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Hello Nairalanders, Purebred Boerboel Puppies are available for sale. They were born on the 10th day of November, 2016. Currently Two weeks old. They will be ready to move into new homes after their first DHLPP Vaccination. Both sex are available. For enquiries, call or text 08168520187, BBM: 7BDC15DE Location: Lagos Ps: To read the Dam's diary, please click the link below: 2 Likes
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ajokebelle thank you! I am glad you liked it even though I am a terrible writer. Yes, you should get a dog when you are settled. Every home needs a dog 1 Like |
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Lmao! thank you BjaySexy. God bless |
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Hello people! Guess who has four feet and turned one year older last week? Yup, you guessed it, Mo! Mo, full name "Moet" was born on the 17th of November, 2014. Last week thursday was her birthday but I was extremely busy all through, hence the late update. Happy belated Birthday Aunty Mo, she's officially two years old! Here is a throwback picture of Mo, she was about three months old at the time PS: Please click the link below to read about Mo's Biography PPS: So I lied, the above link was obviously made up. Do not bother clicking the link mbok, you'll get a "404 error". Don't waste your time, before some people will just swear for me laidat. 4 Likes
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Vicktomaniaa:Hello vicktomaniaa, I do not understand your question. Do PM me please. |
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Punstar: Hello Sir, sorry they have all been booked. hehehe! About five females are still available. I'll open a thread for them soon, the price will be clearly stated. Please bear with me. |
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Mo is doing just fine after whelping, as are her puppies. They are healthy and strong all Twelve of them. The only problem is Mo stopped eating, I mean she eats but not as much as she should considering the fact that she has extra mouths to feed now, twelve extra mouths to be precise . I got a picture of Mo yesterday, I could barely recognize her. She has lost a great deal of weight! She's very very skinny, you could easily count how many ribs she had, it was that terrible. Her appetite for food has greatly decreased. To make matters worse, her Twelve pups are literally sucking her dry. Funny part is they are also bottle fed. Evil adorable milk sucking mama draining puppies! Their craving for food is like that of a fully grown 6 foot 9 inches tall freakishly fat bearded 40 year old man! Our Veterinarian gave her a couple of injections. Thankfully, she's eating well now. I'm pretty sure in the next couple of weeks she'll be fit as a fiddle. PS: this picture was taken yesterday, the pups are 5 days old 7 Likes
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miremoses:Thanks bro! Wow, 19 is a whole lot! All puppies are healthy, we lost that one as a result of Mo unintentionally suffocating him with her body weight. I'll open a thread for them in a couple of weeks, the price will be somewhat affordable. |
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Konichiwa nairalanders! I had about two more updates but I have to skip them for this one as I just couldn't help it. Two days ago, on Thursday the 10th day of November. I received a call around 6am from my folks that Mo had been restless all through the night. She kept whinning, barking, rolling in the sands and digging a lot. Mo was 8 weeks and four days pregnant at the time, it was obvious she had started having contractions and birthing will commence shortly, so I told them to keep an eye on her. Few hours later, around 8:07am, I received another call from my sister, she just kept screaming at the top of her lungs, i couldn't help but do the same thing. Yes i screamed! I was on my way to work and people were staring at me with that "this one na mad person" Look. But I really couldn't care less, I knew it was good News. Then she said Mo had delivered the first pup! Yaay! I was super excited! About an hour later, another call came in. She just delivered the Second pup. I was at the office at the time but I just lost focus through out the whole day. All I could think about was Mo delivering safely with no complications. The third and fourth pup came shortly with about an hour apart. For hours on end, nothing happened. I kept calling them if everything was fine. Mo was doing well as were the puppies but she stopped delivering. Mo delivered just four at the time. I was a bit surprised as Boerboels are known to have quite a large litter size, but lesser puppies equals less stress. So four puppies is just perfect really. Then, I got a call about an hour after I ended the last one, that she popped out the fifth and then the sixth puppy almost immediately. Yeepy! An hour later, the Seventh came. Then another one, the Eighth. Then another one the Ninth, and another one the tenth! (Please ensure to read "another one" in DJ Khalid's voice). They all had about an hour apart or a Lil less. Around 8:10Pm, she delivered the Eleventh! Mo was on fire people! I really can not find a word to describe how I felt at the time. I was excited, sad, happy, mad, sleepy, hungry, hyper active, chill, I was on a roller coaster of emotions yo! I just had to throw in a bunch of random words as no one word is capable of describing it perfectly. The next day, on Friday, which was yesterday, the day before today, 11th day of November, 2016, harmattan season, President Buhari's regime, at about 6am, I received a call from my sister that Mo popped out two more puppies, making a total of Thirteen adorable boerboel puppies! Mo is just an amazing "somebody"! She littered the last pup around 11pm. The whole birthing process basically started from 8am and ended at 11pm. It lasted for Fifteen freaking hours! Mo was hella tired and couldn't get up, when she finally got up and craved for food, she was fed a whole lot! I'm talking seven times! She deserves to be treated like the Queen that she is! Mo littered a total of Thirteen amazingly adorable healthy Boerboel puppies! Eight Females, Five males! Sadly, I got a call that we lost one puppy this morning. I received pictures of the puppies this morning and I just couldn't help but cry! Tears of joy! Sorry men don't cry, we weep. So yeah, I wept! This whole experience has been great for me, raising her from being a puppy to motherhood. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to be part of her life and watch her grow, Mo could not be anymore perfect! It's sad that I wasn't at home to witness it as that would have made everything perfect! I love my Mo dog, she's finally a mother! ![]() PS: Five puppies have already been booked even though the puppies are barely three days old. People have no chill mbok. 4 Likes 2 Shares
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So weeks later, the question on everyone's lips was "is Mo pregnant or nah? It was a bit hard to tell if Mo was or was not pregnant. Well at least for my folks, I would have easily been able to tell if she was pregnant just by looking at her, I know her too well. Sadly, I was away from home so this was a bit impossible. Weeks went by and I didn't get any news from them. At this point one would think Mo did not conceive. Oh well...... Until one Saturday evening I got a picture from my sister. It was Mo's picture & she wanted me to take a look-see. I viewed the picture and Oh sh*t! Mo's tummy was huge! Yup, she's pregnant alright. At that point it was hard not to notice the protruding big belly that is staring right back at you in the face. Then I said "Mo, I know say one day you go make us proud" I am guilty of plagiarism as that line was lifted from kanu's Peak Milk advert. But at least I was creative enough to substitute "Papilo" for "Mo". Y'all should give me credit for that! I was super excited that I hugged one of my female friend at the time for no apparent reason. Mo is is going to be a Mother soon! ![]() PS: It's hard not to notice the innocent Lizard she killed. If you look closely at the picture you'd see the lizard in front of her legs. PPS:It's only right that I do this, RIP Lizard, you were a good lizard, it's hard to tell if you are a male or a female but you lived a good life, you will most definitely be missed by your Lizard family. You are in a better place now.. #GoneTooSoon #TheFallingOne 10 Likes
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Jojujewel Thank you. I am flattered by your kind words. Terribly Sorry about the burglary problem but sadly, it really is impossible at the moment. 1 Like 1 Share |
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Bobbieydeey thank you fam |
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tremzy07 that means a whole lot to me! I really really appreciate it.
Gracias ![]() |
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Miremoses yes o! Pictures really do not do justice, he's a very large dog! As much as I'd love to, I really can not tell if she's pregnant or not as that will ruin my next update which I'll post ASAP, please bear with me. Thanks bro. |
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This is Snoop, the Stud dog. He's only two years old but boy is he huge! He really knows how to strike a pose for the camera, he low key would make a good dog model. 1 Like
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I was away from home for months, so I pretty much missed a lot. Let's fast forward to about Five months later. I received a call one Monday morning that Mo had started bleeding again, it was her third heat cycle. Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Finally the day had come. I already found a stud dog couple of months prior to Mo's third heat cycle. His name is Snoop (yes I know, calling him Snoop Dogg would be epic). He's very athletic, slim and fit unlike the typical fat unexercised male Boerboels you see around. He's actually one of the few boerboels I have seen jump, like jump jump. Mo was taken to the stud dog and it was love at first sight, well at least for Snoop(the Stud). The stud owner released Snoop and immediately, he ran to where I was. This dog is large! I'm talking two to three times Mo's size, you could easily remove two times the size of my head from his. he's super tall too. It's funny how I always felt like a dog whisperer since that one time I successfully pat & controlled a stray German Shepherd Dog that everyone was basically afraid to touch years ago. Yes! I proudly brag about this often as I consider it to be a very big deal. I mean have you pet a stray GSD before? Didn't think so! So Snoop came to where I was, and honestly I just died, on the inside, not literally. I just stood there and did not move a single muscle, then I gently called the stud owner to "please comman carry his dog" He said I shouldn't fret as snoop is super friendly. Snoop barely paid me any attention, I mean there's a female in heat right in front of him so I totally get it. He just grabbed Mo by her waist, if he could talk he'd be like "baby oya se normal. face here, gimme love mbok". Okay I'll just stop there before it turns to a Rated 18 "feem". I was actually able to pet his head and even pulled him by his collar at one point, he willingly followed me. He really is a gentle giant. She was bred for three days, the first two matings resulted in a slip mating , a tie was finally achieved on the third mating... the 15th day. 3 Likes
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LeSammy:Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it. I definitely will. |
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A lot of people would actually pass these adorable puppies off as pure bred boerboels, but Op was 100% legit and honest. Well done sir! Happy sales 6 Likes |
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Weeks after Mo was done with her second heat cycle, she started to exhibit symptoms related to pregnancy. She was not bred so I knew for a fact that it was false. She was lethargic, had decreased appetite, sleeps a lot, even at one point had a little bit of clear discharge from her vulvar. Mo was not at any point exposed to a male dog so "I really am not understanding". ![]() It was stated that dogs tend to have phantom pregnancy during their second heat cycle, this was Mo's second heat cycle so i figured that was pretty much it. Yup, it was phantom alright. These symptoms lasted for about a month and stopped soon after. PS: You can clearly see her increased nipple size if you look closely at the picture below PPS: Initially, I wrote " N*pple" in the previous comment but it was automatically substituted to "Tip" by Nairaland. Apparently the word is banned, but Tip will do just fine.
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atoleybaba:Yes, the second heat cycle is fine, but the third is perfect especially when large dogs are involved. She really has turned out to be beautiful! "Mo is a very fine geh" thanks a lot chief. |
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Couple of weeks later, Mo came in season. Whoop! Whoop! It was her second heat cycle. To mate? Or not to mate? That was the question. People have been asking me when I'll mate Mo as they are all looking forward to owning a pup from her. I mean this one time I was taking her for a walk and a total stranger pulled over in his car to talk to me. He gave me his number to hit him up whenever she litters, this happens quite often. I have this one Neighbour who booked down a pup since she was just Seven months old! He reminds me of this at least three days a week, three weeks in a month, eight months in a year! Mo is simply amazing and I am eagerly looking forward to her delivering many more goofy adorable little Boerboel pups, but the thing is I did not intend to mate her on her second heat cycle. A lot of people in this part of the world mate their dams on the second heat cycle and 90% of the time, everything goes according to plan. Some even breed successfully on the first heat cycle when she's barely a year which is very ridiculous and still get away with it. A dog ideally should be bred on her third heat cycle, when she's at least two years old or very close to that. Her eggs are matured, she's matured and in the right frame of mind to cater for her pups. I definitely will mate Mo, but I choose to be ethical about it. So sadly, I have to wait until her third heat cycle. 5 Likes
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Miremoses as in ehn! It really is not something any dog owner would want to experience. Mo is stronger and bigger in every possible way there is. I mean she's a Boerboel, that alone explains everything. Thankfully, the whole scenario was managed properly. Good luck with mating your Rottweiler BTW. |
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Couple of months later, we were all inside the house going about our business like we always do, the dogs were outside roaming the compound freely. I went outside to receive a call as the network reception indoors was ultra crappy. Coco heard my voice and immediately rushed to where I was, about two minutes later Mo came along. I was talking on the phone when they both started mouthing, nipping and play biting, Coco and Mo. I paid them no attention as this is something they do often. Then, the mouthing later turned to them standing on their hind legs with their forelegs in the air trying to overpower each other. Next thing I knew, Coco started to growl, Mo's light squeaky playful bark almost immediately turned deep.....she went from "zero to a hundred real quick!" Before you would finish saying “knick-knack paddy whack , give the dog a bone”, Bam! Mo pinned Coco to the ground. Sh*t just got real! Immediately! I jumped in and pulled Mo by the collar, but she still wouldn't let go. After a few tries, I was able to pull Mo off of Coco. Then Coco came back looking to do some damage. "Go back!" I yelled at Coco while holding Mo. Now usually these dogs obey basic commands , but at this time she barely listened to a word I said, it all went over her head. Immediately, she launched forward and grabbed Mo by her face! I still held on to Mo because I know how deadly she is. She could easily do five times more damage to Coco. I did not have anything intention of letting Mo go no matter how many injuries I sustained, better me getting hurt than anyone of them. One would think this is not a fair fight on Mo's part because I held her down the whole time, but that's the thing, the highest Coco could possibly do is give Mo minor injuries and that's about it. If I let Mo go, she would kill! Wounds will heal overtime but a dead dog can not be replaced. I've seen Mo do really terrible things to a stray dog that tried to attack us when we went jogging one morning, I know what she's capable of. Luckily my old man was at home at the time, so he quickly rushed out to assist. He pulled Coco but boy did she mean business, her jaws were tightly locked. My Dad raised Coco's two back legs up like a wheel barrow, she was literally in the air with none of her legs touching the floor. This is going on longer than I expected. Finally! Coco lost grip and my Dad immediately held her collar. Mo was still struggling, trying to break free from me. Honestly at the point I was super exhausted. I had cough and catarrh at the time, I could barely breathe properly but still I mustered every ounce of strength I had left to hold her down till Coco was successfully returned and locked in her kennel. Then I let Mo go and I just sat on the floor, gasping for breathe. It was dusty, my heart was super heavy, I just laid there and did not utter a single word. I put myself in harm's way really, my hands were close to their mouths, we pulled their tails, did a lot of things that usually would make most dogs snap and turn against their owners, but no, they did not. I never got bitten or growled at by either of them. This made me love them more. I only got a few scratches and bruises here and there from trying to hold Mo down, this BTW was not in anyway intentional. After the whole episode there was blood everywhere, mostly Coco's blood, she was bleeding heavily and limped for a couple of days. Coco suffered greatly from the ordeal. After putting Mo in her kennel, she still did not calm down for couple of hours. She actually destroyed her gate, fell the damn thing down! We had to take off her collar and used chains only because she could easily cut her collar, she has done that a couple of times before. I have always read about how keeping dogs of the same sex is terrible, even more terrible when both are females.The need for dominance arises and fights are bound to happen. I always knew sooner or later this would happen, but I never wanted it to be this soon. PS: Look closely at the picture and you'll see the white gate Mo destroyed behind her on the floor and Gentian Violet (GV) for the few bite wounds she sustained on her chest and right leg. 1 Share
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Hey there, sniff my butt will ya? ![]() 2 Likes
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Konichiwa Nairalanders! I have been a bit preoccupied; thus, unable to update Mo's Diary. A lot has happened in the past couple of months. I'll update as often as I can to bring everyone up to speed |
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okikiosibodu The Gsd looks pretty good. Its a good thing you've been researching, even better that you know what you want. Goodluck on your journey to owning a Dog. God's blessings 1 Like |
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It is sad that over half of the people that previously commented have no idea whatsoever what they are talking about. This is not in anyway a cross breed, its a boerboel. And Yes, boerboels are mastiffs! Great pup oblo, happy sales. 5 Likes 2 Shares |
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elektra:You might just be the smartest woman I know. |
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okikiosibodu, We settled for "German shepherd dog X Labrador retriever", but that is just based on assumption. Thank you, pictures do come in handy. Call me weird but sometimes I view all their pictures just for the fun of it. I wouldn't advice you to get rotties or Boerboel if you are a first time dog owner. They are powerful breeds and can be quite a handful, they require experienced hands. German Shepherd dogs are best for first time dog owners, they are just simply amazing. I adore GSD's! I've always wanted one. Lord knows someday I'll steal blasiangurl85's shadow and younghartz's Nicky. ![]() If you are experienced do proceed to get a boerboel, you'll definitely love 'em! I think all Pure bred Rottweilers have the chest marking? I've never owned Rotties but a friend has one and I must say his is just great. In my opinion, Rotties and Boerboels are not so different, they are like distant cousins. If you need more information about Rottweilers, Knyte is your go to guy. His love for the breed is unmatched. 1 Like |
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okikiosibodu: Thank you. I was curious about this too. About a year and a half ago, I paid the man whom I got her from a visit. He has a lot of dogs, I mean a whole lot of them! German shepherd dogs, Labradors, Rotties, Caucasian shepherd dogs, etcetera. He also doesn't know who the sire is, Coco was conceived as a result of his carelessness. Her mother is a fawn German shepherd but its hard to tell what breed the Sire is as she takes a lot after her mother, with the exception of her floppy ears. She was born with the black saddle but it faded over time. Coco is the dog on the right in the first picture. About 7 weeks old. She was about 3 months plus in the second picture. The black saddle faded. 1 Like
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Few days Later, I gave Coco and Mo their monthly bath. I started from simple to complex, that is Coco to Mo. Bathing Coco has always been a breeze since she was a pup. She'd gladly stand still and raise her legs if need be. She's the best dog there is. Then it was Mo's turn, it was no joke when I said bathing her is like trying to catch a fish with your bare hands. I had to make sure her collar was super tight else she'd literally pull till the collar comes off her neck and run like an escapee from jail. As much as her love for food is second to none, I'm pretty sure if she had to choose between starving and bath, she'd rather starve. After the collar is secured, I tied the leash to a small tree but she kept on pulling and the leaves were falling off. I had to up my game to two big car tyres for the tree's safety. One tyre beneath with the leash tied tightly around it and another tyre on top. I poured water on her a couple of times, then I went in to get soap. "I'll be back" I said to her in Arnold Schwarzenegger's terminator voice. I returned only to see her in sand, her paws were muddy. Apparently she pulled till the top tyre fell and despite being chained to one big tyre she ran pulling the tyre with her. My sister nicknamed Mo "Batista", now I'm starting to see why. At that point I got mad, I carried her with my hands (picture me lifting a bag of rice, now you have an idea of how heavy she is) This time, I tied the leash to one big tyre, then I applied my body weight. Yes! I sat on the tyre and pulled Mo close to me. The hard part is usually at the beginning. Once you pour water on her and lather with soap, she mellows down, the remaining stages come easy. When I was done, I served their meal. Surprisingly, they did not touch their food, rather they both slept off. They probably miss their sister Bella, as do I. ![]() 3 Likes
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dochman779 I would love to see. You have pictures? |
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