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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu (7869 Views)
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Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 1:33am On Oct 08, 2012 |
shymexx: ^^^^Utter tosh!! The British were not scared of Igbos ruling Nigeria, hence, why Igbos were allowed to join the army in large numbers before independence... The British favoured Igbos the most especially among other Southern ethnic groups because most Igbos were Christians - and they didn't really have a 'central' leader like the Yorubas... Stop spewing nonsense!! They destroyed Nigeria! I don't even know why it's not in our curriculum for small children to learn how Igbo brutally killed leaders of other regions without provocation. How they destroyed federalism and plunged the nation to an avoidable civil war? Some much for a terrible legacy. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 1:33am On Oct 08, 2012 |
How the British used Nnamdi Azikwe and NCNC to get Northern Nigeria into Power The British government was concerned that the result of independence might lead to partition. They regarded the Northern region as a bulwark against opposition. Professor Anderson explained that British analysts at the time thought that West Africa as a whole with its high levels of poverty was highly vulnerable to communism. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ezeagu(m): 1:36am On Oct 08, 2012 |
Rossikk: My brother, let's call a spade a spade. The Igbo leadership screwed up. You would not be yarning all this stuff had Igbos won that war. Who would remember what Awo said or didn't say if Igbos had won the war? You see, your musings are the musings of a defeated man. A defeated person. You need to step out of that cage, and reclaim your power back from Awo and the FG. You've given them the power over Igbo lives and destiny which they do not deserve. We gain more dignity by questioning our internal mechanisms and how they might have served us better. It is not the role of foreigners to decide whether a peoples leaders have failed them or not. It's clear what Ojukwu's and others people feel of him and his actions and no amount of interent space will change that. Even those that were integral in the fall of Biafra, like the Niger Delta and Middle Belt, agree that Biafra would have been miles better left alone than the shithole that is now Nigeria. 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 1:36am On Oct 08, 2012 |
chichiman WTF? Why did you name yourself a 'chichiman'? Are you gay?? Chichiman = gay... Bwahahahahaha |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 1:38am On Oct 08, 2012 |
The British colonialists never hated Igbos, they loved Igbos due to your individualistic nature - FACT!! Stop blaming them, blame Zik for allowing himself to be used by the MI6... He caused everything wrong with Nigeria today... You guys need to let it go!! |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ezeagu(m): 1:43am On Oct 08, 2012 |
Prof Corruption: We should also put how the unrests in the regions and then the military governments saved Nigeria, right? |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by pazienza(m): 1:44am On Oct 08, 2012 |
Rossikk: ^^^ You insult Igbos every time you imply they have a herd mentality. Thats not the point,the point is that you are not igbo,why did u feel the need to claim igbo? |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 1:46am On Oct 08, 2012 |
shymexx: The British colonialists never hated Igbos, they loved Igbos due to your individualistic nature - FACT!! No doubt, you have read and understood Nigeria history. The first coup was essentially Zik's coup. simple as abc. The description Achebe is using for Awolowo is actually meant for Zik. He had inordinate ambition for power. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ebere1712: 1:47am On Oct 08, 2012 |
Prof Corruption:We would destroy you agents of lucifer. Yes we didn't win the war with your masters and their Yoruba and hausa slaves. You didn't win either (yoroslaves never win). And the war is not over yet. The only mistake we made is to believe that you're human. Next war, we would treat yous like animals that yous are. F.u.cking scums. We now know our enemies and the freaky they are into. Chukwu reigns supreme and all our once dead brothers and sisters are here with us again. You unrepentant slaves of lucifer would be destroyed. Disease, acute poverty, hausa/fulani are already destroying you spineless scums. All you haters of Chukwu would be destroyed. De.vils. Your de.vil infected hero awolowo lived a like a scum and died of self administered rat poison. My advice to you is to stay away from rat poison because maybe that is the prefered way for Chukwu to kill scums of this earth. 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by greedie1(f): 1:51am On Oct 08, 2012 |
shymexx: ^^^^Utter tosh!! The British were not scared of Igbos ruling Nigeria, hence, why Igbos were allowed to join the army in large numbers before independence... The British favoured Igbos the most especially among other Southern ethnic groups because most Igbos were Christians - and they didn't really have a 'central' leader like the Yorubas... Stop spewing nonsense!! and the only reason why u believe the British supported the igbos was coz a large no of them were in the army?? I laff in nembe my friend, pre- independence, the British favoured none in particular. They identified wit the igbos coz they saw a tribe as smart as, if not smarter than them. From this great tribe arose men who wanted independence and that brought about the end of all d benefits they derived from Nigeria! The British came to hate wat they once admired and in their bid to hold on to the oil, teamed up wit the northerners. Mind u, dey don't care about the north and God forbid, should dey succeed in their plan, they ll discard the northerners faster than the speed of lightening. Why do u think Gej is president? It's d same web spining. dis is d 21st century, they had to put someone from the oil region as head to reduce tension and decry the notion dat power is always in d north. Why do u think abacha was killed? He was given a mandate but he didn't deliver. The military guy dat should ve taken over abacha, why didn't he come forward? Cz he wasnot a northerner and was told to step aside or die. Why do u think Obj didn't win his 3rd term bid cz wen he assumed office and became privy of all that transpired be the northerners and the British, he tried to turn tins around. Did u ever wonder why he ordered that toll gates be pulled down?? There are so many thins that u do not know and these thins are not public records. Ve u ever asked urself why the northerns as lacking in wit as they are always remain in power?? U ve to dig deep to know these tins. It's d history u won't find on the www or any history books. This type of history is like folklore, passed from mouth to mouth, documented and secretly buried..... U ve to unearth it! 4 Likes |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by wirinet(m): 1:54am On Oct 08, 2012 |
I honestly do not know what the biafrans want, are they only sulking and expecting pity 40 yrs after the war? Or they are threatening revenge and thus nigerian civil war part 2? Because part two would be worse than part 1. The same disadvantages against biafra in 67 are still available today. All the FG has to do to starve biafra once again is to effect a land blockade of biafra and comeroon will once again shut its borders. As we all know biafra is landlocked. Nigeria can also change currencies once again and all naira held by biafrans would be useless. These noise making biafrans would be surprised to know how many igbos that do not support biafra. I do not know any prominent igbo politician that support biafra, nor any prominent igbo business man. Even my in-law who fought on the biafran side and claimed to be one of the last to see Ojukwu before he fled is not ready to abandon his numerous properties in lagos and go and fight for biafra. Even the so called MASSOB, how much support do they get from the prominent igbo leaders? I have a feeling those stroking the embers of hatred are a small minority of igbos who are looking for somebody or anything to blame their frustrations on. Imagine someone saying a part of a sovereign state can secceed by just a declearation and arming itself. That is the most stupid thing i have heard. They should tell me where such had ever happpened in the history of the world. Even isreal had to get a UN resolution before declaring a sovereign state. If it was that easy Palestine would long have been a sovereign state. 2 Likes |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 2:00am On Oct 08, 2012 |
ebere1712: Rantings of a defeated spoil of war. Poor things! Long hisssssssssssssssssssssss! I ignore an obvious fool and move on 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by greedie1(f): 2:04am On Oct 08, 2012 |
wirinet: I honestly do not know what the biafrans want, are they only sulking and expecting pity 40 yrs after the war? Or they are threatening revenge and thus nigerian civil war part 2? Because part two would be worse than part 1. The same disadvantages against biafra in 67 are still available today. All the FG has to do to starve biafra once again is to effect a land blockade of biafra and comeroon will once again shut its borders. As we all know biafra is landlocked. Nigeria can also change currencies once again and all naira held by biafrans would be useless. well, u should go and read the UN guidelines.... Before a. Group can be supplied wit arms, it has to be a sovreign, with it's own currency, anthem and do I say democrats? Nigeria was waging war against d igbos, ojukwu had to formally secede inother to get arms... U see, totally against war, because I know that there are other diplomatic ways to break free. All the igbos need is to apply wit and this is why none of the powerful igbos are supporting biafran war strategy. This freedom will come, it's just a matter of time 2 Likes |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Standing5(m): 2:07am On Oct 08, 2012 |
Prof Corruption:The reason they removed civic studies from the secondary sch curricula but i guess it is not working |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 2:08am On Oct 08, 2012 |
gree-die: I just provided a proof on how Nnamdi Azikwe allowed himself to be used by MI6, against his Southern brothers... It's an open secret that the British didn't really have problems with the Igbos - they viewed Igbos as being too individualistic to pose any treat to them... The Northerners were the favourites and most useful tools, hence why the ceded power to them... Awolowo on the other hand was a torn in their flesh, he used to talk down on them, and call them unintelligent...Hence why Yorubas were not allowed into the army nor allowed to get near any 'sensitive' position... I have got academic proofs from MI6 classified files, if you want... Stop blaming the British, blame those who allowed themsleves to be used to distabilise the country.... |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 2:10am On Oct 08, 2012 |
gree-die: Stop your trash. If you were smarter than the British, you would not start a lost war. GEJ is president because OBJ put him as a support on a sick president. SImple as abc. Is Fasola not building tolls everywhere in Lagos? What has tolls got to do with Nigerian politics? If Fasola can build it in Lagos, why can't chime in Enugu and Amaechi in PH? Clear your eyes and see Nigeria for what it is. OBJ didn't win 3rd term because he could not get the votes in senate to amend the constitution. Was the same OBJ not in power in 1976? When did the british-Hausa alliance come into effect? Una neva jam 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by wirinet(m): 2:12am On Oct 08, 2012 |
gree-die: then caution you people to stop stroking hatred and threatening war and use diplomatic means to achieve their aims, if that is what the generality of the igbos want. Being confrontational and blaming the US, Britain, Russia and France for their failure would jeopardize their case, as these are the countries that can make Biafra happen. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 2:17am On Oct 08, 2012 |
gree-die: You have been fed with lies. Nigeria did not even declare war when Ojukwu declared secession. Nigeria declared police action which was nothing compared to the real military action in the east. That was done all in the hope that ugly shapes could still be straightened. But when expectations failed, real war began. The rest as they say is now history. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ebere1712: 2:28am On Oct 08, 2012 |
Prof Corruption:Go to ilorin and bow to your emir, you vile slave ![]() ![]()
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ebere1712: 2:32am On Oct 08, 2012 |
wirinet:SO we should be scared to say the truth because you think those scum are the makers and breakers of everything? I don't blame you at all. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ezeagu(m): 2:39am On Oct 08, 2012 |
shymexx: First time I've ever heard that. I guess the introduction of warrant chiefs in the east was for fun. It was easy for them to use northerners because of their leaders, but it was difficult for them to use westerners because of their leaders. Sense! |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by wirinet(m): 2:40am On Oct 08, 2012 |
ebere1712: so were has saying your so called truth gotten you? And where is it expected to get you? And yes those "scums" together with China control the UN and thus control everything in the world. You cannot succeed in anything without their support, especially the US. I thought you should know that. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ezeagu(m): 2:42am On Oct 08, 2012 |
shymexx: The British colonialists never hated Igbos, they loved Igbos due to your individualistic nature - FACT!! And the northern and western leaders caused everything right with Nigeria today. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by CyberG: 2:43am On Oct 08, 2012 |
9ja_I_hail: Why the insult for goodness sake? Can't he have an opinion which has a right to? |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by CyberG: 2:47am On Oct 08, 2012 |
ifysimple: OP , you called it foolishness abi? Why don't you start writing the book. Onye ara! Ɣ♥̸̨ΰя̲̅ fellow Igbo people indeed. Why attack the OP? Is it compulsory that he shares your opinion and if not, why insult him? It is NOT all ibo people that cannot reason, think objectively and follow their logical conclusions! 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 2:48am On Oct 08, 2012 |
ezeagu: I never said "Igbos," I said Nnamdi Azikwe... There should have never been a country called, Nigeria - he made it possible... He also allowed himself to be used by MI6 to get the Northerners into pwoer, the same power they have turned into their birth right... His cousin, Ifeajuna, plotted the first coup that led to the civil war, yet they blamed it on innocent Nzeogwu... I'm done with this topic, I've got work in the morning... 4hrs sleep!! ![]() |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by CyberG: 2:50am On Oct 08, 2012 |
bashr8: shut up there stinking pig , ekwensu kpo gi oku . onye ara Oga, why not make a logical comment that questions the OP, after all, he laid out 5 points but it seems you can't find any holes in it and then you call him calling him 'ekwensu'. Why are you hating and descending to demonic hatred for goodness sake? Before long now, you will start preaching a church message. Nigerians and hypocrisy! |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by CyberG: 2:53am On Oct 08, 2012 |
ebere1712: I am very proud of my people for fighting to keep the pinkies away from the heritage of our fathers. you rossik and whatever nation you come from. The stinking brits (God punish their queen) commanded their slaves to attack the sons of Chukwu and they did. I promise you, you'all would look back at that day and regret. So, why attack him personally with hateful comments? Can you show evidence on how the Brits commanded the Nigerians that beat you? |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by ebere1712: 2:54am On Oct 08, 2012 |
wirinet:The truths my fathers told me and the truth that is very obvious in Nigeria now. I am not scared of any of those scums you just mentioned. Let them be anything they want in the UN, I don't care. If they bring war to us, I will personally take the war to them. My fathers were never scared of them, I will never be scared of them. I will look them in their face and tell them they are scum. And for you to come here and tell me to be miserly with the truth because they have a big military, you are scum too. I rather die, than lead a life in servitude. |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 2:54am On Oct 08, 2012 |
ebere1712: Eeyah, it hit you really hard. Ebere the original spoil of war, take heart. 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by Nobody: 2:59am On Oct 08, 2012 |
ebere1712: What about the truth found out using your common sense? SO you have been possessed with terrible lies ? Damn! It's good if you can fight to death. That's the real mark of honour and bravery. I am yet to understand why Ojukwu couldn't fight to death. As in why he left millions to die while preserving his own life. That man should not be your hero. Don't you think so? I am writing you this love letter because you might have a great batty. I love great batty 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Needs To Write A Book On The Foolishness Of Biafra And Ojukwu by CyberG: 3:02am On Oct 08, 2012 |
gree-die: This is the most ridiculous nonsense I have ever heard all strung together from one post. Before I waste my time responding point by point, can you provide any evidence in forms of video interviews, cross-referenced books from NEUTRAL authors (not Forsythe an co.), etc to backup your claims? If you CAN'T, this is all crappy nonsense! LOL...very FUNNY conspiratorial post! ![]() ![]() |
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