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Religion / Re: Turning The Impossible Into Possible With Jesus by Postyours: 8:13pm On Jul 02, 2023
Yes.Jesus always take care of those who summit to him. Their past don't count
Celebrities / Things To Know When You Move Into A New Apartment: by Postyours: 8:11pm On Jul 02, 2023
Do you know that the series of quarrels and troubles you have with your apartment neighbors depends on how you introduced yourself at first?

Let's look at things you should/shouldn't do when you enter a new environment....
Celebrities / Re: Three Reasons Why Parents Should Build A Strong Relationship With Their Children by Postyours: 8:53am On Jul 02, 2023
Yes I know but sometimes it depends on the person decision. Life will hit you hard yes, but how do you react to it?
Religion / Turning The Impossible Into Possible With Jesus by Postyours: 8:51am On Jul 02, 2023
Happy Sunday ❤️

If you place your hope solely in people, things will appear impossible and insurmountable. Without God's intervention, convincing people may also seem impossible. However, when God is involved, all impossibilities become possible. He creates paths where there are none, defying the laws of nature....
Celebrities / Three Reasons Why Parents Should Build A Strong Relationship With Their Children by Postyours: 5:41pm On Jul 01, 2023
Most children lack direction or feel lost in life due to strict parenting. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to learn how to show their children love and affection. Here are some reasons why..

Celebrities / Common Temptations And Challenges Faced By Men Of God by Postyours: 8:53pm On Jun 29, 2023
To become an ordained man of God, working in the true power of God, one must overcome challenges and temptations. Although it is a pressing one, many men of God have fallen short of His glory due to succumbing to these temptations.....
Celebrities / Five Types Of Friends To Never Let Go Of by Postyours: 6:35pm On Jun 26, 2023
A friend is someone whom you can rely on, someone you can freely confide in and trust with your secrets. While many friendships may experience conflict and fallouts due to misunderstandings, miscommunications, betrayal, jealousy, and envy, there are still some friends whom you should never let go of, no matter the circumstance.

Here are five types of friends you should never let go of ...
Religion / The Mouth As A Gateway And Channel by Postyours: 7:46am On Jun 25, 2023
Lesson: The mouth may appear small, but what comes out of it can cause either destruction or creation. It was through this mouth that the earth and everything in it was created. Additionally, one's stance towards you can be known through their words. Therefore.....

Celebrities / Reasons To Help Those Around You When You Become Wealthy by Postyours: 8:28pm On Jun 23, 2023
When most people become rich, they often abandon or neglect those around them, including their family and friends, and solely focus on their own wealth accumulation. Some do this to avoid opposition, but that approach is incorrect. When someone experiences success and growth in business more than others, they should instead help elevate their family and friends due to the following reasons....

Celebrities / How To Identify Ponzi Schemes by Postyours: 7:15pm On Jun 23, 2023
How To Identify Ponzi Schemes
Ponzi schemes are fraudulent investments that deceive their investors or pay very little to investors while benefiting a few. These schemes can deplete an investor's funds if.....
Celebrities / Reason Parents Should Discipline Their Children Themselves by Postyours: 11:12am On Jun 22, 2023
Parents should learn how to discipline their children at home before expecting someone else to do it. Let's consider some reasons why parents should discipline their children themselves...

Celebrities / 3 Reasons To Discipline Your Child by Postyours: 8:07pm On Jun 21, 2023
Parents should learn how to discipline their children when they do wrong, by giving them appropriate punishments, providing guidance, and issuing serious warnings. This helps them grow up to be disciplined individuals. Some parents neglect to discipline their children when they behave badly, and then complain when their children continue to exhibit the same behavior outside. Let's examine some reasons why it is better for parents to discipline their children....

Celebrities / Reasons Why Boys Often Fall Out With Their Friends by Postyours: 7:52pm On Jun 20, 2023
Which one causes speration much
Money or girls?

Friendship is a bond that connects a specific group of people, individuals with similar interests, goals, and more. It has been suggested that friendships among boys tend to endure longer than those among girls. However, sometimes even the strongest bonds between boys can be broken due to various reasons. Let's explore some of the factors that can lead to the dissolution of friendships among boys....

Celebrities / Behaviors That Cages You by Postyours: 8:58am On Jun 20, 2023
There are certain behaviors that individuals exhibit which can ultimately cause great harm to themselves. Let's take a look at some of these behaviors....

Celebrities / The Most Powerful Weapon In Human Body by Postyours: 3:48pm On Jun 19, 2023
There are different powerful weapons in the world today, but let us focus on the human body. The body is composed of various parts that are potent and deadly. One of the most powerful weapons is the ........
Check it out 👇
Celebrities / Secrets To Being A Leader Without Opposition And Earning Trust And Support ... by Postyours: 10:29am On Jun 18, 2023
Secrets To Being A Leader Without Opposition And Earning Trust And Support From Followers

As a leader, you must have the trust of your followers and be able to gather them in a place without them being stubborn or resistant.

Let's examine how great leaders rule without facing opposition from their followers.....
Religion / Re: He Is Not Silent; He Heard You But He Is Waiting For The Right Time by Postyours: 7:53am On Jun 18, 2023
Die? So waiting for a year can bring death? Instead pray for God to reduce the await time
Religion / He Is Not Silent; He Heard You But He Is Waiting For The Right Time by Postyours: 7:28am On Jun 18, 2023
Lesson: There is a time for everything on Earth and in Heaven. God has His own perfect timing that never fails. It can be disheartening when we pray for years without receiving an answer, leading us to question if God is still present. However, He is indeed alive and actively listening to ......I

Literature / The Secret: A Twist by Postyours: 7:27pm On Jun 17, 2023
People began running away from our community due to the recent disappearance of children in the area. Although the village hired a group of vigilantes to patrol the village morning, afternoon, and night, children kept disappearing. My father, who was a hunter and also the leader of this vigilante group, continued patrolling the community, but.....

Celebrities / Ways To Easily Teach A Child How To Spell by Postyours: 7:09pm On Jun 16, 2023
Making a child understand how to spell words can be easy. It all depends on how one directs the child in learning the spelling. Let's look at two easy ways to make learning spelling easy for children...

Celebrities / Sometimes Cry It All Out by Postyours: 12:42pm On Jun 15, 2023
It is good to appear strong, but sometimes it's important to let it all out and cry. When the pain becomes too much to handle, crying it all out in secret can be beneficial. This helps avoid being labeled as weak by others. Crying has its own health benefits, such as....

Literature / Begging And Alms Collecting Should Be Properly Checked. A Twist by Postyours: 6:39pm On Jun 14, 2023
I believe begging should be thoroughly examined, and those found guilty should face appropriate consequences. By "those" I mean individuals who are physically capable, with no health issues, possessing two hands and two legs. These people often earn more than hardworking civil servants who strive to make a living. Yesterday, while returning from work, I encountered a man from my neighborhood begging for alms. I was surprised to.....

Celebrities / Ways To Avoid Urgent Billing From Girls by Postyours: 1:09pm On Jun 14, 2023
Ways to avoid urgent billing from girls. Read up😅🤲
Some girls stick to the thought that a man must have money at all times, regardless of what the man tries to explain.

 They insist that there should be no less than two thousand in the man's bag (popular urgent 2k). Now, let's explore methods for men to avoid this urgent 2k."......

Celebrities / Key Factors To Overcome A Winning Champion by Postyours: 2:37pm On Jun 13, 2023
Overcoming a winning champion may be difficult, especially when facing one with a different winning strategy. However, let's explore ways in which one can adopt strategies to defeat a winning champion.....

Celebrities / Understanding Destiny: Key Concepts To Know by Postyours: 10:22am On Jun 13, 2023
When we talk about a person's destiny, it refers to the future that is intended for that particular individual.

There are certain things that people should know about destiny in order to avoid attempting to emulate someone else.

Let's examine the aspects one should grasp about destiny...

Celebrities / How To Capture A Girl's Heart: The First Part Of The Body That Reacts. by Postyours: 8:10am On Jun 13, 2023
"How to capture a girl's heart: The first part of the body that reacts."

Celebrities / Game Strategy For Unbeatable Champions by Postyours: 9:23pm On Jun 12, 2023
Game here not only refers to video games but also all other games of life, such as politics and sports. A champion in any area of life has their own strategy that he or she uses to defeat their opponent. Let's explore some methods that will help you remain unbeaten in your game...

Celebrities / Things That Makes One Being Tagged As Rude by Postyours: 6:47pm On Jun 12, 2023
Some people are unfairly labeled as rude even though they are not. There are certain actions they may unknowingly engage in that lead others to perceive them as rude. Let's examine the characteristics exhibited by these individuals who are tagged as rude....

Celebrities / Four Steps To Take Before Setting Up A Supermarket by Postyours: 9:47pm On Jun 11, 2023
Business is all about making profits, not losses. Making these profits depends on the actions taken before starting the business. Let's explore the steps one should take before establishing a supermarket....

Celebrities / Tackling Jealousy by Postyours: 9:38pm On Jun 11, 2023
Jealousy is a virus that has eaten deep into most people. Everyone experiences jealousy, but it depends on how one reacts to it. The question is, will you succumb to jealousy or fight against it?...

Celebrities / “is She Wearing A Tash Can?” Reactions As Kanye's West Wears Unusual Styli..... by Postyours: 5:56pm On Jun 05, 2023
“Is she wearing a Tash can?” reactions as Kanye's West wears unusual stylish outfit.


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