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Health / Re: What Do You Think Of Covid19? by WakeNbaked: 2:34pm On Jun 22, 2020
Truth be told for the past 2 month I haven't gave this Covid 19 any thought.

I just dey ball, I don get like 5 babes within this period. Na to fvck, chop and blow some Arizona.


Sports / Re: Torino FC 'Black Lives Matter' Tweet That Got People Talking (Photo) by WakeNbaked: 2:30pm On Jun 22, 2020
It's odd most people complaining about racism are the worst type of tribalist you'd ever encounter.

They shout every time ''Go back to your State''. But when this same people go abroad and are discriminated against, they begin to complain.
This is dumb, most of us in Nigeria and Africa at large are way pass being tribalistic.

And tribalism to some extent it is understandable but after Staying with a particular set of people for while you begin to notice some traits both good and bad from then you later generalize from what you have experience (which could still be wrong but with some there is an atom of truth).

Racism is someone to enslaved you for years and I can go ahead and say still enslaving you just because of the colour of your skin.

If me and you see, from seeing you I can hardly tell where you come from (won't be the first thing to come to my mind self, neither would it be with you). As an educated person even if I tell you my name and where I come from you won't start coming up with reason why I shouldn't be trust.

But a racist sees you from afar and takes a look at the colour of your skin, he sees someone that is beneath him. That's racist, please ever compare it with tribalism.
Sports / Re: Torino FC 'Black Lives Matter' Tweet That Got People Talking (Photo) by WakeNbaked: 2:10pm On Jun 22, 2020
dts not fair...as long as its italy dt i kno...he is just wasting his time...dose guys matter no be hear...ask muntari, balotelli, boateng, kessie, moise kean, dm go tell u thier matter say italians dnt gv a fck abt us..
also bt i think that handler made the mistake...wat happened is dt nkolou scored and decided to celebrate with dt "black life matter" sign and other players went away but only his captaim belloti stood mayb waiting for him to gv him a hug...the handler posted the controversial pics and some people are saying nkolou being black is bowing to his white master( belotti) bt i think beloti jus came to support and stood by him wen the others left...it depends on which meaning u read to it...that handler may be fined if not fired..
Nobody would know that without watching the match to understand the writers perspective, I believe he wasn't backing on the fact that all the followers watched that particular to make an inform decision from that particular picture. Yeah, he is bleeped.
Politics / Re: Armed Men Break Into Nigerian High Commission In Ghana, Demolish Apartments by WakeNbaked: 7:59am On Jun 21, 2020
This is an affront and a huge breach of international diplomacy. Thai can be termed as an act of War by the Ghanaians.
By Nigerians.
Health / Re: How I Overcame Marijuana Addiction (Weed) by WakeNbaked: 12:25pm On Jun 20, 2020

Its not legal in the whole of America. Its just legal in 11states. Are the other states dumb...? NO

That's shows,it has actions and reactions.
It is Legal in Canada, are the Canadians dumb?
Crime / Re: ₦550 Million From Malaysia Found In A Teacher's Account In Anambra by WakeNbaked: 11:55am On Jun 20, 2020
i wonder o. i was expecting some valid fraud reason for seizng the money. the think say the boy go malaysia to go count stones?
Lol, true talk. But ma reason am the bread loud.
Travel / Re: How Do I Relocate To Either Canada Or US? by WakeNbaked: 3:33pm On Jun 19, 2020

Am not sure though but shouldn't be more than €12000
For masters o
Travel / Re: How Do I Relocate To Either Canada Or US? by WakeNbaked: 3:27pm On Jun 19, 2020

Bro you see that Germany I no fur for them jare I like the country before but one person don tell me before say he finish school and he no see work there na hin I just lock up for the country she should try Netherlands I asked about almost four people living there and they gave a good remark about the country
What is budget for Netherland?
Autos / Re: Benz C 230 2005 for 869 by WakeNbaked: 10:38am On Jun 19, 2020
More pix
Technology Market / Re: The Xiaomi Thread Store by WakeNbaked: 10:21am On Jun 19, 2020

Sometimes its not convinient for newbies to maneuver the pages, sellers who have the goods he needs and feels too big or tired to quote him, just have too much money in his account and dosen't want to make another sale.
They are fond of that, you will chat them up to ask few questions before making a purchase but they would stop replying someone just like that.

Yes, I am a dumbass I dont know much about the phone. Only reading about it online doesn't give the full picture, you might have actually use it and have a better insight.

Like they think people just want to chat them for the fun of it. (This is my experience from chatting with 3 sellers fron here) change your ways, because you don't know much about marketing since this product are basically selling themselves due to the brand; so don't undermine people.


Sports / Re: Quique Serien: It Wouldn't Be Fair If Barca Plays Napoli In An Empty Stadium by WakeNbaked: 8:00am On Jun 19, 2020
Its my birthday guys ..please wish me well
Travel / Re: Travelling by WakeNbaked: 6:01pm On Jun 18, 2020
Romance / Re: This Girl Rape Me Four Years Ago (pictures) by WakeNbaked: 11:41am On Jun 18, 2020
Lol, after 2 hot rounds.

16 Likes 1 Share

Technology Market / Re: The Xiaomi Thread Store by WakeNbaked: 9:57am On Jun 18, 2020

RN 9s
Thanks, I really appreciate.
Technology Market / Re: The Xiaomi Thread Store by WakeNbaked: 9:40am On Jun 18, 2020
Ha! Me ke? Na noobody Fit answer that question, sir.

Oga Noobody, Your attention is needed.
Bro, as someone that want to get his first Redmi device. Should I go for RN8 or RN9s?
Travel / Re: Nigeria Is A Failed Miserable Country by WakeNbaked: 10:12am On Jun 17, 2020
I didn't wake up one rainy day and decide to quit voting in
INEC-organised elections in Nigeria. In fact, I was so sold on
exercising my Civic duties such that I would convince folks in my district to register to vote and participate in the electoralprocess. I would provide transportation and convey folks in myvehicle to go out to vote. I begged, badgered and bullied them to vote. Yet, I wasn't a member of any political party. I got no dime from anyone; I just wanted folks to participate. Most did participate...I now believe they just humored me...

In retrospect, I believe I had mental problems then...the Good
Lord delivered me from the spirit of naivete!
We had been studying the Nigerian Electoral system for
years...and we often wondered why the worst among us got
victorious in elections. We would analyse, get data, make
charts and question why our analysis were not jiving. We had
not tied the 1999 constitution to the electoral process of

Over the time, we started studying OECD countries and why
the politicians feared the people so much. Our researches
made us explore the electoral systems of European countries especially Switzerland and Germany and the US.
all the electoral systems, that of the US was most fascinating
(aside that of Switzerland) as they operate the presidential
system. Nigeria only copied the phrase "presidential system"
from the US; there the similarities end!

Kindly consider the following facts:
1. The US State has nothing like INEC or its equivalent
2. The US president does not appoint an electoral chairman
neither do they fund elections
3. The US federal government does NOT conduct elections
4. The US federal government has ZERO input in elections on
the day of or any day at that
5. The US federal government does not have electoral staff
and does not print ballot papers
6. There are no electoral materials and personnel from
Washington to different parts of the US on election day
7. Neither the US Military, CIA nor FBI is involved during

The profound effect of this is that the US president has ZERO
influence in his own election! Little wonder the US presidents
are always trying to convince the voters of their policies and
intentions as their fate wholly depends on the decision of the
voters. So who conducts the federal, state and local elections in the US? The state governors?

No! The US State governors do NOT conduct elections; they are as lame as the US president in electoral matters! The fate of the state governors and the state Senate (what we call the State House of Assembly in Nigeria) are not decided by them! So who conducts the presidential, gubernatorial, Congressional and senatorial elections then?Constitutionally, the County conducts the elections!Technically, the People do!
A county in the US is the equivalent of a local government in
Nigeria! The county is responsible for conducting ALL elections in the US; from the presidential to the governorship,
senatorial, congressional and what have you! Even the county doesn't even conduct these elections per se...they devolve the powers to the Municipal Governments...the community...the People!

So in every Community, the People themselves register to
vote; the different parties and the Municipal Governments
conduct the elections! They download the ballots, print, and all residents of the community come out on the day to vote. The electoral officers are members of the community, of the
parties and Municipal officers. Elections are an "Umunna" or
"àwõn mòlébí" things! What the Hausa speakers call "namu'ne" or the Urhobo would call the "election avware" things!

In such elections, the contestants are well-represented in
every Municipality and county. The votes are automatically
uploaded as the elections progress. The mayor as a
ceremonial electoral chairman for the Municipality simply
announces the results already uploaded. Every contestant
would know his fate just when the ordinary citizen knows the
results! The room for hanky-panky is so low that almost all
contestants accept the results!

Now compare that to the Nigerian Electoral system and#thinkAgain!

In the Nigerian State, INEC is owned by the president, controlled by the president, chairman chosen by the President.
police. army, police, DSS, etc, controlled by the president "secure" the elections, ballot papers are printed by the presidency anddistributed across the country on Election Day (just imagine the abominable logistical headache)...and we outspend the USA in organizing our sham elections!

Let's stop here a while and allow us to digest the US and
Nigerian electoral philosophies. When we finally got it, it
dawned on us why the Nigerian State produces bunkum as
leaders; the people don't decide electoral outcomes; the
federal government does!

I got cured of insanity when I had that understanding...so for
those angling for the 2023 elections, it would turn out exactly
like the 2019 elections as predicted on this wall. I have no
quarrels with those that hope on elections with the Nigerian
electoral system...all I feel for them is this deep pity...
For lack of knowledge, the People suffer... nowhere has that
been more profound than among the peoples of Nigeria!
I've been cured of insanity now; I shall NEVER participate in
the insult called elections in Nigeria until we topple the
fraudulent system and adopt something normal humans
employ as electoral system! I am very done with that nonsense we call elections here! Next upload, we shall discuss how elections are won or lost in Nigeria...
The Nigerian electoral system is mental slavery...emancipate
yourselves and help destroy that evil constitution! Nigeria as
constituted, is Tragedy in Motion!
# thinkAgain!
Uncle Egunmogaji, am I wrong about how US electoral process?
Great point you have up there, so how did Buhari rumple Goodluck regim.
Crime / Re: Police In Lagos Prevent Frustrated Man From Jumping Into The Lagoon (Photos) by WakeNbaked: 3:24pm On Jun 16, 2020
See as they hold his trouser, no single love.


Sports / Re: TB Joshua: Angel Gomes Reacts To His Viral Video by WakeNbaked: 1:05pm On Jun 16, 2020
Lol, the nigga pull his leg out when T.B dey match him sweet nice sneakers.
Romance / Re: When Her No Means Yes, Is It Rape? by WakeNbaked: 8:42am On Jun 15, 2020

Who doesn't know that Nigerian ladies pretend? You just have to learn how to handle them. If you're too desperate you end up setting up yourself. So don't let her know you're desperate. Even when she says no after taking off her clothes, accept like a man and stop the process.

If she really needs it she'll give you signs to continue, but you have to get her to say so in clear language for the sake of your bright future.

Agreed, what are examples of clear language by Nigerian ladies? Majority of them is by saying NO.
Romance / Re: When Her No Means Yes, Is It Rape? by WakeNbaked: 8:00am On Jun 15, 2020
No cannot mean yes. If she says no even in the heat of the passion, stop.

Although any lady that wants to frame you for rape can always do so whether she said yes or no, except you have your own evidence.
You clearly haven't been with a Nigerian lady for you to suggest this.

1 Like

Romance / Re: My Brother The Hustle Is Real, even If You No Get Money Try Get Sense. by WakeNbaked: 7:31am On Jun 15, 2020

please my brother,
are you in anyway talking about this particular topic at hand or you are just here to advertise ur stuffs?

Please we need reasoning minds on this thread,
i dont know if mods can help push this topic to front page,
let the youths know time no really dey for anybody

time waits for no man!
Why should a man discuss his plans with a woman?
Politics / Re: 2023: Sagay Fumes Over Clamour For Presidency To Remain In North by WakeNbaked: 7:35pm On Jun 14, 2020

You guys just turn English upside down. When did Tinubu made a pact with Jonathan in 2015 election that could cause a betrayal?

How did Tinubu betray Jonathan? Can someone in APC betray someone in PDP by voting for the presidential candidate of his party?

The matter tire me, I come dey reason sai where I dey self when this matter happen.


Politics / Re: Babagana Zulum Unveils 326 Projects In 365 Days by WakeNbaked: 8:16am On Jun 14, 2020
When has borehole becomes capital project?
In Nigeria, a place without adequate water in every houses; it is a capital project.
Family / Re: Did Your Family Use This Plate & Tray? (Throwback Photo) by WakeNbaked: 8:55pm On Jun 11, 2020

No be small chomchin grin grin grin
Make I reason your matter naw.

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