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Religion / Re: Dinner, Drinks And Religion by urcutecrush(f): 10:58pm On Oct 29, 2014

In most cases its not really the fear of discrimination, its the associated stress- the stress of constant arguments, stress of trying to enlighten them, stress of dealing with the many prayer warriors/prayer meetings/deliverances they would hold on your behalf, etc. I am somewhat open about my religious views and I know the stress its brought upon me, sometimes its just not worth it. I do believe what you say about marriage but the truth is the statistics are not in our favour, which is why marriage for me would be a ''miracle'' (in my 24 years of existence I have only met one somewhat atheist man, and he happens to be married).

What i hate to deal with most is the group dicussion on how devil has overcome my heart and the deliverance process to remove it behind my back and that expression on their eyes that they are better than me or worst of all using u to preach to a congregration dat knows nothing about u.I know it happens.
All I wish for is to open their head put all the fact there and sew it up literally.

I also was able to meet a married man who isn't an atheist,a christian and he said 'I respect ur belief no matter what they are and I won't try to change u'
How i love those words and kept them close to my heart.the sweetest words ever.


Religion / Re: Dinner, Drinks And Religion by urcutecrush(f): 10:40pm On Oct 29, 2014
lol. It would be very difficult to prevent your kids from learning about religion in school in Nigeria unless your kids are raised abroad or you plan to home school your kids. I remember religious study was madatory Subject from my primary 1 to my jss 3. Also you are right that you might have problem with your husband family if they are uneducated and religious fanatics because in some part of Nigeria, atheists are label as Anti-christ or Satan worshipers.
I can easily ask them not to be thaught.I know some schools allowz dis but like i said it solely depends on them and if they are taught i will personally teach them the history and dogma of religion.

Some part of Nigeria?nope its all part.Even the ones seeming not to take any stand on religion are the first to defend their religion I.e non church or mosque goers.

If they are all striped of their religion they are left with NOTHING.quite sad anyway I never thought humans can be so SHALLOW
Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 11:21am On Oct 29, 2014

hardly.. if it was then surely you must admire the effort it took to manage 2 accounts with qualitative postings.. grin grin grin my last post had a generous sprinkle of sarcasm.. meaning you are better off saving your effort for more serious threads
Mine also had a tone of sarcasm u dint get.
Religion / Re: Dinner, Drinks And Religion by urcutecrush(f): 10:44am On Oct 29, 2014

I too fear what the future would be like. How would I find a life partner with as much intellect and reasoning as I, how would I raise my kids, what kind of persucution/struggles my kids would go through for being/thinking different.

But I take comfort in the fact that change is constant, and the way this Age of Information is affecting our society for the better. Soon, sometime in the nearest future (I hope) society would look back at its 'primitive' thinking and laugh and learn from it. After all the world's greatest nations/societies went through their own Dark Ages, we are simply going through ours.
Truthfully i don't see this happening in the nearest future.hopefully we found our heart desires but if not cheers to many years of pretense ahead.as the case of my future children if possible i will teach them d history and science of the world they are in from early age cos i don't want anybody poisining their mind that their mother is the devil incarnate.if possible they won't take any religious study tho the choice fully lies on them.but as it is now the future looks bleak.I geuss i should stop thinking about the future and enjoy the moment cos nobody knows what the future holds.


Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 10:26am On Oct 29, 2014
Atheism does not make sense.
Religion is totally rubbish

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Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 10:25am On Oct 29, 2014

It takes a mile with him a journey you will complete in 2 steps.. do you really want to go that far?
Is this by any chance lastmessanger second account?
Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 10:05am On Oct 29, 2014

Absolutely not.
Please why not?
Religion / Re: Dinner, Drinks And Religion by urcutecrush(f): 9:48am On Oct 29, 2014
I can attest to this.the fact that i am female even makes it worst cos they think i shouldn't av any reasonable thought.what I fear is the future will I be able to continue under this pretense.I hope I found someone with likemind.being an atheist in this society is just when u are the only sober person in a car and nobody allows u to drive


Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 9:34am On Oct 29, 2014

Can you share some of those thoughts
Do you believe in any other gods like ogun,osun,sango etc?
Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 9:05am On Oct 29, 2014

Can you share some of those thoughts
Do you believe in any other gods like ogun,osun,sango etc?


Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 8:44am On Oct 29, 2014

Really? your conscience automatically teach you good morals without some religious undertone.Please is there any place that your conscience refers to in supporting your moral life style or does the morality just pop up fr nowhere and guide your daily living.
Meanwhile do you have any other special reason for abandoning the idea of God?
In point of fact, we humans are a lot like animals and a number of other species have demonstrated that they have something that looks like a rudimentary conscience and a rudimentary system of morals. It has, for example,been observed that chimpanzees will exhibit what appears to be fear and shame when they do something that violates the rules of its group. Should it be assumed that the chimpanzee fears God? Or is it instead more likely that such feelings should develop in social animals?
It's not a surprise that something like this would evolve naturally. Morals are, basically, the rules by which our social groups function. They ensure that things are reasonably fair and that relationships run reasonably smoothly. Social groups simply wouldn't survive without rules, so the evolution of the ability to create and follow rules should be expected. Humans are social animals so it's also to be expected that, like other social animals, we would have social rules which regulate group behavior. We certainly don't need gods to explain it.

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Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 7:50am On Oct 29, 2014

Nice thoughts but apart from the fact that there is much treats associated with religion especially christainity and Islam. Don't you think that some of the values and morality taught in religion is good and should be adhered to even without being under the treat of eternal condemnation.
Because it teaches moral doesn't mean it is right.I have my conscience i don't need religion


Religion / Re: Why Did You Choose To Be An Athiest? by urcutecrush(f): 7:43am On Oct 29, 2014
When i started thinking i became an atheist


Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 12:50pm On Oct 26, 2014

I didnt talk about others because they.were factual and true science but when you start saying stuffs like "social emotion".you remind.me of a.sinking man who clings on to a straw just to stay afloat.
It sounds funny but its the thruth.y don't u learn about fact before throwing back words
Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 12:26pm On Oct 26, 2014

Social emotion grin
U purposely leave others just to write social emotion and u expect me to answer ur question.
Romance / Re: Mrcork Online Relationship Help & Advise for all...pls Ask Questions. by urcutecrush(f): 12:22pm On Oct 26, 2014

....WHICH NO?? angry

... Anyways sweery..since u cant find man on nairaland..we highly recommend u change color quick (yellow).....theise way,we (real men plus Londoners) wud start chasin u like cat then u can find husband witin 3 days...gerrrit?

...hope this help!
Lubbish cry

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Romance / Re: Come In And Add Your Views by urcutecrush(f): 12:17pm On Oct 26, 2014
Sadly all she got to offer u was sex;that is low thinking
Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 12:12pm On Oct 26, 2014

Does the brain process boredom too? and whilst you are at that please check the dictionary meaning of stimulus
Of cos you can call it adaptive ,secondary or social emotion and deep one is associated with depression which is a medical condition
Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 11:43am On Oct 26, 2014

I am glad you believe in fear and boredom despite the fact that you can't see them,touch them or prove they exist.
Do I need to explain how the brain works and response to stimilu or how the brain process fear to u?Nah I dont
Romance / Re: How Long Do Normal People Stay Single For? by urcutecrush(f): 11:22am On Oct 26, 2014
Have been single for eight month not because of shyness and am perfectly normal undecided
Seems u need encouragement.keep up with ur dates bro u will find ur soulmate sooner or later

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Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 11:17am On Oct 26, 2014

I fear it might get boring,long,useless with no point driven home.am saving myself the stress

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Religion / Re: Gays & Lesbians Are Sinners And They Will Go To Hell If... by urcutecrush(f): 11:15am On Oct 26, 2014

What's funny?
u call someone a dullard and this is clear that u are the dullard.u don't want to learn


Romance / Re: Mrcork Online Relationship Help & Advise for all...pls Ask Questions. by urcutecrush(f): 10:10am On Oct 26, 2014

...so u are a babe...abi?... Are u light skin? angry
Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 10:08am On Oct 26, 2014

Could you please answer my question.
No thanks

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Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 8:45pm On Oct 25, 2014
God is responsible for the creation of heaven and earth. Lady, you need to give your life to christ. You sound like someone who used tks believe in God but backslided. It is not too late toreturn to the house of God
Oh i understand your point of view.don't try that preaching act on me it won't work.if god created heaven and earth den my father created d universe.give my life to christ?dis is some kind of joke i geuss.let's drop this topic for the sake of ur sanity
Romance / Re: Mrcork Online Relationship Help & Advise for all...pls Ask Questions. by urcutecrush(f): 5:18pm On Oct 25, 2014

...how? undecided
Because i have vagina not cork angry
Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 5:16pm On Oct 25, 2014
you better read the bible
Have read it i dint see any

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Religion / Re: OPINION: Jesus May Never Save Our World by urcutecrush(f): 5:13pm On Oct 25, 2014
what kinda prove do you need?
Tell me the one's you have

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Romance / Re: Mrcork Online Relationship Help & Advise for all...pls Ask Questions. by urcutecrush(f): 5:11pm On Oct 25, 2014

...bro juss buy her Chinese fry rice...korea women love Chinese fry rice! angry
Am a woman not a bro
Romance / Re: Mrcork Online Relationship Help & Advise for all...pls Ask Questions. by urcutecrush(f): 4:49pm On Oct 25, 2014
How can i make my crush lee min ho a light skinned korean fall in love with me

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Romance / Re: What Is The Most .............. by urcutecrush(f): 4:35pm On Oct 25, 2014
Andyblaze; can't you just die already??
Dis is hilarous grin

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Romance / Re: Suggestion: Guys/girls Only Section ; Like The Idea? by urcutecrush(f): 4:34pm On Oct 25, 2014
And when u are on it also tell them to remove the sex change button too.how can someone be male today and female tomorrow

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