Politics / Re: Protests In Kaduna Against El-Rufai, Insecurity, Mass Sack, Hunger (Photos) by WakeNbaked: 2:57pm On May 17, 2021 |
Awoleesu: Omo see Dangote in the second pix!
Guy jus dey hustle him Dabino business dey go...
Nothing concern capitalist...  That's why most capitalists are psychopaths. 1 Like |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 2:48pm On Mar 10, 2021 |
I tell u brother, most of these good countries like USA, Canada, UK, Australia and the rest that we all are dying for are developed by tax, if you are not ready to pay tax stay back in Nigeria that is not paying tax and under developed Not to sugar coat word I find those complaining about tax to be very silly. All the development and advancement you are seeing shey it is through selfishness that brought about them? And it's not the immigrant pay a different tax compare to the citizens. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 11:01am On Mar 10, 2021 |
True, but it's also what keeps people away from under the bridge. True, I shouldn't have downplayed the advantage that comes with it. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 10:47am On Mar 10, 2021 |
There are poor people who can barely afford to eat everywhere. At least in Nigeria, we have a family and friends support system. In the US or Europe, if you are jobless, no one will look at you twice until you die of hunger. Family and friends support system is what is keeping Nigerians from taking risk and doing something worthwhile. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 10:45am On Mar 10, 2021 |
What do you mean when I do my math right? I've live my life, earned my salary and married my wife and you didn't pay for any of that for me. So what are you teaching me? - The reward system in UK is not fantastic either. That's why you always see them drinking beer, getting drunk and committing suicide. Do you know how many times I went to church and it's only me that is the young guy there? The others are 60, 70 years. Young people just be working, working, working in UK. Work finish and drink and get drunk. They take credit card and student loans. Spend the money anyhow then be owing £20,000 student debt. That must be paid back and it sends all of them into depression. The only way to escape it is to run to Australia. If they remain in EU, the debt will follow them and mess up their credit rating. When they get a job, government will chook hand and collect that debt back monthly, for years. Me that went with my Nigerian money, I wasn't owing their government anything. But they still collected tax from the small student job that I did. - Sincerely, I spent many hours praying and meditating and asking myself, what am I really gaining in this UK? I'm seeing the money, but it is disappearing faster and faster as well.
Check out student debt videos on Youtube.
As a Nigerian, are you owning anybody for your school fees? Shey your parents just paid everything complete for you? That life is not about earning a salary and marrying a wife, that's like what everybody does. What's Unique or there to learn in such basic kind of life? You starting working as a student and you have to pay tax, and you want to make a big deal of that? Complaining about tax is silly except is for reason like you feel the government is using your tax money to wage war on a weaker country. This is the 21 century youth are not very religious in developed country, wetin wan carry them come church when they know that money (a tool) would solve most of their problem they are not thinking about eternity in heaven. Unlike Nigeria where citizens pray for water and light. After meditating hope you are now back to Nigeria? Are you referring to Nigeria cheap education that doesn't translate to any transferable skills that rander the person unemployable not to talk of the lack of proper Jobs available. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 10:40am On Mar 10, 2021 |
adonainana: is it just me but as of recent
There are some big boys in Lagos , owerri, PH that some people who come from abroad can never compete with
Like on a friday night, Eko hotel would be fully booked up and i am wondering how many working class Nigerians living in the US can come to Nigeria on holiday and spend recklessly like that without thinking twice
Same with UK folks too before they buy anything in Nigeria they have already converted it
All of a sudden some Lekki apartments are more expensive than some London homes that is more than 500 years old
And there is still insane poverty in nigeria and in lagos at the same time too
So its so unexplaniable what is going on
You can't compare a small fraction of people getting with the calamity going on in the land. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 10:37am On Mar 10, 2021 |
Don't mind him.
He doesn't know that $0.00 is still bigger than ₦0.00. Lol, this is a serious allegation. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 10:10am On Mar 10, 2021 |
Ferdinandu: The difference between Nigeria and the West is not really about how much earned or spent. It is about a system you have confidence in, a system you believe that your hardwork will fetch you the lifestyle you crave. In Nigeria here most people hardwork is just drudgery. Even the ones who made it in Nigeria doesn't even have the faith on their wealth in Nigeria, that is one major reason why the rich in politics continues the mindless uncontrolled stealing because they are faithless that any amount is even enough in Nigeria system. We are doomed to that extent
Another nice insight, if the politicians can still be doing that then imagine what someone hustling legally would do to his little savings. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 10:07am On Mar 10, 2021 |
thatigboman: This blogger head no correct. The minimum wage in US is $7.25 per hour. In nara, per month, it is N619,136. While they are are talking of raising the minimum wage to l$15, which will be over N1.2 million per month. While in nigeria, minimum wage is dangling between N18,000 and N33,000. Compare apple with with apple, not with rotten egg. Compare US with UK and compare Nigeria with Niger or Somalia. I don't think the US even as a joke try to compare Nigeria with itself. 2 Likes |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 10:06am On Mar 10, 2021 |
Now that you've insulted him, how does that make u feel?
Satisfied? You will be surprised at what gives every individual satisfaction. 1 Like |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 10:04am On Mar 10, 2021 |
Nigerian students are not serious when looking for jobs. Plain and simple. You think it's one fantastic job with AC that they give student? Student jobs is basically something like messenger, office assistant, Burger seller, car washing, labourer, or home carer for sick people. Yes, over there, an employer will go to the University career building and advertise these kind of low skill jobs on the university website, or some pamphlet on the school notice board. You are the one that will run after the employer to beg for the job. The only thing is that because you are a student, the employer cannot keep you more than 4 hrs per day. So that is part-time work. Plus you still have to read your book and pass your course O. You can't do full time 8hrs, until you graduate.
So for you in Nigeria, you better go and run around and see who can take you part-time, and show your seriousness with the work as well.
That's because reward is an embarrassment to any Nigeria student in the higher institution, how much does an average Nigeria student spend? Compare that with the time available to study and the amount earned in comparison with his monthly expenses. When you solve your math right you will see the bullshit in it. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 9:59am On Mar 10, 2021 |
Guy you are a walking contradiction.
The priviledge you enjoy is in part a result of poor governance. If the right politician comes in and the laws start working so will the tax laws.
That means the u.s system will be in full flow here. If they are well tax, you will be well taxed. That means your 4000k stipens won't do much for you cus you won't have any corners to cut He doesn't think completely, that's his problem. 1 Like |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 9:56am On Mar 10, 2021 |
Billyonaire666: The wise and the well-traveled know the OP is right.
Those who disagree should be truthful to themselves and confirm if they have ever lived abroad. If you havent, then you should not argue.
The OP is right. This is most stupid argumentative comment I have ever read in my life. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 9:53am On Mar 10, 2021 |
You are correct. But most Nigerians will not understand this write up.
When you tell them that a litre of petrol in the US is about N400 and you can pay up to N75,000 monthly electrical bills for a two bedroom apartment and close to a million naira monthly rent even in low brow areas of New York, they don't believe. Heck, even a bottle of Coca Cola is N500. By the way, these are old prices from around 2014. I don't know what prices are like now. In comparison to what, a place where things are cheap but people could barely afford it? |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 9:41am On Mar 10, 2021 |
seunny4lif: You pay for that and the system is working in UK If you are a professional then your life could have been more better because you can get yourself a nice house and good car. But in Nigeria, you need connection for everything You paid for unused electricity in Nigeria You pay for waste management but they don’t come. Can you get a job as a student in Nigeria? How much job can a student fetch averagely 30k. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 9:33am On Mar 10, 2021 |
It's funny. I lived in UK as a student. I worked in a call centre answering phone calls in addition to my studies. Well, I was a very small boy in UK. My salary was about £950 per month. At that time, £1 = N250 So that will make the Nigerian Equivalent N237,500 per month. - Shey I don land? Well, My student 1 self contained room rent was £180 per month (then O, not now, 2021) - And this was the cheapest I could find. The next option is to go and stay under bridge. - The school fees of the school, - Phone and Internet bill - Money for laundry (you can't wash clothes with your hand. Their water is ice block) - Transportation to work daily - Gas money for heating the freezing room and cooking my food - Electricity bill money - Small cash to keep aside for visa applications/extension other serious emergencies - Small money for 1 shoe like £20 ~ £50 ====== The whole £950 don finish be that. ====== I think say na magic. 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years..... Same thing. Money finish. == Maybe if I go again as a professional instead of a student, we may see better job and more money. But then again, house rent now is like £700 PER MONTH O!!, NOT PER YEAR.
See GumTree advert for house rent: https://www.gumtree.com/flats-houses/leeds What is wrong with you? In Nigeria, how many students or even graduate presently have access to jobs to take care of all their basic needs without looking up to their guidance? |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 9:22am On Mar 10, 2021 |
jeyem: HOW WOULD I EXPLAIN TO MY MUM THAT MY MONTLY RENT IS I MILLION NAIRA. MY ANNUAL RENT IS 12MILLION NAIRA IN USA. it is well!! By explaining to her how much you are earning over there in USD. Telling Nigerians your expenses in naira is most stupid thing to use to feel any sense of important. 1 Like |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 9:20am On Mar 10, 2021 |
walesho: You guys don't just get it, its not all about the money alone it all boils down to the improved standard of living Most people just want to escape the tribalistic nature of Nigeria so that they could achieve their full potential. |
Career / Re: A 100k Monthly Salary In Nigeria Is Better Than A 400k Monthly Salary In USA by WakeNbaked: 9:07am On Mar 10, 2021 |
adesile8697: op needs to be taken to a mental home 100k & Luxury lifestyle. He doesn't sound like sound that has held 50k of his own. |
Foreign Affairs / Re: Buckingham Palace's Statement On Harry, Meghan Interview by WakeNbaked: 6:46am On Mar 10, 2021 |
The west isnt as racist as China, or the Arab world or even India. The west is the least racist part of the world. In UK, blacks win elections but in nigeria some tribes can't produce a president And some of the tribes are major tribes not minorities self. The effect on tribalism in Nigeria is worst than any form of racism being face by blacks in the west in this present age. 4 Likes |
Romance / Re: MacKenzie Scott Marries Dan Jewett! Jeff Bezos' Ex-Wife Remarries by WakeNbaked: 8:14am On Mar 08, 2021 |
Nonexistent1: Simp works, alpha chops. The original boss of the pussy has taken it back and this time, with lots of monetary incentives. I rather be a simp and stamp my name in the book of history than to be an unknown Alpha. 1 Like |
Sports / Re: What Made You Start Supporting The Football Team You Support? by WakeNbaked: 9:35am On Feb 25, 2021 |
2002 Galaticos, the sport center in my hood was always filled with english team fans; Madrid fans we set know ourselves no dey pass 10 for there. Some times dey manager would refuse to show our match due to low turn out of people.
I just like the serenity when going to watch my boys, na for champions league you go sabi our true colour. It was a fun time. 3 Likes |
Romance / Re: Lady, 30, Dupes Lover N10m, Dumps Him For Another Man (pic) by WakeNbaked: 5:59am On Feb 24, 2021 |
rangerover: She will NEVER meet a nice man like EMMANUEL AGAIN. Unfortunately they are never in short supply. |
Travel / Re: Meet Gadzama: The Pilot Who Flew The Crashed King Air 350 Aircraft In Abuja by WakeNbaked: 8:33pm On Feb 21, 2021 |
meccuno: The Igbo man that has been flying Buhari should be substituted with a Fulani pilot maybe he would do the lord's service. Quota system pilot. The day I would fly again and the pilot will say his name is Usman Mohammed I won't go again.  Lol, both funny enough I won't get paranoid; schooled with some of the smart ones some years back. There are dumbasses in every tribe. |
Travel / Re: Meet Gadzama: The Pilot Who Flew The Crashed King Air 350 Aircraft In Abuja by WakeNbaked: 8:30pm On Feb 21, 2021 |
NOwazobia: Someone died, someone is still scrambling for herioc deed he did before he died. For what exactly...? That is how they have been searching for what Buhari did right before he died. zombie o zombie. spits. True, what impact has he made in my life? His dad was an officer and put him into the family business. 1 Like |
Sports / Re: Sergio Ramos Shows Off Skills After Surgery For Knee Injury (Photos, Video) by WakeNbaked: 8:24pm On Feb 21, 2021 |
TalkTalkTwins: So people still dey follow football upon wetin dey happen for Naija  Bros e tire me oh, if my hustle no be to go watch them wetin I gain? An entertainment that I have zero input on the outcome or gain anything sustainable except for some emotional joy which I can get through another means. At least if 9ja dey play I fi try show dem support base on last last na your heritage pride. Infact anybody can quote me anywhere but football is another nice of mental slavery. Supporting foreign things because you feel they are better, we are all subjecting ourselves to the white; one way or another. |
Sports / Re: Sergio Ramos Shows Off Skills After Surgery For Knee Injury (Photos, Video) by WakeNbaked: 8:18pm On Feb 21, 2021 |
merits:  What such of dumbass motivational meme is this, I need to get off this forum for a while. |
Politics / Re: Sani To Northern Governors: Share Returning Herdsmen Like Federal Allocation by WakeNbaked: 4:06pm On Feb 12, 2021 |
jospepper: Most of the cows grazing about are owned by the elites. Why can't they buy land for their business. Because it is cheaper what else. |
Religion / Re: Make Your Life Count For God. by WakeNbaked: 7:17am On Feb 08, 2021 |
What's the meaning of this garbage? Charity is good, but making people the victims for not wanting to give is idiotic.
What if the monument sinks one week after his death? Shey e concern you.
What if nobody comes to his burial? How is that one his business, he is death; wetin concern am with who come and who no come and of what benefit would that be to him or the community at large.
The man lived a very good life, he didn't harm anybody damnit; same can't be said about some religious folks that thousand come for their burial. |
Computers / Re: 9hrs Double Cell Corei3 Dell Laptop Available by WakeNbaked: 7:08am On Feb 08, 2021 |
My friend would you rotate the pix. |
Family / Re: Can I Add My Baptismal Name On My National Identity Card? by WakeNbaked: 7:07am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Why not, but go and do change of name; publish it and you can use the name anywhere you like. 1 Like |