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Religion / Re: Jesus Appeared To Me For The First Time In Decades Last Night. by pressplay411(m): 9:40am On Sep 02, 2019
The three wise men heed the warning of God they had received in a dream.

Matthew 2:11-12 (KJV)

11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.
12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

Maybe the reason He hasn't appeared to you is self-induced. You should check your motive. Why do you want Him to appear to you?
Is it for bragging right?
Would you have the self-control?
Does He have a revelation for you different from what's already in the Word?

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Religion / The Differences Between The Old Testament And New Testament by pressplay411(m): 7:59am On Aug 31, 2019
One of the challenges in Christianity is differentiating between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.

This has created some misunderstanding and given birth to various factions and denominational doctrines within the same Christianity.

I pray that together with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Word, we will be able to clarify these differences.
Religion / Re: The Mystery Of Humility by pressplay411(m): 11:46pm On Aug 28, 2019
John 13:5-8
After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, “Lord, are You washing my feet?”
Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.”
Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!”
Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.”

Luke 14:7-14
So He told a parable to those who were invited, when He noted how they chose the best places, saying to them:
“When you are invited by anyone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in the best place, lest one more honorable than you be invited by him; and he who invited you and him come and say to you, ‘Give place to this man,’ and then you begin with shame to take the lowest place.
But when you are invited, go and sit down in the lowest place, so that when he who invited you comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher.’ Then you will have glory in the presence of those who sit at the table with you. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Then He also said to him who invited Him, “When you give a dinner or a supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbors, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid.
But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”
Religion / The Mystery Of Humility by pressplay411(m): 11:46pm On Aug 28, 2019
The Mystery Of Humility
The dictionary defines Humble as;
Having a low opinion of oneself; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; modest.

But I have come to find, that the best scriptural definition is captured in

1 Samuel 15:17
So Samuel said, “When you were *little in your own eyes*, were you not head of the tribes of Israel? And did not the Lord anoint you king over Israel?

Humility is to esteem oneself low.
Amazing right?
Ironically The world teaches us to esteem our selves High.
Hence, like things of the Spirit, Humility is a Mystery.
If I may ask, Are you a Humble person?
Please don't answer this, it is rhetoric. Rather, let it marinate in your heart.

I used to think myself to be Humble. I mean as a Yoruba man, we are cultured to be humble.
But unfortunately, our culture seems to have taught most of us more pride than humility.
We should all beware of our cultural inclinations. While they mean well, more often than not the devil corrupts these good manners.
When the Spirit started to unveil me, I felt like the proudest Human being alive. I was humbled to learn Humility by the Spirit.
Matthew 5:3-5
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
For they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
For they shall inherit the earth.

What does it mean to be poor In spirit?
What does it mean to be Meek?
I have come to find, we are often times too full in spirit. When we should be poor in spirit.
Is this not the secret to being Filled with the Holy Spirit?
The average human mind cannot possibly imagine/fathom how the Meek/Humble will inherit the earth.
Yet, God's Word can never return to Him void. He Knows how he has set things and the order He set them.
Our Heroes of Faith, all walked in High dimensions with God, yet their dependence on God was beyond awe-inspiring.
Moses said to God, if Your Presence will not go with us, do not bring us up from here.

Joseph said to Pharaoh Do not interpretations belong to God?
Meaning he did not even consider himself, but Gave God all the credit/Glory.

Peter and Paul, I can't even begin to mention.

The Anchor for this Message is;
*Philippians 2:5-8*
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

Some things are better left veiled because if they are unveiled, we might misbehave.
Do you sometimes appreciate what it means, for God to die for the sin of Man?
That God would humble Himself, the Creator of ALL Creation, and come to live among men, was actually at some point a baby, He dined and played with men, some people actually sent Him on errands?

Do we sometimes reason what I am reasoning?

So who am I, who are we to count ourselves as too special?
On the one hand, yes we are so special in the Eyes of God.
But on the other hand, if God could lower Himself, we should be able to know how to Abase and Abound.

*Pride in our Churches*
It is disheartening that the church has become where to learn Pride. Believers now pride themselves in their Denominations, in their Pastors, in the Magnificence of their structures?
Oh, we now even pride our selves in theology (knowledge of scriptures).
I tell you, it is easier to correct unbelievers than believers. How did we get here?
*We Have Institutionalised Pride*
We call it class. Classism has made us set ourselves among a league of people, and not want to associate ourselves with certain type of people.
*Pride in our Homes.*
Do you realise that God hardly called the First Borns in the Scriptures? Esau, Eliab, Reuben etc
Oh, God usually chose the least expected one. Why?
Family, if care isn't taken endues pride on the children, especially the first Borns. I call it a Sense Of Entitlement mentality.

But God has also seldom chosen First Borns, in fact, He would later demand First Borns to be dedicated to him. Samuel being a notable example. So First Borns, don't worry, you're covered.
Sometimes, it's the last born that has this sense of entitlement.
So really, let's just be conscious of it.

Our Age is also a snare.
Adults don't pay attention to Children. We forget that God speaks through any vessel.

Also, those who have been Long in the Faith often have a sense of pride towards younger ones. We forget that the Holy Spirit simply uses our vessels. And it may even be the newest convert that Has the Word Of The Lord.

Often times too, the younger ones become proud of their youthful exuberance and exposure, them become proud towards elders who have faithfully walked the path ahead.
Let's learn to accommodate one another, knowing we are but vessels for God's workmanship.

I have come to fear for this ostentatious generation that If Jesus Christ were to have come in our generation, we would be worse than the Jews.
We would rate him by his looks and branding and wealth.
I assure you, some of us will tell Him to carry His Poor man's gospel away.

I wonder what some of our Pastors would do, a lot of them would do worse than Caiaphas, the Pharisees and Saduccees.
God help us all.

In conclusion, so what is the Mystery of Humility?
It is as expressed from the Mouth of the Master Himself.

Matthew 18:1-5
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
To continually access the Grace of God, we must learn to bring ourselves as low as possible. We must not seek our own.
We must esteem others higher than ourselves.

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Celebrities / Re: How The Media Is Conforming Us by pressplay411(m): 11:59pm On Jul 13, 2019
I hardly share this, to avoid misunderstanding.
But there's a difference between what happened in the creation of man in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.
It would seem like God created man and woman twice, if that difference is not understood.

The difference is- Male and Female is different from Man and Woman.

In Gensis 1:27 Adam (one Man) was created both male and female. Not physically, because he was not yet formed.

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27

In Genesis 2:7. God formed the physically complete Man (male and female).
It was later in Genesis 2:21-22 that God made the woman out of the man. Then they became 2 separate people (man and woman) who clinged together to become 1.

Please don't take my word for it, study and pray for more understanding. As a woman, to understand why God created Woman is critical.

Grace and Understanding to us all.
Celebrities / Re: How The Media Is Conforming Us by pressplay411(m): 11:58pm On Jul 13, 2019
Communication is Everything.
And the purpose of communication is both information dissemination (by the speaker) and Understanding (by the audience).
Our Miscommunication is the Apple of Discord that has continued to divide the Body of Christ, and by extension, the world at large. Same happened in the Tower of Babel.
Effective Communication is important to both the Speaker and the Listener to avoid Miscommunication, Misunderstanding and Misrepresentation.

When he said that "Women weren't God's original plan", what did you as a believer do?

The Bible is our source of the Word of God. And truly, God created man first, so what does it say?

Genesis 2:18- And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.
Genesis 2:21-23 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.
Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.
And Adam said:
“This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.”

This was simply what the Pastor explained. Did he say women were a mistake?
Did God say Women are a mistake?

He simply said, Women came out of God's afterthought that "It is not good that man should be alone."

If I were a woman, I'd choose to consider that neither God nor the Pastor that shared what God said in the Scriptures was wrong, but to understand what God saw and deposited in the Woman that made her to be called Man's Helper, comparable to him.

A woman, will either be a blessing for the rise of man, or a curse for the fall of man. That is the power of a woman.

Grace and Understanding to us all.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 7:56pm On Jul 13, 2019

Let me.remine you Muttleylaff. If you come at me physically, I assure you that your hands cannot reach my skin, if you come at me diabolically, (For only a man who has confidence in his diabolical powers wld be threading people) which it appears you can, it shall come back to you. If you think you know me enough to lay curses on me, try it again.

If a 5yrs old reads your post in this forum, what conclusion do you think he will draw? That you are just an activist or a closet homosexual who claims Christianity and by all means wants to lay a soft bed to land on when he comes out Screaming 'I am a gay Christian and I am a man of god?" Biko shift.

You know what? I don't need to curse a cursed man. You are already cursed Here is the Word for you The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked... And because you take a stand against the Lord, and have the audacity to falsify God's Word to justify Sin, Cursed is any man who blesses you. Anyone who wishes you well, misfortunes will not depart from him and his house.
Whatever gives you pleasure shall become a snare to you. MuttleyLaff, don't make speak against you o. Just mind yourself.

Exactly. Let's wait and see how you'd come out soon declaring yourself as a homosexual pastor. After all, you copy from GayChristians101 website freely.

Just Negodu? Who is interested in your stupid laughter?

It can be tempting to gloat, but we should try not to.
Grace to us all.

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Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 1:36pm On Jul 13, 2019
The drive to acquire knowledge illegitimately was the undoing of Eve pressplay411. You actually aptly got it right, when you used the word lust to describe her action, as it really was an uncontrolled quest for knowledge. Eve was blamed for acquiring knowledge, she was blamed for going against God's command not to go after the fruit of the the tree, at the expense of death.

"♪, ♩ Nobody wanna give, everybody wanna take. Oya tọtọri mi, one time toh. Tọtọri mi, two times, toh toh! Tọtọri mi, three times, toh toh toh! Tọtọri mi, four times, toh toh toh toh! ♪, ♩♪, ♩"

I think you meant to type it is a weapon that is carnal and not type, it is a weapon that is not carnal. That your slip of tongue, is what is called a freudian slip. It is is an unintentional error in speech or writing, regarded as revealing your subconscious feelings.

You discern an imaginary scheme. "Alfa Imam, wey no get bia-bia, prophet wey no sabi Bible well enough to be discerning scheme, dede"

We can easily forgive a child, who is afraid of the dark, the travesty and real tragedy of life is, when men are afraid of the light.

It's not carnal because it is a spiritual exchange- Mind games. You should be careful, lest you start to sound like the Serpent himself.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 5:46am On Jul 13, 2019
My brother, I am not teaching anybody anything. I am being free with you and that is why I said to you: "please tell me what the pretty good idea is you have and I'll kindly reciprocate to confirm whether your hunch is right or not"

Is it too much of a request, to ask you about the pretty good idea you have where as you said, I am going, hmm? Why is when there is the opportunity after granting the request, to share, converse and learn from each other, that you are reading too much into my request, hmm?

If opportunity didn't knock, I would, if I were you, have built a door

It's not like, as if, truth, information and knowledge decreases by being shared. I am online 24/7, when you are ready brother.

Dear, MuttleyLaff, enough with your mind games.
You want us to believe what is contrary to the Word of God. You want to make it seem as if you have a knowledge superior to what God has said.
It is a weapon that is not carnal, I discern your scheme.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

I can be curious, but I have long placed the Word of God as my Anchor. Please keep your esoteric knowledge to your self.
You may know the bible, but due to your pride, you have lost and denied its power. Good bye.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 5:44am On Jul 13, 2019

Sir, there's really no need for all this merry go round... no one is the fountain of knowledge, kindly state ur point and we can all either learn from it or find flaws in your assertions. Either way someone learns something

PS: i believe i have a pretty good idea where you're going with this but I might be wrong in my assumptions and u might truly have a novel way of looking at the scriptures. Probably something we've all missed,so I believe it's best if you let us know ur train of thought

I forgot to add it before but MuttleyLaff helped me remember the very foremost idol of man- Knowledge.
It is this same cunning that the Serpent employed to trick the first Man.
Eve fell simply due to her lust for knowledge.

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Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 12:41pm On Jul 12, 2019
No, you haven't. You went researching on qedesh, a completely different thing. Come back and tell, what your understanding of the word, qadesh means in the truest form of the meaning and originally in Bible.

It's the same sir, just spelling difference.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 10:21am On Jul 12, 2019
money is my idol unfortunately
Thanks for bringing this up. Money is (one of, if not certainly) the greatest idol. I intentionally didn't want to add it, but I think now that you mentioned it, I will edit and include it.

Grace to sacrifice our love of money.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 10:17am On Jul 12, 2019
You are mixing them up pressplay411. Qadesh is male prostituting, and qedesha is female temple prostitutes, whilst qedesh is Holy, sacred or something consecrated.

Qadesh, is also in the Bible referenced as sodomy or a sodomite. Go and find out more, and correctly find out this time. OK?

Ok. I have done my part, if you feel the need to share your thought on the topic, please do.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 8:46am On Jul 12, 2019
1/ How do you see a "qadesh"?.
2/ What in its truest sense and original meaning is a "qadesh"?
3/ Do you know what a litmus test is? OK, let see how wholely you've submitted to the Word of God. Let's find out how well, you see and understand the scriptures, hmm?

You know pressplay411, the difference between me and other people, is that, I rather be labelled a liar while telling the truth, than pretend to tell the truth, while telling a lie

The bible is not against drinking pressplay411. Moderation, the avoidance of excess or extremes is advised. The bible is against drinking to the state of drunkenness, where and when one gets to the point of losing control of their faculties or behaviour.

Ephesians 5:18, recommends spiritual drunkenness, to be filled with the Spirit, as in, be drunk in Holy Spirit, instead of getting drunk on wine, wherein is excess, will lead to reckless indiscretion

As, for fornication pressplay411, this is a complete no-no. Fornication, is a thing that is not possible or acceptable with any anyone claiming to be living and enjoying a strictly monogamous relationship lifestyle, of no cheating, no sleeping around, no emotional harm to anyone, no covetousness, no taking of what is not yours, no etcetera

For some reason you don't seem, to realise and know that , it is not consenting adults committing "harmless" homosexualism, but it is consenting adults committing "harmless" homosexualism that is not being promiscuous, that not being unfaithful, that's not cheating, thats not sleeping around, that isnt being idolatory, that is not part of a sexual ritual sex worship

You have the first go at what "qadesh" is pressplay411. OK? You tell first, all you've gone to find out about "qadesh". What you understand "qadesh" to be?. What you equate "qadesh" to be? Why you equate "qadesh" to what you've deemed it to be.? Tell whether your understanding, perfectly agrees, in the truest sense of it, with the original meaning of the word "qadesh", hmm?

Ok. I found that Qadash or (Kadesh) means to be Holy, Sacred, Consecrated. In Sodom, it also refers to male or female prostitutes.
Now, why did you bring it up? How does it relate to our discourse on Homosexualism?
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 10:47pm On Jul 11, 2019
Would you permit me to add the Holy Bible as a common idol of some please? Many do bow down and worship it even though they don't know they do.

I'd like to add Jesus Christ too but don't think that would go down well.

Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.
Daniel 10:12

-humble yourself
-seek to understand.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 10:18pm On Jul 11, 2019
God hates the qadesh. You do know what a qadeshbis, don't you? Well, God doesnt hate SSA people living and enjoying a strictly monogamous SSA relationship lifestyle, rather He loves them , just the same way He loves you and I, because where love abides, there God is and therein, you'll find God

pressplay411, don't take my word for it, please go and properly read that 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 scripture and carefully study it, you will find out that the scripture has nothing to do or say about two consenting adults enjoying and living a strictly monogamous same sex attraction relationship that harms no one, not children, not animal, not any human being

What's a qadesh?
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 10:11pm On Jul 11, 2019
God hates the qadesh. You do know what a qadeshbis, don't you? Well, God doesnt hate SSA people living and enjoying a strictly monogamous SSA relationship lifestyle, rather He loves them , just the same way He loves you and I, because where love abides, there God is and therein, you'll find God

pressplay411, don't take my word for it, please go and properly read that 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 scripture and carefully study it, you will find out that the scripture has nothing to do or say about two consenting adults enjoying and living a strictly monogamous same sex attraction relationship that harms no one, not children, not animal, not any human being

You seem not to have wholely submitted to the Word of God. Any part of our self/idol/mindset/possessions/nature that we don't die to, that we don't submit to the Lordship of God becomes our weakness. It corrupts how we see and understand the scriptures.

People who don't want to experience suffering don't want to hear scriptures which teach about suffering for Christ.
People who don't want to experience any form of poverty don't want to hear that blessed is the poor, or how nearly impossible it is for the rich to make the kingdom of God.
People who want to continue to drink and fornicate will likewise quote scriptures to their own destruction.

For some reason you don't see anything wrong with consenting adults committing "harmless" homosexualism, and you're not the first. But until you're ready to submit it, you will not see why it is wrong.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 5:33pm On Jul 11, 2019
1/ Please articulate to the best of your understanding, what is evil, wrong and bad in two adult having a romantic strictly monogamous same same sex attraction relationship, that is caring, loyal, kind, love until death do apart and is not harmful to anyone or anything, not a person, not a child and not an animal, hmm pressplay411?

2/ What immorality are such two living and enjoying a strictly monogamous same sex attraction relationship lifestyle, no cheating, no sleeping around, no etcetera hmm?

It's not whether he's nice or kind or good in works. It is all dead works if he's not saved.
It is simply wrong because the Bible says so. That's all the articulation I need.

Genesis to Revelations only portrayed the union of a man and a woman as the righteous and acceptable union.
Every act of homosexualism was portrayed in the scriptures as a symptom and litmus test of immorally degenerate society leaning towards God's judgment.

If you truly submit to the Word of the LORD, that would be good because the Scriptures state it expressly that it is wrong.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 4:36pm On Jul 11, 2019
What we agree on, what unites us elated177, is far more stronger and bigger than what we disagree and differ on

True to that.

Gender is out of the equation, as you would know, there is no male or female in Heaven and that's what we'll ultimately become, genderless, just as like with how angels are genderless.

Why will anyone who names the name of Christ proclaim he endorses homosexualism?
God does love the world (saint and sinners) but he doesn't condone sin, you understand that right?

We are to love them regardless just as we are to love every one else as ourselves. It is that love that will provoke us to pray for them, just as we hate to see what the devil has made out of God's perfection.

I was committing immoralities just as bad as homosexuality. I won't therefore say God loves my immoral ways, even though he still loved me as a sinner. However it grieves Him that I was on the path of destruction and I was corrupting others and spreading immorality.

God is always, a God of righteousness. That is His Nature and He never changes that for anyone. Jesus Christ sat with sinners preaching salvation to them.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 11:52am On Jul 11, 2019

Are you saying that the Scriptures of YHVH Almighty are not his words?

Do not for the sake of trying to agree with budaatum, confuse yourself and the readers of your posts. You will most certainly be lost if you toe the line of budaatum.

Having the Letter without obedience is likened to dying. Obedience to the Letter is the Spirit referred to. When a person has the Word and obeys it, such a person is said to have the Word and the Spirit. Of course, it is the Spirit, the Power, of the Father in heaven that can enable the saint obey his Word.

Thanks for your observation.
I won't contravene the Word of God just to agree with anyone. @least not to my knowledge.
I can only try to understand the person's perspective.

The scriptural truth remains that the Letter is different from the Word of God. The Letter kills until it becomes revealed by the Holy Spirit, then it gives Life.

Which is why Arise! could simply have no effect while the same Word by the Holy Spirit would produce a Miracle!

This is also analogous to the fact that man born of flesh is different from man born of the Spirit.
The question therefore is, does that stop the Man (whether born of flesh or Spirit) from being a child of God?
If I may paraphrase- Are we all children of God, irregardless of being born of Spirit (born again) or born of flesh?

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Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 10:24pm On Jul 10, 2019

Asking me to listen to a lesson on the Trinity by Munroe is like asking me to go back to primary school, though, I'm glad it helped you.

There is a reason the Trinity is a mystery, 411, one which goes back way further than it's adoption into Christianity, but those who seek an understanding will surely benefit from their seeking. It's much plentier work than watching Munroe.

What if I had asked you to go back to the first chapter of the first book of the bible, Genesis?
Cos that would seem like nursery but it is one of the best explanations of the Trinity of God.
If you truly seek to understand Christ, you don't decide the curriculum, the Holy Spirit does. And he uses whoever He wills.

Please don't misconstrue that I am condescending for I am simply describing God's Way. He who wants to see the Kingdom of God must come as a babe, who is willing to humbly learn.

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14.

Please, watch the video.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 5:33pm On Jul 10, 2019

No 411, I'm not saying the above, that "understanding before believing is critical"! The evidence suggests most believe before they understand, our religion being a thing we adopt at childhood before we are able to understand. I, unfortunately, or fortunately, depending how one sees it, was not fed religion as a child, and only got to it as an adult, like Paul, who also did not believe before gaining understanding.

What I am saying is, however one gets there, when one becomes an adult, one ought to, in my opinion, have sufficient knowledge, experience and understanding to be able to put the believing ways of childhood behind one, and know for absolutely certainty whether and how Jesus is Lord, if Jesus is indeed Lord.
Ok. Perhaps you should consider the understanding of the Trinity of God. That helped and still helps me a lot.
This message below along with other teachings helped my understanding.

Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 5:09pm On Jul 10, 2019
Trust I havent a monkey to get off my back and I have never in my life to date, own or have a monkey

I dont know what you are. I have never pictured you in my mind talkless think you are a sheep.

I do know I am a moG and also remember Jesus saying, "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family" When you resort to shooting at the messenger and not the message, there certainly is a monkey on someone's back somewhere

Patience brother, we are all growing sir. He only seeks to understand. Grace to us all.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 5:00pm On Jul 10, 2019

I am not Thomas, muttley. I am buda, the buda that believes not but makes use of the brain and mind that the Lord God gave buda so buda can seek understanding, which I do not need permission from you to do.

If you missed buda's attitude to "believing", start here.

I do understand your position. Because truly ,understanding before believing is critical as it gives us conviction.
But as Muttley has rightly said, that's what Faith is.
We are Christians today nor because we understood nor even understand fully what the goal of Christianity is because it's an everlasting journey. But we believed first, and we're now seeing that goal which is the Kingdom of God and the Excellence of His Glory all embodied in the knowledge of Christ Jesus.

On that premise, you see that contrary to the way the world works, we do not see (understand) before we believe. We See because we now Believe.
That is how the Just live by Faith.

However seeking to understand is important but it is preceded by Believing.
Understanding comes by the Holy Spirit, once we believe in God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour- the Wisdom of God.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 1:05pm On Jul 10, 2019

No one submits to the Word of God 411. What everyone submits to, if they submit at all, is their own understanding of the Word of God which is usually twisted to justify their own actions. It is as is written, "The Word of God was made for man, not man for the Word of God. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Word of God." baav

We twist our own understanding into it and claim God said essentially, just as Christ taught us to but using the key which is [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians+13&version=NIV&interface=amp]love[/url].

You've rightly said.
Remember I distinguished the Bible (Scriptures) from the Word of God.
The Bible is the letter (logos).
While the Word of God is when the Holy Spirit broods on the letter to give us His Understanding. That is when the Word is made flesh and Christ is formed in us.

This is why, The Letter kills but the Spirit gives Life.
It is only the Holy Spirit that gives understanding to Simple (humble) Minds.

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Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 12:18pm On Jul 10, 2019
It wouldn't go down well because you err

"Kayefi", somebori was confused

The Scriptures (Bible) not only could become an idol, it often and regurlarly is abused, misused and misconstrued

If you want something done right, what do you do? Do it yourself, right? Well that is exactly what Yahweh did budaatum. It so happens that through crucifixion, is the de jure way for Yahweh to die. He allowed Himself to legally, as in according to the law be put to death. Unless asked to, I am not saying more, for not wanting to slip into unnecessary yadayada

"Wa gbayi" Real men, strong men, stand on the word of God, eat meat and only have milk with meals or for recreation.

"The Oral Law of the Jews (later written as the talmud)- the interpretation of Moses' Law by the Scribes and Pharisees. It is followed by the Orthodox Jews to this day as of equal authority to the Bible. They falsely claimed it was passed down from Moses by word of mouth. Jesus clashed with Pharisees over this law. He rejected it and came against it's legalistic spirit (e.g. Matthew 15:2-3, Mark 7:1-9)"
- by MuttleyLaff: 8:00pm On Aug 30, 2015

Christ, after all did not submit to the teachings of His day budaatum, because, Jesus Christ, in every sense of the word, is a deconstructionist

budaatum, you surely have read it so many times, of Jesus saying: "You have heard that it was said…But I say to you", now that there of Jesus with those words, deconstructing and what's in the above inverted commas, is the reason why Jesus couldnt submit to the teachings of His day.

I could you tell us more whats happened with Christ, after all, not submitting to the teachings of His day but of course, I dont want to yield to committing unnecessary yadayada

If Solomon is your guide, then this is you scoring an own goal.

After Jesus Christ, King Solomon, inarguably is the man with the most sense and common sense and sense wiseness, that ever lived, who started well in 2 Chronicles 1:12, but on getting towards the end of his life, finished badly, when wisdom that was first and in the forefront, as in, was a most important feature and first position in his life, by the time we reached reading 2 Chronicles 9:22, had got been relegated to last.

Nobaga, no shishi, with any iota of sense wiseness, relegates wisdom to the last. Do it at your peril.

Jesus Christ, throught His stay on earth, until death, increased in wisdom, but King Solomon, until death, decreased in wisdom

"Give me the wisdom and knowledge to lead them properly, (i.e. so that I may lead this people)
for who could possibly govern this great people of yours?
- 2 Chronicles 1:10

King Solomon was not blessed with, all other things, like riches and wealth, and honour added unto him, for seeking first the Kingdom of God. King Solomon was already in the kingdom, as in fact, already sought the kingdom, and so was not blessed because of that.

As a matter of, King Solomon, was secondarily blessed, as in blessed with less important things, which were riches, wealth and honour because of what he prayed for and how he prayed it, this is reproduced as seen in 2 Chronicles 1:10 above

Wisdom and knowledge, as in information, is very important. It wasnt money, power, riches and wealth that corrupted King Solomon, it was the lack of appreciating sense wiseness and not anymore embracing wisdom, to be the most important thing in ones life and walk with God

Proverbs 4:6-7 says: "Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you. That wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding"

Pray like King Solomon, to have wisdom and knowledge, so to be able to use all that you have, all that's in your care, all that you're blessed with, like your intellect, your senses, your body, mind and soul, properly and in ways that will please God. Never relegate wisdom, like King Solomon, later in life, did.

Well said sir. Thanks a lot MuttleyLaff

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Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 5:08am On Jul 10, 2019

I'm not the sort to submit to what I do not understand. If I did that, if Jesus did that in fact, he would have succumbed to the temptation on the mountain through a lack of understanding, and if I submit to what I do not understand it would mean that I completely misunderstood Christ's teachings. Christ, after all did not submit to the teachings of his day.

Solomon is my guide in this, for in seeking first the Kingdom of God all other things were added unto him. I'd rather ask God for understanding so that I do not have to submit.

Ok. Glad you said that. God is faithful.
Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 10:51pm On Jul 09, 2019

I wouldn't agree that Jesus Christ were God. God's Son, they say, but not Yahweh himself. I just can't see Yahweh submitting to crucifixion without turning everyone on earth to salt first or wiping it out with a flood or fire or something equally as devastating.

If you submit to the Word of God, then you will agree even without fully understanding it.
This Scripture says it all.

1 Timothy 3:16
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

God was manifested in the flesh,
Justified in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Preached among the Gentiles,
Believed on in the world,
Received up in glory.

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Religion / Re: Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 10:30pm On Jul 09, 2019
Would you permit me to add the Holy Bible as a common idol of some please? Many do bow down and worship it even though they don't know they do.

I'd like to add Jesus Christ too but don't think that would go down well.

Lol Isn't Jesus Christ God?

The Scriptures (Bible) could become an idol though as theologians often become puffed up in knowledge as the Pharisees and Scribes who ended up crucifying the Saviour they had been reading and teaching about.

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Religion / Beware Of Your Idols by pressplay411(m): 9:51pm On Jul 09, 2019
Idolatry: Dictionary meaning:
-The worship of idols.
-The excessive admiration of somebody or something.

An Idol by inference means;
-Whatever/Whoever we exalt more than God knowingly or unknowingly.
--Whatever/Whoever we prioritize over every thing else.
-Whatever/Whoever we can do anything for.
-Whatever/Whoever we cannot do without.

Answer this simple question;
Who/What comes first in your life right now?

An idol could be an actual graven image, money, knowledge, a thing (gadget, jewellleries,), a hobby, a person (family, friend, boy/girlfriend, celebrities, self), work, politics, sports, movies, games, social media (Facebook, IG, Twitter, Whatsapp, Blogs, etc).

Not all the aforementioned objects of our idolatry are bad but placing them above God makes them bad.
Balance is Bliss.

Beware of idols, God is a jealous God.


Celebrities / How The Media Is Conforming Us by pressplay411(m): 4:58pm On Jul 08, 2019
Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23

The Media is one of the most sensitive mechanisms and by inference Profession/department.
There's a reason the adversary is also called prince of the air. (Airwaves). Ephesians 2:2

The Media is to the World what the Soul is to Man. They are both the channels through which Control/Programming/Conforming/Influencing takes place.

Communication has to do with the transfer/passing of Information between two or more people. Key word being Information.
In basic Communication, there are 3 parties involved;

The Source (Sender) --> Medium/Media (Interpreter/Translator)--> The Receiver

The Major challenge is that the quality and authenticity of the information being communicated is highly dependent on the Interpreter (Medium/Media).

For Communication to be EFFECTIVE there has to be proper interpretation (Understanding) and Expected Result (Output).
Input must be equal to Output.
Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO).
Information communicated should not be distorted or corrupted or misunderstood.

In relation to the World, this is why we have to be careful of the Press/Media/Social Media.
In relation to Man, this is why we have to be sensitive who is controlling our Souls.

In the World, we have to be careful who our Media are: Who we listen to, where we expose our selves to and our sources of news.

As man (humans) we have to be sensitive who interpretes in our soul. Is it the Holy Spirit or other spirits? That person determines how we view the world. It determines how we are being conformed (Romans 12:2) and how we react to situations. (Matthew 15:11)

Be Sensitive.
Religion / The Mystery Of Vanity by pressplay411(m): 4:56pm On Jul 07, 2019
The quest for fame and fortune (worldliness) drives us to ungodliness.
It's unfortunate that no matter how much people hear and read this, they will still keep chasing fame and fortune. It's a paradoxical conundrum motivated by man's insatiability and egocentricity. What the scriptures aptly describes as Lust of the eyes, Lust of the flesh and Pride of Life.

The force/spirit of Lust is the greatest force/spirit contending against the Spirit of God.

Once one overcomes lust by submitting to Christ, you experience a Peace of Mind incomprehensible, that derives from being driven by the Spirit of Love (Agape) and Meekness. You experience Contentment.
This is what gives Rest to the Soul.
Until the human soul is at rest, the person may physically have it all but experience intermitent bouts of sadness and depression inexplicable, overtaken by heaviness of living. For it is only Christ who gives that Rest.

Matthew 11:28-29
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

"I took a pill in Ibiza" by Mike Posner is one of my favorites songs. I loved it as an unbeliever and still find it interesting listening to it because it captures the fast life and its vanity. I used to chase that.
It's not only entertainment industry but life generally.

"I will always love you" simply captures the rollercoaster of love outside Love (God is Love.)
Until one loves God wholeheartedly, you can't know how to love yourself and others. Unbelievably true.
Which is why the golden and ultimate rule of the bible is Love.

So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’
Luke 10:27

I pray for Unveiling and Grace to us all.

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