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Health / A Nairalander's Brother In Dilemma Over Kidney Problem by ReSexzskilz(f): 1:13pm On Jun 18, 2015
Like 3 months ago my brother was hospitalized due swellings all over and it was later diagnosed as renal insufficiency. He used over 3 weeks in the hospital and was discharged with diagnosis of Nephrotic Syndrom, with the swellings in feets, stomach and face totally gone. His appetite was also restored plus receded level of nauseating. He was placed on ;Lisinopril, Clopidogrel, Lasix, etc. He had very intense general body weakness, dizziness and light headedness. He usually goes for check up until early last week when his doctor in the hospital asked him if he was ready for a kidney biopsy test. ALL previous urinalysis showed he has been having blood and protein in his urine. Just on Tuesday that he went for clinic, a urine test showed every parameters negative including PROTEIN and blood. Only glucose showed ++[1 plus]. The blood pressure took showed 50/90 or the other way round, i've forgotten. The nephrologist that attended to him took his result and said he was somehow surprised. He (my brother) was told that his kidneys might be regenerating! because the first symptom of a damaged kidney is proteinuria or Microalbuminuria and presence of blood in the urine. He began complaining of dysentery yesterday and said he was defecating little worm-like creatures. His body temperature also rose with moderate appetite, along mild nausea. One of my doctors just called this morning and told him they were waiting for him at the renal ward for his biopsy test. I am honestly afraid for him due to complications i've read and heard regarding it (the biopsy test).

The question now is should he go for this kidney biopsy? Please note that this is a teaching hospital. What does his glucose result in that his test also revealed about his kidneys and overall health? Doctors in the house please! MODS, this is a matter of life and life. Thanks.

TV/Movies / 130 Years Later, Hollywood Still Rules Universal Entertainment by ReSexzskilz(f): 11:52am On Jun 01, 2015
Just winthin three weeks for instance, Furious 7, the seventh installment in the Fast and Furious franchise earned over US$1.5 billion!!! And it is the best selling film of the year 2015 so far, also now one of the best selling movies of all time. Almost all the best selling films of all time are from Hollywood. Hollywood has broke through all barriers, races, cultures and geographications of mankind. What really astonished me about Hollywood is not the hugest figures they sell or the global audience they reach, it is the supernatural, extraordinary dedication to their craft. Did you really know that some actors and crew members die during films shooting? Did you know that Andy Serkis before starring in King Kong had to live in Namibia for two years to study mountain gorillas for preparation for his role? Did you know that universal action hero icon, Arnold Schwazzenegger is a two term governor of Carlifonia, the largest state in the United States, yet still overly dedicated to his career after leaving office in his old age? Did you know that The Lord of the Rings trilogy took several thousands of locations around the world to shoot? Did you know that James Cameron owns the first 2 best selling movies in history, Titanic and Avater, the later which he both wrote and directed all by himself? Did you know Cameron had to Waite since the early 90s to 2009 in order to project his full vision for Avatar, the best selling film in history? Did you know that the television series 24 did really influenced the way soldiers torture criminals and terrorists all over the world, especially in the Americas? Did you know all actors in the world are still considered local champions regardless of their achievements until they manage to break into Hollywood? Classic examples are Kungfu legends Bruce Lee, Michelle Yeoh, Jet Li, Jackie Chan and the European actors. Even the Indian ace actor, Shah Rukh Khan, had to get endorsed by Hollywood to get his great fame. The supernatural qualities that make Hollywood so extraordinary can never be over-emphasized.

After almost one and a half century, The United States Cinemas, Hollywood, still reigns
supreme in our vast universe. Movies like Titanic, Lords of the Ring, Avatar and many
others have grossed BILLIONS of dollars each. Contrary to popular beleif, Hollywood is not
ultimately supported by the government. All other movie industries in the world are
direct imitation of this mega-entertainment WORLD. May Hollywood's godish talents be
America rule the universe forEVER (AMEN).


1 Like

Politics / Americanism Statistics: Nigeria Is Fourth In Applauding US Policies by ReSexzskilz(f): 6:14pm On May 31, 2015
A poll conducted in 2014 by the BBC World Service, 12 countries rated U.S. influence
positively, while 6 leaned negative and 2 were divided.

Results of 2014 BBC World Service poll.
Views of the United States' influence by country

Country polled
Positive | Negative | Neutral | Pos-Neg
Pakistan 16 61. 23 -45
China 18 59 23 -41
Germany 21 57 22 -36
Russia 21 55 24 -34
Indonesia 36 47 17 -11
Argentina 29 39 32 -10
Canada 43 52. 5 -9
Mexico 35 41. 24. -6
Spain 39 44 17 -5
Australia 44 46 10. -2
Turkey. 36 36 28. 0
France 51. 41. 8 10
UK. 52 42 6 10
India 42 29 29. 13
Brazil. 51 38 11 13
Peru 48 29 23 19
Japan. 37 8 55 29
South Korea. 58 28 14 30
Nigeria. 59. 29 12 30
Kenya 55. 24 21 31
United States 66. 27 7. 39
Israel. 60 15 25 45
Ghana 69 19 12. 50

In case you still don't understand, this is a 2014 worldwide American foreign policy poll conducted by the BBC. Pakistanis, from this poll, detest the United States most amongst countries of the world. Nigeria is the fourth country that highly applauds the global influence of the United States, in positive light, if u know what that means. However, this statistics also prove that anti-Americanism in the Middle East is at an all time high. After World War I, admiration was expressed for American President Woodrow Wilson's
promulgation of democracy, freedom and self-determination in the Fourteen Points and,
during World War II , the high ideals of the Atlantic Charter received favorable notice.
According to Tamim Ansary, in Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic
Eyes (2009) early views of America in the Middle East and the Muslim World were mostly
Source- Wkipedia

cc: Lalasticlala, Ishilove
Politics / American Influence Statistics- Nigeria Takes Fourth Place by ReSexzskilz(f): 4:32pm On May 31, 2015
A poll conducted in 2014 by the BBC World Service, 12 countries rated U.S. influence
positively, while 6 leaned negative and 2 were divided.

Results of 2014 BBC World Service poll.
Views of the United States' influence by country

Country polled
Positive | Negative | Neutral | Pos-Neg
Pakistan 16 61. 23 -45
China 18 59 23 -41
Germany 21 57 22 -36
Russia 21 55 24 -34
Indonesia 36 47 17 -11
Argentina 29 39 32 -10
Canada 43 52. 5 -9
Mexico 35 41. 24. -6
Spain 39 44 17 -5
Australia 44 46 10. -2
Turkey. 36 36 28. 0
France 51. 41. 8 10
UK. 52 42 6 10
India 42 29 29. 13
Brazil. 51 38 11 13
Peru 48 29 23 19
Japan. 37 8 55 29
South Korea. 58 28 14 30
Nigeria. 59. 29 12 30
Kenya 55. 24 21 31
United States 66. 27 7. 39
Israel. 60 15 25 45
Ghana 69 19 12. 50

In case you still don't understand, this is a 2014 worldwide American foreign policy poll conducted by the BBC. Pakistanis, from this poll, detest the United States most amongst countries of the world. Nigeria is the fourth country that highly applauds the global influence of the United States, in positive light, if u know what that means. However, this statistics also prove that anti-Americanism in the Middle East is at an all time high. After World War I, admiration was expressed for American President Woodrow Wilson's
promulgation of democracy, freedom and self-determination in the Fourteen Points and,
during World War II , the high ideals of the Atlantic Charter received favorable notice.
According to Tamim Ansary, in Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic
Eyes (2009) early views of America in the Middle East and the Muslim World were mostly
Source- Wkipedia

cc: Lalasticlala, Ishilove
Politics / American Influence Statistics- Nigeria Takes Fourth Place by ReSexzskilz(f): 4:25pm On May 31, 2015
A poll conducted in 2014 by the BBC World Service, 12 countries rated U.S. influence
positively, while 6 leaned negative and 2 were divided.

Results of 2014 BBC World Service poll.
Views of the United States' influence by country

Country polled
Positive | Negative | Neutral | Pos-Neg
Pakistan 16 61. 23 -45
China 18 59 23 -41
Germany 21 57 22 -36
Russia 21 55 24 -34
Indonesia 36 47 17 -11
Argentina 29 39 32 -10
Canada 43 52. 5 -9
Mexico 35 41. 24. -6
Spain 39 44 17 -5
Australia 44 46 10. -2
Turkey. 36 36 28. 0
France 51. 41. 8 10
UK. 52 42 6 10
India 42 29 29. 13
Brazil. 51 38 11 13
Peru 48 29 23 19
Japan. 37 8 55 29
South Korea. 58 28 14 30
Nigeria. 59. 29 12 30
Kenya 55. 24 21 31
United States 66. 27 7. 39
Israel. 60 15 25 45
Ghana 69 19 12. 50

In case you still don't understand, this is a 2014 worldwide American foreign policy poll conducted by the BBC. Pakistanis, from this poll, detest the United States most amongst countries of the world. Nigeria is the fourth country that highly applauds the global influence of the United States, in positive light, if u know what that means. However, this statistics also prove that anti-Americanism in the Middle East is at an all time high. After World War I, admiration was expressed for American President Woodrow Wilson's
promulgation of democracy, freedom and self-determination in the Fourteen Points and,
during World War II , the high ideals of the Atlantic Charter received favorable notice.
According to Tamim Ansary, in Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic
Eyes (2009) early views of America in the Middle East and the Muslim World were mostly

cc: Lalasticlala, Ishilove
Religion / 7 Facts U Need To Know About Religion And God Before You Die By Sexzskil by ReSexzskilz(f): 1:02pm On May 31, 2015
1. Does God exists and if he exists is he a mere fabrication? Well, the sheer answer is,
a probability that a Creator exists, it would be disgustingly enigmatic to point to the
various gods of world ''faiths'', religions and personify them as an Almighty God who
created the Heaven and the Earth. Well, this is exactly the case with 96 percent of
mankind. Sooner than expected, the world will marvel in disappointment of every good
thing their god(s) had promised them!
2. The Atheists see religionists as dumb fools without hope. Their opinions about life in
general are more objective. On the other hand, the Muslims see every other religions as
infidels who will suffer the tortures for eternity of hell if never converted, well same thing
applies to those in Christendom and other religions. It is now expedient to conclude that
every religion has their own god, different from the rest. Many have even suggest that in
the Bible, the Old and New Testaments have two different god
3. ''In the beginning God created Heaven-and-Earth''. Well we want to assume here that
nothing like Hell ever existed. Waite, but other books of the Bible mentioned Hell! The only
two things that came from the Christian god is Heaven and Earth as stated in the
beginning of the Bible. It obviously means that Hell was never created by him nor does
any other place in the same book reveal of how or when this supposed place of eternal
torment was established. Infact the Christian god once warned his people never to be
influenced by the practices of other nations which include the habit of burning their
children in the fire. He considered it an abomination of the highest magnitude. We now ask
this question, how come this same god is going to practice what he condemns on a far far
more intense scale by torturing so many billions of souls in a place called hell, just for
some few sins that they committed in their very short life time? Death says the Bible, is
the reward of sins, and by this it meant physical death of the body. If eternal torment is
still the reward for sins will the sinners ever get paid in full?
4. Religion has done more evil to mankind than good. In the world book encyclopedia, we
learnt that religion has sent more people the grave than any wars in history. This system
of belief Man created for himself has infiltrated his nature, relegated all his natural
beauties to the background and set him on the part of irreversible gloom. It is a way in
which Man would take his fellow man's life on a legal platform. It is primitive and the
sooner it is wiped out of civilisation the better for mankind, after all who taught animals to
organise themselves talkless of more complex animals called humans. Man doesn't need
religion to conduct himself. Let Nature have his way!
5. The biggest lie religion has taught us is that Man has a SOUL that survives physical
death. When you die, you ceased to exist in all form, no rocket science involved. The
absence of this fact on the mind is the main cause of the Fear of Death.and again, I use
the Bible, the supposed biggest religion in the world, from which the idea of an afterlife
was officially first penned down in history. '' To dust you are from, and to dust you will
return''. In the realm of the propagation of hell and heaven by preachers, the entire
statement is being manipulated, twisted to suite traditional beleif system of the Church or
it is entirely ignored. Solomon reinstated this fact when he said, ''at death, all things fail
to exist. All his thought, ideas, aspirations die with him''. In reality, Solomon was
explaining that all what makes up a mam is what lived while you exist; your so-called
spirit is your breath, your soul is your ''mind'', the place in which is birthed every dreams
and personality of a man, and your body is the remaining entire human system.
6. The originator of modern Bibles, starting from the 15th century King James Version
(KJV), who authored his work in 1611 is a great testament to the reality that the Bible like
all other religious books is a fraud. When the KJV came out, it contained 80 books but go
open your Bible at home and count how many ''books'' are therein. Where are the
remaining 14? They,ve been ripped off! Do you know that the Bible is yearly grossly edited
to suit traditional prreachers the more? In comparing and contrasting the different versions
of the KJV together in from 1611-1626, there was found over 21 thousands of errors in the
translations winthin a period of 25 years! A book which is being regarded as inerrant.
Think about this! It may interest you to know that King James 1 of England began his own
version of the Bible not for the love of a creator but for sheer political and monetary
reasons, at that time which the Geneva Bible produced by John Calvin and his Associates
was a threat to his aspirations. One or two centuries later, the Bible was translated to
Latin and taken away from the public for decades!
The Bible, on which many souls have hung their entire lives for several centuries, is an
entire fabrication, later repackaged by Constantine. The Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate
from which the Bible is said to be originally written from are 2 books written in esoteric
codes by different ancient mystery schools for some supposed ''highest species of
mankind'' to comprehend. Greatest figures of history like Adolf Hitler understood most of
this in depth.
King James himself knew this. The Talmud, the oldest Jewish books throw light on the
fact that the characters of the Bible never existed, they are parables. Parables of what
7. In all, people may ask, if God doesn't exist and religious books are mere fabrications,
what then should we beleive? Well, it seems so badly that Man need a strong beleif
system, as the one in religion, to make meaning of his life and his world. For countless of
milleniums he has been asking himself this same question: Where did i come from and to
Where am i going after the time on this place? He has tried to explain by religion,
astronomy, science and many other means, yet the answer is still vague! Little wonder,
even the religious man called Solomon complained of how futile and vain life is. He
pathetically wept about his existence, despite having god and every thing in the world! ''
All things will pass away'', remarked Hitler, '' Only deeds and Death itself will remain''. By
understanding that this world in which you and I lived has been manipulated beyond belief
by the State, Church, Mosque and others, by fully being able to understand evolution, the
course of entire mankind history, the obscurity of the real Author of this world if there is
one, by accepting the inescapable reality that you have only one life to live and by
comprehending the fact that whatever you do Karma, the Natural Laws, The Law of the
State will repay you, you stand a chance to make the most meaning of life. You are in this
religion either by birth or by the need of protection from malevolent forces which you can
never explain. You are regurgitating what you,ve been taught since your childhood. One
day, you will have to stand before a mirror in private when life seems vague as usual,
when grissle darkness swarm i or the walls seem more horribly thick and tell yourself the
plain truth about you and your world. You will have to convince yourself that Man is
Immortal, and the only way to really live forever is to die!


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Religion / Re: The Year God Died by ReSexzskilz(f): 11:49am On May 31, 2015
How can there be anything called God believed to be the creator of this vast universe? Surely, if there is anything to be tagged creator it can never be the god of the Bible or the Koran.

BTW look how far the stars are to the earth! How can anything matter? We are microbes on a grain of sand. Life is a st.pid, insignificant accident and when it is over we just dead meats. Dead meats!!!

1 Like

Politics / Re: Opinion: It Is A Big Shame That Obama Did Not Visit Nigeria by ReSexzskilz(f): 11:27am On May 31, 2015
LALASTIC d LALA, why na?
Politics / Opinion: It Is A Big Shame That Obama Did Not Visit Nigeria by ReSexzskilz(f): 12:43am On May 31, 2015
Am just curious, but isn't it a great disgrace that president Barrack Obama did not visit Nigeria, the supposed giant of Africa, for the change of a regime despite stressful pleadings? To even imagine that PMB went to personally invite British pm, David Cameron, yet he never showed up. I also noticed that presidents of other most industrialized and powerful nations of the world such as Putin of Russia and Merkel of Germany never even said anything about Nigeria all these while. What happened to Japan, Turkey, China, South Korea, India, Spain, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Thailand, Brazil and other more powerful nations? Is it that apart from Boko Haram, Nigeria is not recognised? I can't imagine Egyptian inauguration, South African inauguration, Kenyan inauguration without both Obama and Cameron present. Am just so curious why Obama or other real world ''hegemonious'' leader never gave a damn about our inauguration.

cc. Lalasticlala, Ishilove, Afam4Ever, Seun.

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Travel / Re: Why Applicants Are Denied US Visas – Consul-general by ReSexzskilz(f): 3:07pm On May 23, 2015

Bros, e be like say dem don deal with you wella. cheesy
Politics / Re: Omg!!!see The Power Of Social Media by ReSexzskilz(f): 11:15am On May 22, 2015
powerful indeed!
Politics / Re: Buhari Jets To London With Diezani On Board by ReSexzskilz(f): 11:09am On May 22, 2015
prettier than her
Nairaland / General / Re: Nigerian Police Sabotage Hausa's In Ekiti To Burn Ado-ekiti Main Market by ReSexzskilz(f): 10:44am On May 22, 2015
coming back now
Politics / Re: Pressure Mounts On Obama To Attend Buhari’s Inauguration In Person by ReSexzskilz(f): 1:01pm On May 18, 2015
Why are the Buharis, Tinubus, etc just dying to see Obama face to face? Well, maybe Obama is God.
Politics / Re: ISIS: US Forces Kill Senior IS Leader Abu Sayyaf, Capture His Wife Umm Sayyaf by ReSexzskilz(f): 12:39am On May 17, 2015
American special forces killed a senior Islamic State group leader and captured his wife in a
daring raid in eastern Syria, the White House has announced.
In the course of the dramatic operation, a Yazidi woman believed to have been enslaved by
the couple was rescued as well, officials said.
The bold raid, with elite American commandos striking at the inner circle of the IS group
in their eastern Syrian stronghold, was a rare use of “boots on the ground” by the United
States, which has fought the jihadists almost entirely from the air.
On orders from US President Barack Obama, the special operations forces based in Iraq
sought to capture the IS militant, Abu Sayyaf, who oversaw oil smuggling and military
operations for the jihadists. But the extremist was killed after firing on the US troops, the
White House said.
“During the course of the operation, Abu Sayyaf was killed when he engaged US forces,” a
spokeswoman for the White House national security council, Bernadette Meehan, said on
Saturday in a statement.
His wife, Umm Sayyaf, suspected of being a member of the IS group, was captured, Ms
Meehan said.
“The operation also led to the freeing of a young Yazidi woman who appears to have been
held as a slave by the couple. We intend to reunite her with her family as soon as
feasible,” Ms Meehan said.
The Yazidis, a religious minority in northwest Iraq with ancient origins, have been
persecuted by the IS jihadists and rights groups say Yazidi women have been kidnapped,
raped and sold among the extremists.
The IS militant’s wife was under “US military detention in Iraq” but American officials had
not yet decided on her ultimate legal fate.
US officials suspect she “played an important role in ISIL’s terrorist activities, and may
have been complicit in the enslavement of the young woman rescued last night,” the White
House said.
The American forces went after Sayyaf in Al-Omar in eastern Syria, one of the country’s
biggest oil fields.
US forces suffered no casualties in the night raid, officials said, without offering details
about how many troops were involved or what units were deployed.
The raid was carried out with the full approval of the Iraqi government, officials said.
Politics / ISIS: US Forces Kill Senior IS Leader Abu Sayyaf, Capture His Wife Umm Sayyaf by ReSexzskilz(f): 12:39am On May 17, 2015
American special forces killed a senior Islamic State group leader and captured his wife in a
daring raid in eastern Syria, the White House has announced.
In the course of the dramatic operation, a Yazidi woman believed to have been enslaved by
the couple was rescued as well, officials said.
The bold raid, with elite American commandos striking at the inner circle of the IS group
in their eastern Syrian stronghold, was a rare use of “boots on the ground” by the United
States, which has fought the jihadists almost entirely from the air.
On orders from US President Barack Obama, the special operations forces based in Iraq
sought to capture the IS militant, Abu Sayyaf, who oversaw oil smuggling and military
operations for the jihadists. But the extremist was killed after firing on the US troops, the
White House said.
“During the course of the operation, Abu Sayyaf was killed when he engaged US forces,” a
spokeswoman for the White House national security council, Bernadette Meehan, said on
Saturday in a statement.
His wife, Umm Sayyaf, suspected of being a member of the IS group, was captured, Ms
Meehan said.
“The operation also led to the freeing of a young Yazidi woman who appears to have been
held as a slave by the couple. We intend to reunite her with her family as soon as
feasible,” Ms Meehan said.
The Yazidis, a religious minority in northwest Iraq with ancient origins, have been
persecuted by the IS jihadists and rights groups say Yazidi women have been kidnapped,
raped and sold among the extremists.
The IS militant’s wife was under “US military detention in Iraq” but American officials had
not yet decided on her ultimate legal fate.
US officials suspect she “played an important role in ISIL’s terrorist activities, and may
have been complicit in the enslavement of the young woman rescued last night,” the White
House said.
The American forces went after Sayyaf in Al-Omar in eastern Syria, one of the country’s
biggest oil fields.
US forces suffered no casualties in the night raid, officials said, without offering details
about how many troops were involved or what units were deployed.
The raid was carried out with the full approval of the Iraqi government, officials said.
Health / Pls What Is Baking Soda And How Can One Gets It Around? by ReSexzskilz(f): 12:59pm On May 15, 2015
I read about a research of how prolonged usage of baking soda does treat acute kidney diseases due to it's properties of Sodium Bicarbonate. Pls how does it look like, what is it's cost and where can one get it?

Celebrities / Re: This Throw Back Picture Of Ali Baba And Bovi Will Leave You Laughing by ReSexzskilz(f): 12:52pm On May 15, 2015

Yeah smiley
pls ma, where can one get baking soda. I heard it treats acute kidney disease.
Music/Radio / Re: Dear Jay Z, Here Are 7 Talented Nigerians That Should Be “discovered” by ReSexzskilz(f): 2:56pm On May 14, 2015

Truth is there is no appeal for the garbage they churn out. At most they will only feature foreign artistes and thats where it ends. D'banj tried it we all know how it ended.
D'banj that was even kicked out by Yeezy cos he sees no profit in what he do. Well, the Yeezy connection has really taken him far than any other artist from African on the world stage.

African artists' music are best suited for naked, crude cavemen.

1 Like

Business / Re: US Trains 85 Nigerian Women On Financial Independence by ReSexzskilz(f): 2:49pm On May 14, 2015

*clears land... walks out*

1 Like

Music/Radio / Re: Dear Jay Z, Here Are 7 Talented Nigerians That Should Be “discovered” by ReSexzskilz(f): 2:32pm On May 14, 2015
@ op Tidal became a global company because legendary, universally famed musicians such as Usher, Beyonce, Madonna, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Kanye West, etc endorsed it, not because Jigga sent an unknown younger brother in Nigeria to scoop for artists.

BTW, no Nigerian artist can ever be ''really'' known internationally, cos there is no such appeal.
Health / Rare And Interesting Facts About Death by ReSexzskilz(f): 12:30am On May 14, 2015
We’re all familiar with death, whether it's from visiting a hospital, a funeral home,
assisting a burial — or even escaping death ourselves. Although death (along with taxes)
is inevitable during our mortal existence, we still can’t begin to imagine dying or what
happens after we die. The truth is we all fear the Grim Reaper and the unknown
countdown ‘til our death, but how aware are we about our own mortality?
Every minute there are, on average, 107 deaths, based on the census bureau’s
population clock, with a total of 56 million deaths per year. Cardiovascular diseases
remain the leading cause of death throughout the world, as well as for the past decade.
As we know, the only certainty in life is that one day it will end, so on that note, let's
contemplate the prospect of death with these morbid facts:
1. 35 million of your cells die every minute
Cells, like skin cells, are constantly dividing either from incidents like skinning the
knee, or to replace old, dead, or damaged cells. We lose about 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells
every minute, or roughly 50 million cells every day, according to Arizona State
University . This means there are a lot of skin cells to replace, which is what makes cell
division vital. Other cells like nerve and brain cells divide less often.
2. You are born with over 270 bones and die with 206
Depending on the development of the baby, he will be born with approximately 270
bones as compared to 206 for adults, says Marshall Cavendish Corportation’s Mammal
Anatomy: An Illustrated Guide. When we grow, various bones begin to fuse together to
become one large bone, and give the body its shape and support. For example, at birth,
five distinct bones make up the baby’s skull and later fuse into a complete skull. The
five separate bones during birth is what gives the elasticity and malleability necessary
for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
3. You can’t die of 'old age'
People generally don’t tend to die of old age, but of inactivity or age-related diseases. In
1951, state and federal agencies were ordered to adopt a standard list of 130
contributing and underlying causes of death , which led to the deletion of a cause of
death attributed to “ old age .” It is not a scientifically recognized cause of death because
it is believed there is always a more direct cause, although it may not be known in
some cases.
4. Doctors' sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually.
Errors result from unclear abbreviations and dosage indications from a doctor’s
illegible handwriting on prescriptions. A 2006 report from the National Academies of
Science's Institute of Medicine (IOM) found patients’ lives are at risk if their doctor has
sloppy handwriting. Poor handwriting has killed more than 7,000 people annually.
Writing electronic prescriptions has been introduced to eliminate many of the errors
that occur when pharmacists misunderstand or misrecord medication names or dosages
via phone or paper.
5. Most people die in hospitals
Hospitals are a place where birth and death occur simultaneously. Now, more people
die in hospitals instead of at home because many opt for aggressive treatments to treat
cancers or diseases. These patients are often in an intensive care unit on a ventilator or
feeding tube, according to PBS NewsHour . The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention says 70 percent of Americans die in a hospital, nursing home, or long-term-
care facility.
Sun shining on cemetery with graves. Photo courtesy ofShutterstock
6. Over 2500 left-handed people are killed each year from using
products made for right-handed people
Left-handed people are more likely to live shorter lives than their right-handed
counterparts because they live in a right-hand dominated world facing difficulty using
products for the righty. This contributes to over 2,500 left-handed people being killed
each year for using these products. An article published in The New England Journal of
Medicine found out of 1,000 deaths of Southern Californians, right-handers, on average,
live to be 75 years old, while left-handers typically die at age 66.
7. Death by vending machines
Your appetite could become the cause of your unexpected death. Vending machines can
surprisingly become a cause of death, with 37 people dead from toppling a vending
machine to get a quarter or cola between 1977 to 1995, Discovery News reported. This
comes out to an average of about two per year, or twice the number of people killed by
sharks in the U.S.
8. Your dinner begins to eat you within 3 days of death
The enzymes that once consumed your dinner actually begin to eat you within three
days of death. The enzymes are sent throughout the body and will attack your
defenseless organism. This is because ruptured cells become food for living bacteria in
the gut, which releases noxious gas that bloats the body and causes the eyes to bulge
outward, Discover magazine reported.
9. You can get erections
There may be life after death — at least for a man’s penis. This is because after you die
the membranes of the cells become permeable to calcium. Certain types of muscle cells
are activated by calcium ions , meaning the muscles may contract, in particular the
penis. Naturally, this can lead to an erection and even ejaculation following death.
These morbid facts about death can only mean one thing: It’s a good thing we’re still
Celebrities / Re: Dbanj To Perform With Usher, Mary J. Blige At Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day by ReSexzskilz(f): 1:20pm On May 04, 2015

Usher diccksucker..can u go and die now?
An Usher die-hard fan from Africa! Look at d way Mr Raymond is even forcing himself to near him; so awkward can't u urself see? I don't blame d niggar; he must have been dreaming of this all his life. Suddenly he got d lifetime opportunity for an awkward snap.
Politics / Re: Patience Jonathan Seeks Support For Buhari’s Wife by ReSexzskilz(f): 7:21am On Apr 02, 2015
South Africa- The Africa model.

Nelson Mandela is the model for all Africans!
Religion / Re: 12 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Several Times by ReSexzskilz(f): 1:08am On Apr 01, 2015
The number 12 is surely me!

Also, why do I love evil so much? The most evil monster in history of the universe, Adolf Hitler, I literally worshipped him. It seems as if I've this very strange, dark connections with Adolf Hitler
Music/Radio / Re: What Song Reminds You Of That One Person You Love? by ReSexzskilz(f): 8:44pm On Mar 26, 2015

You must be die hard fan of usher.. Listen to joe songs you will forget usher. Not condemning usher though.
What d fvck do u mean? Usher influenced Joe.

That settles it so perfectly!
Music/Radio / Re: What Song Reminds You Of That One Person You Love? by ReSexzskilz(f): 11:38pm On Mar 25, 2015
U got it bad by Usher. This song is apparently so touching with very meaningful lyrics.
Usher- Dive
Usher- Papers
Usher- Moving Mountains. Usher has got the best voice in rnb history, with this song.
Usher- My Boo
Usher- Think of You, this classic was released in1993 sha.

In all, Usher today is far greater than Beyonce, Jay z and Rihanna combined. He is not a controversial artist nor a female, yet has last this long on the global music scene and still relevant. Not a joke.
Music/Radio / Re: What Song Reminds You Of That One Person You Love? by ReSexzskilz(f): 11:38pm On Mar 25, 2015
U got it bad by Usher. This song is apparently so touching with very meaningful lyrics.
Usher- Dive
Usher- Papers
Usher- Moving Mountains. Usher has got the best voice in rnb history, with this song.
Usher- My Boo
Usher- Think of You, this classi was released in1993 sha.
TV/Movies / Re: Nollywood, Nigeria's $800 Million Movie Industry And Number 2 In The World by ReSexzskilz(f): 12:39pm On Mar 12, 2015
oloshi ni e ni, omo jatijati..
Ma je kin ki e mo lè, o grin

is it by force to love u, pls leave me na..
ki ni mo sè iya yi ?
U are a joke of a boy
Politics / Re: US Congressman In Nigeria To Discuss ISIS & Boko Haram by ReSexzskilz(f): 9:41pm On Mar 11, 2015
US and co were making fun of nigerian govt on the security issue, the US hasnt been able to deal with home grown terrorism before, no democratic country in this world has the formula for dealing with home grown terrorism.

Let me say it again, no democratic country in this world has the formula for dealing with home grown terrorism.

Israel doesnt care about palestinians thats why they do the stuff they do to control terrorism, but
Democratic countries cant take the extreme measures israel takes to wipe out terrorism.

The US is unable to control common racism with white police officers killing black kids everyday. Over 100 unarmed men have been killed by the police this yr alone.
They couldnt stop al qaeda in Afghanistan, ISIS is making more inroads, make una leave matter, naija army de try. Support them, or if you think they aint good enough, register and fight. Or join civilian JTF.

Nigerian Army,
Best in Black Africa.

Do not quote me, I repeat, do not quote me!

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