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Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? - Family (12) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by adabeke12(f): 4:25am On Mar 25, 2013
obowunmi: you seem like a heart breaker? cry cry

u cause am
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by obowunmi(m): 4:34am On Mar 25, 2013
how? you want to control me and don't want me top talk to other women abi? but you cannot control the actions of a fine boy?
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by adabeke12(f): 4:41am On Mar 25, 2013
obowunmi: how? you want to control me and don't want me top talk to other women abi? but you cannot control the actions of a fine boy?

what do u mean i cant control the actions of a fine boy. if u want to talk to other women u r free to do so. i am not stopping u darling wink. u just cant flirt with me datz all... u have to keep it casual

and no i do not want to control u
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by obowunmi(m): 4:45am On Mar 25, 2013
I guess we are breaking up. If you want that... its fine with me. wink wink
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by adabeke12(f): 4:53am On Mar 25, 2013
obowunmi: I guess we are breaking up. If you want that... its fine with me. wink wink

we never dated lipsrsealed
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by obowunmi(m): 5:03am On Mar 25, 2013

we never dated lipsrsealed

Now you are denying me?? shocked shocked shocked
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by adabeke12(f): 5:11am On Mar 25, 2013

Now you are denying me?? shocked shocked shocked

nah, only stating the truth
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by obowunmi(m): 5:16am On Mar 25, 2013
Do you boo! Cheers. wink wink
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by adabeke12(f): 5:21am On Mar 25, 2013
obowunmi: Do you boo! Cheers. wink wink

alright darling... bye smiley
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by Mayflowa(m): 6:48am On Mar 25, 2013

alright darling... bye smiley

Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by Nobody: 6:13pm On Mar 25, 2013

Nope. I dont look for men, men come nd look for me
Adabekee! AdaGermani
Nne, I di uto!
Me I don dey look for you oH!
Hope you are the one in that DP.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by idontgiveafuck(f): 9:42pm On Mar 25, 2013
Adabekee! AdaGermani
Nne, I di uto!
Me I don dey look for you oH!
Hope you are the one in that DP.

yes it is me.
thanks for the compliment smiley
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by otele(m): 10:02pm On Mar 25, 2013
Adabekee! AdaGermani
Nne, I di uto!
Me I don dey look for you oH!
Hope you are the one in that DP.
ehm, i ga eme cool down first.
anyi nu here since 5yrs still waiting for adabekee to say yes cool
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by idontgiveafuck(f): 10:04pm On Mar 25, 2013
ehm, i ga eme cool down first.
anyi nu here since 5yrs still waiting for adabekee to say yes cool

Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by otele(m): 10:07pm On Mar 25, 2013

anyi choro Y-E-S not L-O-L

ada i cant think again since that your profile photo. can't sleep, can't think. if you dont love me, I WILL DIE!!! cry
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by idontgiveafuck(f): 10:09pm On Mar 25, 2013
anyi choro Y-E-S not L-O-L

ada i cant think again since that your profile photo. can't sleep, can't think. if you dont love me, I WILL DIE!!! cry

hmmm nna jiri ya wayo oh. i will think abt it
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by otele(m): 10:14pm On Mar 25, 2013

hmmm nna jiri ya wayo oh. i will think abt it
Adabekee biko mere nwanne gi nwoke ebere, oji m na njo. cheesy
mee osiso. m ga agbadata america unu ahu now ma m nweta ego ticket, ka m bi hu adabekee m smiley
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by idontgiveafuck(f): 10:16pm On Mar 25, 2013
Adabekee biko mere nwanne gi nwoke ebere, oji m na njo. cheesy
mee osiso. m ga agbadata america unu ahu now ma m nweta ego ticket, ka m bi hu adabekee m smiley

ok until then smiley
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by ucnduka(f): 1:19am On Mar 26, 2013
I think the reason why Nigerians are obessed with marriage is this, for a long time marriage was relatively the only instituition that was working in Nigeria until recently when it started failing. Many Nigerians believe marriage is the cure to alot of issues e.g. If as a young girl you don't have a job yet,u are advised to get married to solve your economic problem; if you are depressed, you are told to get married cos you'll be happy somehow;if there's a wayward brother or uncle in d family,he his advised to get married so that he can change his ways; infact if you are a christain that its unserious with church,it is believed that when u get married u'ld become serious...yes,in Nigeria, marriage is d answer to every young person's problem thats why they are obsessed with it.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by idontgiveafuck(f): 2:24am On Mar 26, 2013
uc nduka: I think the reason why Nigerians are obessed with marriage is this, for a long time marriage was relatively the only instituition that was working in Nigeria until recently when it started failing. Many Nigerians believe marriage is the cure to alot of issues e.g. If as a young girl you don't have a job yet,u are advised to get married to solve your economic problem; if you are depressed, you are told to get married cos you'll be happy somehow;if there's a wayward brother or uncle in d family,he his advised to get married so that he can change his ways; infact if you are a christain that its unserious with church,it is believed that when u get married u'ld become serious...yes,in Nigeria, marriage is d answer to every young person's problem thats why they are obsessed with it.

my sista dat wan na serious wahala oh. I personally think it is wrong to get married because of personal problems.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by biolabee(m): 3:22am On Mar 26, 2013
uc nduka: I think the reason why Nigerians are obessed with marriage is this, for a long time marriage was relatively the only instituition that was working in Nigeria until recently when it started failing. Many Nigerians believe marriage is the cure to alot of issues e.g. If as a young girl you don't have a job yet,u are advised to get married to solve your economic problem; if you are depressed, you are told to get married cos you'll be happy somehow;if there's a wayward brother or uncle in d family,he his advised to get married so that he can change his ways; infact if you are a christain that its unserious with church,it is believed that when u get married u'ld become serious...yes,in Nigeria, marriage is d answer to every young person's problem thats why they are obsessed with it.

So is it only Nigeria that people marry for the afore mentioned reasons

Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by idontgiveafuck(f): 3:27am On Mar 26, 2013

So is it only Nigeria that people marry for the afore mentioned reasons


some people don't know how to mind their business...damn
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by baby124: 3:43am On Mar 26, 2013

Nice one @Adabeke12. Lmao wink. That biolabee has lost his mind. The childish pr*ick instigating fights for his small ego viewing pleasure. He and his mother are lunatics. Idio*t. Nothing makes sense to him but the noise in his head. If you argue with him and try to make a point you are only wasting your time. He will come up with strange monikers to insult you. Multiple personality nitwit. Carrying hurt ego from the female slashing thread.hahahaha. Me and byvan are lunatics abi? Werey ara galatia. Jobless thing. Na wa o. The way people carry NL on their heads. Jobless guy!
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by biolabee(m): 4:00am On Mar 26, 2013
That xx has lost his mind. The childish pr*ick instigating fights for his small ego viewing pleasure. He and his mother are lunatics. Idio*t. . Multiple personality nitwit. Carrying hurt ego from the female slashing thread.hahahaha. ? Werey ara galatia. Jobless thing. Na wa o.

back at u
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by idontgiveafuck(f): 4:32am On Mar 26, 2013
baby_123: Rotflmao

Nice one @Adabeke12. Lmao wink. That biolabee has lost his mind. The childish pr*ick instigating fights for his small ego viewing pleasure. He and his mother are lunatics. Idio*t. Nothing makes sense to him but the noise in his head. If you argue with him and try to make a point you are only wasting your time. He will come up with strange monikers to insult you. Multiple personality nitwit. Carrying hurt ego from the female slashing thread.hahahaha. Me and byvan are lunatics abi? Werey ara galatia. Jobless thing. Na wa o. The way people carry NL on their heads. Jobless guy!

babe i don tire for the guy oh!!!!lmaoooooooooooooooooo. e be like say him dey obsses oh, dat has to be the reason. he no gree at all, instead of him to disagree respectively he con use elementary school style con dey hamma pesin. chaii. e be like say him and other fellow nairalanders alike like pessimism. you can barely see someone giving constructive criticism or even given a respective opinion na so so curse and anger full their mouth and hearts. bad belle ppl to full this place babez oh. he just happen to b one of them.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by Nobody: 5:31am On Mar 26, 2013
ehm, i ga eme cool down first.
anyi nu here since 5yrs still waiting for adabekee to say yes cool
Nna, asi na a na agba ngada were a pi nri dimkpa!
Keep trying, the chick fine, no be small at all! mana Obasi bi na igwe ga eme ebere ka m nye goal tupu iteta na ula!
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by Nobody: 5:40am On Mar 26, 2013

yes it is me.
thanks for the compliment smiley

Nneoma keduzi kwanu ka i ga esi tuharia from Adabekee jebe I dontgiveafuck.
I mana o bu Najiria ka anyi si, o nwere ndi amachaghi ihe!
Biko mee afa gi Adabekee2 ka ya na mama gi were jikoro aka na eje na udo.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by Nobody: 6:02am On Mar 26, 2013
(Clears throat!) back to business!
Ada this thing you said is so true!
The girls get under such pressure that when they are close to thirty their worlds begin to crumble!
I keep wondering if its not better for a lady to stay single than rush into marriage with a dumb ass man that will make the rest of your life miserable.
In Nigeria getting married is one kind big achievement o!

Baby on the other hand smiley
Hope you are not yet married?
Ada nke gi, o bu Adaobi, Adamma, Adanna, Adanne, Adaure ka obu Adaora.
Hope not Adaora, ever since one tried to quench my heart back in school, I swore never to go chasing any Adaora.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by ucnduka(f): 6:42am On Mar 26, 2013

So is it only Nigeria that people marry for the afore mentioned reasons

The question was asked about Nigerians... if it was abt why people generally were obsessed with marriage,I wldn't even mention Nigeria. SMH for you too....
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by ucnduka(f): 6:45am On Mar 26, 2013

my sista dat wan na serious wahala oh. I personally think it is wrong to get married because of personal problems.
Na real serious wahala,people just get married for a whole lot of reasons...from the right reason to the dumbest of reasons...its pathetic!
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by Hysteria: 6:52am On Mar 26, 2013
not in this day and age. I think being self fufilled is a lot more important.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Obsess With Marriage Sef? by Pataki: 8:00am On Mar 28, 2013
The grammatical structure of any thread gives absolute credence to the IQ of the OP.

Unfortunately, this topic is absolutely dead on arrival. The OP apparently has nothing substantial upstairs to warrant an intellectual discourse.

No pun intended.

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