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Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Nobody: 2:55pm On Oct 13, 2012
A prophet from Kenya has issued out the same warning and i was waiting to see another confirmation of this. His name is David Owuor He even went to Haiti and warned them before the Earthquake. He attributed the this and Nigeria's own to sexual related sin. And through out history, Bible and otherwise, God has brought down empires, nations etc due to sexual immorality and murder of innocent (e.g abortion). As for me,I will do soul-searching, repent and ask for His mercy.
Better to heed God's word and repent than to argue about God's warning/prophesy even if we doubt it. Often, we argue about these things because we dont want to repent. Even if it not true and the person did not see any vision, ought we not to live clean for God.
I dont live in Nigeria but God, please have mercy on me/us!


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by dhanmccoy: 2:55pm On Oct 13, 2012
Ok, so we are supposed to repent individually and as a Nation and stay away from sin indefinitely? Will this stOp the earthquake or just ensure that those who die in it go to heaven?
Are you sure you didn't just take too much weed? Forgive me.
I'm a Christian but we have to be frank; Nigeria is not Nineveh. Besides, apart from NL and your facebook page, how have you tried to get the message in your visions across to Nigerians? Only a tiny percentage are on those media.


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Koko88(m): 2:57pm On Oct 13, 2012
@OP- you need to go back to school and study geography. Earthquakes can't happen in Nigeria or anywhere in west Africa. And ur story about hurricane hitting Lagos is false. Do u know the meaning of hurricane? Abeg, I no fit shout! Stop taking overdose of cough syrup and try to eat something........Peace!

By the way, how come natural disasters are now being attributed to sin? Una dey very funny or maybe confused...


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by pneumaticos(m): 2:59pm On Oct 13, 2012
sindyko: Hw can u announce it collectively to all nigerians? Or go to d mass media to air it, dat wil b d best way to pass it to all ears. GOD wil save nigeria.

god has different way of getting to his ppls...it realy not for every ear cos they wont believe,tink about it.why has the top pastors not said anything about it

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Super1759: 3:01pm On Oct 13, 2012
open my bible "on the last days...there shall be false prophets and teachers..."


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Kslib(m): 3:02pm On Oct 13, 2012
If the only condition God gave,was that Nigerians should turn away from evil,then i just have to say this "THAT EARTHQUAKE WILL HAPPEN" .. Most people will just laugh and continue their evil deeds.. I cant just imagine an EARTHQUAKE happening in Nigeria plus the problem we already have at hand.. That one go be double wahala for DEAD BODY..
Although,the earthquake might just mean a vey big disaster,not necessarily an earthquake....

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by ChrisGnarly: 3:03pm On Oct 13, 2012
matthew 7;15: baware of false prophets, which come to u in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16: ye shall no them by their fruits. also (mat 24:11). read heb 1;1down, read fist corint 13;8. plz my beloved brothers do not allow anybody to dcv u, all these things he is claiming that God told hm they hv been happening in d world, i rest my case.


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by pneumaticos(m): 3:03pm On Oct 13, 2012
Koko88: @OP- you need to go back to school and study geography. Earthquakes can't happen in Nigeria or anywhere in west Africa. And ur story about hurricane hitting Lagos is false. Do u know the meaning of hurricane? Abeg, I no fit shout! Stop taking overdose of cough syrup and try to eat something........Peace!

By the way, how come natural disasters are now being attributed to sin? Una dey very funny or maybe confused...

we all did geograhpy in school we know why we cannot have tsunami in naija and the likes of it...but if God says it..my guy dont doubt Him

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by laidback(m): 3:03pm On Oct 13, 2012
My brother, thank you very much. The bible says the wise see danger ahead and avoid it but the simple (foolish) go right on and are soon consumed. I just paraphrased the verse. A word is enough for the wise. I attend one of the more prominent Pentecostal churches in Nigeria, and I can tell you God is not happy with the whole country - starting with his house the church. There is a lot of misplaced priority and false prophecy there-in.

The whole world is experiencing birth pains - the flooding, the obscene amount of quakes and hurricanes, the threats of war and actual wars. They are ALL prophetic. People say the present flooding in Nigeria is about the Cameroonian dam, fine, but ask yourself why did the dam over-flow in the first place?

My friends now even call me a nut case (jokingly and seriously) because I've been warning about the end times. No wahala. Time shall tell. I may not have dreams and visions yet but I can see the handwriting on the wall. The warnings to America are even way more severe. Most people think the present threat in the middle east of imminent strike against Iran by Israel is just fodder for beer palour gist. Most haven't even sat down to seriously weigh the consequences of such an action or they are just too scared. Seriously you think a whole president, a Man with the intelligence and position of Ahmadinejad would just come to a whole UN general assembly every time and be ranting about a 12th Imam, global chaos, death to Israel and so on? People amaze me, the length we are willing to go to keep our heads buried in the sand.

People repent and turn back to God. This is not doom/gloom prophecy, nor is it another conspiracy nut case theory. It is what it is. There is a lot that happens in this world that goes unreported in the mainline news media, which you really ought to be aware of. Heaven and hell is real.

Some wise cracker in trying to prove himself/herself intelligent, exposed, avant-garde, would soon come here and start poking fun at this message as usual. Yet intelligence agencies (CIA, Mossad) and even recently, the Japanese parliament - the real been-there-done-that, with proven intelligence and clout frequently look to these happenings with the eyes of the prophetic. For instance, google Joel Rosenberg. He writes fiction based on BIBLICAL end-time prophecies. He's been invited by the CIA a number of times to help throw more light on these things. Even though they don't buy it hook, line and sinker, they're wise enough to notice the patterns and take it seriously.

Luke 21. Daniel 12:1


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Biggoozz: 3:05pm On Oct 13, 2012
To add to his revealation, hear this: God has has been answering the prayer of the rich man in hell (Luke 16), sending us people from the dead to warn us about the realities of heaven and hell!!! Just 2 Sundays ago, two of them were at my church to share terrifying experiences of what people go through for eternity in hell and the incomprehensible beauties of heaven. These guys are now being sent so often because Jesus knows the church is in comma and to letting people know what is about to hit them as the time is soooooooo out! You know why God's judgement is without mercy? He allows us to show responsibility, He is no Boko Haram that terrifies people to submission, but I tell you, if you see the most evil man in hell being punished, you will wonder how God is that merciless and yet seems weak in people's lifetime when they have the chance to change. Blessed are those that believe without seeing!!! I wash my hands.


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Nobody: 3:07pm On Oct 13, 2012
This OP is so ignorant of the dynamics of earthquakes. There can never be Earthquake in Nigeria. Go back to your elementary Geography and research on Tectonic Plates, San Andreas Fault and Seismic rhythms. Those low vibration energy beings that deceive you are actually domiciled in the Astral Plane of consciousness, just beyond the physical realm, do not believe them and do not call them God, cos you have power psychic opportunism to be greater than them. Its an insult to even be deceive by an energy being at Astral Plane. I wish its me that spirit come to reveal that shit for, I would have told him to fvck-off.

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by SamMilla1(m): 3:07pm On Oct 13, 2012
Another attention seeking goat.
I hope it starts from your compound.

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Nobody: 3:11pm On Oct 13, 2012
Victorisrael: smiley sad b/c the thauth of God toward us is good and not evil in other to meet an espected end I stand this day, this miniut and second 2 silent every thing that wil caus untimely death to God people in the name of God the fathe the son and the holy spirit AMEN.add AMEN To that prayer by clicking "like'

This your prayer I sense is out of fear, I won't click on the like button, or don't you want to go to Heaven ?

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by 1stknight(m): 3:11pm On Oct 13, 2012
Wetin make we do now? Joseph the dreamer, make we pack go Ghana?

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Beync(f): 3:13pm On Oct 13, 2012
op this god that makes you to see these visions, is it the same God who revealed the feature to the faithful men of old? Do you know why I ask you? God is a straight foward God who cannot throw his people into confusion. God revealed exactly any calamity that would befall the wicked ones, where names and places need to be mention, he mentioned names and places thru his prophets no matter how highly placed, Gods prophets warned the people and did not mince word when revealing what they see in the visions. At the same time, the old prophets gave directives as to what Gods Faithful servant should do so as not to be affected by what is going to befall the wicked ones. But in contrast today, someone would say he saw a vision, and you ask who and where exactly is this going to happen like this earthquake you talk about, only for you to say you don't know. You people should stop mocking yourselves already. We know all these happenings are signs that we are living in the last days. We are not shek or quiver when we see them because all has been prophesied in the bible. these things must surely happen and we are happy we are drawing close to end of this system of things which will usher in the new system we earnestly look to .

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Englishteacher: 3:15pm On Oct 13, 2012
Victorisrael: smiley sad b/c the thauth of God toward us is good and not evil in other to meet an espected end I stand this day, this miniut and second 2 silent every thing that wil caus untimely death to God people in the name of God the fathe the son and the holy spirit AMEN.add AMEN To that prayer by clicking "like'

Your spelling is pathetic.
"Minute,thoughts...are routine words that shouldn't pose a spelling problem!
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by jeezybuck: 3:17pm On Oct 13, 2012
Attention seeker na God go punish you. Na your belle hurricane go attack. You have never seen a good vision for Nigeria, I think you are cursed. Go to church

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by buchibabe: 3:18pm On Oct 13, 2012
Well if dis is true,den may God take control
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Kslib(m): 3:19pm On Oct 13, 2012
Why are some peeps on this thread trying to potray the op as false a prophet.It's so funny how people claim to understand the bible,while in the real sense,they know nada. I am not in any way trying to say i know the bible more than anybody on this thread,but from the little i know,and from common sense,quoting bible scriptures and warning people against false prophets based on the op's vision doesn't make sense or even relate to the topic at hand..
ok lets assume he is a false prophet,what does he stand to gain?
Will a false prophet show concern and try to warn you based on what he saw?
Will a false prophet tell you to turn away from your evil deeds and embrace God?
Did the op ask for any offering or donation?
Did the op give any false teaching that contradicts the word of God?
Well,everyone has his/her own opinion,and this is mine....


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by honeric01(m): 3:21pm On Oct 13, 2012
I on my own have been reading alot about the end time, things happening right now aren't new per say but they are just too "related" to how the bible described the end time happenings.

Like play like play, it's drawing nearer, the days are getting too fast and the warning is everywhere. do not let the "enjoyments" of this world blind you.

Read the book of Daniel
Read Isaiah
Read Hosea
Read Revelation



Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by dhanmccoy: 3:22pm On Oct 13, 2012

god has different way of getting to his ppls...it realy not for every ear cos they wont believe,tink about it.why has the top pastors not said anything about it
Are you for real? It is not for every ear? I thought the message was for Nigerians as a whole. How can a message of repentance be for the 'saints' and not the sinners?
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by muchbeauty(f): 3:22pm On Oct 13, 2012
If someone shares a prophecy, you are not to say if it is the truth or not. I came across a video on youtube of a prophet, who said the same thing.he doesn't even look nigerian. Most of you want proof?
Come on pple?


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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by boron10(m): 3:22pm On Oct 13, 2012
Wait o, something keeps baffling me about this country, we have more churches, more religious fanatics, more pastors, more prophets and more seers than any other countries of this world, yet we have more problems. Is it that Nigerians are more talented when it comes to manipulating the bible? lipsrsealed


Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by ikdpal(m): 3:23pm On Oct 13, 2012
ppl dont say d 2rth about d state of this nation cos am not moved by u being sentimental in ur call 4 repentanc...i met 2 guys who want naija submergd as d only way to alleviate suffering.so dnt worry, its long overdue let d politicians,d rich travel wth their wealths 2 heaven...we welcom it.
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by gosj(m): 3:23pm On Oct 13, 2012
semasir: Continue with your vision and wait till it shall happen in your compound. Did you not read that God speaks to us now thru His son and not in visions or dreams? False Prophet!!
Plz U̶̲̥̅̊ aя̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ quoting d̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅Ʈ sripture out of context Sir!
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by acidtalk: 3:24pm On Oct 13, 2012
This are the events to happen in Nigeria and around the world before the end of this year.

Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Zenanted(m): 3:25pm On Oct 13, 2012
wat do we do 2 avert it then?
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by buchibabe: 3:31pm On Oct 13, 2012
Most of u here,its because of pple like u dat God sends such calamities to close dt ur gutter mouths because of d way u run ur mouths and spit nonsense.
If u dnt believe,fine,bt pls stop insulting n using swear words. Afterall God can use anybody to speak for him

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Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by Skynet247(m): 3:32pm On Oct 13, 2012
Billyonaire: This OP is so ignorant of the dynamics of earthquakes. There can never be Earthquake in Nigeria. Go back to your elementary Geography and research on Tectonic Plates, San Andreas Fault and Seismic rhythms. Those low vibration energy beings that deceive you are actually domiciled in the Astral Plane of consciousness, just beyond the physical realm, do not believe them and do not call them God, cos you have power psychic opportunism to be greater than them. Its an insult to even be deceive by an energy being at Astral Plane. I wish its me that spirit come to reveal that shit for, I would have told him to fvck-off.
... Guy,let me ask u a question... When last did flooding happened in nigeria,as worse as the recent one?
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by PWEETYWIZZY(f): 3:41pm On Oct 13, 2012
May God help us
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by mikron(m): 3:43pm On Oct 13, 2012
GOD FORBID. sleep and see ur vision again. no be Nigeria you see
Re: Visions Of EARTHQUAKE Coming To Nigeria. by phaya(f): 3:43pm On Oct 13, 2012
Before we knew it now, you will open your own church and start making money but wait until then before you tell them you fairy tale dream


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