 22, 2020 |
daddytime:How many have you seen engaged in such act, stop assuming what you don’t know or you’ll tell me if one of them have ever made advances towards you 1 Like |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by LordReed(m): 11:27am On Oct 22, 2020 |
ODJ124: You are in the same boat with people who can't conceive of how you can even like to drink alcohol talk less of actually ingesting the stuff. You inability to conceive of why people like the things they like is not a yardstick to limit their rights. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by LordReed(m): 11:28am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Carlylepneuma: Who created Steve then? LoL. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Mayeldah(m): 11:30am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Of Course Homosexuals, Arm robbers, liars etc are all children of God and he loves them but God does not approve of their behaviours. Except they repent they all shall likewise perish. The Pope is not straight forward in this LGBTQ thing and he is complicit. We are not surprised, the LGBTQ community is gradually taking over governments as well as the Muslim Extremists all in preparation for the emergence of the Anti-Christ. Christians beware! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by danietohbadt(m): 11:32am On Oct 22, 2020 |
daddytime: You just confirmed my early statement. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by DonroxyII: 11:36am On Oct 22, 2020 |
When Earth goes berserk , when humanity become mentally deranged , Religion is our compass .... Now that Religion has been infiltrated with Demons it shows God is getting farther from earth and the earth shall scorch ... Christianity has been infiltrated through Immorality Islam is infiltrated via Terrorism... The Earth is never gonna be the same again but this present civilisation shall soon exterminate herself just like Egypt among others and the Earth shall reset ! |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by laivwire(m): 11:39am On Oct 22, 2020 |
HuntSon:Christians are not and neither are we trying to rule the world which is secular from the get go. The Pope represents a good chunk of the global Christian population and his quotes speak of millions of Ch |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by ODJ124(m): 11:40am On Oct 22, 2020 |
LordReed: ur are supporting gays in a nutshell rt...? |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Odonkor7836(m): 11:41am On Oct 22, 2020 |
No comment ![]() |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by chipower: 11:41am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Mayeldah: Where and how did the Pope approve of homosexuality.? Pls, show me. May be I'm missing something that you saw. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by sisisioge: 11:41am On Oct 22, 2020 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Our religion is in our hearts...our convictions. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by marktpompido(m): 11:41am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Oh my God deliver us. The world has come to an end. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by DBadman: 11:41am On Oct 22, 2020 |
![]() |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Bigflamie(m): 11:44am On Oct 22, 2020 |
PharmaGirl: Reread what you just posted, how could you compare paedophiles, rapists and corrupt leaders with homosexuals? I don't know how dull most Africans are. You don't have right to condemn what two adults do in their privacy as long as no one is being forced (rape) against one's wish. Its fvcking consensual. God damn it |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by martooski(m): 11:47am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Pope Francis on persons Struggling with their Sexual Identity: During the return flight from Rio de Janeiro I said that if a homosexual person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge. By saying this, I said what the Catechism says… A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person. Here we enter into the mystery of the human being. In life, God accompanies persons, and we must accompany them, starting from their situation. It is necessary to accompany them with mercy. —American Magazine, Sept. 30th, 2013, 1 Like
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by ZedicusZurZoran: 11:49am On Oct 22, 2020 |
We need to understand the position of the Pope and the Catholic Church. the support for civil union must be clarified by Rome. Gay people are humans and must be protected by the law, but gay marriage is not accepted in the church. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by sirwhyteB(m): 11:50am On Oct 22, 2020 |
IT IS FINISHED! TRULY THE ENDTIME IS HERE [code][/code][color=#990000][/color] |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Nobody: 11:52am On Oct 22, 2020 |
HuntSon: This above part of your statement....I hear it alot from the LGBT community and any time I ask, u people can't show proof...u only desperately twist normal animal behavior as homosexuality... this is very wrong, twisting the use of tongue to clean each other's bodies, and other animal interaction as homosexuality Homosexuality is about sex, sexual excitement, and sexual attraction...animals don't love, they not capable of higher cognitive functioning. Their sex is even based on pheromone attraction..not physical appearance or beauty, or anyother yardstick that contribute to attraction in humans So I don't get how you are trying to bring out sexual attraction btw two same sex animals.. So Please can u show proof of homosexuality among animals....cos I don't get what u gay/gay apologist mean by this.... |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by LordReed(m): 11:57am On Oct 22, 2020 |
ODJ124: I support the right of every human to live in harmony with everyone else and with our world. Do gay people disturb the harmony? Absolutely not. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by SpecialAdviser(m): 11:59am On Oct 22, 2020 |
Rugaria: If they are not careful, I wish we Africans may pull out of the Vatican. The whole thing is becoming so stupid. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Caseless: 12:02pm On Oct 22, 2020 |
ikorodureporta: ![]() ![]() ![]() You don't know why pope Benedict was forced out for this cow to step in. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by fireback: 12:03pm On Oct 22, 2020 |
kingscare1:its sucks to be feminine and it also sucks to be demonic. father mbaka is demonic, pope Francis is homosexual. you cannot criticize one and leave the other. |
Re: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Couples Civil Union by Yankee101: 12:04pm On Oct 22, 2020 |
This man has lost his way The catholic church has been drifting away This is the crux of the matter Thank God for all those future thinkers who broke away No one is saying hate same sex folks, but you can't endorse them I don't hate Trump, but I definitely can't endorse him, for example This is madness |
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