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Literature / Faithfulness by Teethomas(m): 10:14am On Feb 06 |
In relationships, being faithful may seem impossible or less achievable atimes for no one is absolutely faithful at the sight of what he needs while being with someone who can't even assist in anyway to helping you towards what you want. |
Literature / Mentor by Teethomas(m): 6:55pm On Jan 04 |
It is best to know yourself for who you are, having someone as a mentor that you look up to a times MAY steer your wheel to the wrong turn. For who you see today as your mentor may secretly also be in need of a guardian. |
Literature / Writer's Muse by Teethomas(m): 1:10pm On Dec 23, 2023 |
No matter what a writer writes, it will surely knock someone out or boosts someone's morale. However, which ever side you experience do not think you are being intentionally referred to especially when you have a personal relationship with them. This is because, everything is a writer's muse. |
Literature / Experience by Teethomas(m): 1:28pm On Dec 03, 2023 |
Experience may not often be the best teacher especially to those who believes that negative hymns can never be their anthem. 1 Like
Literature / Money by Teethomas(m): 12:54pm On Sep 07, 2023 |
People say money isn't everything, well that could spill from the lips of someone who already acquire it, for eventually anything you already have will always never be everything you will ever need. |
Literature / What A Man Needs by Teethomas(m): 11:50am On Sep 05, 2023 |
The worst thing that can happen to a man is to have what he needs in his grasp, yet longs for what he wants that does not need him. |
Literature / Re: Support by Teethomas(m): 11:48am On Sep 05, 2023 |
Any form of support, Job support especially. |
Literature / Support by Teethomas(m): 11:10am On Sep 04, 2023 |
Argue it in ways you can, but when you use your life presently as a case study and you compare it with the life you've always dreamed of, you'd realize that what you are and what you wish to become in years to come is only delayed or fastened by one factor; Support! |
Literature / Keeping Secret by Teethomas(m): 10:43am On Sep 02, 2023 |
The worst secret to keep is the one that knows how to find its way to the light. |
Literature / You Can Do It! by Teethomas(m): 7:06pm On Aug 28, 2023 |
Folks do not be deceived by the word "You can do it" without the proper knowledge of the ways through which you can. Forget the lie, you can't fly unless you have been gifted with the gift of wings. Rather ask them how they achieve theirs, adopt the process, apply the methods, then seek for relevant assistance, then you can. You can absolutely do nothing if you have not possessed the required skills. |
Literature / The Ones We Love by Teethomas(m): 12:11pm On Aug 26, 2023 |
The things we do for the ones we love, they ain't big deals. What makes them much of a deal is when you do it to the wrong person. 1 Like |
Literature / Conversations by Teethomas(m): 2:54pm On Aug 23, 2023 |
When the peaceful opinion you share does not end in the way you hoped, don't be mad or feel it's not worth airing. Just understand the rule, conversations do cross borders. |
Literature / Lovecheat by Teethomas(m): 1:37pm On Jul 22, 2022 |
Men cheat not because sexual activity is absent on the register,, but because they lack the understanding of what their soul needs and what their body wants. |
Literature / Value Your Space by Teethomas(m): 9:17am On Jul 14, 2022 |
Know your worth and peg your value to yourself. If you make yourself so cheap for people to occupy your space, they will come into your life and take your price tag away. 1 Like |
Literature / Life's Stage by Teethomas(m): 10:31am On Jul 11, 2022 |
Two things in life will always make your life's stage relevant : the First is Yourself and the Last is your Audience. You will always remain a Failure to your Audience the day you begin to Lose Faith in yourself, and you will always remain a Champion to Yourself as long you still find Favor in the face of your Audience. |
Literature / Battle Of The Muse by Teethomas(m): 9:20am On Apr 05, 2022 |
I To the readers of my poetry, To those who await my next line, I have come to aire the truth, The truth with no paintings of lies. II If not for my muse hanging in fogs of clarity, If not for the spider web of fate that makes my faith stagger, Counting off the odds of my second thought that strangles my decision, I would have shown you the true habitat where creativity resides. III The best of me could have been seen and felt, If not I'm a drunk poet whose muse is drenched in the spirit of fear, I could have written a lullaby for you in the most sacred part of the jungle, But to run that race I'm must belong to the lion kingdom. IV More lyrics could have spread forth my pen, More words could have been aired from my very spoken word artiste, More Eulogies would have swollen my very soul, As they are laced carefully in the paths of my distinctive diction. V Words alone cannot lay hold the tracks, As the race of being forever young is only a fantasy, Just like I knew a day like this will break forth to the tides of the sun, And age is in a bloody tournament of Life and Essence, Where words will not be a suggesting truce, To the world of creativity and the source of human Muse. VI But then the race must continue, The path must be treaded even if forks are raised up on the tunnels, Even if age continues to wrestle with my muse, It's only a matter of how many or which one will be done. VII How many will be done with the realm of age and muse, Which one will be done in the world of age and creativity, When age is racing on like the ticks of a clock, And creativity is also fading due to age's clock, But then age and creativity will always forever be united, The question now is, what will be the fate of our Muse? © Fearless Lines |
TV/Movies / Re: Gotv Issue by Teethomas(m): 11:53am On Mar 31, 2022 |
Thank nyou |
TV/Movies / Gotv Issue by Teethomas(m): 7:26pm On Mar 30, 2022 |
Good evening Guys, please i need your help. I subscribed on my Gotv Jinja package but didnt like the channels i was getting. So that dame day i up graded the package to Jolli on Gotv, but unfortunately i realized that i was having the samw channels on jolli too. My question is this, are the channels on Jinja package the same on Jolli package? If Yes, then why is the price differ? And if No, please what can i do? Have rescanned the channels automatically a mlion times but I'm still having the same channel. Someone should put me through on what to do please, thank you. |
Literature / Taking Risk by Teethomas(m): 11:06am On Mar 30, 2022 |
The act of standing lies the act of falling, as that which you want it to stand you just have to risk letting it fall. [center][/center] |
Literature / I Am A Warrior by Teethomas(m): 9:34pm On Mar 22, 2022 |
I A million stories for a billion folks, With a billion foes ready to trash my trillion stories. One out of these stories I have never told, Of how you ripped off the light in me, Like the third part of a triskelion staged off from its setting. II Out of the ashes of my words lies the smoke of my diction, Out of your next apologies lie your next deceitful stories, You've brought the shame to me and now I bear the scars, The scars you will never hear in my next tale, For I am a true survivor. III Now there's a part of me myself and I, That's gone forever in memory like the first milk on a baby's tongue. The memory of a little boy grown so fast, Like a seed planted and engrossed with ferterlizers. IV Now I've returned back to my life today, Like the tale of a hero in years behind, To take up the pains and the truth that I've worn like a battle wound. As part of my broken past and my confused mind. V To lay hold my pen to write another story, The story of my past memory now worn with pride and dignity, To fight the billion foes and defend the trillion stories, To be a warrior not with a sword but with a bleeding pen, The bleeding pen laying off the fearless lines. VI As my words are now my armour, And my stories my deflecting shield, So also my pen will forever be my weapon. . © Fearless Lines |
Literature / Money by Teethomas(m): 12:39am On Mar 11, 2022 |
Within the range of your age and reasoning, when you think about money what comes to your Mind? That which settles your bills? OR that which you feel you just have to find a way to make it, multiply it and manage it? Well, irrespective of your perceptive about money, one thing you're not 100% sure about is how you make money yet can't account for how it goes off so fast. Trust me, ain't that perfect in that phase too, Yes! It is called the Mysterious Law of Spending. Aside for the economy you are in, At what percentage of what you earn goes to what you Need and what you Want? Once that aspect is resolve, everything else is secondary. |
Literature / A Dreadful Break Up by Teethomas(m): 1:24pm On Feb 26, 2022 |
I The butterflies actually ended a month ago, As the cycle ends with our friends awareness. I'm sure you're aware as your eyes are to your body, That the race of moving on in life is not always a perilous Journey. As you seek for a new blood who brings out the best in you. II Sooner I realized that my planet already detached from your world, And now the tale I hear is often more abouut the sweetest part of HER, Indeed a quick notice to know I'm now in your history. III I would love to be hoisted in your memory, Knowing fully well she may be sweet and pretty, But I forever remain the most beautiful butterfly in your world of flies. As it was an intentional chemistry between us when you first said it to me. VI But what will be the reward to my planter awaiting the reaping hours? In a world where there are no longer bones for the patient dog to feast on In a society where good memories do not last, Compared to me ripping her hearts off from yours, Obviously that would bring you a lasting memory of my wretched heart. V Now we are on a tightrope, A deal to our lovestruck, You can find another woman but not an angel like me, Find someone great but don't seek no one better. VII A farewell to your love journey, As you think of me even when you are with her, A taste of my lips even when you kiss her, A Ray of my picture when you make love to her, Sure you can get married but you must not have a Home. © Fearless Lines |
Literature / Diet by Teethomas(m): 11:07pm On Feb 22, 2022 |
You may be the type who never likes to vote his ears to the truth but loves to dwell in abyss of false information, but one thing remains, no matter what you feed your eyes on and where you reside your ears to, everything around you will always be a reflection of your daily diet, and the nutrients you get in thereof will always be the point of how balance OR unbalance your diet is. |
Literature / Health by Teethomas(m): 6:33pm On Feb 08, 2022 |
[center]Only when your mind is at Peace is when your mouth can feed well.[/center] |
Literature / Relationships by Teethomas(m): 2:59pm On Dec 13, 2021 |
If the relationship you keep in your life makes you weary, it's a reflection that you take much responsibility of others more than what your capacity can take. However, always remember that you need to sail to the other side first before you can show others how safe the path is to the greener side, if you're not here, you can never make others there. You will always be ultimately responsible for yourself first, ensure to tread reasonably. © Fearless Lines |
Literature / Politicians by Teethomas(m): 1:38pm On Nov 21, 2021 |
Everyone is a politician in the way we play the game of life. The only difference between us and the actual politicians in the game of politics is the honorary title we do not bear. © Fearless Lines |
Literature / The Perfect Way by Teethomas(m): 1:49pm On Nov 08, 2021 |
I Allow me to play a game, To roll the dice of your existence like a game of ludo, Hoping to emerge with the number six, Which is the first attempt to your triumph, Or your defeat. II Permit me to roll the dice again, As the number six comes forth, And leads to your new birth, Or to your six feet. III Let me sing a hymn to the core of your soul, Let me read the lyrics to your minds, Of how hard it is to live And how easy it is to die. IV For out of the occurrences of the earth, Lies the words that spree forth, As we live in a world where it essence can't be seen or felt, Yet we tread the path like we own it. V After the birth of a man, Lies the death of him. But never will his death leads to redemption of his soul anew. VI We may live life with caution, And also live it carelessly, Lest, we fall or rise. VII But Which ever way we choose, We must live life like we do not exist And exist in it like we do not live As it is not an entity where carelessness can be withdrawn Or too much caution can be laced. . VIII That is a perfect way to live, Other wise, a perfect way to die. . Thomas Oluwatosin © Fearless Lines |
Literature / Man Is Not All By Himself by Teethomas(m): 12:16pm On Oct 27, 2021 |
If only we can admit it as humans that we are like candles whose light will never see beneath itself despite its beauty in the dark. So we should know that no matter the carelessness we may adopt and carefulness we may lace, our errors will never be lucid to our ears nor will they be heard to our sights. As the warning of others around us will always be the torch to tread our darkest path and also our rod to part our flooded passages. © Fearless Lines |
Literature / Stay Alive by Teethomas(m): 10:35am On Oct 25, 2021 |
I Study the rules and know how to play, Before you uphold the pads, Lest, you die and you die for real. II Take the pads and play by the rules Play on with your extra lives, Your decisions, Hoisted on the plains of your hands, Staring in your face as the fear grips you on. III At first it's impossible, At first it's an illusion,, at first it's just a game, Till you realize that your fate in the game is your lot in your existence. A need not to play for fun anymore but to stay alive till the last phase is solved, Do not drained up your extra lives, But manage it to remain alive till the last stage is successfully completed. IV Do not die by your own submission Or be killed by low life count, For a game over is a life over V Life is a game, the game is life, As we play by the rules. One life, one soul and one body. As we stagger in life's trigger, But come what may, you just have to stay alive! . © Fearless Lines |
Literature / Love Experiences by Teethomas(m): 11:19am On Oct 13, 2021 |
It is through love that you will find true love and it is through love that you will also get lured. © Fearless Lines |
Literature / Relationships And Rewards by Teethomas(m): 10:20am On Sep 27, 2021 |
The wages life will pay you is not a measure of your approach to the chores of life, but a view of certain relationships you have and the ones you lack to stay relevant for the pay day. © Fearless Lines |
Literature / Sexual Abuse by Teethomas(m): 9:05am On Jul 05, 2021 |
To the minds of people that were once assaulted before in any form of abuse irrespective of their gender, do not motivate them or try to give them hope, for in the process of healing, the past might reappear again in terms of action or memory (P. T. S. D) Don't give them justice for it has a way of finding its own people, besides no one can give you justice, you rather take it yourself. Give them something greater; bring them vengeance. © Fearless Lines |
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