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Fashion/Clothing Market / Re: Nigerian Hairdresser In Birmingham, Anyone? by twinkle87(f): 2:41am On Jan 09, 2012
Hi Arinola, i really dont do Ghana weaving on my hair, so I cant recommend anyone personally, i'm afraid,
@Dammiehar please post the no again,
Family / Re: Am Tired Of Staying With My Parents. by twinkle87(f): 6:03pm On Dec 03, 2011

I think you must have over stayed yourself at the age of 26. For you to live like cat and dog with your parents goes to show that there is that character of yours that must have been the course of the problem with them. We Africans tend to tolerate their children more than their foreign counterpart, no mater their age. Unless you say your mother and father were brought up in the United States or their likes whereby at the age of eighteen, you should be talking of trying to be independent.

At 26, age is not by your side. You must at this point in your live be with a man and planning towards settling down no mater your education. If your parents has seen you with serious relationship, they will still not be a problem to you, rather to encourage you to stand and by advising you.

Cat and dog issue with your parents at that age, goes to show that you have a funny character which you never stated. Expose your other side of life because as an African, we tolerate and your parents can tolerate you. I wait for you to come up so that you can get a positive response.

Why MUST she be with a man at 26? some people make this relartionship issue a do or die affair. Na wa oh!

1 Like

Family / Uniben Girls In Lesbian Act! by twinkle87(f): 9:32pm On Oct 22, 2011
See what these girl do when sent to school! Its such a shame. Please follow this link!

Politics / Re: Governor Of Enugu Did Not Impregnate His Sister-In-Law by twinkle87(f): 2:54pm On Sep 25, 2011
Nobody holy pass, but there is no smoke without fire tho.
Celebrities / Re: Wizkid Impregnates Undergraduate, Gets Baby Girl. by twinkle87(f): 5:27pm On Aug 23, 2011
and did u leave all this space for us to swim in it?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Can I survive on 90K per month? by twinkle87(f): 8:54am On Jun 15, 2011
The guy just asked a question, and some people are cursing!!!, Thats d reason some of u are still where u are today.
Travel / Re: In Pictures Fashola Inspects Trains, Facilities For Lagos Light Rail In Canada by twinkle87(f): 6:16pm On May 17, 2011
I dunno if am the only one that noticed oh, but the trains look a bit old fashioned,
All the same, at all at all, na ein bad pass, I greatly commend his effort, he's doing great
Celebrities / Re: Decency In Kate's Wedding Appearance by twinkle87(f): 11:06am On May 02, 2011
Three things;

1.   I bet if Kate had a lil extra b**bs, her cleavage would have shown on that V-neck!

2.   She is royalty, what do you expect

3.   Decency is a relative term, what is decent to me might not be to some else and vice versa.
Education / Re: London School Of Business by twinkle87(f): 10:04pm On Apr 27, 2011
Hello Dammiehar, guess this was supposed to be a reply to my post, lolz,
BTW, what church is dat? and do you mind if you drop me your email?
Fashion/Clothing Market / Re: Nigerian Hairdresser In Birmingham, Anyone? by twinkle87(f): 9:44pm On Apr 27, 2011
Thank a lot babes, xoxo
Fashion/Clothing Market / Re: Nigerian Hairdresser In Birmingham, Anyone? by twinkle87(f): 9:01pm On Apr 27, 2011
@Dammiehar; i'm at Birmingham Uni, thanks all the same smiley

@Kenny G; you have been noticed. Oya clap for yourself!
Politics / Re: Acn/gov Fashola In The Lead In Lagos, As Results Trickle In. by twinkle87(f): 2:13pm On Apr 27, 2011
so in this day and time people still sit and tongue lash each others tribal origin, like seriously? and if i guess right, these are able bodied young nigerians, so how has this 'tribal war' solved any of Nigeria's many problems?

I see you guys have so much time in your hands to play with!, do something positive with it dudes!

Fashion/Clothing Market / Re: Nigerian Hairdresser In Birmingham, Anyone? by twinkle87(f): 10:37pm On Apr 26, 2011
@Dammiehar, yea, am quite new, which of the schools are you at?, and are you a Christian? if yes, do you know of any good, Bible believing church i could worship with?
Fashion/Clothing Market / Re: Nigerian Hairdresser In Birmingham, Anyone? by twinkle87(f): 8:02am On Apr 23, 2011
Thanks a whole lot!!!!!
Fashion/Clothing Market / Nigerian Hairdresser In Birmingham, Anyone? by twinkle87(f): 6:25pm On Apr 22, 2011
Hello peeps
Does anyone know of any salon where i can make my hair in Birmingham? Preferably Nigerian.
Am thinking of fixing or braiding. I need answers urgently please,
Family / Re: . by twinkle87(f): 9:51pm On Oct 20, 2010

First things first, u have introduced ur gal to ur family right?, and to a large extent she should know the kind of person your mum is right?
If i were in her shoes, since your mum was around i would have cut my stay short! i would make sure i prepare enough food {soup stew rice etc} that would be enough for both of you during her stay, and probably do some domestic cleaning, then leave the next day! that way ur mum wld not have the impression that she's there with you for a long time!, i sound harsh but thats just me!
Believe you me, ur mum wld have been happier with her that way, and come to think of it, no responsible mum wld be 'comfortable' with a girl she hasnt married into the family living together with her under the same roof for one night, even if its your house!

Anyways, what has happened has happened, hope u handle the situation maturely, thats the best you can do for now!
Family / Re: 1 by twinkle87(f): 9:15pm On Oct 20, 2010
One question to my black brothers in diaspora??

Why do most of u soo fool urselves just to have a feel of this oyibo t*t*, is there a medal for having dated a white chick some time in ur life? u need to see the way they go about chasing these babes,
Even when most of u know u can never be happy in that relationship or even settle with these girls u still go fooling ur selves with these babez!, and then u go out of ur wish, marrying them "for papers"
then when the chips are down you come here with your "am so unhappy in this marriage" story,

@OP my advice for u::::stick ur African Black Ass in ur marriage, thats what you signed up for!
Romance / Re: Pictures Of Your Bf Kissing Another Girl: by twinkle87(f): 2:25pm On Sep 12, 2010

i dey o! didnt run, just dey look as the thread dey derail, nuffin much, just met my ex at a party i attended with a male friend of mine. he was shocked to his marrow to have seen me with the guy (sure he thinks am already hooked again) , and i didnt spare a moment to make him notice my smashingly dressed self, smiley

and thanks for the bday wish!!! wink
Romance / Re: Define The Modern Day Dude In A Sentence by twinkle87(f): 9:35pm On Sep 10, 2010
Sneaky, Slippery and Slimy, grin
Romance / Re: He Wanted Me To Accompany Him And I Didn't, Now He's Mad by twinkle87(f): 11:55pm On Aug 21, 2010
i thot u meant mad as in MAD,
Celebrities / Re: Pics: Mbgn Universe Ngozi Odaloni at Miss Universe **sigh** + Pic Of Miss Ghana by twinkle87(f): 7:46pm On Aug 13, 2010
One question for the naija girl---- who made ur damn hair? that stylist shld not be seen in public! JEEEEEZE!!!
Family / Re: Can A Woman Steal From Her Husband? by twinkle87(f): 9:29pm On Aug 08, 2010
na wa oh! some peoples reply here amazes me!, just shows people different understanding of this marriage thingy!

@Poster if ur wifey picks a "few naira notes" from ur pocket, WTH is wrong wif it?, d day u married her was the day she had every right to pick 'em naira notes from ur pocket, if she were a girlfriend, i wld have been a diff ball game!
, and of course u knew she picked it, why d u have to go into asking her?, Nice answer from her anyways!
Family / Re: 70% Of Nigerians Are Mentally Unstable - Psychiatrist by twinkle87(f): 9:36pm On Jul 14, 2010
70% ke?? thats quite a mentally unstable figure!
Politics / Re: 'we're Going Nowhere'-abuja Prostitutes by twinkle87(f): 9:00pm On Jun 19, 2010
Ashawo get class sha, these are just the unfortunate, desperate ones. All those girls in banks that jump from one big mans office to the other to meet targets and these girls, what is the difference?
Even in the civil service, u see them girls jumping from one Directors office, to a DGs office or Perm- sec office for favours and promotion are they any different from these ones? why cant they clear those ones from abuja na?
its soo painful that the situation of things has pushed them this far, but there are other decent ways of making ends meet.
Politics / Re: Pdp Conducts Aptitude Test For Aspirants - Funny? by twinkle87(f): 1:17pm On Jun 18, 2010
shocked shocked grin grin
i chuckle in IBIBIO and laugh in EFIK
Romance / Re: What If She Went Into Prostitution To Pay Your Hospital Bills? by twinkle87(f): 8:43am On Jun 16, 2010
Another script for NOLLYWOOD!
Romance / Re: At What Age Should A Guy Be Independent by twinkle87(f): 10:43pm On Jun 15, 2010
@Kool guy: once my son has started working, btw 25/27. but will pay him forth nightly visits then reduce it to once a month, till am sure he stable enough. i will also love to know his gf one on one just in case.
Romance / Re: At What Age Should A Guy Be Independent by twinkle87(f): 10:38pm On Jun 15, 2010

personally i think , its when you have the mind set to do so,


what is the meaning of this?

Indeed her tenth. Indeed her seventh and the half the half [msaa'aa'inhaa] tenth. Indeed her seventh and the half the half [msaa'aa'inhaa] tenth. Indeed her seventh and the half the half [msaa'aa'inhaa] tenth. Indeed her seventh and the half the half [msaa'aa'inhaa] tenth. Indeed her seventh and the half the half is evening

Wondering what led to this? its the translation of that arabic write-ups  about this topic, of what sense has these to the thread?

perpetrator should desist,dont use the  language u have no accurate knowledge of, it lead to  bad  communication

dont know what to write , keep your hands.

advice though,,,, (don,t try to insult me cos thunder go fire u).

did u forget to take ur tabs?
Romance / Re: Quiet Vs Talkative Girls by twinkle87(f): 9:25pm On Jun 15, 2010
hmmmm, am shocked how folks here misinterpret being quiet for being secretive,  they are two different things!, who get secret don get secret! it doesnt have anything to do with being quiet or talkative.

i for one could be quite quiet especially when am in a new environment i try to study those around me b4 i speak. its very funny when people tell my boyfriend ur 'chick is so calm and quiet', he just smiles mischievously cos he knows i just comport myself in the midst of not so familiar people, but i hv no limits with him, infact i need extra batteries if we are in good moods

back to question! HELL to the NO! i cant date a talkative guy! JEEEEZE!!!!! thats punishment! i cant even stand my fellow chick talking up and down, not to talk of a dude! i have one where i am doing my placement, the only antidote to him is silent treatment, they dont just know when to speak and when not to! and most times the only thing that comes out of them is crap! same for the girls sorry babes. whoever said empty barrels make the most sound wasnt joking! they just talk and are not sensitive to their environment!

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