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Fashion / Re: My Business Is Sinking. Please Help! by wright4christ(m): 8:24pm On Sep 12, 2019
See, I have had such experience before, moving to a new, larger and seemingly best location, cheaper etc...but the sales dropped.
You know what, don't renew that rent at all, just move out and seek spiritual guidance before renting new place.
Check your staff very well, some of them need to be fired not for any reason than they are the ladder used to enter into the business...this is not an ordinary exercise to be carried out, it is spiritual as well.
Lastly just as I did meet with your mentor if you have one or hire a business consultant and review your plan again....go for the comeback and you will be glad you did.
Politics / Re: AFCON: Kalu Hails Victorious Eagles, Calls For More Focus by wright4christ(m): 10:37pm On Jul 06, 2019
“There should be better focus because it is getting tougher at AFCON. We have great players and I believe if the coaching crew deploys the players well, the Eagles can go all the way in Egypt,” said Kalu.

If the coach deploys the players well, we will win South Africa
Crime / Re: 7-Year-Old Girl Defiled By Two Married Men In Their Compound In Lagos by wright4christ(m): 7:53am On Aug 30, 2018

This Buhari time no good at all.... So so abomination dey happen imagine.... 7year old.... How E dey take dey sweet dem self.

Chillychill wey don ripe dey there ... Na small pikin dem dey rush.
How come Buhari's head you put the evil of these men,
Politics / Re: PMB At ICC: Proud To Be Nigerian By Femi Adesina by wright4christ(m): 1:52pm On Jul 23, 2018
Must Adeshina talk or write? He cannot just be reading newspaper content to his boss and leave us alone with their activities
Business / Re: Disclosure Of Customer BVN Subject To Court Order, CBN Tells Banks by wright4christ(m): 8:09am On Jul 13, 2018
I dont understand oo

Court order is different from affidavit...
Politics / Re: Fayose Cries: Police Beat Me, Hit My Neck With Gun, I Can't Turn (VIDEO) by wright4christ(m): 4:03pm On Jul 11, 2018
This is wrong, this completely wrong. Nobody should applaud this act of impunity by security agents. This country is just a total mess

It is truly wrong, but leave the politicians alone, this is retaliation of what PDP did to Fayemi n APC then, let's be enjoying the drama until we see true revolution and visionary leadership in Nigeria

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Politics / Re: PDP Signs MOU With 31 Political Parties (Photos) by wright4christ(m): 7:39pm On Jul 09, 2018
Good move. Buhari belongs to Daura, most importantly belongs to the Mosque.

Said who?
Politics / Re: Giving Land For Ranching Better Than Death – Presidency by wright4christ(m): 9:28am On Jul 04, 2018
Because we want to eat cow meat and drink milk, we have to be threatened with death... Femi Adeshina is a disappointment to Yoruba. Even the bible said we should keep the old lamdmark


Romance / Re: "After Being Side Chic For 6 Years, 33 Abortions, He Proposed & I Said.." - Lady by wright4christ(m): 11:46am On Jun 30, 2018
Her lie is smelling
Thank you for. There are 72 months in 6years, does it mean she take in every two months and flush it for same person. It's a real yellow lies, and no reasonable guy will see a lady in 33 abortion and give her engagement ring in Africa, maybe her guy no be from Africa.
Career / Re: Wema Bank Appoints Ademola Adebise As New Ceo by wright4christ(m): 8:20am On Jun 30, 2018
Congratulations Sir, I know that you will achieve this feat one day. You are mentor to many of us coming behind...please keep the flag flying, and maintain the standard and integrity you are known for.
Politics / Re: Presidency Releases ‘checklist’ On Killings Under PDP by wright4christ(m): 6:18pm On Jun 28, 2018
Can you imagine! So APC can reduce the sanctity of human life to a killing competition? With a nation still grieving over lives lost from their connivance & gross cluelessness of governance?
APC government is full of shitcraps.Nigerians please lets arise against these idiots.Lets let them know that Nigerians own Nigeria.The government is just callous, evil and satanic to do this shit. sad

They must keep making errors so that there downfall will be great. Both PDP and APC doesn't care about lives of people, they are just same, and I think every right thinking Nigerian should not be behind any of the two parties. Since power has being changing hand in the USA between the Democratic and Republican, have you see them counting scores of their failures, there target is America must move forward, and nothing more. I expected Adeshina to address Press Men on Government plans and techniques to stop bloodhed and innocent killings in Nigeria, which we all know can be dated back from 1960

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Politics / Re: Joi John Compares Obama To Buhari Over Plateau Killings (Photos) by wright4christ(m): 2:43pm On Jun 28, 2018
Please you have to realize Mr Buhari is an old man and body no be firewood. He is not strong enough to leave Abuja and travel to plateau on an impromptu. Moreover he has a lot to think about and sort out from his busy schedule. The man can not come and kill himself because if these never satisfied Nigerians. He didn't even beg them to vote him in the first place.

Then he should resign and let an agile, young person take over, it pains my heart everytime we play politics with people's life.
Crime / Re: Depressed Teenage Boy Commits Suicide In Lagos(graphics Pics) by wright4christ(m): 6:29am On Jun 28, 2018
Him own don beta na, very soon na me go join am. Thunder fire Buhari

Hope you are joking? Suicide is not the solution to challenges in the world. Please don't join him oh...
Sports / Re: Nigerians React To Ighalo's Missed Chances During Nigeria Vs Argentina Game by wright4christ(m): 11:44pm On Jun 26, 2018
Igalo should not be blamed, Rohr should take the blame, because if there is need to replace Ihehanacho, it should be Simmy and not Igalo that have no single shot against Croatia. I know that he is Mr misfire since his days at Watford. Anyway we had a good game as far as am concerned what they lack today is just experience and passion of Morocco team against Spain. I wish Rohr success at next nation cup
Sports / Re: Super Eagles Players Train Ahead Of A Must Win Match Tomorrow(pics) by wright4christ(m): 2:32am On Jun 26, 2018
Nigeria to win, both teams to score and Iheanach inho to score at least one goal.

This VAR na wa sha..... ..

Meanwhile, C.Ronaldo is a foool. That goal he missed deprived me of N34,000 winning. Useless goat
He send you to bet on him? When he scored last time and u won your bet, you praise him
Religion / Re: Daddy Freeze: If An Engaged Couple Have Sex, It Is Not FORNICATION! by wright4christ(m): 5:40pm On Jun 25, 2018
Because someone is OAP do not give him right to teach the youth, especially when he or she has nothing to offer. Questions for Freeze.:- If am engaged to the first lady and start having sex with her, and along the line she said we are not compatible or I said so, maybe because of a character or the other she doesn't cope with in me, or vice versa, and we break the engagement and I get engaged to another lady and we started having sex, and her parent said they don't like my tribe, we have seen many of such cases, and they win and scatter the engagement and I go for third lady and start having sex, don't forget I never plan to break with anyone of them, but fate have it that way, who am i? Am I not a love peddler or am i different from a whoremonger?
Daddy Freeze or Daddy Freezer or whichever one you call yourself, an engagement is not regarded as marriage. And the scripture you quoted flog your ignorance, it said Marriage is honorable not engagement is honorable. Engagement is never and can never be call marriage. How dare you sleep my daughter and I don't have a consent to have given you as wife and you claim you are not a fornicator. Big Fornicator! Daddy Freezer, we are okay with the way it was. Don't freeze our brain please

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Religion / Re: Fake Miracle: Should I Accept This Bribe To Do This Evil? by wright4christ(m): 11:59am On Jun 25, 2018
U will used for rituals, you better shine your eyes. There is this Yoruba proverb that says, We only see the River Insect crying and going, we dont see the return.. you will make it in life oh, but pay your price and leave this evil ritualist in town calling themselves Pastors and Church founder
Romance / Re: I Am In Love With A Woman With Three Kids. Please Help by wright4christ(m): 4:24pm On Jun 24, 2018
Questions for you: because she had sex with you, does not mean she wants to marry you, has she ever told you she is thinking remarrying. Maybe she just need a man that will be servicing her occasionally.
2. Have you ever find out the past of the lady, what killed his former husband?
3. Are you prepared to take care of more than 3 kids, I mean father more than three kids, because she will give birth to your own kids for you as well, let's say two, so you will be the father of 5, and you must be responsible for their upkeeps and show true love to them all as your children, don't mind that she left the three kids with her mother for now, she will soon bring them home when she married
4. Do you find out when she started giving birth? Of course by experience, if she has being in the business of giving birth from her teen age, you can be sure that if you marry her, she may have little resistance to sex from other men, especially when she is in a fix, I don't mean that she is going to be promiscuous, I mean she may have even fall for other guys apart from you, thinking you are the only one
5. Finally. Is it because you had sex with her that makes you to love her? Because you talk about your love for her after having sex with her, check very well, else it may be infatuation

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Politics / Re: Gumsu Abacha Slams Wole Soyinka: Your Hate For My Father Shall Kill You, Mad Cow by wright4christ(m): 6:22pm On Jun 15, 2018
Why is Ajayi speaking for PMB, the lady is not traned by her mum, and we know that, but Ajayi, who suppossed to be speak first against Abacha daughter rude statement before explaining for PMB is suffering from over sabi Yoruba Spirit

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Sports / Re: Croatia Hold Training Session Ahead Of World Cup Clash With Nigeria. Photos by wright4christ(m): 5:15pm On Jun 14, 2018
iwobi - moses - Mikel - Ighalo fear those guys they are wizard

Are you sure that they are wizard?

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Sports / Re: Mikel And Onazi Pose Together As They Set To Depart For Russia(photos) by wright4christ(m): 6:24pm On Jun 11, 2018
We support you! If you disappoint us, we will be comfortable by your Jersey and the fashion show dress you wore to Russia and possibly the one you will wear back home
Sports / Re: Nigeria Vs Czech Republic Friendly - 0 - 1 (Full -Time) by wright4christ(m): 5:13pm On Jun 06, 2018
We should stop blaming any one of the player, they have to play their ways for the coach to know his first team to use at the mondial. But I noticed, our back 4 need the support of the defending midfielder not to concede more goals from team like that of Argentina with Messi and Croatia with Rakitic.
My first 11 for Croatia: 1. Uzoho 2 Ebueh 3 Balogun 4. Ekpong 5. Idowu. 6. Ndidi 7. Ogu 8. Mikel 9. Iwobi 10. Victor 11. Igalo
Go and do your best, even though we know. Before today that you cannot go beyond group stage
Romance / Re: My Fiancée Freely Hangs Out With Guys, Please Help Me by wright4christ(m): 4:51pm On Jun 04, 2018
Is she a tomboy? Grew up among boys? Even if she is, relationship is about emotion, and if she doesn't know that for now, she is not yet worth to get engaged! I advise two of you to meet a counselor and see how she will respond, and if she doesn't, move away... She will realize when she finally ended up being used to beg men.
Politics / Re: Ben Bruce Shares A Quote Of Goodluck Jonathan From 3-years Ago!!! by wright4christ(m): 1:55pm On Jun 04, 2018
Politicians keep dividing us in Nigeria. Few months to the election, Senator Bruce posting such nonsense quote, to make Nigeria feel bad that they voted out the weakest President in Nigeria's history. By now, we should be together, when any President refuse to deliver their campaign promises at 70% in first three years, we vote them out, just like Buhari has failed us also
Family / Re: Married Folks: What Changed After You Married Your Spouse? by wright4christ(m): 4:24am On May 30, 2018
Familiarity, they said bring contempt. Level of respect from the woman to the man drop gradually. Note the word. "Gradually".
Except few occassion, that the two have same passion level, one seems to like having sex regularly, while the other occasionally, unlike when they're not yet married.
All the romantic outing and visits to different places, reduce to nearest minimum when kids start coming in, except for few couples who has put this on front burner before marriage.


Sports / Re: The Message Sergio Ramos Sent To Salah That Has Got People Talking (pics) by wright4christ(m): 1:23pm On May 27, 2018
Ramos used what they called " the experience" to help Real win the cup, and no one like the act, but we should blame the Liverpool Coaching crew who has forgotten that a team should not be build on a person, he suffered for it when it comes to more experienced side. Let them go back and learn fast, because they will meet Real again next season. Juventus suffered same last season final, they didn't learn fast, they suffered it again this season from same side.

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Romance / Re: My fiancée is cheating again by wright4christ(m): 5:40am On May 05, 2018
I could feel how sad you will be over this discovery, to break up, take your time to look out for her mistake, especially lies, because she will definitely be telling lies, pick it up and tell her you are not interested again, if she tell people in your church, you can talk of your discovery one on one to matured one in the church, else always refer the immature to go ask her more things she is doing to you. I advise you based on your story that everybody knows two of you will soon married. Above all collect with wisdom everything that pertain to you from her. Your pictures, your ATM, your shares certificate, cloth. Don't say I never mention this oh.

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Sports / Re: Poland 0 Vs 1 Nigeria: 5 Things We Learnt In Super Eagles Win by wright4christ(m): 7:31am On Mar 24, 2018
Lewandoski, didn't play as he always do at Bayern Munich in that match. Nigeria need Mikel to be in form and not injured to draw a match in their group matches at the world cup, because Poland also is not a strong team like Croatia, Iceland and Argentina, why do they even choose Poland for friendly match, you can imagine Spain playing Germany, Argentina, England friendlies, and we are playing Poland and Serbia, the two country cannot really expose our weakness very well. I know if it were being Spain we played yesterday, they will score and possibly win the match,and Rohr for see say Igalo, Joel Obi, Musa, Kelechi, Iwobi and even Idowu are not fit yet, they need more game to be at their best


Sports / Re: Elderson Echiejile And His Wife, Oghenevwemo, Welcome A Baby Boy (Photo) by wright4christ(m): 6:27am On Mar 07, 2018
Congratulations to the Echejiles
Career / Re: Nigerian Police Salary Structure – How NPF Pay Officers by wright4christ(m): 7:25am On Mar 02, 2018
God bless Nigeria, this is extremely poor for police force, if you give someone gun, and you start treating him like slave, the gun will tell him what to do... Nigeria Police Force cannot do better than what we have now. Some people sit somewhere make the law, and earn 36m and 48m monthly, and some people are to implement the law are not even pay up to 1% of those making the law annually.
TV/Movies / Re: BBNaija: Lolu And Cee-C Fight, Risk Disqualification by wright4christ(m): 8:13am On Mar 01, 2018
I wish Lolu and CeeC remember why they came on the show, for fame, for money... Two major tools that can make or Mar people.. For ever, their fame shall be Troublesome Fellows if they are disqualified.
Politics / Re: Atiku Abubakar Celebrates His 71st Birthday Today by wright4christ(m): 8:13am On Nov 25, 2017
Happy Birthday Pa Atiku, Waziri Adamawa! You should be raising younger guys to run Nigeria, forget the dream of ruling Nigeria. Comparing your age with Buhari is what is giving you gut to continue pressing for presidency, but we are at the point of nothing voting anyone above 50 again in Nigeria.

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