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Travel / Re: Give Birth In USA: Cost And Procedures Part 2 by tzetzefly(m): 10:16am On Jul 02, 2015
Morning all smiley I have religiously followed this thread since May and I will like to thank all the contributors especially baba baby, kalango, tvegas, phema, chloe7 and of course tzetzefly from the visit visa thread.

It took me about a month to read through 401 pages of part 1 and part 2 and the visit visa thread and am glad I did.

I had my interview in abuja on Tuesday and my visa was approved. 1st time applicant and heavily pregnant in my 3rd trimester. I give God all the Glory and thank you all for all the info exchanged so far. Below is my transcript:

Vo: good morning
me: good morning

Vo: why are you going to the US
me: for childbirth

Vo: smiles and started typing
me: undecided

Vo: what does your hubby do
me: works in xyz and also runs his coy

Vo: how much does he earn
me: salary is x, biz income varies

Vo: where do you work
me: xyz, raises my work ID card

Vo:how much do you earn
me: X naira but I think there was an error in my form in regards the zeros

Vo: never mind
me: cool

Vo: i can see you have kids, raises my passport to show me that my kids scribbled on it
me: smiles

Vo: how many kids do you have and why aren't you going with them
me: i have x kids and I can't cope with a new born and them without help

Vo: i can see you are travelling with your husband, does he have a visa already?
Me: no he doesn't but I applied before him cos his passport wasn't ready and I needed to get an early date. And when his pp was ready, I was told I had to cancel my appointment to link him up and then reschedule another date.

Vo: i see, keeps typing. Then he says I'll approve your visa, hands me the white sheet and starts advising on my trip. To hold enough funds and get all my receipts etc.

Please note that the VO didn't ask for a single document even the account statement etc wasn't asked for. I also made a mistake in my form. My monthly salary is 200,000.00 and that was what I wrote but the. 00 appeared as extra zeros and it reflected 20mil shocked

I couldn't correct the error as I had submitted already and couldn't fill a new ds form cos I would have to cancel my appointment. But as God will have it, when I tried explaining to the VO the error after he asked for my monthly income, he waved it aside.

My little advice to 1st time applicants is to be prayerful and 100% honest. They view all applicants as potential immigrants until proven otherwise. I went with all my burden of proof (thanks to phema) but not one was checked. No single one

Sorry for the long post but I just had to share smiley one love people

Congrats, do have a lovely trip. And wish you a safe passage through U.S. Passport Control.


Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 2:31pm On Jun 15, 2015
Hello house......I'm a Nigerian currently studying in India.I would like to visit my uncle in the Usa,can I apply for the visa here in india?.......(I was denied a student visa in Abuja last November)...pls what are my chances of getting the visa?

You can apply for a visa where your tie is.
If you have a strong tie to India aside your studies, then it should be fine.

However, it will be kind of difficult to get issued with a U.S visa from India.

I advise you to come to Nigeria and apply.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 9:22pm On Jun 02, 2015
tzetzefly welcome back, where did you run to abeg? What if he doesn't want to import cars anymore? He can remove it na, but he didn't mention it to the CO he only stated it in his form

Yes, he did not mention this and the CO choose not to ask him since he/she already knew he would be refused.

The CO has noted this situation on his file already making it easy for a different CO to be aware of in his future application. He either comes clean in future and accept this as a mistake or face the uncertain consequence if he removes this entry.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 5:04pm On Jun 02, 2015

Thanks Chloe, wish i can remember most of the conversation. Perhaps it may help other people, but truth is people who really didn't answer well got their VISA. I have this believe they pre-approve people before the interview itself.

VO: Greetings...
ME: Responded. then showed her my passport as per her request.
VO: What are you going to the USA for ?
ME: For Vacation.
VO: Where in the USA are you going?
ME: Miami, Florida.
VO: Why Miami?
ME: I'd be staying in Miami Beach. I love the setting.
VO: Have you travelled outside Nigeria before ?
ME: Yes, Brazil. for the worldcup.
VO: What Cities in Brazil did you visit ? (Now i was like, of what relevance is this? just open the damn passport.. lol)
ME: Sao Paulo, Rio De Jeniro, Cuiba, Curitiba, Brasilia.
VO: What do you do ?
ME: I am an Engineer.
VO: What Engineer ?
ME: Petroleum Engineer, but i am into Real Estate. I design, build and resell.
VO: How much do you earn in a month,
ME: I can't tell per month, but i can give you an annual average.
VO: Okay, go on.
ME: About 20 - 25 Mil.
VO: Can i see your bank account statement ?
ME: (At this time i was happy i've killed it cos my banking activities plus balance(23mil) confirms my story).
VO: Are you married ?
ME: No, but i've got a son.
VO: Unfortunately, we are sorry blah blah blah, blah blah blah.
ME: Oya, gimme my passport make i go first find food chop first. I didn't eat b4 going to d interview and 8:30 turned 10:30.

Ofcourse i didn't say the last line.......

If i decide to go back to Brazil(Sin city) i don't think i will come back the same. The kind of THINGS they have there is just tooooooooooo hmmmmmmm......
I've got friends and family scattered around Europe. Can i get an invitation ? if i put myself as the sponsor, will income source pose another problem? thing is i have documents showing my business transactions including buying and selling of properties.
The only thing is i don't yet have a registered company. But this is naija na, who registers a company to have a property link, look for buyers and get a commission? Well, i wasn't anticipating the short burst of success tho.

Thanks Chloe, what's your own story. Got a VISA yourself or searching for? This thread is 222 pages. Perhaps you would have mentioned your story previously, i just haven't read.

Thanks all.

Sorry to read about your refusal. Note that receiving a U.S. Visa is a very straight forward situation and also never try to impress a CO even if you have a billion naira in your account it can be irritating and lead to refusal something you did judging from your interview transcript.

Also, I discovered that you never gave a cogent reason for your visit to the States. That response to the CO was very vague to say the least.

Your past trip to Brazil is enough reason to get a visa for a similar visit to Miami which you blew skywards.

And your response to your Job function was contradictory (a good enough reason to refuse your application)

You have a son, not yet married, and no evidence to show any commitment to your supposed family is another good reason to refuse your application. In future, take your little child for any planned trip abroad.

Finally, get your acts together and build a reasonable tie to Nigeria. Go get married and do not attempt to remove that part where you stated importation of cars. The CO has already noted that flag in your profile. In future, be silent about this during interview.

Enjoy your day.


Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 8:33am On May 09, 2015

Me and VO.

Me: Good Mrng
VO: Good Mrng
VO: Where are you going in America
Me: New York.
VO: Where in New York
Me: Brooklyn
VO: Are you working
Me: Yes
VO: What work
Me: I work as Customers Support Mgr (Northern Region) with xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Plc
VO : Your monthly Salary
Me: 520,000
VO: Are you married
Me: Yes
VO: How many children
Me: I have a daughter.
VO: Have you ever travel before
Me: No

Na so she do all her bragado for system.
The next thing was, am sorry. You can read through this paper.
Me: Thank you.

From your transcript, the travel experience was just a charade. The main reason you were refused has to do with leaving your wife and daughter behind for a vacation of sort. As it is now, stay away from the American embassy till you, your wife and kid take a joint vacation some place else.

Enjoy your day.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 8:18am On May 09, 2015
Hello forumites, really appreciate all your good works and encouragement here. Please travel experts i would like to know my chances of getting a US conference visa here. I am a professional member of various associations and bodies related to my professional career, and i am a civil servant working with one of the state government owned polytechnic in south-west for about 3yrs now as a senior laboratory technologist (Level 8 step 3). I recently sent my well researched abstract to a conference which is highly related to my profession and it has been accepted after several scrutiny and reviews by the organizers. I have been invited as stated in the Invitation Letter to attend the conference and present the paper as i was shortlisted as one of the presenters from the emerging regions of the developing countries. My fear and concern are the following pls HELP:

First and foremost, i commend your ability to carry out that research and earn an invitation for a presentation to the American audience. This in itself, is an achievement to sway the CO to favour you.

1. The conference is holding for just 3 days, how many days should i indicate i'll be staying in the US? (coz i'll like to scout for universities to run my third degree + visit tourist attractions, shop for textbooks while in the US).

Calculate the number of days it will take you to board a flight and arrive on the U.S. soil, add a free day before your conference to this so as to get acquainted with the environment around you, add the three(3) days of the conference to this, and possibly a day more after the conference to scout around and rest for your next journey back to your country. Do not attempt to add any more unnecessary days to this itinerary (For your own good i will explain below)

2. I have 3 sticker visas on my old passport issued 2001 (2 Asian visas and 1 African visa) and i never traveled with those visas, though i have visited four west african countries with the same passport within 2001 to 2008. Due to the unused visas, should i indicate i have a travel history or i shouldn't dare state that i have a travel history?

You obtained the same visa twice and refused to use them, and no evidence to show that you were truly ill during that period which is not a good sign. But you still have another opportunity to redeem yourself as you already showed from your abstract acceptance that you are an asset to the American economy even if you choose to abscond (I strongly advise against doing this as you may find out the hard way). However, you may be issued a three (3) months visa at the first instance to test your honesty. Only stay for a few days spanning your conference period no more no less.

3. The conference am attending would be partly sponsored by me and my institution as academic staff are entitled to travel compensation only when it is on academic grounds (presenting a paper internationally), would that pose any hindrance?

A letter to this effect will suffice.

4. Home ties - I'm engaged but not yet married at 33+, i have landed properties, a car and a secured government job, is there any issue with this?
Your job at this time is sufficient.


Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 6:43am On Apr 28, 2015

Well, that's going to be hard. Maybe i should just forget this trip. Getting the Hospital ( Lagos state gov hospital ) to write a letter concerning payslips is going to be another hurdle or even impossible. Work break is end of next month. That's pretty much the only thing i don't have. Except maybe i apply through the italian embassy.

All Schengen territories have virtually the same visa criteria. Payslip is required. However, if you have a bank statement instead with a column showing your salary month by month, highlight this in a separate sheet along with your application.

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Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 7:41pm On Apr 27, 2015

Oh wow. That is going to be hard cos its the government that does the pay slips and they are super slow in making them available ( i work for the Lagos state government ). I requested for them and they claimed its the pay slip for December 2014 that is available. They however paty our salaries directly into our accounts. That should count for something i guess. We also have this audit forms where we fill in bank details and departments we are working. Will that be helpful?

Except i explain all this, i either don't apply cos recent pay slips won't be available by the time i'm on a work leave. What do you think?

If you can get a letter to this effect from the Lagos State Government, it will go a long way in helping your case. Your application must be foolproof.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 6:39pm On Apr 27, 2015
Hello fam...

Quick one pls, i got a France Visa in Dec that ran for 3months, expired march 24th 2015, sadly i couldnt use the visa.
Reason was, my 1month hoils from work was frm 22nd dec to 25th Jan, so i arrived london 23rd, so the plan was to go to paris by train from london and my date to arrive france was from boxing day 26th, and that was about the period they had terrorist attack, charlie sthg? so it was unsafe to to go or plan it again after the new year as paris wasnt fully settled still. So jan 25th came and i returned to lagos to resume work and couldnt get off work again to use the visa.

Would i be granted if i re-apply when i can go again?

Let the ECO know the reason why you couldn't make your trip that it was due to the counter terrorism situation in Paris at the time (Charlie Hebdo shooting).
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 4:58pm On Apr 27, 2015

Nice to see you here again, thought you lost your nairaland password grin

Not at all. I come in here from time to time. Nice reading from you again.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 8:23am On Apr 27, 2015

Yeah. I guess. Definitely willing to depart. Work has been super stressful and i need a vacation. Going to London for a while and would like to visit somewhere else. Oh well.

But the no pay slips, can i explain that? Pay slips are not ready on time


Get your payslips, this is important. That's why they state that give ample time for your application. Which in turn would have made it possible to gather all required documents before filing.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 9:16pm On Apr 25, 2015

Oh! Are you suggesting i explain both circumstances in my new application? Both stamps are on an expired passport anyway. The valid British Visa is on the valid international passport.

You cannot explain this as your details are with them. You only need to prove that you're a genuine applicant now, willing to depart the Schengen region at the expiration of your stay.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 7:21pm On Apr 25, 2015

The first was an Airport transit visa from the Netherlands embassy. I had to travel to Lagos real quick and had to use KLM and get an airport transit visa which was denied. The second was from the Slovakian embassy. it was one summer and a bunch of my friends wanted to travel and we decided to go through them cos we heard it was easy. Apparently, it wasn't. They did not give an reason as to why they denied us anyway.

Both denial stamps are on my passport. This happened in 2011.

I want to believe that your purpose for entry to the Schengen area may not have been well articulated on those two previous occasions. Another reason could be that your means of sustenance was not convincing and not adequate to show enough proof of funds.

You will need to be very clear as it is now on why an entry visa should be issued to you and previous refusals overlooked.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 8:47am On Apr 24, 2015

i'm thinking of applying for a French tourist Visa. I am a Medical Doctor and i have about two weeks off next month. I have a valid 2 year British visa and i intend on staying in London for a couple of days then go to Paris for three days during my work break. I have never been and i hear it is fun and beautiful. I love to travel but that green passport won't let someone be great. lol.
I am going to be sponsoring the trip myself. i am 27. Single. I have about 1M in my Savings account. Salary is about 150k but i still get some money from my parents sometimes plus i had money saved up while i was in school as a student. My Salary is being paid into my account and i take out a sum and save up in another account. I however don't have payslips - as seen as part of the requested documents on their site- because it takes forever for pay slips to be ready where i work. The only pay slip is have is for December 2014 and i think that is because i got paid my first salary then ( I started working in November 2014 ). I have been to England before in the past. I intend on booking a ticket from Lagos-London-Paris-Lagos. is that okay?

Also,would my not having the pay slips affect my chances really because i think that is where i am lacking. ( All the other documents required i have/can get). That plus i have been denied a Netherlands Airport Transit visa before ( weird right ) and a Shengen visa from Slovakia about 4 years ago. Just a bit paranoid here. Thank you.

From all I can deduce from your statements, you have a slim fighting chance.

Prior UK travel can help your case however, two previous Schengen denial doesn't look good.

What transpired in your previous Schengen applications?
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 7:29am On Mar 20, 2015

Sir, the problem is that i don't live in Lagos, please, could there be another option?

There is no other option.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 7:40pm On Mar 19, 2015
hello house, i need response regarding an issue i have been having concerning us tourist visa. my profile, 5 siblings in us, 3 siblings in Nigeria, mother in us, father in Nigeria (all are us citizens by birth except mother). Each time i apply for us visa, they ask of my relatives in the us and thereafter its denial.i have tried twice, same result. Now my question is, is it impossible for people who have immediate relative in the us to get a tourist visa. Your advices and response will be truly appreciated.

You are only qualified for an immigrant visa. Petition for one as soon as you are able.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 7:22pm On Mar 19, 2015
Greetings to everyone, please i need your advise; i and my cousin are about to apply for French visa, for him he has travel history and works in a multinational French company and for me i lost a job, i'm not working for now. Our uncle in France is about to send a single invitation for us as we intend to travel together, my cousin is also ready to bear all the cost because of my financial status. NOTE: I intend to mention him in my application as my sponsor. My question now is, how best do you think we can package this application to prevent me from being denied. Thanks in anticipation. CC: tzetzefly justi4jesu

For the Embassy/Consulate of France, the fact that you are unemployed, is a no no. Do not waste your visa fees.
Having a travel experience currently counts towards a Schengen visa.
Even with a job tie to Nigeria, it still does not guarantee visa issuance.
If refusal would not affect you psyche, then you should apply as it is. Nothing to lose.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 9:51am On Mar 19, 2015
Hello, pls i nid someone 2 help me out on how i can study in France ,i have a Bsc certificate but i want to start my masters over there in Business admin or any relating course 2 management ................plz i need a sure link and sure uni



Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 9:48am On Mar 19, 2015
I applied for a French Visa at Vfs lagos since 16th of February, i have been tracking it, the status remains "APPLICATION HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO THE CONSULATE GENERAL OF FRANCE, LAGOS ON 17/02/2015" till today, its not out, please , could there be any problem? i am worried about the delay, my supposed travel date is April 1st.

Pay a visit to the VFS with your receipt and confirm the current development.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 12:32am On Mar 17, 2015
Hi guys,

I am going to Netherlands next month and I will apply through the French VSF centre.

I plan to visit Germany after I'm done with the program I'm going for at The Hague, meanwhile, my return flight is from Amsterdam so I need to return to Amsterdam after Germany spend a day then catch my flight back home. My question now is do I need multiple entry Schengen visa to go to Germany and return to Amsterdam or will my Schengen single entry visa grant me reentry into Amsterdam after visiting Germany.

Thank you in anticipation of your urgent response as I'm filling the visa form tonight and submitting tomorrow morning

cc: justi4jesu and tzetzefly,

The ECO will issue you any of the visa types below according to his/her discretion and according to the purpose of travel.

The Uniform Schengen Visa (USV) applies to all of the three categories, “A”, “B” and “C” and for your information, we will concerntrate on "C".

“C” category stands for a Short-term visa which allows its holder to reside in a Schengen Country for a certain period of time depending on the visa validity. This particular category, according to the holder’s purpos of the travel can be obtained in a form of:

Single-entry visa allows its holder to enter a Schengen country only once for the certain period of time. Once
you leave the certain Schengen country you entered the visa validity expires even if the time period allowed to stay in the country is not over yet.

Double-entry visa applies for the same policy as above mentioned however you are allowed to enter the
Schengen country twice meaning that
for the certain period of time permitted by your visa you can enter the Schengen country, leave and enter again without any problems. Once you are out of the country for the second time the visa expires.

Multiple-entry visa allows its holder to go in and out of the Schengen country as pleased. However this visa allows its holder to stay in a Schengen Zone for maximum 90 days within half the year, starting from the day one crosses the border between a Schengen member country and the non-Schengen member country.

Limited Territorial Validity Visa (LTV) :

This type of visa obtained allows you to travel only in the Schengen State that has issued the visa or in some other cases, in the certain Schengen States specifically mentioned when applying for the visa. Apart from these Schengen countries, this specific visa is invalid to any other Schengen country not specified prior.

The holder of this type of visa cannot enter or transit
through any other Schengen country that is not the first and final destination target.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 2:46pm On Mar 08, 2015

My kids ages 3 and 5
I travelled to the states once in august 2014, spent just 7 days
Parents are alive
Wife got no travel experience

Keep your kids with either your in-laws or your parents.
Apply with your wife.
Get ready for the CO, as most of the questions will be directed at your wife.
Have a good reason why she is going with you this time.
Dont worry about the kids, they are in good hands i should believe.
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 2:42pm On Mar 08, 2015

Thank you for your advice.
So we just need to sit down and come up with a solid activities we plan to do in France.
So he can look for a seminar of some sort related to architecture right?
If he has any assets would it work?

Originally we wanted to go spain, but looking it, since he only has income for three months cause he was in university up until late last year..we were worried we might get declined. Also every money that came into his account was for exam fees etc.
So my question is that,
Can we use a letter from his university and his dad's income to go with the Spanish embassy?
And how do u think we can about it?

Which would do you think we should go for France or spain?

Either France or Spain, they are both Schengen.
A reason for travel which i mentioned previously.
A reason to return back home.
Work and family ties.
Financial means verifiable and sufficient to fall back on after the trip.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 8:47am On Mar 08, 2015

Hi Nairalanders
i want to apply for the US visa but i do not have a travel experience, am currently working and single. kindly advise me on what to do cuz i had made my research from asking people about der experience and the first thing dey tell me is you have no travel experience you wont be gra
nt the visa. Pls help....

The first thing you need to do is overcome your fear.
And there is always a first time to travel.
You only have to have a cogent reason for travel and you must be tactful and assertive during your interview.
Do not forget to look the CO boldly in the eyes.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 8:43am On Mar 08, 2015
Is it advisable for my wife to apply alone so that me and her can travel together and leave our 2 kids in Nigeria as a tie, or visa can be granted to my kids also if they all apply together. Remember I already have a valid visa and have travelled once to the US for a similar wedding 6 months ago.

How old are your kids?
When did you travel previously to the States?
Do you still have your parents and or in-laws alive?
Has you wife got any travel experience?

1 Like

Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 7:14am On Mar 08, 2015
Hi tzetzefly,
Ok please bare with my explanation

Myself and three other friends plan to go to France or spain in June. Three of us are celebrating our bday and one graduation so we want to take a holiday.

Three of us live on the UK and are all British or eu citizens so we know we won't have a problem.
The last friend is the one am worried about because he is in Nigeria and would need a visa. I just want u tell us our chances on getting into both countries.

Firstly, he is 23 years old and we all are similar in age with the holiest being 24.

He finished university last year and only got the job he is currently at in January this year.
He is an architect and they work on contract and don't have a fixed monthly salary, he gets paid 100k plus any commission on any contract. in February he was rarely busy but for the next three months he is going to be very very busy with a lot of work and and would be expecting about 300-400k Would his income be good enough?

His dad is going to contribute 200,000 towards his trip for flight ticket, while we in d uk are going to book the apartment we plan on staying for the length of our stay. We think we definitely need a letter and statement from his dad but do we as friends include a letter of invitation and bank statement?

We plan to do the usual, see Paris, and potentially watch Psg play if the season is not over.
We don't know anyone in France.

How can we build a reasonable case For his visa. And do we truthfully have a chance.

To put it mildly not to sound too pessimistic, his case with French Embassy will be a tough nut to crack. People who have a better long term job schedules have been denied France visa.

However not to sound pessimistic again, his case might be different. I do not know if he has any form of travel experience, this will sincerely be a case for consideration by the ECO.

He can also try from this angle:

Pay for the four of you for the same PSG games.
Pay for any concert(s) in Paris.
Show evidence of all of you together at some point.
He needs to arrange his documents efficiently for the ECO
He must be able to show his source of income till date.
He can draft a little "summary" of his plan for the trip
Send copies of PP data page 2 him for his application.
Nothing wrong with his dad helping with sponsor.
His dad will need to write a letter authorising his trip.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 4:43pm On Mar 06, 2015
Tzetzefly where have you been? Why you blank out? Abeg come back o

@chloe, i can understand that you and your good friends have been really active and helpful here. I do try to pop in at one time or another just to see if i can be of assistance.

Sincerely, you guys have been great on this forum.


Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 8:56am On Feb 05, 2015
Good evening friends in the forum. I have an urgent question with good advice from you guys.
I have a wife who is an LPR and a son who is a citizen in d state.I want to go for my father in law 70th birthday coming up this may 2015.My concerns goes thus!
1.I have a pending immigrant filing by my wife which I learnt it is very difficult to get non immigrant visa while you have a pending filing.So I don't know if I could fill in d-s 160 that its my wife I wanna go see.
2.I think my father in law got to the state thru visiting visa and later converted it and became LPR thru remarriage... My concerns is that if I mention his name and they enter it in their computer,I don't know what effect that can have on my chances.
3.Back to me......I have strong ties to d country Naija as I have a well paying job...An independent petroleum marketer with roughly income of 400k per month...tho classified as business earning ...Also our first son of 10 years old is here with me in Naija ...He's not following me this time around to d state...I just have d intention of using maximum of two weeks .....Just for d birthday and ofcourse to see my wife and my other son...

please guys,how do I go about this?Thank you.

You have a pending immigration case file

You father-in-law arrived the States on a B visa and converted later through marriage (misrepresentation)

You said you are unsure about this. Take note, no CO will believe that.

You will have to fill a DS-160 and you're expected to be totaly truthful. If however you lie on that form, claiming ignorance and you're found out by the State Dept, you will not only lose your pending immigration case, you may also be banned for life.
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 7:34am On Jan 24, 2015
hello house. please while filling the ds-160 form for myself and my husband I noticed in my husbands application on the work/experience/training part there is a present,previous,and additional option.my form just has the present option.i have tried clicking and clicking,saving,deleting and refilling,but it keeps showing only present work status, no previous work experience and additional. gave up and tried to open another ds-160 form and now its saying it wont save because my birthday is incorrect? angry Has this happened to anyone before?thoughts on what I shld do?thanks Bleep

Having entered, corrected & logged out your entries multiple times, must have affected your entry in your system.

Contact Information If you need help with your visa application or want to learn more about obtaining a visa to travel to the U.S., please contact us via any of the means shown below. Visa application services call center agents are able to assist you via telephone, chat or email.

Telephone: To speak with a call center representative, please call +23414406218. If you are experiencing difficulties speaking with a call center representative, please dial +17035202580, let it ring for five seconds and hang up. You will receive an immediate call from the call center. If you are calling from Nigeria and would like our service to call you, please enter your local phone number from Nigeria and click on Call.

Click to Call Skype: To use Skype to speak to a customer service representative during regular hours of operation, add a new contact to your Skype account with the Skype name ustraveldocs-nigeria .

Email: To reach a customer service representative via email, please write to us at:

Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 7:22am On Jan 24, 2015
Pls I need urgent help my cousin in US is doing his wedding in April and he will send IV to me before first week of February and am a novice I don't know what next to do, I dont know d necessary requirement I need to present at d embassy if am eventually call for d Interview

As a novice, read carefully this information:

The visa category you desire is under the B2 (visiting family)
Travel / Re: Usa Visit Visa by tzetzefly(m): 7:10am On Jan 24, 2015
Hello house,
My single older sister who's a teacher got an invite from our aunt who's a citizen.
She's working and would only be able to go around august when schools will be on vacation
How much must u ve in ur a/c if u r sponsoring urself?
Is it better to be sponsored by som1 in UK even though u r going to US
Please advice.

The balance in her statement of account has little impact on her interview. What your sister should be concerned about is the means by which your aunt proceeded to the States before acquiring citizenship. August is a long time for her to think deeply on this.

1 Like

Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by tzetzefly(m): 7:02am On Jan 24, 2015

tzetzefly please note that my business account has more funds in it (N6- 10 Million quarterly) but i intend to apply with my personal bank statement which has a closing balance of like N1.5 Million, Please let me know if its enough to be considered for the visa or should i use my business account?

Thank you

This is a better clarification than what you wrote in your previous post. However, you still need to convince the ECO on how your business will be run while you're away. Separate your personal account from your business account and put both documents together in your application.

France is one of those countries that base their judgement on previous travel history. If you have one, then go on ahead and apply. Else, try someplace else for tourism.
Travel / Re: U.S. Embassy Abuja New Procedure For Drop Box Renewals by tzetzefly(m): 7:15pm On Jan 23, 2015
can anyone tell me how and where to print the renewal letter for my application?

Applicants who satisfy these criteria: http://nigeria.usembassy.gov/mobile//niv_dropbox.html

should follow the visa application instructions on the U.S. Embassy Nigeria website at: https://nigeria.usembassy.gov/mobile//niv_appointmnent_instructions.html

The CGI visa appointment website will ask applicants a series of questions reflecting the criteria for the DHL Drop Box Visa Renewal Program. Qualifying applicants will be prompted to print a letter confirming their eligibility for the program and instructing them to drop off the letter with their passport, application confirmation sheet, passport photos, visa fee receipt, and appropriate forms to one of the DHL facilities in Abuja or Lagos. The application packets are adjudicated and returned to the applicant’s selected DHL location within 7-10 business days.

Please note that participation in this program does not guarantee visa issuance. Additionally, the consular section may request applicants to attend a visa interview in certain cases, despite having submitted their application through the Drop Box program.

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