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Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. - Religion - Nairaland

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Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by annyplenty(m): 11:31am On Oct 13, 2012
Dear Friends,
EARTHQUAKE is coming to Nigeria.

GOD has shown me the vision of EARTHQUAKE coming to Nigeria for several times. Each time I see this vision, after I would pray a lot concerning it, but it would come with an increasing severity and urgency. The last time I saw this vision. I was told that the vision is not for me to keep but to go and warn Nigeria/Nigerians to repent before God would make the judgment come to reality and I saw myself calling Nigerians to repentance even where they stood speechless after the quake.

In January 2012, God showed me massive flood coming to Nigeria several times. He showed me an hurricane and even overflowing river. The vision was so disturbing that I would begin to cry from the vision to reality. In one instance, an hurricane was pursuing me and I was shouting God is angry with Nigeria as I ran. I was only able to post it on my facebook that people should pray about flood, hurricane and overflowing rivers. Shortly after that an hurricane happened in Lagos on February 13. I was shocked when the major newspapers in Nigeria reported it on their front-pages as HURRICANE Lagos. Now that I have seen the ravaging flood in Nigeria. I know God means more than what I think.

Now God has been passing this warning of earthquake and has instructed me to pass it across that we should repent. If we repent quickly, both individually and as a nation and turn away from sins, then GOD will avert it. We must repent of shedding bloods of innocents, sexual immoralities, idolatery, and all SINs at large.

These are the signs that MESSIAH (JESUS) is coming very soon. Repent and be saved. Shalom.
EZEKIEL 33:1-9

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Nobody: 12:34pm On Oct 13, 2012
Guy, when last did you eat? It might be a sign of hunger undecided


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by annyplenty(m): 1:03pm On Oct 13, 2012
Highbros: Guy, when last did you eat? It might be a sign of hunger undecided

It will do you good not to insult. Believe or just ignore. thank you.


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by tpia5: 1:21pm On Oct 13, 2012
Do you have any proof about your flood claim?

Did you open a thread where we can verify it?

As per earthquake- kindly tell us where in nigeria it will occur, or do you mean the entire nigeria is what will be affected.
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by tpia5: 1:23pm On Oct 13, 2012
Where's the link to your fb page?

Flooding and hurricanes happen every year in lagos- was the one you're referring to, different?


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by annyplenty(m): 1:51pm On Oct 13, 2012
Where's the link to your fb page?

Flooding and hurricanes happen every year in lagos- was the one you're referring to, different?

the flooding and hurricane visions I saw were not particular to Lagos.

Concerning the issue of the earthquake, it was not specified what part of Nigeria. I remember in one of the
visions, I was shouting 'earthquake in nigeria' as buildings were collapsing as I lay on the ground during
the aftershocks. I used to narrate everything to my pastor and they have even prayed about the quake
at a district level of CAN about it. But this last one, after the earthquake occurred, a voice said to me that
He gave me the visions so as to go and warn all nigerians about it and to repent, but i didnt go. Then I felt a guilt in my heart.
Then, i went to tell my pastor about it.

For my facebook page, I will not like to make it public but if you send mail to raptureglorious@gmail.com
I will send it to you. Just check my post of january 26th, feb 2nd and feb 13th.
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by tpia5: 2:04pm On Oct 13, 2012
Half of nigeria is muslim. How will you pass such messages across to them.

You can either post your page here, in your profile, or send it to my email.

If you're talking about earthquake in nigeria, then you should be able to give specific details like where it's going to occur.

And flooding as well as hurricanes occur annually in nigeria.

The opening of cameroon dams or maybe the dredging of river niger, was what made this year significantly different.

As per nigerians repenting- that's always a standing order, as everyone knows.

The level of wickedness is simply too high.

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Nobody: 2:06pm On Oct 13, 2012

It will do you good not to insult. Believe or just ignore. thank you.
I did not insult you, I only ask a question which you did not even answer. Read again.


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Nobody: 2:26pm On Oct 13, 2012
God is my strength!
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Nobody: 2:34pm On Oct 13, 2012
Am not doubting it at all. Just praying that God keeps me and all my families safe if it is true undecided undecided


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by obicentlis: 2:36pm On Oct 13, 2012
Does Nigeria worth praying for?
In as much as I do not derive joy from disasters, I don't think the entity called Nigeria is worth praying for. Look at the injustices everywhere!
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by HayZee06(m): 2:37pm On Oct 13, 2012
Chai...too much of africa magic. #SMH


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by pendusky(m): 2:38pm On Oct 13, 2012
Highbros: Guy, when last did you eat? It might be a sign of hunger undecided
There a lots of people that wil refuse to repent even when they see hell, example number 1 is you...


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by AkinDavid2: 2:39pm On Oct 13, 2012
This time and all around the world things happening are signs of the end time, beware!!!
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Victorisrael(m): 2:40pm On Oct 13, 2012
smiley sad b/c the thauth of God toward us is good and not evil in other to meet an espected end I stand this day, this miniut and second 2 silent every thing that wil caus untimely death to God people in the name of God the fathe the son and the holy spirit AMEN.add AMEN To that prayer by clicking "like'


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Basic(m): 2:41pm On Oct 13, 2012
I wish it comes to pass, but only in ALUU.

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by pendusky(m): 2:42pm On Oct 13, 2012
Acidtalk and family! what ur view on this? Pls can sm1 bring Odunu and Sexkilz to this thread ASAP?
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by kunletade(m): 2:43pm On Oct 13, 2012


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by dsmartj(m): 2:44pm On Oct 13, 2012
pls, i will like to know you more and atleast your contacts. Thank you
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by gen2briz(m): 2:45pm On Oct 13, 2012
Even if the EARTHQUAKE will cover all part of Nigeria....... sebi na all of us dey there including the dreamer abi
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by pneumaticos(m): 2:45pm On Oct 13, 2012
Highbros: Guy, when last did you eat? It might be a sign of hunger undecided

here comes the foolish one


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by dsmartj(m): 2:46pm On Oct 13, 2012
Before we knew it now, you will open your own church and start making money but wait until then before you tell them you fairy tale dream
..... If u believe, then believe, if u dont, pls dont sin by saying somthn bad.
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by sindyko(m): 2:46pm On Oct 13, 2012
Hw can u announce it collectively to all nigerians? Or go to d mass media to air it, dat wil b d best way to pass it to all ears. GOD wil save nigeria.
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by RedLight1: 2:46pm On Oct 13, 2012
God no dey show u better thing apart from disaster.... are u another big TB in disguise?

prophet of doom


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Roon9(m): 2:47pm On Oct 13, 2012

the flooding and hurricane visions I saw were not particular to Lagos.

Concerning the issue of the earthquake, it was not specified what part of Nigeria. I remember in one of the
visions, I was shouting 'earthquake in nigeria' as buildings were collapsing as I lay on the ground during
the aftershocks. I used to narrate everything to my pastor and they have even prayed about the quake
at a district level of CAN about it. But this last one, after the earthquake occurred, a voice said to me that
He gave me the visions so as to go and warn all nigerians about it and to repent, but i didnt go. Then I felt a guilt in my heart.
Then, i went to tell my pastor about it.

Bros i biliv, lately, hav bin hearing lot ☀̤̣̈̇f tales abou D̶̲̥̅̊ coming ☀̤̣̈̇f Jesus, altho am not a born again christian yet, it scares ♍ƺ and i sincerely want ĞőƋ †̥☺ save ♍ƺ.

For my facebook page, I will not like to make it public but if you send mail to raptureglorious@gmail.com
I will send it to you. Just check my post of january 26th, feb 2nd and feb 13th.

Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by shoboy20(m): 2:47pm On Oct 13, 2012
Highbros: Guy, when last did you eat? It might be a sign of hunger undecided
Hey, that's very bad of you.
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Nobody: 2:47pm On Oct 13, 2012

the flooding and hurricane visions I saw were not particular to Lagos.

Concerning the issue of the earthquake, it was not specified what part of Nigeria. I remember in one of the
visions, I was shouting 'earthquake in nigeria' as buildings were collapsing as I lay on the ground during
the aftershocks. I used to narrate everything to my pastor and they have even prayed about the quake
at a district level of CAN about it. But this last one, after the earthquake occurred, a voice said to me that
He gave me the visions so as to go and warn all nigerians about it and to repent, but i didnt go. Then I felt a guilt in my heart.
Then, i went to tell my pastor about it.

For my facebook page, I will not like to make it public but if you send mail to raptureglorious@gmail.com
I will send it to you. Just check my post of january 26th, feb 2nd and feb 13th.

You quoted Eze.33:1-9. If God gave you a message, like Ezekiel you are no longer a private person, but a public one. So please it would be nice if you give your facebook page address. There are domant volcanoes in Nigeria, and we are also close to the circum-pacific ring of fire, so earthquake is no joking matter, even if you not in nigeria, we all got families and friends here


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Leboska(m): 2:48pm On Oct 13, 2012
Seriously these is the funniest topic i've ever seen. Hope it will not affect kulikuli & garium.

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Biggoozz: 2:49pm On Oct 13, 2012
@Annyplenty, I believe you, say no more. The things of God are foolishness to those that reason with their senses and not by the Spirit.1Corintians 1: 18-29. Friend you cannot do more than Noah that warned and was laughed to scorn or Jesus himself that gave undisputable signs of His coming and men are stunningly explaining it away, (Mattew 24) See uprisings (Arab Spring) which shocked me Jan this year. God is doing these things for love sake, those that argue will meet Him once death happens and know who they have been playing with His opportunities. Nuff said!


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by benkings(m): 2:49pm On Oct 13, 2012
Afta seeing a vision u stil nid grace of GOD to interprete it... ..u saw an earthquake in a vision doesnt mean its truely an earthquake,it kuld b God is tryin to tel u dat ur family wil soon tear apart<dis is jst an example no strings attached..
Pray to God 4 d interpretatn of wat u saw... .tnx

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by YuzedoII: 2:52pm On Oct 13, 2012
Next thing wey we go hear now, OP don start church.. Na so all dem Pastor Chris dem take dey start with personal vision. undecided

Who u be wey God select u? Abi u wan hammer shay? U wan make name. angry

If u dream dat kain dream, na for ur pocket, notin dey happen ni! cool


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by semasir: 2:54pm On Oct 13, 2012
Continue with your vision and wait till it shall happen in your compound. Did you not read that God speaks to us now thru His son and not in visions or dreams? False Prophet!!


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