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Business / Re: How To Make Money Online On Facebook Groups As Social Media Manager by tolak(m): 9:09pm On Aug 15, 2016

Pls can you post the video you used to learn it

I can not POST the video its not products, i dont have right to share without owner permission...
Business / Re: How To Make Regular Income Offering HOT Digital Marketing Services On Fiverr by tolak(m): 6:54am On Aug 13, 2016

Hey bro, thanks for your input on here. please i would like you to help me clarify something about the order i got. i have sent you a pm.

Can you please re-pm me...
Business / Re: How To Make Regular Income Offering HOT Digital Marketing Services On Fiverr by tolak(m): 6:43am On Aug 13, 2016
Hello Sir,i Need Your Help,Am A Newbie To Your Topic On Fiverr.I Like To Recieve Detained Info On How To Make Money On Fiverr. Here Is My Email Address :emeddavis24@gmail.com THANKS FOR YOUR HELP

Making money on fiverr is easy, kindly follow the step here or check out my sig.
Business / Re: How To Make Regular Income Offering HOT Digital Marketing Services On Fiverr by tolak(m): 9:50pm On Aug 11, 2016
I just want to make ATTESTATION here that its very possible to make money on FIVERR particularly in Digital Marketing ( formerly Online Marketing) Category.

While, this is the exactly category am killing and rocking it on fiverr as Social Media Manager, meaning my gigs is/are on Posting Ad Copy and website URL in different Facebook Groups and Google Plus, additionally from fiverr i do look for hot gigs (related to website promotion) of Top Rated Sellers to add as my Extra Gigs ...increase the Standard Price from $5 to $10, 20, 30, etc and whenever i got order/s on Extra Gigs, i just ordered the Top Rated Sellers the standard price of $5, then keep the remain dollars without doing nothing.

My advice to anyone or intending fiverr seller is that, firstly take fiverr business as a real BUSINESS, secondly look for Service you can render on fiverr, create your gig/s and start doing Self-Research on how to get more buyers, because more buyers is equal to more, more MONEY.

For example, i bought Olaide Alim's Video (for N15,000) some years back and immediately i watched the Video "i took the bull by horns", within a month i made $200 ( first ever i made money online after trial and errors) for just helping webmasters or web owners to promote and post their website Ad Copy or Promotional Message in different facebook groups for Massive Exposure and Traffic... from the $200 in my fiverr account i used $60 to ship my Payoneer Fiverr Card via DHL since i cant get it through post office.

And fiverr is still the only platform am making money Online.

FIVERR ROCK...you are invited to JOIN NOW!!!

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Business / Re: How To Make Money Online On Facebook Groups As Social Media Manager by tolak(m): 5:34am On Aug 03, 2016
Following. Shey this totorial na free? Abi ebook go fly later?
Thanks for your message, keep following...

1 Like

Business / How To Make Money Online On Facebook Groups As Social Media Manager by tolak(m): 8:17pm On Aug 02, 2016
In the post i will teach you Step by Step tips that am using to make money on Facebook Groups as a Social Media Manager.

So, if you are ready, let get started

Social media marketing is the process where a business owners, as yourself , uses the power social media sites like Facebook, Google Plus Communities, Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace, etc to promote their brand or products and services, before traffic from social media sites are usually highly targeted, the visitors are more likely to turn into customers and buyers. So you can start social media marketing as a business where you use Social Media marketing Manager.

Social Media Manager is the individual or expert who help companies, professionals and website to promote and share their Ad Copy, Promotional Message or Products and services on social media sites for strong and massive exposure.
For these companies to effectively reach and engage this huge population of prospective customers that facebook users or Google plus followers, they have no better choices but to OUTSOURCE or HIRE Social Media Manager, if you have an entrepreneurial spirit and an interest in Social Media Marketing Business.

This where I will urge to pay attention as I will unveil exactly step by steps what I put in place when I wanted to start Social Media Marketing Business after I bought a Video from a guy online on How To Make Money on Fiverr

[b]…see, if you want to cut the time it takes for you to succeed at something, find someone who has already succeeded at the thing you want to achieve and get them to coach you on how they did it, which may cost you money but it will save you a lot of time and bring you fastest results

That is exactly why you are reading this post, where I will guide and hold you by hand, to coach or teach you how you can start Social Media Marketing Business as a Social Media Manager and make money online as am doing presently, where I had made over $2,000 for Posting and Promoting website/Ad Copy in different Facebook Groups and Google Plus Communities.

Now, let me give you what you REQUIRED to get started, here they are:

You may think you are a social media whiz, but using social media for personal use is quite different than using it for business gain. Once you have the training in basic skills....

If you want to make your services clear and explain what you do and what kind of clients you have worked with in the past. The best way to do this is through a website ( if you cannot avoid website at start, you can make use of fiverr, gigbuck, seoclerk, source market, etc to List your service...

To be continued....
Politics / Re: Pictures Of Ongoing Projects In Ogun State by tolak(m): 1:51pm On Dec 09, 2014
I support his mission to REBUILD OGUN....


Travel / Re: Picture Update Of Some Ongoing Projects In Nigeria by tolak(m): 1:47pm On Dec 09, 2014
Great New Development also in OGUN STATE, NIGERIA @
Business / Re: Clickbank Q & A: I'm Making Money From Clickbank & Can Teach You [see My Proofs] by tolak(m): 2:17pm On Sep 13, 2014
Great information and tips to start making money from Clickbank.
Business / Be Your Own Boss: 50 Small Business Ideas In Nigeria You Can Start. by tolak(m): 1:16am On Sep 01, 2014
Starting a business is easy, but getting an idea for a business that will work for you and your market can be more difficult. This article intends therefore to help you to get through that more difficult part, because it will serve as eye-opener to millions of opportunities that we don’t take notice of to become self-employed, so that we could change the inability to think and use the brain to work out God given talent and create businesses in the absence of white collar jobs that do not exist any more. Also hope to help you overcome and forget the annoying part of seeking employment.

The employee / interviewers requirement is always ‘with an experience of 2 / 3 years.” Which you may not have This shows clearly that this is the best time for everyone particularly the youths to switch off from waiting endlessly for government job, oil company job and others, that is not easy to get, Does it not surprise you that even many employers are resigning to start their own businesses?

Today, most of our youths lack focus and determination they cannot identify what they can do. It pains me when I see graduates still going around one to two years after graduation saying they can’t get job. That is non-sense, go and learn a trade, and with level of your education it will not take you time to learn. Remove pride from your shoulders and stop saying “ I cant do this or that” Think of being self employed instead of hunting for non-existent jobs in the labour market.
...Isaac Durojaiye (aka Gadaffi-Shit is serious Business)

Nowadays, the youths should think about being employers of labour, engage in Small and Medium Enterprises. They should start to think of the skill acquisition to develop themselves…
Prince Lanre Tejuoso, Ogun State Commissioner for Youth and Sports,
culled: Ogun Flavours, Issue 2, 2014 Page 6.

They should be more serious, Nigeria of today is not looking for jobs but people who can create jobs. So, they should position themselves as PROBLEM SOLVER, because that is the only secret to building great wealth….
Seye Kehinde, Publisher, City People Magazine
Culled: Success Digest Magazine, Jan., 2005.

Continued read @ http://smallbizideasforu..com
Adverts / How I Make $200 Above Online From Fiverr Monthly by tolak(m): 3:11pm On May 20, 2013
I will like to introduce myself to you, am Tola Korede Kasali, Internet Marketer, Web Traffic Generation Expert and Level 2 Seller at FIVERR..

Before, I go further let me explain WHAT IS FIVERR?

FIVERR is the world’s largest marketplace for Small services, Buy, Sell, Have fun , starting at $5. In a simple word, fiverr is a place where you can render services or sell any service for $5, you can sell or render services on categories like Gift, Graphic & Design, Video & Animation, Online Marketing, Writing & Translation, Advertising, Business, Programming & Tech, Music & Audio, Fun & Bizarre, Lifestyle, Other. You can chose from any of these categories to sell or render service on fiverr.
For example, I render service in Online marketing categories where I promote website, business, services, products on FACEBOOK.
I started selling on FIVERR some couple of months; I have made of over $250 for just promoting website at FIVERR

Read more @ http://makemoneyfromfiverrandfb..com
Business / Re: How Can I Make Money Online Without Owning A Single Product Of My Own by tolak(m): 5:30am On Feb 16, 2013
...you can making money online promoting website for others or generating traffic to website, that is services i render @ www.fiverr.com/tolly_4u
...check my signature for more details and FIVERR is a marketplace where you can make COOL money with easy, when you get to Level 1 SELLER that is get 10 ORDERS and become Level 1 seller, you apply for payoneer fiverr card to withdraw your earns through ANY ATM MACHINE here in Nigeria... You can contact @ wwww.facebook.com/kastolly
Business / Re: Free Tutorial On How To Make Money Using Fiverr.com by tolak(m): 5:06am On Feb 16, 2013
The info or tutorial presented here about are indeed great, as a Level 1 Seller i recommend FIVERR to anyone wish or want to start online business to venture into. Best of Luck.
Business / How To Start Information Marketing With N5,000 ($32) Start-up Capital. by tolak(m): 11:08pm On Mar 21, 2012
Learn to Start Information Marketing Business with N5,000.00 @
Business To Business / Re: Profitable Online Businesses: by tolak(m): 6:04am On Mar 20, 2012
@missexy if you want detail on how to do the business online, you can kindle link me up or follow @ www.facebook.com/kastolly Many thanks
Business / Re: How Do Get Traffic To My Blog? by tolak(m): 11:41pm On Mar 13, 2012
Traffic is the strength of your blog/site. You can get traffic through the suggestions above, additionally through Social Media Networks eg digg, reddit, Hubpages, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, etc you can contact for 221 List of Social Media Networks site. http://starting-ownsmall-business..com
Business / Re: Have You Been A Victim Of These Emails? by tolak(m): 10:54pm On Mar 13, 2012
Yea, i do got the message but i encourage with them my blog: http://profitableonlinebiz..com to try and do something legitimate than fraud. Thanks for exposing them here (NL)!!!
Business To Business / Re: Introduce Your Business by tolak(m): 4:05pm On Mar 10, 2012
I wish to share with you this blog http://profitableonlinebiz..com/ on PROFITABLE ONLINE BUSINESSES YOU CAN START,
Business To Business / Profitable Online Businesses: by tolak(m): 4:04pm On Mar 10, 2012
I wish to share with you this blog http://profitableonlinebiz..com/ on PROFITABLE ONLINE BUSINESSES YOU CAN START,
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Self Employment Opportunity by tolak(m): 6:07pm On Mar 09, 2012

Nairaland / General / Re: Facebook Vs Nairaland: Which Is More Engaging And Addictive? by tolak(m): 8:23am On Mar 09, 2012
Firstly, you must consider the purpose of joining the two site. NL is discussion, sharing ideas/ money making likewise FB is social network that is making friends, also you can use it as business centre where you promote your stuff. Though on FB there are some post that is annoying like posting; i am eating now etc where there are ways to use it to their advantage. My own opinion know the purpose of joining the NLor FB.
Business / Re: What Biz Can I Invest N100k Or N150k In? Pls Advise Me. by tolak(m): 9:53pm On Mar 08, 2012
BUSINESS IDEAS YOU CAN INVEST OR START WITH, check out http://starting-ownsmall-business..com. Thanks
Business / Re: What Biz Can One Do With N40,000? by tolak(m): 9:49pm On Mar 08, 2012
There are some businesses you can start small with less than N40,000 and make money daily/weekly. For free business ideas check
http://starting-ownsmall-business..com or link me up @ www.facebook.com/kastolly and inbox with BIZ for N40k
Business To Business / Re: Introduce Your Business by tolak(m): 6:02pm On Mar 08, 2012
Business / Re: 'Make Money Online In Nigeria' - Legitimate? by tolak(m): 10:55am On Mar 08, 2012
FOR LEGITIMATE ONLINE BUSINESES CHECK http://starting-ownsmall-business..com
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by tolak(m): 4:48am On Mar 07, 2012
159 to dollar (official) here in Abeokuta
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by tolak(m): 4:40am On Mar 07, 2012
159 to dollar (official) here in Abeokuta
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by tolak(m): 4:31am On Mar 07, 2012
159 to Dollar (official)  here in Abeokuta.

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