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The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by Jarus(m): 2:24pm On Nov 18, 2012
DailyNews: that's the bitter truth; majority of the successful men u see today either in d entertainment, oil n gas, investment, banking, politics, etc sectors never had a date while in school...they are always ignored by women wen it comes to romance but as years rolled by, they became d apple of every womans eyes n every Nigerian womans heartthrob!
True for me, but I don't agree it's the rule.

A lady that turned me down in my final year(she was 2 years my junior) was practically begging me couple of years later when I started working(and she was still in school).
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by pauloman(m): 2:26pm On Nov 18, 2012
lipsyliscious: jeez! Creeps lyk u should try n visit an optometrist! Cos u're obviously blind! I'm trying 2 tell d op dat pick up lines won't work 4 a hot chick especially since a lot of guys are clamouring 4 her attention. Walking up 2 her n trying 2 chat her up would make her tink he's lyk d rest. Its a university community 4 christ sake,even the 'not so hot' girls get toasted a lot. Mtcheww... @ op try making ur meeting her look natural n coincidental. Since u're not in d same level u may not have sumtin 2 strike a convo bt look 4 sumtin. Don't walk up 2 her n make a fool of urself. Dere are so many ways of talking 2 her without making it looked planned n making an impression. Goodluck with wateva u come up with

@ Op @ lipsy is very correct ! The said gal would have experienced all manner of toasting and wooing so for you to make any impression you have to be very creative,natural and come off as different. Being creative can come to play when your study her uniqueness from a distance. This is only what can give you an edge above all others and make you stand out. Let me give you a scenerio....if she has a religious life on campus ,you could go through her fellowship to get to make her your friend first then get closer to your goal. But remember the key is to make her your friend first before you take things up a notch. Best of luck !
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by 2sexy(m): 2:38pm On Nov 18, 2012

This is game.
suspense! grin
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by afoo02(m): 2:57pm On Nov 18, 2012
chronique: Simple. Wave her once or twice & say hi... Pick a day to confidently walk up to her,complement her & tell her you'd like to know her better & probably become friends with her. Dont ask her out from the onset cos it might spoil ur chances... Be urself & dont attempt rehearsed lines cos it could mess u up if u forget ur lines. Take it nice & slow & you'll be home in no time.
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by GeneralGaricks: 3:02pm On Nov 18, 2012
jaidor: I am throwing this question out to all the love gurus or love doctors in the hood....

There is a girl in my sch (a uni) which I so much desire, but have'nt talk with her for once...cos the oppurtunity has'nt show up yet. I've only been seeing around 1nce in a while. n she is soo pretty dat every guy wants her.

How am I suppose to go about it? i think i shud make it faster cos of some other "sharp guys" out there.

Maybe I shud add that there are 2yrs academic intervals btw us...n i am d senior

I won't mind if can get some perfect 'Lines' that'll melt her heart.

Which school is that so that i will know what will suit your request?

There will always be a wonderful girl in skul even during my own time. She was the one after me but i had no single liver.
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by lipsyliscious: 3:02pm On Nov 18, 2012
@op u've gotten d best advice 'face ur books',most campus relationships end @ d gate! Anyway dis is kinda right bt u guys saying dis should pls remember pple have a social life,as far as d relationship is not a distraction 2 his primary goal in skul den dere's no harm in it. Have fun n roll with d trend,don't just go thru skul,let skul go thru u. Don't just place any skul relationship above u n ur studies. @ op I'm pretty sure if u had a ride n a posh room @ skul u won't b asking all dis questions,na money dey do u,lol, anyway goodluck with ur wooing technique dere are so many here
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by GeneralGaricks: 3:05pm On Nov 18, 2012

'Pretence' is a total turn-off for me sha

ehen babe, what turns you on
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by temitemi1(m): 3:08pm On Nov 18, 2012
Jst be urself
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by GeneralGaricks: 3:09pm On Nov 18, 2012
Exponental: Some words posted 4 u to use may not be suitable, just have a good courtesy while u approach with some complimentary words. Dont fake anything, be real while u try being a friend.

What if when he gets there, saliva just finish for him mouth, the blood vessels pumping blood to his brain stops working and my guy says ''hey babe'', the girls says ''yes''. My guy: sorry, i am looking for engineering faculty.

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Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by Nobody: 3:14pm On Nov 18, 2012
lipsyliscious: @op u've gotten d best advice 'face ur books',most campus relationships end @ d gate! Anyway dis is kinda right bt u guys saying dis should pls remember pple have a social life,as far as d relationship is not a distraction 2 his primary goal in skul den dere's no harm in it. Have fun n roll with d trend,don't just go thru skul,let skul go thru u. Don't just place any skul relationship above u n ur studies. @ op I'm pretty sure if u had a ride n a posh room @ skul u won't b asking all dis questions,na money dey do u,lol, anyway goodluck with ur wooing technique dere are so many here
hilarious, lol...this backs up my earlier comments, tnk goodness its coming from a Nigerian lady...so peepz learn from dis honest advice coming from one of d horses mouth, lol
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by onechance(m): 3:20pm On Nov 18, 2012
@ op what worked for them might not work for you,if any girl turn you down or reject you its their lose. IMO approach her and strike up a conversation if she turns you down go after her friend it will make green with envy. True story
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by onechance(m): 3:20pm On Nov 18, 2012
@ op what worked for them might not work for you,if any girl turn you down or reject you its their lose. IMO approach her and strike up a conversation if she turns you down go after her friend it will make her green with envy. True story
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by barikono(m): 3:34pm On Nov 18, 2012
Funny question, at this 21cuntury generation. passing by
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by Nobody: 3:35pm On Nov 18, 2012
scantee: @op since u said the chick is hot and got loads of chykers and admires on daily basis, needless you walking up to her to ask her out, bcs she will categorize you as one of those..., al u have to do is jst try get her name frm somone dat is not close to her, dat she dnt knw, then ur good to go, e.g whn you see her jst say "Juliet how ar u? Pls dnt stop while u greeted her keep on moving, dat wil kept her wondering who u are and how u get to knw her name, she wil likely to ask her frnds if they knw u, since both of u ar nt in the same department or the same level, she wil keep on thinking that u might knw her wella even knw her family. Then she wil start making move to knw who you are, next time u see her jst say " julliet how 2day na? Remember dnt stop kep moving... (note it wil be an added advantage if u can be able to get the name which she dnt ans in the school, may be her native name or the name she is been cald at home) at this point she wil be al over u believing that there is smting u might knw abt her. Possible she might have some family background screet which she might not want it to be exposed, in that case she want to knw who u are, keep on beign frnd to her in that manner, one day she wil definetely cal u to ask who u are, let assume she met u and ask "hello sorry excuse me pls who are u? I mean do u knw me? Jst smile and say yap sure, nw ask her with laugh wait a min u mean u dont knw me? Julliet nawa for u o, she wil be confused jst loking at u and thinking, doing some flash back, while she on it, tel her well ur rushing to smwhere nw maybe one of these days whn ur free u wil remind her, dnt ask her numb pls. Walk away, and pls try avoid meeting her @ d same pls as often, so dat it wil nt look planed game. Try to meet her in difrent location, Now u hav gained ground smal dat she wil listen to u wella whn disccusing wit her, next time u see her, she wil be the first to say hi, bcs nw u have information she is anxious to knw, she wil nw tel u, pls nw tel me, u said u knws me where? then tel her lets find smwhere around to sit while u tel her. Take her to gud restuarant around and jst offer her a soft drink. Guy ur a winner nw. Jst kept her suspense, dnt tel her anytin yet, jst asking her abt her study and the stress in the skul and so on. While she is telling u....cut in and complement her look... Bla bla bla and so on, nw she has no choice bcs she is familiar to u nw, make sure u make her laugh while u guys ar discusn. Nw she found ur companionship attractive. Gud luck man.

Bros this ur calculation too Long oo
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by Nextworldnx(m): 3:42pm On Nov 18, 2012
Adeks: @Op. i've never dated a girl on a 'yes' or 'no' basis because i just see it as being childish. All i have to do wit a girl i like is be friends with her and be myself @ all times. My advice, just find a way of being friends with her, be clean, have a good breath, dress well and try to know d tins she likes. If u're gonna have a chance, she'll send out vibes, just be sure to recognize it. good luck

Perfect, @ OP, this is d best advice u will need to survive in dis game, not just with her but with girls generally. Who wants to get a "YES" or "NO" this days? Its old school and besides its a turn-off for our present girls and u are gonna wait forever to get ur precious "YES" or "NO".
Let me tell u, Girls love to flirt with as many guys as possible(dsame way guys flirt), So her saying YES to u means Locking her up in ur prison without freedom. And trust me, most girls these days don't want that(esp when u are not Tuface or Mr. Nigeria).
I always move with one principle when dealing with Girls, which is- "I may have her, or I may not". U see its 50:50. There are no guarantees that any style or idea given here will work. So, I will just be myself, then become "close to" her. Notice "close to" and not "Friends" (trust me, u don't wanna end up in the "friend zone"wink. When I get that close, I start throwing vibes(swagger, care, trips, space, blattant wooing without fear or apologies, "I can live without u" gestures) at her, I watch for her reactions. If she throws back an " equal and opposite reaction(vibes,
Greenlights), then I slam her. If not, I let her be.
I will never, I repeat never beg a girl for friendship, relationship or Sex.

Women are funny creatures, a rich pretty lady might date a rich or poor man, a short lady might date a tall or short Guy, a fair lady might date a black or fair Guy. U neva can tell their preference at a particular time...... So what do I do?



Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by Nobody: 4:00pm On Nov 18, 2012
Try this. Plus study/research her. It should work. It may not guarantee her acceptance, but will surely guarantee familiarity.

During my searching, I once researched a lady to the extent that when we got talking later, she was surprised I knew so much about her in such short time.

bros, oyibos call that stalking wink
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by lemon111(m): 4:01pm On Nov 18, 2012
Me: "What are you doing next week Friday?"

Most ladies: "Are you asking me out?"

Me: "Yes"

Simple, direct, and straight to the point. cool
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by Vongs(m): 4:08pm On Nov 18, 2012
nikkyshyne: Simple.

Babe, I gbadun your style. Anytime I see you, my heart goes jigijigi. Can I be the only gecko on your wall? The only cockroach in your wardrobe?? Babe, give me this chance kiss
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by baggy4luv(m): 4:12pm On Nov 18, 2012
candieangel12: Damn. I guess its safe to assume that a lot of the guys on NL have no game.

OP, you need to woo this girl. What makes you different/better than the other guys? Why should she go out on a date with you? If she is as beautiful as you make her sound, then she's prolly getting approached by many guys, so you cant just use some kinda dumb pickup line or formula if you rlly want her to give you the time of day. Ya gotta show her that she wont be wasting her time going out on a date with ya. So like I said woo the babe.
ur anus deserves pepper spray
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by scantee(m): 4:14pm On Nov 18, 2012
@j12. Lol frm game na it turn to reality o
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by scantee(m): 4:23pm On Nov 18, 2012
@sexy. Ya the suspense tin makes her want u more o @Johnwizzx. The babe in question here has alot of chykers, lets assume she playing hard to get, or she is the type that dnt give a guy time tell her al the stufs u got. Then dats the best way to make her looks for u.
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by scantee(m): 4:24pm On Nov 18, 2012
@sexy. Ya the suspense tin makes her want u more o @Johnwizzx. The babe in question here has alot of chykers, lets assume she is playing hard to get, or she is the type that dnt give a guy time to tell her al the stufs u got. Then dats the best way to make her looks for u.
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by adonis019(m): 4:26pm On Nov 18, 2012
Think you getting your pronouns mixed up undecided

Thanks hun ose modupe
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by hustla(m): 4:59pm On Nov 18, 2012
lipsyliscious: I laugh in Spanish! @ op don't try some tinz here oh! D girl is a hot catch 4rm wat u said n dis definitely won't work. I'm in skul n I know how many guys ask 4 my name,numba n pin evryday. I'm just exasperated by d whole tin. I'll just tell u straight 'it takes 2 2 tangle' n I'm not gonna tangle with u,I'm interested so pls let me b n if I'm in an effervescent mood,I'll give u a fake name n numba so u don't bug me. Sometimes I'll let u talk till I get 2 my destination n simply say thanks 4 d company. If I'm in a restaurant wen u start,I'll just pick up my food n switch tables. Of course I don't always do dis,bt dis is wat u're lykly 2 get if u start lyk dat

Na dis kain girls dey stra.ff pass...girls like u dm and mention wizkid all day long..if someone good looking and presentable comes along,u jus fall like a pack of cards..
Guess u've been meeting woosies in school,probably laspotech or all dose very random polytechnics..better go marry,ur mates do same err saturday,dey dia dey form

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Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by hustla(m): 5:05pm On Nov 18, 2012

Perfect, @ OP, this is d best advice u will need to survive in dis game, not just with her but with girls generally. Who wants to get a "YES" or "NO" this days? Its old school and besides its a turn-off for our present girls and u are gonna wait forever to get ur precious "YES" or "NO".
Let me tell u, Girls love to flirt with as many guys as possible(dsame way guys flirt), So her saying YES to u means Locking her up in ur prison without freedom. And trust me, most girls these days don't want that(esp when u are not Tuface or Mr. Nigeria).
I always move with one principle when dealing with Girls, which is- "I may have her, or I may not". U see its 50:50. There are no guarantees that any style or idea given here will work. So, I will just be myself, then become "close to" her. Notice "close to" and not "Friends" (trust me, u don't wanna end up in the "friend zone"wink. When I get that close, I start throwing vibes(swagger, care, trips, space, blattant wooing without fear or apologies, "I can live without u" gestures) at her, I watch for her reactions. If she throws back an " equal and opposite reaction(vibes,
Greenlights), then I slam her. If not, I let her be.
I will never, I repeat never beg a girl for friendship, relationship or Sex.

Women are funny creatures, a rich pretty lady might date a rich or poor man, a short lady might date a tall or short Guy, a fair lady might date a black or fair Guy. U neva can tell their preference at a particular time...... So what do I do?


This guy NAILED it!! In own pass soldiers wey nail Jesus! Especially this part----» I will just be myself, then become "close to" her. Notice "close to" and not "Friends" (trust me, u don't wanna end up in the "friend zone"wink
@OP just do what this guy said,still working for me.. Be careful about that friend zone tho',if ever u end there,make sure its with BENEFITS!
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by dayokanu(m): 5:25pm On Nov 18, 2012
If you bring money I fit help you with Touch and follow ring.
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by ghettodreamz(m): 5:28pm On Nov 18, 2012
Hmmmmm.. *mouthSealed*

Hahahahahahaahah... Mouth opened.. @OP... Money, Packaging & Ilefo lo sure ju or better still if you are mobile... Bliv me, you don't have to worry about wooing a lady if you possesses all of the aforelisted,instead you would have them plenty wanting you so bad.

However, to sure yourself from the embarrassment of being turned down, focus on acada,develop yourself, pursue your dreams and strive real hard to become successful at whatever your hand finds to do.

It's all about being successful, when you are MADE, girls of all calibres would definitely want to have you in their lives by then, it would be your turn to do or display some 'Yanga' (Self-esteem). grin grin grin
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by ghettodreamz(m): 5:35pm On Nov 18, 2012
dayokanu: If you bring money I fit help you with Touch and follow ring.

Na wa ooooo.. Chai! Are you for real or kidding? 'Amu do' for goodness sake? BTW, I think the OP had developed some feelings for the said girl, and doesn't mean he only wanted a night stand with her, but a relationship. How could you have suggested such a thing? I bet, you must be joking anyway.
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by Mightyify(m): 5:39pm On Nov 18, 2012
unsuccessful men are busy chasing women while women are busy chasing successful men
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by Nobody: 5:47pm On Nov 18, 2012
dayokanu: If you bring money I fit help you with Touch and follow ring.

LMAO. Guy, do you know that you're a clown?
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by controlseven: 5:48pm On Nov 18, 2012
Go on Bended Knees and then Cry a River! That is the only way she'll confirm u're truly in love......Goodluck cry cry baby!
Re: The Best And Practicable Way To Ask A Girl Out? by myike2(m): 6:04pm On Nov 18, 2012
lipsyliscious: I laugh in Spanish! @ op don't try some tinz here oh! D girl is a hot catch 4rm wat u said n dis definitely won't work. I'm in skul n I know how many guys ask 4 my name,numba n pin evryday. I'm just exasperated by d whole tin. I'll just tell u straight 'it takes 2 2 tangle' n I'm not gonna tangle with u,I'm interested so pls let me b n if I'm in an effervescent mood,I'll give u a fake name n numba so u don't bug me. Sometimes I'll let u talk till I get 2 my destination n simply say thanks 4 d company. If I'm in a restaurant wen u start,I'll just pick up my food n switch tables. Of course I don't always do dis,bt dis is wat u're lykly 2 get if u start lyk dat
lipsyliscious, I like your type of person already, after reading your post. For real, can I please have your pin?

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