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Fashion / Re: Uk-based, Nigerian Lady Berates Her Countrywomen For Their Poor Dress Sense(vid) by scabit(m): 1:43pm On Oct 04, 2024
The OP is wrong bcs I can tell you for free that when it comes to fashion and cosmetics nobody comes close to Nigerian women except the Yankee babes cool
Truth be told most white guys and any other man who have visited developed world or meet babes from advanced countries will at any opportunity avoid Nigerian women like a plaguegrin grin. The issue with most Nigerian women is attitude and their entitled mentality at every sphere of life. Even meeting with Ghanaian or Ivorian ladies will make you not want to have anything to do with 9ja babe again cool. Nigerian women are yet to understand that looks are the last thing men of this generation consider when making choices for a life partner. Men just want peace and a woman that will support their dreams cool

Thanks! You said the complete truth! It is not about dressings but the attitude! Most ladies have no attitude! Feel proud and boastful, those that feel that they are not proud, feel entitled to your attention! That it is their right, no effort! They feel that as they are beautiful, nothing is needed again. They forget that a full package involves the presentation and the functionality of the product that makes it perfect!

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 500k Per Month In Nigeria Or 2000pounds Per Month In The Uk by scabit(m): 10:05pm On Jun 10, 2024
If I give my opinion, the 500k in Nigeria is still okay; if it was not this time because of the inflation. The 2k in UK looks okay because if you calculate it based on the number of hours worked; it is an easy and fair job.

The only thing that I will make me take the uk option is that if I am single; it gives me room to source for another job with ease; unlike in Nigeria, it will be hard. The only disadvantage is the issue of more tax! Anyway, I will still go for the UK; because of the opportunity to meet more people from other race and exposure that can help in the long run if you are serious and patient about career growth!
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Japa: Background Check Requirements by scabit(m): 10:13am On Dec 29, 2023
My Friend! It is not scam. Some Agencies ask for all this documents. It will be easy for them (citizens) to provide. The issue will be hard for you to provide all the documents based on the standards provided.
My only problem is the money asked as consultation fees? In the UK, it is not done like that; they give you the job before collecting their fees; not the other way! Because they will always make their money back from Sponsorship! Did you ask you your friend before making the payment? This is because I find it fishy!
As one of the persons above me said; I will advise you to forget about it because it will hard to provide certain documents as required. They don't ask for the documents, I mean the serious ones with available jobs! They will only ask for the basics: International passport, Police clearance, Covid19 clearance and educational certificates.
Pls be careful!

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Romance / Re: Nearly All The Men In Lagos Are Mad. by scabit(m): 5:57pm On May 03, 2023
Pls send it to isaacini47@gmail.com. Thanks!
Romance / Re: She's Is Nice But Gets Vulgar When Angry. What Should I Do? Advise Please by scabit(m): 11:15am On Jul 12, 2022

it is better to live alone in this world with no music, no cars, no luxury than to have everything and a woman with a venomous tongue in your life. You will cry for help and everbody will be telling you that NA SO WOMAN DEY BEHAVE.
You guys are still in the stress free zone of life (good family, parents & siblings still healthy and alive, less PRESSURE BILLS to pay, sex for hours, no school fees to pay, good health and beauty) and she is like this already. what happens when the weather changes?

Why do you think many men leave their beautiful wife & mansions to sit in a bar till midnight? they will buy you anything you want so you can keep them company, they will pay any amount of money to be away from their wife for 5 hours without her voice & horrible text messages? At a point you will find yourself doing stupid things just to make her not release bile from her mouth but it will never be good enough because by then the poison in her mouth has become full blown and spread to her heart. This problem is only in the minor stage for now that is why you see her return to normal after some hours and apologize. You can't help her, it is her default factory setting which she will always revert to so RUN while you have the chance. Listen to those SIT HER DOWN & TALK TO HER at your own risk.

Young fella, please date someone else with a LESS THORNY mouth (yes most women have bad mouth but some have control and a mild nature) and spot the difference but you will not take this advice, you will sit down and talk to her to change and one very bitter day when you will nearly kill her or hate your existence because of her mouth, you will remember this.

Very good and important advice. From personal experience. It is better to be trapped in an island alone than be with some of our Nigerian young ladies. Very pretentious beings! Who no de fear woman; I will fear that person! Woman wey gist with snake; sell Adam finish and till now, we have no idea of meat of the discussion. I fear women oooo!


Romance / Re: How Can I Stop My 23-Year-Old Girlfriend From Bed-Wetting? by scabit(m): 3:57pm On Oct 26, 2021
This is the best and only solution to the problem. Not all this spiritual and prayer talk. Nigerians will not kill person! Where there is a scientific, systematic and physical means to solve a problem; we will always involve spiritual. What part of backwardness is doing this nation at this present 21st century. I tire ooo!

she should try this method and also apply prayers..........
Lifestyle treatmen.ts.
Set fluid intake limitations
Reduce or cut out caffeine and alcohol
from the diet..

Make urinating a routine.
Set a
schedule to make sure to urinate every
one to two hours during the day..

Void bladder before bedtime even
when you don't quite feel the need to

Set a nighttime bathroom alarm to
urinate in the middle of the night..

Protect your bed with special mattress

Wear absorbent briefs during the night.
Nairaland / General / Re: Mention Some Character In People That Shock You. by scabit(m): 12:30pm On Sep 24, 2021
The most shocking one is when someone down plays or refuse to see sacrifices & struggles of a person. When most importantly, the person did those things for the other.

Another one is selfish person always assuming or thinking that they are selfless victims while everyone close to them are very selfish.


Phones / Alert From Mtn Network. by scabit(m): 9:49am On Oct 20, 2019
Good day; please can someone explain this information. I cannot understand what it means and I need more information and clarification. I got this message from MTN NETWORK today; it says that:
First message: "Yello, as requested by your bank, from October 21, we will start charging you directly for USSD access to banking services. Please contact your bank for more info".
Second message: "Yello, please note that from October 21, we will charge #4 per 20 seconds for USSD access to banking services. Thank you".

Pls need more information.
Family / Re: Help! My Fiancee Is Always Picking Fights For Me... by scabit(m): 12:15am On Jan 12, 2018
Is this the kind of life u want to live with this lady.
Abeg help me ask him?

Better make good use of your legs now before marriage or allow them to beat you up once for her eyes to clear!


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