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Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 9:55am On Feb 14, 2012
Thanks you ALL,

you just made my day, i was really worried at first, but from all the response here i understand now that its not really a big issue, may be i will just

stop doing same things and expect different result.

By the way, you all on Nairaland are my VALS so HAPPY VALS DAY TO EVERYONE.

Thanks for always putting a smile on my face.
Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 5:42pm On Feb 13, 2012
@ Oluwa4sure

thanks so much.

i will start learning with the tips you have given.
Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 5:40pm On Feb 13, 2012

undecided undecided undecided undecided

@ El' Mikael Ocee, aka killz
whats the funny face for ?

i am serious here.
Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 5:00pm On Feb 13, 2012


What is the level of your ugliness? Humans do not know the level of their ugliness until a person, in some cases opposite sex, tells them in no uncertain terms that they are ugly.

Also some people are not wife materials so there is no need to even start a friendship which could lead to a discussion of wedlock.

@ Dede1
please if you don't have any reasonable contribution to add, i will advice you go and sleep, and i can confidently tell you that i am prettier than any girl you have ever dated or still dating, i am pretty, confident, smart and up the professional ladder in my choosen career and command respect in the office environment and is admired for my achievements,most especially since my field was mostly male dominated until ladies started taking the bull by the horn . and for your information, even most of my male friends( 70% ) prefer going out with me to functions and other fun places rather than their girlfriends, maybe to boost their confidence and since i am very good with conversations, it helps them too, they never get bored with me. so stay on the point, all i notice is i am always the best friend and confidant and the fun to be with person but not a relationship of my own.
Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 4:24pm On Feb 13, 2012
@ Oluwa4sure
Thanks you have good points and i am enjoying the way you put it out with humour.
its just that, most of the time, my job takes alot of my time, and you don't expect me to be taking a walk by 6 am in lagos when trying to go to work and most times i close late and scared of taking the risk of my bag being snatched or worse.
i rarely go out for lunch too cos we have a good kitchen in the office or we just call on phone and have our order delivered to the office.
how would i even know when a guy wants more than friendship rather than a confidant or best friend. why do i always have to be the best friend.
Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 3:17pm On Feb 13, 2012
@ Iceblock

Thanks for the encouragement.
Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 2:40pm On Feb 13, 2012


@ webcam, thanks for the encouragement
do you have any more tips for me ? by the way, i am in my mid-twenties.
Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 1:23pm On Feb 13, 2012

is dat the real queen of hearts? grin
anyway madam queen make u stop to dey wear sackcloth and 1925 type of shoes and if u follow my advice u go see husband b4 this year runs out cheesy

Sorry, i am not the same queen of hearts that you know, so don't make assumptions, because you don't know me, at the same time, i am not surprise cos i have been reading other funny and irrelevant comments from you on other topics.

The truth is dat MOST guyz no dey DEY comfortable with babe wey too tear eye. Or maybe u dey too authoritative.
Take a trip down ur inna most mind and search,u will find the answers to ur worries dat is if you are sincere to urself. cool

i am not any of the bloded, i have even tried asking most of them, and the reply is always NO and infact thats one of the many reasons they find it very easy to talk to me or see me as their confidant, i have thought  about it several times and can't come up with any answer thats why i am here, i have looked inward too. and i am sincere. if not i will not be here.
Romance / Re: Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 12:07pm On Feb 13, 2012
@ ch@nges
Thanks for that, you just made me feel better, but i am also waiting for more comments from other Nlders.
So my adv. Is; feel free, appear easy-going, and always try to be receptive without formings.
i already do all these and i don't form, thats why they even see me as their confidant and besty and can say everything to.
Romance / Why Am I Always Seen As A Pally by Queenofheart: 10:46am On Feb 13, 2012

i am actually one of the old members on nairaland, but i decided to use another id, to avoid being known and eaten by the wolfs in this forum.

Ok, here is my problem, i am a pretty, easy going lady and very jovial, but the thing is i don't have a bf or relationship not that i am not worth the trouble but all my male

friends always end up seeing me as their pally or best friend, someone they can always talk to and confide in, and seriously it is beginning to worry me.

some of them even tell me openly that they would not mind having me as their girlfriends or getting married to someone like me, ONLY IF THEY WERE NOT ALREADY HOOKED.

my question now is, why do they always see me like that ? why can't they see me for the lady that i am or chase me or want to have me as a gf or wife ? how do i stop this

contineous best friend and confidant thing ? for heavens sake i also have feelings, i always be the one helping them solve their relationship issues with thier girl friends or is

there something wrong with me that i don't know of ?. i really hope to get good advice or help from here , so that i can stop all this best friend thing and a guy would really

approach me for me and wants to be with me, and not looking for a pally, best friend or confidant.

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