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Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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The Foolishness Among Yorubas And Igbos / Financial Times calls Nigeria's economic approach the height of foolishness / Gowon And Ojukwu-before Things Fell Apart Between Them (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Standing5(m): 9:36pm On Oct 07, 2012

To summarise: the Eastern Region did not declare a war, they voted for secession. Biafra did not consist entirely of Ojukwu and Ojukwu's wishes, he did have others with him in decision who were of different ethnicities including Ijaw and Ibibio. The war was not even meant to be as long as it was according to Nigeria, the major blunder was the saboteurs in the Niger Delta, the help from Egyptian bombers and other nationalities, and the blockade on all fronts (even from aid), if not then the supplies from Israel may have been good enough.
^^ Weak.
Buhahahahahaha! Buhahahahahaha!! Buhahahahahaha!!!
Biafra, as it was then, did not share border with Nigeria alone, why did Biafra not recieve her supplies through Cameroun or any other nation? Simple answer - Ojukwu was too busy playing the victim by accusing the world of one thing or the other while at the same time propagating false image about the situation on ground through pictures of dying children and women. He thougt he was spiting the Nigerians side in the eyes of the world. Go listen to his speeches during the war and you will understand better.
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Rossikk(m): 9:36pm On Oct 07, 2012

See how you continue fooling your self by parading your self as igbo in disguise. Who told you the food is Nigeria food? Use google or better still ask your father a question if he is old enough to tell the Biafra war history

To the extent that the food supplies were meant to pass through Nigerian-approved corridors, (and they were, following the Nigerian blockade) it was for all intents and purposes, Nigerian food. This realisation accounted for the Biafran govt's refusal at one point, to accept food coming from such channels on the grounds it could be 'poisoned'.

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Standing5(m): 9:42pm On Oct 07, 2012

To the extent that the food supplies were meant to pass through Nigerian-approved corridors, (and they were, following the Nigerian blockade) it was for all intents and purposes, Nigerian food. This realisation accounted for the Biafran govt's refusal at one point, to accept food coming from such channels on the grounds it could be 'poisoned'.
When they tell one lie they always end up needing ten more to cover it up . . .
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by 9jaIhail(m): 9:54pm On Oct 07, 2012
When they tell one lie they always end up needing ten more to cover it up . . .


To the extent that the food supplies were meant to pass through Nigerian-approved corridors, (and they were, following the Nigerian blockade) it was for all intents and purposes, Nigerian food. This realisation accounted for the Biafran govt's refusal at one point, to accept food coming from such channels on the grounds it could be 'poisoned'.

Today with those their desperation to do everything withing their power to blockade Biafra from getting aids from other countries through cameroon, are you all not crying about bakassi peninsula? You can't eat your cake and have it man.
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ezeagu(m): 10:20pm On Oct 07, 2012
^^ Weak.
Buhahahahahaha! Buhahahahahaha!! Buhahahahahaha!!!
Biafra, as it was then, did not share border with Nigeria alone, why did Biafra not recieve her supplies through Cameroun or any other nation? Simple answer - Ojukwu was too busy playing the victim by accusing the world of one thing or the other while at the same time propagating false image about the situation on ground through pictures of dying children and women. He thougt he was spiting the Nigerians side in the eyes of the world. Go listen to his speeches during the war and you will understand better.

"^^ Weak. Buhahahahahaha! Buhahahahahaha!! Buhahahahahaha!!!" Do you know where you are? Have you lost your way? This is history discussion not a thread on pop culture. The information isn't based on how well someone is at arguing, it's all there for yourself. Cameroon closed it's borders to Biafra in 1968. It's good to act mature.
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ifysimple(f): 10:37pm On Oct 07, 2012
OP , you called it foolishness abi? Why don't you start writing the book. Onye ara! ‎​Ɣ♥̸̨ΰя̲̅ fellow Igbo people indeed.

Oburu na i bu onye igbo , i mara na nne muru gi gba aka nwa.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Rossikk(m): 10:45pm On Oct 07, 2012
ifysimple: OP , you called it foolishness abi? Why don't you start writing the book. Onye ara! ‎​Ɣ♥̸̨ΰя̲̅ fellow Igbo people indeed.

Oburu na i bu onye igbo , i mara na nne muru gi gba aka nwa.

You can take your illiterate idiocy and stick it where the sun don't shine. Thank your lucky stars YOU weren't among the millions of nameless Igbos in villages, slaughtered for no reason that could not be addressed through more humane, thoughtful actions by their leadership. What do you know about war? Have you ever been in a war? You think it's to come on NL and insult in Igbo? That's the easy part. The path of the spoon-fed middle classes. War for you means nothing, because you know you will always be among the middle classes who can declare war and flee when things get pear-shaped, leaving millions of nameless Igbo villagers to perish in burning villages. Did you or your mother ask any of those victims if they wanted to die in a war?


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 10:54pm On Oct 07, 2012

To summarise: the Eastern Region did not declare a war, they voted for secession. Biafra did not consist entirely of Ojukwu and Ojukwu's wishes, he did have others with him in decision who were of different ethnicities including Ijaw and Ibibio. The war was not even meant to be as long as it was according to Nigeria, the major blunder was the saboteurs in the Niger Delta, the help from Egyptian bombers and other nationalities, and the blockade on all fronts (even from aid), if not then the supplies from Israel may have been good enough.

Was secession permitted under Nigerian constitution? You can't say there was military government because the North did not secede when your sons planned the first coup that killed Northern and western leaders while sparing yours. That coup destroyed federalism. That was the genesis of Nigeria problem.

When they seceded, what was supposed to be the response of Nigeria Military? Laugh, dance or defend the territorial integrity of Nigeria?
Based on happenings during the war, do you sincerely believe the minority masses of the Eastern region were in support? Do you know their voting pattern pre and post independence in Calabar Ogoja region?

Accept the obvious truth, Eastern region was not prepared for that war. Your leaders should not have declared secession.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by bashr8: 10:55pm On Oct 07, 2012

You can take your illiterate idiocy and stick it where the sun don't shine. Thank your lucky stars YOU weren't among the millions of nameless Igbos in villages, slaughtered for no reason that could not be addressed through more humane, thoughtful actions by the Igbo leadership. What do you know about war? Have you ever been in a war? You think it's to come on NL and insult in Igbo? That's the easy part. The path of the spoon-fed middle classes. War for you means nothing, because you know you will always be among the middle classes who can declare war and run away when things get pear-shaped, leaving millions of nameless Igbo villagers to perish in burning villages. Did you or your mother ask any of those victims if they wanted to die in a war?

shut up there stinking pig , ekwensu kpo gi oku . onye ara
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ebere1712: 11:00pm On Oct 07, 2012
I am very proud of my people for fighting to keep the pinkies away from the heritage of our fathers. F.u.ck you rossik and whatever nation you come from. The stinking brits (God punish their queen) commanded their slaves to attack the sons of Chukwu and they did. I promise you, you'all would look back at that day and regret.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Rossikk(m): 11:05pm On Oct 07, 2012
ebere1712: I am very proud of my people for fighting to keep the pinkies away from the heritage of our fathers. F.u.ck you rossik and whatever nation you come from. The stinking brits (God punish their queen) commanded their slaves to attack the sons of Chukwu and they did. I promise you, you'all would look back at that day and regret.

bashr8: shut up there stinking pig , ekwensu kpo gi oku . onye ara

Another 2 illiterates. I won't torment your little brains by demanding an intelligent rebuttal. So enjoy your primitive retorts.

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ebere1712: 11:18pm On Oct 07, 2012

Another 2 illiterates. I won't torment your little brains by demanding an intelligent rebuttal. So enjoy your primitive retorts.
You are illiterate rossik and your adamant disposal to refute truth would destroy you. You think you can just wish things away. Wakeup and face your devils.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ezeagu(m): 11:22pm On Oct 07, 2012
Prof Corruption:

Was secession permitted under Nigerian constitution? You can't say there was military government because the North did not secede when your sons planned the first coup that killed Northern and western leaders while sparing yours. That coup destroyed federalism. That was the genesis of Nigeria problem.

When they seceded, what was supposed to be the response of Nigeria Military? Laugh, dance or defend the territorial integrity of Nigeria?
Based on happenings during the war, do you sincerely believe the minority masses of the Eastern region were in support? Do you know their voting pattern pre and post independence in Calabar Ogoja region?

Accept the obvious truth, Eastern region was not prepared for that war. Your leaders should not have declared secession.

All this talk of voting patterns and military coup does not change the fact that this was a joint decision by the Eastern peoples to break away from Nigeria which they saw was not a safe climate for them being ruled by northerners who seemed to be okay with massacring people from eastern Nigeria. It was the backing of world powers that gave Nigeria the upper hand even when their government was not lawful. Eastern Nigeria was not prepared to be massacred, or face possibly being massacred more by the thousands, that's the "obvious" truth.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Rossikk(m): 11:24pm On Oct 07, 2012
You are illiterate rossik and your adamant disposal to refute truth would destroy you. You think you can just wish things away. Wakeup and face your devils.
What is it with some of you pro-Biafra elements? Is it too much to ask for an intelligent, detailed rebuttal of my stance or is that you are educationally limited? If English is the problem, type in Igbo and we'll translate for you.

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by malcolmind: 11:26pm On Oct 07, 2012
You are such an ignorant clown!! why not shut up your mouth and relevance else where rather than seeking relevance by means of castigating a MAN who tried to salvage your generation from slavery? your type are wiser than their creator and by so doing will continue to wallow in ignorance..I suggest that you visit your father or any unbiased and sincere elder to lecture you on those things you do not know. The fear of Igbo man is the suffering of Nigerian today as a nation and until they discover themself,Nigerian will continue to be a sick nation.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Rossikk(m): 11:30pm On Oct 07, 2012
^^You think you're smart, but you're not. Ducking and avoiding the points raised on this thread only to interject with cheesy, crass insults is just so.... played out. You must really think people here are stu.pid.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Dede1(m): 11:40pm On Oct 07, 2012
Desola: Yeeparipa omodeyi balu je! O ti fi okoro tayin o.

Opolo ti poju, kilode!

Dende1, how are you gonna counter these points intelligently, this man is showing you up big time o. Let me get some orange juice and balance proper because this pro corruption guy just dey mesmerise me. Ogaju!

Iyawo Desomugu,

I think you may have better organized social order than the numskull named Prof Corruption. I can not debate a sack of stones. Please advice the moronic deadwood to pickup a copy of 1963 Nigerian constitution for a start

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by PROUDIGBO(m): 11:43pm On Oct 07, 2012

You can take your illiterate idiocy and stick it where the sun don't shine. Thank your lucky stars YOU weren't among the millions of nameless Igbos in villages, slaughtered for no reason that could not be addressed through more humane, thoughtful actions by the Igbo leadership. What do you know about war? Have you ever been in a war? You think it's to come on NL and insult in Igbo? That's the easy part. The path of the spoon-fed middle classes. War for you means nothing, because you know you will always be among the middle classes who can declare war and flee when things get pear-shaped, leaving millions of nameless Igbo villagers to perish in burning villages. Did you or your mother ask any of those victims if they wanted to die in a war?

^^^Your stand on issues pertaining to Ndigbo makes your claim of being an Igbo son highly suspect.

We can all -with the benefit of hindsight- fault Ojukwus' moves before and during the civil war; but you fail to understand that any mistakes you ascribe to Ikemba (like a monday morning football critic that has the luxury of hindsight) were mistakes made in the heat of the fast-paced moment (when Ndigbo were being slaughtered in their tens of thousands like sallah rams.....with no protection from the federal gov't who felt they were getting their just desserts, since a couple of Igbo officers were among coupists that killed their leaders), and not borne out of malevolence; unlike with the case of Awo and Adekunle for instance; these were two of a kind....cut from the same cloth....and with an intense loathing for anything 'Igbo' as can be seen in their 'shoot at anything that moves' and 'all's fair in war' statements, forgetting that non-combatants (women and children) were casualties.....this collateral damage was acceptable in their eyes since they didn't see Igbos as humans (never mind- their kith and kin); after trying to fight Biafra for the better part of two years and not making any headway, they then resorted to every dirty/evil trick in the book to win the war, as it seemed 'conventional' tactics (even with outside help) was getting them nowhere....hence the blockade and ceding of Bakassi to Cameroun for them to block their own flank of the border; so this yarn of bringing in the 'blockade' policy b'cos Awo loved Igbos and wanted the war to end as quickly and as painlessly as possible is nothing short of laughable, as it was only thought of when they couldn't break Biafras' resolve through conventional war; and i've read heartless/inhumane arguments that we're not expected to feed our enemy' (not minding that this line of thinking would affect women and children you have no beef with).....but this only goes to strengthen my argument that Awo/Gowon were not concerned about such 'trivial humane' issues, but rather were more concerned with 'winning' the war at any cost.....we now see the wonderful/working/equitable/just Nigeria they have fought to bring the old Eastern region back into, and the kind of future they have bequethed to their children and unborn generations (not seeing the bigger picture b'cos of your hatred for a people?)

Bearing the above in mind, can you refer me to any past postings of yours where you go at Awo and Adekunle with the same amount of bile and venom you've used to go at Ikemba?

I didn't bother reading you initial post on this thread as i'm not really interested in all this back and forth between Igbos' and Yorubas' since excepts of Achebes' book were made public.....i don't believe they serve any purpose, esp' on a site like this where there are many immature twerps making daft ethnocentric based arguments; but i wanted to respond to you since you claim to be Igbo.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Dede1(m): 11:53pm On Oct 07, 2012
Prof Corruption:

Let's start with your foolishness first.

1. Was the fiat of Ironsi to proclaim Nigeria a unitary state constitutional? Why did Gowon and co have to plan a coup? When the going was good for Igbo, it was constitutional but when it turned sour, it wasn't. Why do you select issues that favor you to discuss and completely ignore preceding events?

2.Your second point only reinforces why you are not bright. Your point support completely the assertion of Rossikk that why declare a war you were not prepared for? In the 60s, each region had consulates in many friendly nation. Read about Nigeria. To expose your intellectual laziness, why you admitted your region could not make such investment, why exactly did you need the support of France for? How did a region manage to get such support? If they had the support of France, why not other nations as Rossikk has opined?

3.May be you were there planning the war with them. Why writing on what you know little about? Gowon did not declare an outright war. He started with police action which was a child splay compared to real military action. In any case, are you not alluding to Ojukwu's foolishness. Why declare a war if you can't secure food for your region? Did he expect food to fall from sky during the war? Was he expecting his enemies to feed his army?

4. Your point 4 is too vague. Soldiers are trained to kill. They killed their targets during the war. If a civilian behaved like military target, you applied your bullet. Simple. If an earthworm walks like snake, it has to be killed like snake. Simple

5. So what did they bank on? They banked on nothing and got nothing. You are dishonest if not it doesn't take much to know Ojukwu declared Biafra at the point the region was not prepared for war. That's the same thing Awolowo did not do and all you folks called Yoruba cowards. There is no point leading your nation on a suicide spree.


Thank you for being objective and using your logic. These issues are glaring for honest and sincere minds to grasp. It's not rocket science. Will Israel embark on a war where an arab nation is expected to supply food? Ojukwu was foolish for declaring a war that was lost from the word go. Simple as abc.

Since you proved a worthy sack of hammers, I concluded your posts do not demand a glance. I guess you are not allowed to cross busy traffic roads because you appear as a potential road-kill.

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 11:56pm On Oct 07, 2012

Since you proved a worthy sack of hammers, I concluded your posts do not demand a glance. I guess you are not allowed to cross busy traffic roads because you appear as a potential road-kill.

It is totally expected. What else would you have said? Nothing.
You are not bright. You IQ is low. You are dishonest.

But we won't allow you to choose your facts.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ballabriggs: 11:57pm On Oct 07, 2012
Another thread of "Monkeys and Baboons", for "Monkeys and Baboons" and by "Monkeys and Baboons".

It is very easy to sit in your house and tell a people to forget an event which lead to the death of over 2 million of their compatriots and many more missing.

The war was as a result of failure in leadership which is no different from the situation we find ourselves today. It was a bunch of immature humans who were all out to devour the newly discovered resources in the land. From Awo, to Ojukwu, to Gowon and to Azikiwe, they are no different from the leaders we have today. I think they were selfish people who put their own interests above that of the citizens. If not how do you explain leaders plunging the nation into a war that lead to the death of many.

However, the pains of the war will not have been felt as it is today if subsequent leaders had used available resources to improve the lives of the citizens. People see a very dim future and thus look to find an easy scape goat in the war. And this is what Achebe re-echoes in his book. Blame him not for the pains of the war have not been healed.

To loose so many people in three years is an event that will not be easily forgotten except something drastic is done to change the present situation in which we find ourselves.

The time to act is now. The time for the present leadership to take responsibility for the lost souls in the past is now. The best way to heal the pains from the graphic images of starving children is to ensure that our children today are not deprived basic meals. Will the present leadership act? This is the very big question.

That is why this thread is a thread for monkeys and baboons. I am not interested in the mistakes that were made but rather interested in what is being done to heal the wounds of the war.

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Rossikk(m): 12:08am On Oct 08, 2012

^^^Your stand on issues pertaining to Ndigbo makes your claim of being an Igbo son highly suspect.

That mode of thinking is a recipe for disaster. Civilized societies welcome and entertain variety of opinion. Pre-colonial Igboland was one such society, as Achebe's books clearly illustrated.

We can all -with the benefit of hindsight- fault Ojukwus' moves before and during the civil war; but you fail to understand that any mistakes you ascribe to Ikemba (like a monday morning football critic that has the luxury of hindsight) were mistakes made in the heat of the fast-paced moment (when Ndigbo were being slaughtered in their tens of thousands like sallah rams

Two points:

1) Assuming there was a ''heat of the moment'', in which everyone was losing their heads (there wasn't), the Igbos deserved a clear, level-headed, thoughtful leadership at the helm to guide the peoples' actions. Instead, it seems, we got a mob enforcer.

2)There was no ''heat of the moment'' relating to the secession declaration. The declaration of secession occurred 8 months after the Sept 1966 massacre in the north, for which it was alleged to be a response.

.....with no protection from the federal gov't who felt they were getting their just desserts, since a couple of Igbo officers were among coupists that killed their leaders)

Be honest. The coup was led by predominantly Igbo officers with Nzeogwu at the helm. Even pro-Biafran scholars do not dispute this fact. The outcry in the north was that these officers had killed leading northern and western politicians in a supposedly national coup while sparing all the Igbo leaders, many of whom those northerners also regarded as corrupt and decadent. The Igbo-led Ironsi military regime which had taken office failed to bring the perpetrators to justice for 7 months into its administration, despite repeated demands from around the country. (It was afterall a criminal offence to slaughter the prime minister, northern and western premiers in cold blood). Obviously some northern elite took advantage of this popular outrage at the Sardauna and Balewa's death and govt inaction, and used same to unleash mayhem against the Igbos living in the region.

and not borne out malevolence; unlike with the case of Awo and Adekunle for instance; these were two of a kind....cut from the same cloth....and with an intense loathing for anything 'Igbo' as can be seen in their 'shoot at anything that moves' and 'all's fair in war' statements, forgetting that non-combatants (women and children) were casualties.....this collateral damage was acceptable in their eyes since they didn't see Igbos as humans (never mind- their kith and kin); after trying to fight Biafra for the better part of two years and not making any headway, they then resorted to every dirty/evil trick in the book to win the war, as it seemed 'conventional' tactics (even with outside help) was getting them nowhere....hence the blockade and ceding of Bakassi to Cameroun for them to block their own flank of the border; so this yarn of bringing in the 'blockade' policy b'cos Awo loved Igbos and wanted the war to end as quickly and as painlessly as possible is nothing short of laughable, as it was only thought of when they couldn't break Biafras' resolve through conventional war; and i've read heartless/inhumane arguments that we're not expected to feed our enemy' (not minding that this line of thinking would affect women and children you have no beef with).....but this only goes to strengthen my argument that Awo/Gowon were not concerned about such 'trivial humane' issues, but rather were more concerned with 'winning' the war at any cost

My brother, let's call a spade a spade. The Igbo leadership screwed up. You would not be yarning all this stuff had Igbos won that war. Who would remember what Awo said or didn't say if Igbos had won the war? You see, your musings are the musings of a defeated man. A defeated person. You need to step out of that cage, and reclaim your power back from Awo and the FG. You've given them the power over Igbo lives and destiny which they do not deserve. We gain more dignity by questioning our internal mechanisms and how they might have served us better.


Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by bashr8: 12:30am On Oct 08, 2012

That mode of thinking is a recipe for disaster. Civilized societies welcome and entertain variety of opinion. Pre-colonial Igboland was one such society, as Achebe's books clearly illustrated.

Two points:

1) Assuming there was a ''heat of the moment'', in which everyone was losing their heads (there wasn't), the Igbos deserved a clear, level-headed, thoughtful leadership at the helm to guide the peoples' actions. Instead, it seems, we got a mob enforcer.

2)There was no ''heat of the moment'' relating to the secession declaration. The declaration of secession occurred 8 months after the Sept 1966 massacre in the north, for which it was alleged to be a response.

Be honest. The coup was led by predominantly Igbo officers with Nzeogwu at the helm. Even pro-Biafran scholars do not dispute this fact. The outcry in the north was that these officers had killed northern and western leaders in a supposedly national coup while sparing all the Igbo politicians, many of whom those northerners also regarded as corrupt and decadent. The Igbo-led Ironsi military regime which had taken office failed to bring the perpetrators to justice for 7 months into its administration, despite repeated demands from around the country. (It was afterall a criminal offence to slaughter the prime minister, northern and western premiers in cold blood). Obviously some northern elite took advantage of this popular outrage at the Sardauna's death and govt inaction, and used same to unleash mayhem against the Igbos living in the region.

My brother, let's call a spade a spade. The Igbo leadership screwed up. You would not be yarning all this stuff had Igbos won that war. Who would remember what Awo said or didn't say if Igbos had won the war? You see, your musings are the musings of a defeated man. A defeated person. You need to step out of that cage, and reclaim your power back from Awo and the FG. You've given them the power over Igbo lives and destiny which they do not deserve. We gain more dignity by questioning our internal mechanisms and how they might have served us better.

crawl back into your ibadan cave
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by pazienza(m): 12:46am On Oct 08, 2012
Double post.
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by pazienza(m): 12:46am On Oct 08, 2012
@ op.

You could have asked those questions without claiming to be igbo,why did u feel the need to claim igbo before asking those questions?

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Rossikk(m): 12:51am On Oct 08, 2012
pazienza: @ op.

You could have asked those questions without claiming to be igbo, why did u feel the need to claim igbo before asking those questions?

Why not? cool
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by pazienza(m): 12:54am On Oct 08, 2012

Why not? cool

Cos,even a non igbo can sense that you are not an igboman.

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Rossikk(m): 1:03am On Oct 08, 2012
^^^ You insult Igbos every time you imply they have a herd mentality.
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by greedie1(f): 1:14am On Oct 08, 2012

No, they didn't. Ojukwu declared secession and war ensued. If you have any information to the contrary, please share it.

yes they did!!! Britain initiated the war. This is a fact u cannot get from google or any text book but a fact nonetheless... The notion that war ensued because of the seccession is a wrong one and even if it wasn't, it's not the whole truth. It had been, is and will always be about the oil. This clash of interest dates back to pre-independence.. The igbos and yorubas were well travelled and educated, the Hausas were..... Cattle rearers. We wanted our independence, the British didn't want to go and d hausas well aware dat they amounted to nothinginsisted dat a treaty be signed allowing dem to control a higher percentage of the house( dat was d beginning of this majority/ minority crap). The cabal agreed, they just needed the British gone... Fastforward to post I dependence, the same cabal plotted a coup to kill top military men but the real deal was to kill d few powerful hausas and dis is why awolowo( puttin him in prison was a ploy to save his life) and a host of others escaped. Aguiyi Ironsi became d head of state and because this had already planned by the powers that be ( this cabal was made up of yorubas and igbos)he merely imprisoned instead of killing kaduna nzogwu, the puppet dat was used to carry out d coup.

The British, fully aware that an Igbo man in power will cancel some of the treaties signed be dem nd lo foil there plan, gathered the hausas and told them that an Igbo man in power is their undoing. U see, the British fear and are in awe of the igbos especially the elite among them for the same reasons other ethnic groups hate us: our brillance, smartness, doggedness, diplomacy, name it! They had to kill ironsi,they used the well known mallam tasini of Kano, who until his death in 1980,fed on human skull and blood. It was tasini dat removed ironsi's charm while he was bathin and replaced it wit a fake one, it was only den dat they succeeded in killing ironsi and enthroned Gowon who they used as a pawn.

Following the mass killing of the igbos in d north, ojukwu was saddened and threatened to pull out. At first, Gowon was of the opinion that Nigeria didn't need d igboman and den the British called him and said " bia man, are u this foolish? U want to give in to this seccession, don't u know u have everytin to loose? If d igbos pull out, u ll be left wit nothing except cattle! U cannot allow this people to leave. Then came the Aburi accord but it wasn't good enuf for the British and so they asked Gowon to keep us or kill us.

Ojukwu had good intentions, he just didn't act at the ryt time perhaps cz he was too young and enthusiastic. The great zik, a member of the cabal dat formed this great country tried to warn him dat war at that time wasn't the best strategy, his father begged him too dat his biz is scattered all over the country but ojukwu would hear none of it, his reply to the dad was that he ll be richer than he was if Biafra won. As we all know, the dad died of heart attack shortly after.

During d war, the US didn't help us cz we were under d common wealth and they didn't want tohave anything to do with their colonial masters, France was an ally to Britain. Gabon supported us because they too as a colony of Britain didn't want to remain together. U see, they were hopin dat our success ll pave way for their own devision. The british made a terrible mistake wen they amalgamated differnt ethnic groups into one country. Most of their colonies has this problem; Gabon, Ghana etc. Of all these countries, Nigeria was the giant and if the seccession had been successful, other countries would have followed suit. Do u see why Britain couldn't allow Biafra to be? They achieved their purpose by playing on the ignorance of the hausas, they manipulated gowon

Backtrack to wen awolowo was freed from prison- he knew the original plan of the cabal to dethrone the intellectually backward hausas, he was even in support. He promissed to leave wit the igbos, he promised to give us men and land. The original plan was that all tribes ll seccede, leaving the hausas alone to their Ill fate. Yoruba land should have been a haven for the Igbo soldiers but awo sold out. He betrayed the cabal and wen the war arrived ore, Yoruba armymen already knew abt thleir heads betrayal and so they turned around to fight the igbos. That is why they are seen as coward

someone asked why ojukwu seceded wen he knew Biafra was poorly equiped-- well dat was the only way they could get arms, they had to declare a sovereign state in accordance with the guidelines of the UN.

As we all know, the war was a tough one and Biafra persevered. Biafra lost out not cause Nigeria was stronger but cause of the strong allies backing them up, allies that cannot allow Igbo people wit their oil and smartness to rule

and dis is why no igboman has been able torule since then. Okadigbo rose to a high position and then he saw sometin he wasn't supposed to see and he was killed

the problems of the igbos isn't awo or Nigeria, dat is why I do not advocate for any war. Igbos should not make the same mistake ojukwu made. Violence is not the answer, they should apply the traits in them the british fears so much and look for a way to stop d influence of our colonial masters ON us. Britain is the problem, anyother tribe in Nigeria cannot stand the heat- break the stronghold and the house falls.

It's all about the oil, Britain will do anytin to get hold of it! I always laugh wen I hear people say" Nigeria is a mess, we need our colonial masters to come and govern us again" if only they knew....

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ebere1712: 1:22am On Oct 08, 2012
fu.c.king brit scums and their slaves. Chukwu would destroy all of them.

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 1:28am On Oct 08, 2012

yes they did!!! Britain initiated the war. This is a fact u cannot get from google or any text book but a fact nonetheless... The notion that war ensued because of the seccession is a wrong one and even if it wasn't, it's not the whole truth. It had been, is and will always be about the oil. This clash of interest dates back to pre-independence.. The igbos and yorubas were well travelled and educated, the Hausas were..... Cattle rearers. We wanted our independence, the British didn't want to go and d hausas well aware dat they amounted to nothinginsisted dat a treaty be signed allowing dem to control a higher percentage of the house( dat was d beginning of this majority/ minority crap). The cabal agreed, they just needed the British gone... Fastforward to post I dependence, the same cabal plotted a coup to kill top military men but the real deal was to kill d few powerful hausas and dis is why awolowo( puttin him in prison was a ploy to save his life) and a host of others escaped. Aguiyi Ironsi became d head of state and because this had already planned by the powers that be ( this cabal was made up of yorubas and igbos)he merely imprisoned instead of killing kaduna nzogwu, the puppet dat was used to carry out d coup.

The British, fully aware that an Igbo man in power will cancel some of the treaties signed be dem nd lo foil there plan, gathered the hausas and told them that an Igbo man in power is their undoing. U see, the British fear and are in awe of the igbos especially the elite among them for the same reasons other ethnic groups hate us: our brillance, smartness, doggedness, diplomacy, name it! They had to kill ironsi,they used the well known mallam tasini of Kano, who until his death in 1980,fed on human skull and blood. It was tasini dat removed ironsi's charm while he was bathin and replaced it wit a fake one, it was only den dat they succeeded in killing ironsi and enthroned Gowon who they used as a pawn.

Following the mass killing of the igbos in d north, ojukwu was saddened and threatened to pull out. At first, Gowon was of the opinion that Nigeria didn't need d igboman and den the British called him and said " bia man, are u this foolish? U want to give in to this seccession, don't u know u have everytin to loose? If d igbos pull out, u ll be left wit nothing except cattle! U cannot allow this people to leave. Then came the Aburi accord but it wasn't good enuf for the British and so they asked Gowon to keep us or kill us.

Ojukwu had good intentions, he just didn't act at the ryt time perhaps cz he was too young and enthusiastic. The great zik, a member of the cabal dat formed this great country tried to warn him dat war at that time wasn't the best strategy, his father begged him too dat his biz is scattered all over the country but ojukwu would hear none of it, his reply to the dad was that he ll be richer than he was if Biafra won. As we all know, the dad died of heart attack shortly after.

During d war, the US didn't help us cz we were under d common wealth and they didn't want tohave anything to do with their colonial masters, France was an ally to Britain. Gabon supported us because they too as a colony of Britain didn't want to remain together. U see, they were hopin dat our success ll pave way for their own devision. The british made a terrible mistake wen they amalgamated differnt ethnic groups into one country. Most of their colonies has this problem; Gabon, Ghana etc. Of all these countries, Nigeria was the giant and if the seccession had been successful, other countries would have followed suit. Do u see why Britain couldn't allow Biafra to be? They achieved their purpose by playing on the ignorance of the hausas, they manipulated gowon

Backtrack to wen awolowo was freed from prison- he knew the original plan of the cabal to dethrone the intellectually backward hausas, he was even in support. He promissed to leave wit the igbos, he promised to give us men and land. The original plan was that all tribes ll seccede, leaving the hausas alone to their Ill fate. Yoruba land should have been a haven for the Igbo soldiers but awo sold out. He betrayed the cabal and wen the war arrived ore, Yoruba armymen already knew abt thleir heads betrayal and so they turned around to fight the igbos. That is why they are seen as coward

someone asked why ojukwu seceded wen he knew Biafra was poorly equiped-- well dat was the only way they could get arms, they had to declare a sovereign state in accordance with the guidelines of the UN.

As we all know, the war was a tough one and Biafra persevered. Biafra lost out not cause Nigeria was stronger but cause of the strong allies backing them up, allies that cannot allow Igbo people wit their oil and smartness to rule

and dis is why no igboman has been able torule since then. Okadigbo rose to a high position and then he saw sometin he wasn't supposed to see and he was killed

the problems of the igbos isn't awo or Nigeria, dat is why I do not advocate for any war. Igbos should not make the same mistake ojukwu made. Violence is not the answer, they should apply the traits in them the british fears so much and look for a way to stop d influence of our colonial masters ON us. Britain is the problem, anyother tribe in Nigeria cannot stand the heat- break the stronghold and the house falls.

It's all about the oil, Britain will do anytin to get hold of it! I always laugh wen I hear people say" Nigeria is a mess, we need our colonial masters to come and govern us again" if only they knew....

^^^^Utter tosh!! The British were not scared of Igbos ruling Nigeria, hence, why Igbos were allowed to join the army in large numbers before independence... The British favoured Igbos the most especially among other Southern ethnic groups because most Igbos were Christians - and they didn't really have a 'central' leader like the Yorubas... Stop spewing nonsense!!

Nnamdi Azikwe caused the downfall of Igbos - and he was used to rig the election that gave power to the North... I still have the interview one of the Britons(a fresh graduate from Oxford then) gave about the first presidential election in Nigeria, and how Nnamdi Azikwe was used to rig the election by the UK... He made a deal with them to become president...

You guys need to let it go, it's boring now...

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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 1:30am On Oct 08, 2012
ebere1712: fucking brit scums and their slaves. Chukwu would destroy all of them.

Utter nonsense. Chukwu that could not win war for you! Arrant nonsense.

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