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Foreign Affairs / Iran Mocks America: Now, Virus Renders You Defenceless by Viktom(m): 9:59pm On Mar 21, 2020
Iran Mocks America: Now, Virus Renders You Defenceless!

The Iranian Leader, Hassan Rouhani, has mocked the United States over Conovirus pandemic that is on global visit, not sparing any nation whether powerful or weak. It was on the occasion of the Iranian New Year (Nowruz) on 20 March. Rouhani waxed philosophical about the fact that the pandemic, in a way, is an anemy troop that all nations, notwithstanding their relationship with one another, must unite to fight.

In the words of Rouhani: “The international defense that we have to mount will not be successful without camaraderie on the part of the whole of humankind. Today, instead of soldiers belonging to different armies, human soldiers, donning similar unicolor uniforms belonging to no particular country, are selflessly and altruistically at war against the enemy of humans across the globe. In this common fight, we all belong to one front. We all seek to prevail over our common enemy: a deadly virus. With this enemy, in contrast to other issues, we have no difference of views, and we do not diverge on its nature, its definition and its destructive consequences for the whole of humanity.”

The Iranian leader, however, gave Uncle Sam a punch under the nose! “Historically, the Government of the United States, regrettably, once chose to assist what is worse than a virus—the regime of Saddam Hussein—at a time when the Iranian people were attacked, and Iranian (even Iraqi) women, men and children were not spared by that butcher. Although with the passage of time the U.S. Government noted its errors, it drew no lesson from them. As Daesh (ISIS), the terrorist group, wreaked havoc in the Middle East through its criminal deeds and extremist dogmas, the current U.S. Government handed this terrorist group a victory by assassinating the man who most effectively brought about its destruction.

“Today, the Iranian people are harmed by both the deadly coronavirus and the callous U.S. government policy of economic terrorism inflicted on them. Yet, even under the circumstances of the pandemic, the U.S. government has failed to abandon its malicious policy of maximum pressure; and is thus in practice aiding the spread of this virus with its sanctions.”

Below is Rouhani’s speech.

This time, the surrounding oceans of a continent are not America’s adequate defense!

By Hassan Rouhani

The Message of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the people of the United States of America is as follows:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate the Merciful

On behalf of the great Iranian nation, I write to the people of the United States of America on the occasion of the Iranian New Year (Nowruz).

The coronavirus outbreak has endangered the health of—and even presented a considerable threat to—humanity with no distinction as to nationality, or gender or religious backgrounds. This presents an opportune moment to further contemplate our common pains and our human principles.

Today, all of humankind feels apprehensive toward the future; a future threatened in every aspect; be it health, business, and even social relationships and the way of life. The level of unpredictability and uncertainty is simply unprecedented. It is self-evident that our success in what is likely to be a long fight depends on the spiritual and heartfelt affinity of all human beings.

The international defense that we have to mount will not be successful without camaraderie on the part of the whole of humankind. Today, instead of soldiers belonging to different armies, human soldiers, donning similar unicolor uniforms belonging to no particular country, are selflessly and altruistically at war against the enemy of humans across the globe. In this common fight, we all belong to one front. We all seek to prevail over our common enemy: a deadly virus. With this enemy, in contrast to other issues, we have no difference of views, and we do not diverge on its nature, its definition and its destructive consequences for the whole of humanity.

Historically, the Government of the United States, regrettably, once chose to assist what is worse than a virus—the regime of Saddam Hussein—at a time when the Iranian people were attacked, and Iranian (even Iraqi) women, men and children were not spared by that butcher. Although with the passage of time the U.S. Government noted its errors, it drew no lesson from them. As Daesh (ISIS), the terrorist group, wreaked havoc in the Middle East through its criminal deeds and extremist dogmas, the current U.S. Government handed this terrorist group a victory by assassinating the man who most effectively brought about its destruction.
Today, the Iranian people are harmed by both the deadly coronavirus and the callous U.S. government policy of economic terrorism inflicted on them. Yet, even under the circumstances of the pandemic, the U.S. government has failed to abandon its malicious policy of maximum pressure; and is thus in practice aiding the spread of this virus with its sanctions.

Following its illegal withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the U.S. Government has implemented more than one hundred collective punishment measures against the Iranian people, specifically targeting Iran’s principal economic and financial sectors, and inflicting damages amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran’s economy and the Iranian people. The sanctions imposed by the U.S. Government have resulted in many ordinary Iranians losing their jobs and incomes. It has also endangered their health and wellbeing. The sanctions have drastically undermined the ability of the Iranian people to fight the coronavirus and some among them are losing their lives as a result.

People of the United States,
You, like others in the world, are facing this destructive pandemic and experiencing the bitterness of a concern over your future and that of your loved ones. This time, the surrounding oceans of a continent are not an adequate defense. We know the war on this virus can only be successful if all nations can win this war together, and no affected nation is left behind. This is the other side of globalization coin; a signal that happiness and calamity are both globalized. As Sa’adi, our national poet, recited centuries ago, “Adam’s children are limbs of one body,” an injured limb makes the whole body ill. Thus, no border and no wall can shield any nation from the harm of this or any other virus.

I warn that under a pandemic situation, Tehran, Paris, London and Washington are not far apart, and any hostile actor seeking to undermine Iran’s health system and restricting the needed financial resources to tackle the crisis, will undermine the fight against the pandemic all over the world. COVID-19 is a matter of life and death, in the true meaning of the term for all nations, and countering it is the global duty of all.

The Iranian people have endured throughout history. Throughout millennia, Iranians prevailed against warmongers, from Genghis to Saddam, and withstood natural disasters, from pestilence to cholera, resiliently safeguarding their culture and civilization. This time, too, they will repel this virus as well as the sanctions born of the callous policy of maximum pressure, and will endure once again with resilience and pride.
But can the American people accept that these malicious pressures are brought to bear on the Iranian people in their name, as a result of their vote, and by the means of their taxes?

The imperative of countering the new coronavirus has suspended sporting events, public ceremonies, religious congregations, and forced the closing of schools, universities, houses of worship and businesses across the globe. Isn’t it astonishing that even under such circumstances, there is no halt to pressure, sanctions and callousness? Are we to believe the claim of a readiness for humanitarian assistance from those who so brazenly violate human rights?

On this March 20th, the Iranian people, along with peoples from 12 other countries, celebrate the Iranian Nowruz (new day and new time), and the beginning of the spring. We should take this as an opportunity to adopt a new humanitarian approach toward fellow human beings.

People of the United States,
In the name of justice and humanity, I address your conscience and Godly souls, and call upon you to make your Administration and Congress see that the path of sanctions and pressure has never been successful and will never be so in the future. It is human discourse and action that produce results.

Regrettably, the fallacious framing of the situation in the region and deceptive lobbying of Iran’s regional enemies have impeded the way toward reforming the destabilizing and interventionist policies of the American government in the world, and in the Middle East in particular. Despite winning the election on the promise of withdrawing from the Middle East and returning American soldiers to their homes, the failure to fulfil this mandate and efforts to reach into the pockets of the American people to finance an unprecedented campaign of intervention in the region are manifest.

This disastrous approach has resulted in the U.S. engaging in enmity with the country most central to defeating Daesh.
Regrettably, the most aggressive and reactionary enemies of democracy and human rights in the world, who have occupied the lands of others, or have deprived their own peoples of even one free election, have become advisers to the U.S. government and are imposing their own interests upon the American people. Currently, a congruence of virus and sanctions has become the hallmark of their policy towards Iran. The victims of the virus and the sanctions are ordinary Iranians from all walks of life and not the political elite.

The time has come for the American people to speak loudly and hold their government accountable, thus halting this dark chapter in American history. A return to international law and the principles of human rights will be in the interest of the American people and all nations throughout the world. Future generations will judge the American people based on the actions of their government, and the malicious behavior displayed thus far before the peoples of the world bodes poorly in that regard.
As the negotiations that resulted in the nuclear deal proved, we in Iran have always been ready for dialogue and have never feared it. In our view, it is a legal, moral and international imperative for every party to comply with its obligations. We have demonstrated our fidelity to our commitments and rejected the noncompliance demonstrated by other parties. The Iranian people value friendship and respect based on the principles of dignity and humanity and respond positively to overtures based on such values. Simultaneously, they are ready to resist pressure and threats, as they have heroically throughout history. We are a glorious and proud people with millennia of civilization. We react to the language of force with the language of resistance and to the language of dignity with the language of respect.

I wish a happy spring and New Year to all Americans, and especially those of Iranian descent.
Hassan Rouhani
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
March 20, 2020
Politics / Coronavirus: Why Buhari Is ‘side-lining’ Osinbajo – Dele Momodu by Viktom(m): 9:52pm On Mar 21, 2020
Coronavirus: Why Buhari is ‘Side-lining’ Osinbajo – Dele Momodu

buhari sidelining osinbajo dele momodu
The Publisher of Ovation Magazine and former presidential candidate, Dele Momodu, has accused President Muhammadu Buhari of “playing political cards” with the Coronavirus pandemic.

Momodu berated the president in his weekly column, “Pendulum” on Saturday. He criticized the president for ‘side-lining’ the Vice president, Yemi Osinbajo over 2023 Politics. He wrote;

“It is unpardonable that Mr Buhari will totally ignore a man as modern, cerebral, diligent and conscientious as his own Vice President, Prof Yemi Osinbajo SAN and instead ask the Secretary to the Federal Government, Mr Boss Mustapha, to handle what is a global crisis.”

“There are only two reasons why Professor Osinbajo is seemingly being side-lined. The first is the politics of 2023 and the second is the unforgivable feeling that he will upstage the President by once again delivering a stellar performance in governance.”

“Nobody knows what will happen in 2023, and I really don’t care for now, but we are all concerned about what is presently happening around us. As for upstaging the President, had this not been so tragic it would have been just plain laughable.”

Momodu adds that unless the president understands the importance of ‘team-work’, no significant progress will be made for the country.

He pointed out that all the ministers and governors should have been put under the control of the VP. It will be recalled that shortly after winning the 2019 general elections, President Buhari ordered his ministers to direct all their queries and needs to his Chief of Staff, Abba Kyari instead of VP Osinbajo.

“All the relevant Ministers and State Governors should have been assembled under the central command of our Vice President. It is not remarkable to us that the only ray of hope shone when the National Economic Council headed by the VP met yesterday and immediately charted a course that the Presidential Task Force had found practically impossible.”

“I believe that this is a situation where all hands must be on deck. Even members of the opposition should be invited to offer their own advice, logistics and support like we saw in South Africa. Nigeria is not owned by APC and there is no reason to claim a monopoly of wisdom.”

He urged the President to quickly handover the COVID-19 taskforce to VP Osinbajo.

“The time to act and pass the mantle on to an astute visionary leader and commanding presence is now. Let the Vice President take the helm as Deputy Chairman, with the President as the National Chairman of the reconstituted task force on this damaging and debilitating COVID-19.”

“The Government must not fail, because that will mean all of us have failed”, he concluded.

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Foreign Affairs / Mandela:the Only Non-royal Person Allowed To Call The Queen By Her First Name by Viktom(m): 7:56pm On Mar 21, 2020
MANDELA:The Only Non-Royal Person Allowed To Call The Queen By Her First Name

So, as we all know, there are many rules when it comes to being a member of the royal family.

However, there would also be loads of rules for us 'common folk' if we ever came face to face with royalty.

The rules are strictest for people meeting The Queen, which makes sense in fairness. You have to curtsy, refer to her appropriately (Your Majesty will suffice), and avoid being overly familiar.

Everyone that isn't an immediate member of the royal family has to refer to the monarch by her official title. That includes politicians, heads of state, and even royalty from other countries.

There was, historically, one exception to this rule

Nelson Mandela famously called the monarch 'Elizabeth' whenever they were together.

Royal Commentator, Richard Fitzwilliams, recently revealed that there was one person who called the Queen by her first name.

Speaking to Express, he said:

"Mandela was."

"He called her Elizabeth and his affection for her was warmly reciprocated."

"Her state visit to South Africa in 1995 when he was President was one of the highlights of her reign."

Nelson Mandela and Elizabeth II had a famously unusual friendship, with the South African leader regularly ignoring royal custom.

In her book, Mandela's former assistant revealed some intimate insight into the famous friendship.

She wrote:

"On a visit to Britain, I was struck by the warm friendship between Madiba and the Queen."

"I think he was one of the very few people who called her by her first name and she seemed to be amused by it."

And WILDLY, Nelson allegedly once said to the Queen: "Oh, Elizabeth, you’ve lost weight."
Politics / Re: Did China Deceive The World: A Conspiracy Theory by Viktom(m): 11:04am On Mar 21, 2020
who is thinking along this direction too

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Politics / Did China Deceive The World: A Conspiracy Theory by Viktom(m): 11:03am On Mar 21, 2020
Now here is an interesting conspiracy theory if you want:

Impact of coronavirus on stock exchanges worldwide, within 1 month:

�� -26%
�� -26%
�� -25%
�� -27%
�� -20%
�� -19%
�� -16%
�� -24%
�� -14%
�� -17%
�� -12%
�� - 17%

Now, look at this:

�� (China) + 0,3%

China, creator of the pandemic, has miraculously "recovered", has almost no more cases of coronavirus. The world is now beginning to feel the effects and panic about the disease. Who recovered first ?? China itself! It seems to be that this virus was a move by the Chinese government in response to the loss of the trade war with the United States. The goal: to throw the world into recession !!!
Is the scenario not clear? They are already growing! China bought almost everything it devalued on the stock exchanges around the world ... with that the Chinese became owners of the global companies that are in China and without the money leaving China.

*Has WW III happened and we did not even realise it*

The Chinese president at Wuhan Hospital without muzzle ..
China officially announces victory over the Corona virus

Did the Chinese deceive the world with the Corona Virus? And they saved their economy ?!

This is what the Americans and Europeans think, after they sold their shares in high-value-added technology companies for a minimal price to the Chinese government.

According to them, the Chinese leadership used an "economic tactic" that made everyone swallow the bait easily, before they asserted that China did not resort to implementing a high political strategy to get rid of European investors, in support of China's economy, which would bypass the US economy with this step ..!

And because it teaches the science of certainty that Europeans and Americans are looking for excuses to slow and bankrupt the Chinese economy, China has sacrificed some hundreds of its citizens, instead of sacrificing an entire people ..!

Through this tactic, China succeeded in "deceiving all", as it reaped about $ 20 billion in two days, and the Chinese president succeeded in deceiving the European Union and the United States of America in the eyes of the world, and played an economic game of a tactical nature, which was unthinkable. !

Before the Corona virus, most of the stocks and stakes in investment projects at "Technology and Chemicals" production plants were owned by European and American investors ..!

This means that more than half of the profits from the light and heavy technological and chemical industries went to the hands of foreign investors, not to the Chinese treasury, which led to a decline in the Chinese currency, the yuan, .. and the Chinese central bank could not To do something against the continuous fall of the yuan ..!

There was even widespread news that China was unable to purchase masks to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. These rumors and the Chinese President’s statements that he is “not ready to save the country from the virus” have led to a sharp drop in the purchase prices of shares of technology companies in China, and the empires of “foreign” investors have raced to offer investment shares for sale at very low prices, and with attractive offers, "Never seen before" in history ..!

The Chinese government waited for foreign share prices to reach their "almost free" minimums, and then issued an order to purchase them. And bought the shares of Americans and Europeans ..!

And when European and American investment financiers realized that they had been deceived, it was too late, as the shares were in the hands of the Chinese government, which in this process nationalized most of the foreign companies erected on its soil in a near-free manner, without causing a political crisis or a single shot .. !

The same sources confirmed and pointed out that "Corona" is a "real" virus, but it is not a terrible danger that has been promoted across the world ..!

China began to take out the anti-virus vaccine, this vaccine that it had owned from the beginning on the shelves of refrigerators after it had achieved its goal ..!

#Another conspiracy theory

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Politics / Re: The Two Most Successful Industries In Nigeria Are Politics And Religion - Obj by Viktom(m): 7:50am On Mar 20, 2020
true talk baba
Politics / The Two Most Successful Industries In Nigeria Are Politics And Religion - Obj by Viktom(m): 7:49am On Mar 20, 2020
The Two Most Successful Industries In Nigeria Are Politics And Religion - Obasanjo

The two most successful Industries In Nigeria are politics and religion. The sad reality, however, is that “the PEOPLE” are the commodity. – Obasanjo

"As a young boy born in the southern part of Nigeria, I grew up to find Muslims and Christians living together within the same community. However, as I grew up into adulthood the central government in practice changed its policy of non-interference in religious matters to that of regulating the number of people performing Islamic and Christian rites inside and outside Nigeria.

"This check on religious freedom came out of trying to have political control of the citizens by using religion as a weapon; contrary to the constitutional provision of non-interference in the religious affairs of the people. In the southern parts of Nigeria, this situation changed the way that families and governments think.

"They now also had to create institutions to control religious affairs, while the ruling class in the north of Nigeria had to be seriously subsumed into the mould of the Islamic faith as a way of protecting her Islamic and political interests (Kukah 1993, 42).

"In particular, they had (and continue to have) Arab money flowing into northern Nigeria. This made it easy for the ruling class to set up Jamaatu Nasril Islam (JNI) for the propagation of Islam in northern Nigeria, and to embark on an aggressive conversion of non-Muslims to Islam.

"To counter such action, led to another reaction; this time from those within the Christian faith who formed the Northern Christian Association (NCA) to shield the Christians (who were in the minority in the north) from the impact of an Islamic conversion campaign...

"The NCA also had the purpose to address grievances against the excesses of the state in using JNI to negotiate its way to retain political power and to propagate Islam.

"Kukah (1993, 100) rightly observes that to the ruling classes ‘some Muslims are more Muslims than others’ and for survival generally some Christians may want to become Muslims or adopt the Hausa culture, thereby gaining access into certain social relations or have the ability to understand northern interests and know how to help build them. With all these threats, the NCA was not automatically going to get the sympathy of the Christians in the south.

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Politics / Re: Ishaku: Why I Stayed Away From Taraba For 87 Days by Viktom(m): 7:34am On Mar 20, 2020
and it is forbidden to recover in your house Mr governor
Politics / Ishaku: Why I Stayed Away From Taraba For 87 Days by Viktom(m): 7:33am On Mar 20, 2020
Ishaku: Why I Stayed away from Taraba for 87 Days

Bans handshake

The Governor of Taraba State, Mr. Darius Ishaku thursday returned to Jalingo, the state capital, after spending 87 days outside the state.

The governor has also urged the residents of the state to stop handshakes and unnecessary movement in order to check the spread of COVID-19 in the state.

The governor disclosed he had fallen and broken his legs but he has healed tremendously.

He however said he has not recovered fully.

He reportedly left Jalingo – the state capital on December 22, 2019 and moved the machinery of government to Abuja FCT where he steered Taraba.

Ishaku told reporters on arrival that he had been complying with medical advice, which prolonged his stay in Abuja.

He refuted claims that governance in the state suffered setback during the period of his absence.

“I had an accident in the house. I fell off from a staircase and broke my legs.

“But I did not know, so I had to go for surgery. Then, I came back to recover from the injuries.

“And there were speculations: some said I am dead; some said I am crippled; some said I am vegetable.

“You are seeing me talking today, not that I have recovered fully but my doctor said I can travel today. That is why I have returned.”

The governor expressed gratitude to his deputy, Haruna Manu, for “holding the forte well” for him during his absence.

He thanked the state House of Assembly, under the leadership of Speaker, Hon. Joseph Albasu Kunini, for passing “a vote of confidence” on him when the opposition asked the lawmakers to impeach him for allegedly paralysing governance in the state.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that he also thanked the judiciary and security agencies, saying they did well during his absence.

Responding on allegations that his absence had paralysed governance in Taraba, Ishaku said: “It is not true that nothing was working during my absence.

“I was getting reports everyday about what was going on in the State, and everything was working correctly, in spite of my absence.

“I want all Nigerians to note that we are all humans -that I am a governor does not make me super-human.

“I made a mistake of running upstairs in my house around 8p.m. Then they took the light. I fell and rolled down and that created crisis for me, which I never anticipated.

“Now, all of us are like that. An accident can happen to anybody at anytime, anywhere. So, when you glorify it and start singing music about it, it doesn’t help you.

“I want to assure the people of Taraba State that I am healing very well and nothing will stop moving in the state. The Rescue Agenda is ongoing,” Ishaku said.

Meanwhile, Ishaku has urged residents of the state to stop handshakes and unnecessary movement in order to check the spread of Covid 19 in the

He noted that the state government had set up isolation centres at the Federal Medical Centre, Jalingo and the Specialist Hospital Jalingo in case of an outbreak of the disease in the state.
Politics / Re: APC Crisis: The Deal That Saved Oshiomhole by Viktom(m): 8:48am On Mar 19, 2020
Nigeria is certainly cursed with bad leaders, who are only interested in their pockets, it is just a fight for the space to loot. Anyways I am working on a book on how African can be great using Nigeria as a case study. Anyone interested in the development of Nigeria and Africa at large can contact me, let coauthor.
08149487642. No WhatsApp please, call or sms
Politics / Re: The Reason Why President Muhammadu Buhari Reduced Fuel Price - Oshiomhole by Viktom(m): 8:46am On Mar 19, 2020
Nigeria is certainly cursed with bad leaders. Anyways I am working on a book on how African can be great using Nigeria as a case study. Anyone interested in the development of Nigeria and Africa at large can contact me, let coauthor.

08149487642. No WhatsApp please, call or sms
Sports / Re: Team 30 Years And Above Vs Team 29 Years And Below : Which Team Will Win by Viktom(m): 8:40am On Mar 19, 2020
for me it's team +30
Sports / Team 30 Years And Above Vs Team 29 Years And Below : Which Team Will Win by Viktom(m): 8:40am On Mar 19, 2020
Team 30 Years and Above Vs Team 29 Years and Below : Which Team Will be Victorious

lets review two teams in Europe, let's analyzed who will win should a team of players 30 years and above duel with a. Team of players 29 years and below.

Politics / Re: APC Crisis: The Deal That Saved Oshiomhole by Viktom(m): 8:37am On Mar 19, 2020
let those of us in Benin tell you the story as it is. even if oshiomhole were to contest the gubernatorial election against obaseki he will definitely lose. The Binis will not abandon their son for oshiomohle besides he has the Oba in support. as it stands now a thousand oshiomohle cannot stop Obaseki.


Politics / The Reason Why President Muhammadu Buhari Reduced Fuel Price - Oshiomhole by Viktom(m): 6:32am On Mar 19, 2020
The reason why President Muhammadu Buhari reduced fuel price - Oshiomhole

The APC National Chairman Adams Oshiomhole has commended President Muhammadu Buhari for his commitment to reducing oil prices from N145 to N125.

This is contained in a letter issued by the Secretary-General's Office, Simon Ebegbulem, in Abuja on Wednesday.

He described the decision by President " benefits leadership and government and a humanitarian cries of the people ." As the paper concludes: " On behalf of the APC's task force, I applaud President Muhammadu Buhari for his decision to reduce oil prices from N145 to N125.

"This shows how the APC government is focused on improving the lives of the people. This will make the Buhari government's name climb to the top of the list by reducing oil prices."

Oshiomhole said the cost reduction shows President Buhari is a nationalist and people.

He also said that the APC government under President Buhari has assured the world that he is sympathizing with the people and striving to improve their livelihoods as the global economy declines due to the outbreak of the virus. '

Coronavirus'. On Wednesday Legit.ng quoted indicative that the head of the earth, Muhammadu Buhari, has agreed to reduce the price of a liter of oil to N125 of the old pumps, N145.

According to Legit.ng, sources at the presidency have informed President Buhari that he will accept the need to lower the price of oil after the country's petroleum minister, Timipre Sylva, proposed the proposal during the executive session.

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FEC) is being held every week at the Presidency. According to the source, who declined to be named, Sylva has proposed a reduction in the price of crude oil following the fall of crude oil prices in the global market.
Politics / Re: APC Crisis: The Deal That Saved Oshiomhole by Viktom(m): 6:30am On Mar 19, 2020

Oshiomole is too stubborn and arrogant to let Obaseki go like that. Infact he might no mind to loose his chairman position just to see Obaseki gone.

We are watching and reading as things unfold

No matter how stubborn a man may be, there are people he submits to

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Politics / APC Crisis: The Deal That Saved Oshiomhole by Viktom(m): 6:23am On Mar 19, 2020
APC CRISIS: Horse-trading that saved Oshiomhole

..Shuaibu returns to NEC, says Obaseki remains APC’s best option in Edo

SINCE June 23, 2018 when he became the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Tuesday, March 17, 2020 was a day that Comrade Adams Oshiomhole will not forget in a hurry.

It was a day that his traducers would have removed him as chairman of the ruling party via a National Executive Committee, NEC, meeting that he would not attend on account of his suspension as APC chairman by a Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Federal High Court.

However, a day to the controversial NEC meeting called by the Acting National Secretary, Chief Victor Giadom, who laid claim to the mantle of acting chairman, Oshiomhole was handed a lifeline by two events.

First, President Muhammadu Buhari, on the advice of bickering APC governors postponed the NEC meeting indefinitely. And secondly, the Court of Appeal ordered stay of execution of Oshiomhole’s suspension.

Thus, on the day he was to have been sacked, Oshiomhole returned to the saddle and superintended a National Working Committee, NWC, meeting where he acknowledged his mistakes, sued for peace and extended the olive branch to aggrieved leaders of the party, who were after his political jugular.

The horse-trading

Vanguard gathered, yesterday, that the reprieve did not come to Oshiomhole on a platter. It came after intense horse-trading by major stakeholders moderated by the Presidency.

To retain his seat, Oshiomhole, Vanguard gathered, was handed some conditions to meet. His traducers were also handed conditions to fulfil in the overall interest of the party.

An inside source, who was privy to the high-wire deals told Vanguard: ‘’You can see that at the NWC meeting, Oshiomhole toned down his combative posture and made conciliatory moves. That was one of the things he was asked to do. He was asked to hands-off Edo, stop harassing northern leaders, and stop his high-handedness. The presidency gave him tasks.’’

Asked if the anti-Oshiomhole forces are ready to sheathe their sword against Oshiomhole as agreed, the source said: ‘’The presidency gave him tasks. We are going along the line of what the presidency directed. No one likes wahala (trouble).’’

Asked if they would withdraw the avalanche of litigations as Oshiomhole told journalists they had agreed after the NWC meeting on Tuesday, the source added: ‘’The direction of the presidency is where we are going. We will withdraw the cases in court.’’

Out of court settlement

Speaking with journalists after the NWC meeting Oshiomhole stated that the NWC had resolved to withdraw all cases from the courts.

“We have also resolved that we are going to withdraw all cases in court that any member of the NWC is involved in so that we must lead by example and we have shown that we are capable of managing ourselves and therefore we do not need the court to help us resolve what we are capable of resolving.”

Lifting of suspensions

Oshiomhole also announced that the NWC has lifted the suspension it slammed on some of its members.

“People had issues which they felt strongly about, and as a result, the NWC took some decisions which affected my friend and brother, Senator Lawal Shuaibu, Deputy National Chairman, North. The NWC had a reason for suspending him as at then. Today, we have reviewed the situation and we believe that in the spirit of our renewed commitment to building unity and true reconciliation, we as leaders of the party elected at the convention should live by example. And that means for those we think have offended the system, we have chosen to lift their suspensions. Sen. Lawal Shuaibu can resume his duties as Deputy National Chairman, North.

“We also reviewed the matter of Inuwa Abdulkadir, National Vice Chairman Northwest. By the same spirit, the NWC was unanimous in lifting the suspension and he resumes work with immediate effect. So, with these two decisions, the two members of the NWC who were suspended, their suspensions have now been lifted”, he said.

Pleads for forgiveness

“I have asked everyone and they have accepted, whatever they considered to be my own shortcomings, I have asked for forgiveness and they have forgiven and whatever I considered to be anyone’s shortcoming that irritated me, I have also forgiven. This is the way it should be. It can only be abnormal if people know how to fight and they do not know how to settle”, he added.

Shuaibu returns to NEC, says Obaseki remains APC’s best option in Edo

As part of the peace deal, APC Deputy National Chairman, North, Senator Lawal Shuaibu, yesterday, returned to the party after the NWC lifted his suspension.

Addressing journalists at the national secretariat, Shuaibu who arrived at about 3:20pm said for the party to make a headway in the forthcoming governorship election in Edo State, the incumbent governor, Mr Godwin Obaseki remained its best bet.


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Sports / Re: Mikel Obi's Contract Terminated By Club by Viktom(m): 12:05am On Mar 18, 2020
life is more important than football
Sports / Mikel Obi's Contract Terminated By Club by Viktom(m): 12:04am On Mar 18, 2020
Mikel Obi's contract terminated by club

Turkish Topflight league side Trabzonspor says it has reached a mutual agreement with former Super Eagles captain John Obi Mikel to part ways on mutual consent.

Mikel Joined the Turkish side as a free agent on a two year deal after a short spell with English Championship side Midlesbrough

The Former Chelsea player has been instrumental to Trabzonspor's way to the top this season playing 19 games and giving a good account of himself.

The mutual agreement is believed to be unconnected with Mikel's insistence that the Turkish FA follow the trend and postpone the ongoing Season due to the outbreak of Coronavirus virus.

The English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, Italian Serie A, French Ligue 1, Dutch Eredivise among other global tournaments have been postponed due to the pandemic.

The Turkish club however confirmed that the former Nigerian captain forfeited his wages which he would have earned if he saw out his contract.

Politics / Re: See Photo Of Adam Oshiomole In 1998 by Viktom(m): 7:08am On Mar 17, 2020
our poorliticians are thieves


Politics / See Photo Of Adam Oshiomole In 1998 by Viktom(m): 7:07am On Mar 17, 2020
See photo of Adam Oshiomole in 1998 at funtua textile , Nigerian politics is sweet oo!!

Facebook user shared before photos in the early 1998 of Adam Oshiomole, he really look bad that time compare to today, money is good oo!!

Who is Adam Oshiomole?

Adams Oshiomhole is a former two-term Governor of Edo State in Nigeria. He served under the umbrella of the All Progressive Congress (APC) having taken office with the defunct Action Congress (AC) in 2007. Before stepping into politics, Oshiomole was the leader/president of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) where he gained huge popularity.


Oshiomhole was born Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole on April 4, 1952, in Itamoh, a small community near Auchi in Edo State. He grew up in a Muslim family but has since converted to Christianity, thanks to his late wife Clara.

After his secondary education, Oshiomhole’s career kicked off, as he got a job with the Arewa Textiles Company where he was elected Union Secretary. From his desk at the design section of the industry, a young Oshiomhole observed huge cases of criminality perpetrated by the management. Workers were paid very poorly, the disciplinary regime was brutal, authoritarian and unsparing, leaving no room for a fair hearing.

Also, union leaders at the time were very ineffective, weak and timid. This gave rise to his unquenchable desire for good leadership as the workers did not get value for their membership of the union. In the year 1971, a spontaneous uprising earned him an opportunity to prove himself as a union leader, and in 1975, he became a full-time trade union organizer.

To further his education, Adams Oshiomhole traveled to the United Kingdom where he majored in economics and industrial relations at Ruskin College, Oxford. At the end of the demanding and rigorous multi-disciplinary programme at Ruskin College, Adams emerged as the Best Foreign Student. Higher education equipped him with enhanced theoretical and intellectual acumen.

He went on to attend the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, kuru, and the Kennedy School of Government of the Howard University.

In 1982, he was appointed the General Secretary/Chief Executive of the National Union of Textile and Garment Workers of Nigeria. It was obvious that a genius was on board. The capacities that he brought on board, gave the union a remarkable facelift. Under his leadership, the union was well managed and eventually acquired investments in real estate and generated a cash reserve that is more than what many state governments can boast of.

It was only a matter of time before he became a major player in the politics of the NLC. He was first elected deputy president of the NLC in 1988. In 1995, the NLC was dissolved by the then military government but was revived back after democracy was restored in 1999. This time around, Adams Oshiomhole became president of the newly revived NLC on January 28, 1999. He is known for his very many significant contributions as the Labour leader. He negotiated a 25% wage increase for public sector workers in the early administration of the then President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo.

He most famously led a nationwide strike against high oil prices in Nigeria. He had fought for the reversal of pump price increases introduced by President Obasanjo leading to strikes and demonstrations against the increases. He was persecuted for his relentless moves against the then government concerning the fuel crisis. It had been alleged in October 2009 that the Labour leader was forcefully abducted by State Security Services during a protest, but the Nigerian government had said he submitted to voluntary custody.

Adams Oshiomhole is known for his outstanding role in bringing about a culture of radical and critical citizenship, where leaders can be questioned by their followers. This led to him being driven into politics as he contested for Edo State Governor in 2007. He contested for the gubernatorial elections but was said to have lost the election initially to the People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) candidate, Oserheimen Osunbor. Oshiomhole and his party, AC, however, did not subscribe to the election results on the grounds that it was rigged.

On 20 March 2008, an Edo State election tribunal nullified the election of Oserheimen Osunbor and declared Oshiomhole the winner. This led to his assumption as the governor On 11th November 2008, when a federal Appeal Court sitting in Benin City upheld the ruling of the state’s elections petitions tribunal. He won a second term in 2012.

In 2018, he emerged as the National Chairman of APC after an affirmative vote by the party’s delegates from the 36 states of the Federation. Since then, Adams has been at the helm of affairs of the party’s activities.

See photo below :

Sports / Football Record It's First Death From Coronavirus by Viktom(m): 8:39pm On Mar 16, 2020
Football record it's first death from Coronavirus

Spanish football coach, Francisco Garcia becomes the first person in football to die of Coronavirus. He was also diagnosed of leukamia by the doctors but it was confirmed that he died due to the pandemic disease.

Garcia is the coach of junior team of Malaga-based side Atletico Portada Alta until the time of his death. He couldn't survive even after he was rushed to the hospital when he showed severe symptoms.

He is the fifth person to die of coronavirus in Malaga and he is youngest amongst them.

Atletico Portada Alta released an official statement as they pay tribute to their young coach who passes on.

"From Atletico Portada Alta we want to express our deepest condolences to the family, friends and relatives of our coach Francisco Garcia who has left us, unfortunately, today," the club stated.

"What do we do without you now, Francis? Yes you were always with us or wherever needed, helping."
Politics / Sule Abdullahi On Sanusi: Ganduje Called To Ask If I Would Accept Deposed Emir by Viktom(m): 7:24am On Mar 16, 2020
When asked how he learned of the banishment to Nasarawa and whether the state was consulted, Governor Sule said: “Immediately he was dethroned, the governor of Kano called me and said, we have just dethroned the Emir and we are thinking about relocating him to Nasarawa; If you will accept him. I said I will be more than happy to accept him.”

Narrating how the message came to him, He said: “The message was all over the social media that Emir Sanusi II was dethroned. I did not check because I was busy, but when the Kano Governor called, my aid brought the phone to me in a meeting. So as a senior governor and a second term governor, and someone I respect, I stepped aside to answer his call.

“The whole world knows they were having problems, but I did not know it will lead to this. When he told me the emir has been dethroned, I never said a word about it; whether it is good or bad or why. How can I say I will not accept Sanusi Lamido II, never,” he said.

Referring to the history of their relationship with the deposed Emir, Gov. Sule said: “This is a global citizen, highly respected person. When I was the Managing Director of Dangote group, he was the Group Managing Director of First Bank. We operated as colleagues at the corporate level. When I became the Deputy Group Managing Director of Dangote, he was the CBN Governor. By the time I became the Group Managing Director of Dangote, he had become an Emir.

So at all levels, we have cooperated. Commenting on why Nasarawa has become a popular destination for deposed Emirs in the North, governor said it is because the state is seen as one of the border stateS between the deep North and the Southern part of the country.


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Religion / See What Happened To 4 Church Elders That Persecuted Idahosa by Viktom(m): 3:42pm On Mar 15, 2020
See what happened to 4 Church Elders that persecuted Idahosa and removed him as Pastor years ago.

See what happened to 4 Church Elders that persecuted Idahosa and removed him as Pastor years ago. Worth reading!!!

The special meetings in Lagos, about two hundred miles away, were planned to last through the next Sunday, but at 3 0'clock in the morning on that Sunday, Benson was suddenly awakened. "There is a problem at home; you must go back immediately", the Lord told him.

There was no mistaking the message. Benson got up, dressed hurriedly, and hired a taxi to drive him back to Benin City. About 8 o' clock the same morning he walked into the house to find Margaret sitting at the kitchen table weeping.

"What happened, why are you here?" she asked. "I didn't expect you home till Monday."

Benson sat down beside her and took her hand in his. "The Lord told me to come home because there is a problem. What is it?"

"There was a meeting held yesterday", she replied, dropping her head and beginning to weep again. "You have been replaced as Pastor of the Church. The elders have elected Elder Ogolo."

"If the Lord wants to raise this man up, He will see that Elder Ogolo remains." Benson said, giving Margaret a handkerchief to wipe her tears. "But if it is not the Lord's doing, I will take my position. I am not fighting to be Pastor, because I am still doing my job at Bata Shoe Company. Come, wash your face and let's go to Church.

See: Rare photo of Idahosa working as a Manager at Bata Shoe Company

Benson fired up the motorcycle as Margaret took a seat on the fender, and they headed for Forestry Road. When they arrived at the storefront Church about 9 o'clock, the main service had not yet begun, but the new Pastor had already taken his place behind the pulpit 

"Have you read Today's newspaper?" the man asked as Benson approached the platform with his Bible under his arm. At this point only a few worshippers had gathered in the building.

"No, I haven't', Benson answered.

"You should read page 5", Elder Ogolo continued. "There is the story that I have been ordained as the new Pastor."

"I am grateful", Benson said, crossing his arms around his chest. "What do you want me to do?"

"Well... Just take your seat in the congregation as an ordinary member of the congregation," Elder Ogolo answered, nervously wiping the perspiration from his face.

Benson gazed intently at the man a few moments, then without another word turned and sat beside Margaret near the front.

Elder Ogolo began conducting the service, leading the songs and calling on another of the elders to lead in prayer. After the prayer, and before Elder Ogolo had time to resume his position behind the pulpit, Benson quickly walked up on the makeshift platform. "I am preaching to you today from John 3:16, he announced to the people, "a sermon on the love of God".

The worshippers were surprised to see Benson come to the pulpit because they thought he was still in Lagos. However, most of them did not yet know a new Pastor had been elected. Elder Ogolo had planned to break the news in the service that morning.

Benson began his sermon, with his rival sitting behind him, hissing and pushing, trying to make him sit down. As he continued preaching about God's love, the people began to weep. The young Preacher continued by saying, "I'm not going to fight. If what God wanted me for is finished here, I cannot contest it. But people, I want you to know that when I went to Lagos I was still your Pastor, and before I came home a new man had been appointed. I am no longer your Pastor after today."

When he started to walk off the platform, the people all stood up and several of them called out, "You are our leader --you are our pastor. That man is not," pointing to Elder Ogolo.

"We will leave the matter in God's hands, and see what happens," Benson said.

He and Margaret returned home, and on Monday morning he went to his office in town as he usually did. But as the week progressed, it seemed apparent that God was indeed directing the affairs of the little Church on Forestry Road.

On Tuesday, the son of the man who chaired the meeting in which Benson removed as Pastor died of malaria 

On Wednesday, the elder who had removed the foundation stones from the building site lost his daughter because of illness.

On Thursday, the third protesting elder was taken to the hospital with tuberculosis. 

And on Friday, Elder Ogolo, the newly ordained Pastor, was rush to a hospital with a heart attack, then taken to Calabar for treatment. 

Within days the 4 troublemakers were removed. Benson resumed the pastoral duties of the little Church.

The following week, he conducted funerals for the 2 children who had died. He went to the hospital to pray for the elder with tuberculosis, but the man later died from the disease. 

After a time, Elder Ogolo recovered, but he moved away from Benin City and got a job as a bricklayer.

Foreign Affairs / Re: African Country Where Father Is President And Son Is Vice President by Viktom(m): 8:11am On Mar 15, 2020
Africa and the hunger for power, our leaders only crave for power then end up abusing the power vested on them by their people.

like one gandolar did in Kano and a certain president is currently doing in Nigeria. all they care about is power and money, I pity their gullible followers and blind supporters

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Foreign Affairs / African Country Where Father Is President And Son Is Vice President by Viktom(m): 8:07am On Mar 15, 2020
African country where father is President and son is Vice President

With an estimated population of 1,308,975 people, and covering a total geographical area of 28,050 km2 (10,830 sq mi), this West African country is a former Spanish colony that gained independence in October 1968.

It is one of Africa’s largest producers of Oil and the richest country per capita in Africa. Its GDP adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita ranks it as 43rd in the world. However, over 70% of the country’s population is said to live in extreme poverty.

 Since independence, only 2 people have ruled this tiny, oil-rich West-African country called Equatorial Guinea. Francisco Macías Nguema first ruled the country with an iron fist from 12 October 1968 to 3 August 1979 when he was overthrown and executed by the current president who is co-incidentally his nephew. The current president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has ruled the country since then, from 1979 to date, a regime spanning over 4 decades. He is the second longest serving President in the world, second only to Paul Biya of Cameroun who is currently the longest serving president in the world.

Equatorial Guinea is basically run like a one-party state dominated by President Obiang's Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea (PDGE). And the constitution of the country has been repeatedly amended to give Obiang sweeping powers, including the power to rule by decree.

In 2011, Obiang instituted a constitutional referendum that established and imposed a 7 years term with a 2 term limit. But when asked in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in 2012 if he would step down at the end of his current term which was supposed to run from 2009 to 2016, the President responded in the negative. Apparently, a new constitution meant he was allowed to run for fresh terms

The 2011 constitution also abolished age restriction so as to allow the then 69 years old president eligible for office when he is 75. In addition to that, the constitution made provision for two Vice Presidents who were to be appointed by the President. These positions had earlier been established in 1968, but were abolished in 1982 and then re-introduced in 2011.

In May 2012, President Obiang apponinted Ignacio Milam Tang, who was until then serving as Prime minister, as 1st Vice President, and his son Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, who was previously serving as minister of Agriculture as 2ndVice President.

In June 2016, 2 months after the presidential elections that marked the beginning of his first of the possible two 7-years terms under the new constitution,  President Obiang swore in his son Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue as Vice-President of the republic, while Ignacio Milam was named and sworn in President of the Council of the Republic, Charged with Advising the Head of State in State Public Affairs.  Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue has been Vice President of Equatorial Guinea since then while his father serves as president.

Religion / Primate Ayodele Predicted Sanusi’s Dethronement, Death Of Nasarawa FC Player by Viktom(m): 1:55am On Mar 10, 2020
Primate Ayodele predicted Sanusi’s dethronement, death of Nasarawa FC player

Two of the 2020 prophesies of the leader of INRI Evangelical spiritual church, Primate Elijah Ayodele, have come to pass: the dethronement of the Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II, and the death of a player of Nasarawa United Football Club, Chieme Martins.
While Matins died on Sunday during a Nigeria Professional Football League match against Katsina United, Sanusi was dethroned on Monday by the Kano State Government.
Primate Ayodele had on December 24, 2019 during a meeting with newsmen, gave prophesies of what to look out for in 2020.
Two of them were on the death of a football player and dethronement of the Emir of Kano.
While speaking on the dethronement of Sanusi, he stated that Nigeria should pray not to lose some traditional rulers and also to pray against the dethronement of the Emir of Kano because the government wants to limit his strength
He said: “Let us pray not to lose two kings: Emirs, Ezes and of course let’s pray so that no King is dethroned.
“The government will want to reduce the strength of the Emir.
“They should pray against running into unexpected crisis.
“Let us pray against fire outbreak in any of the palaces.
“There will be confrontation between the government and the traditional ruler.”
As regards the prophecy on football players death, he made it known that Nigerians should seriously pray not to lose a football player.
Ayodele said: “NFF will experience in house problem and the NFF President will face challenges that will trouble some of his actions.
“Let the association pray not to lose any of their members.
“I foresee rancour in the Board.
“Let them pray against litigation.
“Nigeria will have problems with the company designing the branded shirt.
“They will go into contract with another company.
“They may be accused of non-payment of player’s allowance.
“Some coaches will be sacked.
“Our Under 17 coach will have major problems.
“Let the players pray fervently so as not to lose any of the players….”
Just as Ayodele said, some weeks ago, there were news of a Remo Stars player who was allegedly shot dead by operatives of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad.
And just on Sunday, the death of a Nassarawa United FC player who slumped and died on the field became public.
Prophet Ayodele has also declared vacant the seat of the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, Adams Oshiomhole, following the fulfillment of his prophecy that the chairman will be faced with suspension and removal cases.
Politics / Sanusi's Dethronement: Sanusi Lineage Cursed By The Atta Of Igala by Viktom(m): 1:47am On Mar 10, 2020
Sanusi's Dethronement: Sanusi lineage cursed by the Atta of Igala.

"In April 1963, Emir Mohammed Sanusi I of Kano was dethroned. In 1950s, He had plotted the dethronement of the then Atta of Igala Ameh Oboni (Agaba Idu). The Atta’s offense was his refusal to bow before the Sultan of Sokoto, Chairman of Northern Nigeria Council of Chiefs during the Council’s meeting in Kaduna, capital of Northern Nigeria. Ameh Oboni was given the option to remove his crown and bow or be removed from office. But the Atta was a god and could not bow to any human being. 

"Ameh Oboni knew that by the Igala tradition, the implication of his dethronement was that none of his descendants would ever be allowed to be crowned Atta after him. So he accepted to remove his crown and bow. 

"But the moment he removed his crown, a swam of bees rushed out of his head and chased the chiefs out of their chamber. That ended the plot for that day. 

"Oboni then walked up to Emir Sanusi and told him that, for attempting to remove him from office, he Sanusi would lose his throne and that any of his descendants that ever ascended the throne would be dethroned. 

"So In April 1963, as Mohammed Sanusi was chauffeured from Kaduna to his palace in Kano after a council meeting, he heard on the car radio of his own dethronement by the Government of Northern Nigeria. 

"Today about 57 years after, Emir Mohammed Sanusi’s grand son Emir Lamido Sanusi II has been dethroned.

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Business / Re: Looking For A Bussiness I Can Start With #5m by Viktom(m): 8:07am On Mar 07, 2020
contact us @fringis global enterprise via 08133933149 or fringis2020@gmail. com
I will tell you what to do that will guarantee about 100% returns.
Business / Re: Need A Business Plan Worth 2million by Viktom(m): 8:04am On Mar 07, 2020
if you are sure you have the capital you claim to have then hook me up on 08133933149 or fringis2020@gmail.com. give me ur location and I will tell you what to set up and how to. it gives you 100% of ur investment meaning if you invest 1 million you will get a return of 1 million.


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