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The African Phenotype Diversity Thread - Culture - Nairaland

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The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 5:45pm On May 13, 2013

Watsup my Nairaland brothers and sisters. First I want to note that this is NOT A BEAUTY THREAD. AGAIN THIS IS NOT A BEAUTY THREAD!


This thread is not only to celebrate the great African diversity, but to show people just how diverse African are...Most people believe Africans have only ONE look and that they cannot vary in looks. I have decided to make this thread because many people think like that. Many people think that there is only one TRUE African look or the 'True Negroid'. But is there a 'True Caucasoid'? Do you see the double standard? European can have many different looks, but the African people can't? Africans are the oldest people on this planet and from picture I posted, the continent of Africa is bigger than most countries and continents. So of course Africans will vary in looks, but of course people are denial of this. Even other people of African descent are ignorant about this.

Now I am not denying that certain looks can be due to mixture. I am not denying that at all. I know some African populations have admixture with non Africans. But to say the African diversity is SOLELY due to mixture with outside people is incorrect. It should be known that different environments, diets, climates,etc due in fact play a role in the diversity of different phenotype.

Again African is a continent with many climates/environments.

Africa is also the only continent with two temperate zones...

Again it shouldn't be surprised that Africans are the most diverse, since its been proven that they are the oldest human beings(homo sapiens).

Also it should be noted that light skinned or lighter toned(not to be confused with pale skin) Africans have been present all throughour the history of movement of peoples within the continent pre European incursions and the adaptations/mutations are already prevalent in people of African descent as a consequence of melanin deficiencies which cause the hair, the eyes and the skin color to loose pigmentation( this is not albinism by the way which is an extreme form of this mutation). This has been attributed to possible diet patterns or breeding patterns. Loose hair, curly hair, light skin, narrow noses or lighter hair are all native to Africa... This has already been proven.

Different region/climates around Africa, the people have different looks. But most still have a tropical body plan/hot adapted even in north Africa.

Again it should be noted that wavy/loose hair(not be to confused with European type hair), narrow noses, lighter toned skin evolved in certain parts of Africa.


Different features among Africans,
particularly EAST AFRICANS, like
narrow noses are not due to different
"race" mixes but are part of the built-in
physical diversity and variation of
African peoples.
Narrow noses appear in
the oldest African populations for
example, in Kenya's Gamble Cave
complex. East Africans like Somalians or
Kenyans do not need any outside race
"mix" or migration to make them look
the way they do.

".. all their features can be found in
several living populations of East Africa,
like the Tutsi of Rwanda and Burundi,
who are very dark skinned and differ
greatly from Europeans in a number of
body proportions.. There is every reason
to believe that they are ancestral to the
living 'Elongated East Africans'. Neither
of these populations, fossil and modern,
should be considered to be closely
related to the populations of Europe and
western Asia.. In skin colour, the Tutsi
are darker than the Hutu, in the reverse
direction to that leading to the
caucasoids. Lip thickness provides a
similar case: on an average the lips of the
Tutsi are thicker than those of the Hutu."
[Jean Hiernaux, The People of Africa
(1975), pgs 42-43, 62-63)

"In sub-Saharan Africa, many
anthropological characters show a wide
range of population means or
frequencies. In some of them, the whole
world range is covered in the
sub-continent. Here live the shortest and
the tallest human populations, the one
with the highest and the one with the
lowest nose, the one with the thickest
and the one with the thinnest lips in the
world. In this area, the range of the
average nose widths covers 92 per cent
of the world range: only a narrow range
of extremely low means are absent from
the African record. Means for head
diameters cover about 80 per cent of the
world range; 60 per cent is the
corresponding value for a variable once
cherished by physical anthropologists,
the cephalic index, or ratio of the head
width to head length expressed as a
- Jean Hiernaux, "The People of Africa"
1975 p.53, 54

"....inhabitants of East Africa right on the
equator have appreciably longer,
narrower, and higher noses than people
in the Congo at the same latitude.
former generation of anthropologists
used to explain this paradox by invoking
an invasion by an itinerant "white"
population from the Mediterranean area,
although this solution raised more
problems than it solved since the East
Africans in question include some of the
blackest people in the world with
characteristically wooly hair and a body
build unique among the world's
populations for its extreme linearity and
... The relatively long noses of
East Africa become explicable then when
one realizes that much of the area is
extremely dry for parts of the year."
Loring Brace, "Nonracial Approach
Towards Human Diversity," cited in The
Concept of Race, Edited by Ashley
Montagu, The Free Press, 1980, pp.
135-136, 138)

"The role of tall, linearly built
populations in eastern Africa's prehistory
has always been debated. Traditionally,
they are viewed as late migrants into the
area. But as there is better
palaeoanthropological and linguistic
documentation for the earlier presence of
these populations than for any other
group in eastern Africa, it is far more
likely that they are indigenous eastern
Africans. ... prehistoric linear populations
show resemblances to both Upper
Pleistocene eastern African fossils and
present-day, non-Bantu-speaking groups
in eastern Africa
, with minor differences
stemming from changes in overall
robusticity of the dentition and skeleton.
This suggests a longstanding tradition of
linear populations in eastern Africa,
contributing to the indigenous
development of cultural and biological
diversity from the Pleistocene up to the
(L . A . SCHEPARTZ, "Who were the
later Pleistocene eastern Africans?" The
African Archaeological Review, 6
(1988), pp. 57- 72)

Here is Sarah Tiskoff on adaptation...


And here is famed anthropologist S.O.Y Keita on African diversity.


Note:African diasporians are also included in this thread.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 5:49pm On May 13, 2013
Now finally onto pictures. Fest your eyes on the beautiful African diversity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note:I may use some pics from oniles beauty threads... grin grin grin And also feel free to contribute.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 5:53pm On May 13, 2013

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 5:55pm On May 13, 2013
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 6:03pm On May 13, 2013

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 6:08pm On May 13, 2013

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 6:10pm On May 13, 2013
I have to be out. I'll post more later.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by somalia5: 12:25pm On May 14, 2013
africa doesnt mean black u idiiooot

and north africans and horn africans are not negroid and enslaved u negroids

so stop talkin about us as if we africa= black

without north africa and horners u guys are all a bunch of gorillas and everyone knows that
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 1:14pm On May 14, 2013

Lol...I don't even know the guy.


When did I ever mention black? :/

And I'm pretty sure both horn(excluding Ethiopia) and north Africa were colonized. And the first country to actually gain its independence was Ghana.

Now don't derail this thread or im reporting you.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by somalia5: 1:17pm On May 14, 2013
KidStranglehold: @ezotik

Lol...I don't even know the guy.


When did I ever mention black? :/

you imply that african means black like so many negroids do......by saying their is no one black look what do you think your saying.....africans in subsahran except for the horn look the same........and africa doesnt mean the same thing it means to negroids as it means to north africans and horners.

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by somalia5: 1:19pm On May 14, 2013
KidStranglehold: @ezotik

Lol...I don't even know the guy.


When did I ever mention black? :/

And I'm pretty sure both horn(excluding Ethiopia) and north Africa were colonized. And the first country to actually gain its independence was Ghana.

dude somalia colonization is technically occumpation since there were no europeans till the 1900's, whose doing colonization in the 1900's......and present day somalia was born in 1960 but before that we were many different empires.....same as ethiopia it was abyssinia before it became ethiopia....ghana wasnt even a country till the mid 1900's. somalis calling themselves somalis were governing themselves for more than 1400 years.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 1:26pm On May 14, 2013

dude somalia colonization is technically occumpation since there were no europeans till the 1900's, whose doing colonization in the 1900's......and present day somalia was born in 1960 but before that we were many different empires.....same as ethiopia it was abyssinia before it became ethiopia....ghana wasnt even a country till the mid 1900's. somalis calling themselves somalis were governing themselves for more than 1400 years.

Okay then the same can be said for...

They had many different Kingdoms/Empires. You can say they were 'occupied'. And Somalia was colonized because parts of Somaliawas given to Ethiopia. As for slavery, Mansa Musa tool many Ethiopian slave women.

Now stop dereailing my thread or I'm reporting you. Im not in the mood.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by somalia5: 1:48pm On May 14, 2013

Okay then the same can be said for...

They had many different Kingdoms/Empires. You can say they were 'occupied'. And Somalia was colonized because parts of Somaliawas given to Ethiopia. As for slavery, Mansa Musa tool many Ethiopian slave women.

Now stop dereailing my thread or I'm reporting you. Im not in the mood.

kenya was slaves for somalis they had no empires....arabs owned them.....and all those west african countries couldnt stop europeans from enslaving them.....the name of those coutries are made up shid......but somalis chose the country of their name......and were never enslaved and never met europeans till 100 years ago.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by ezotik: 2:23pm On May 14, 2013
KidStranglehold: @ezotik

Lol...I don't even know the guy.

grin ok.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:01pm On May 14, 2013

kenya was slaves for somalis they had no empires....arabs owned them.....
Um...The Swahili states in Kenya were never enslaved by Arabs or Somalis.

and all those west african countries couldnt stop europeans from enslaving them.....the name of those coutries are made up shid......but somalis chose the country of their name......and were never enslaved and never met europeans till 100 years ago.

Um....The Somalis couldn't stop the British or Italians from taking their land and giving it to the Ethiopians. And I'm also sure the Dervish state of Somalia was no more after the colonuization of Somalia.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:05pm On May 14, 2013
Anyways back on topic...

Maasai, Kenya

Dinka, South Sudan
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:07pm On May 14, 2013
Tuareg, Mali

Bozo, Mali
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:11pm On May 14, 2013

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:15pm On May 14, 2013
Xhosa, South Africa

Acholi, Uganda
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by somalia5: 7:28pm On May 14, 2013
swahili people speak a mix of arabic cause they were slaves and those who became muslim were let go.....lol

dervish state was fighting the british till independence......you need to learn history son.

why you positng different negroids.....as if they are differnt or diverse......look at all those weave wearings hoooes next to mandela lol

have you not seen that all those people you post are ugly........way to prove a point......dont be using no north africans or horn africans......lol........the rest look ugly in africa without the horn and north.

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by somalia5: 7:32pm On May 14, 2013
Watsup my Nairaland brothers and sisters. First I want to note that this is NOT A BEAUTY THREAD. AGAIN THIS IS NOT A BEAUTY THREAD!


This thread is not only to celebrate the great African diversity, but to show people just how diverse African are...Most people believe Africans have only ONE look and that they cannot vary in looks. I have decided to make this thread because many people think like that. Many people think that there is only one TRUE African look or the 'True Negroid'. But is there a 'True Caucasoid'? Do you see the double standard? European can have many different looks, but the African people can't? Africans are the oldest people on this planet and from picture I posted, the continent of Africa is bigger than most countries and continents. So of course Africans will vary in looks, but of course people are denial of this. Even other people of African descent are ignorant about this.

Now I am not denying that certain looks can be due to mixture. I am not denying that at all. I know some African populations have admixture with non Africans. But to say the African diversity is SOLELY due to mixture with outside people is incorrect. It should be known that different environments, diets, climates,etc due in fact play a role in the diversity of different phenotype.

Again African is a continent with many climates/environments.

Africa is also the only continent with two temperate zones...

Again it shouldn't be surprised that Africans are the most diverse, since its been proven that they are the oldest human beings(homo sapiens).

Also it should be noted that light skinned or lighter toned(not to be confused with pale skin) Africans have been present all throughour the history of movement of peoples within the continent pre European incursions and the adaptations/mutations are already prevalent in people of African descent as a consequence of melanin deficiencies which cause the hair, the eyes and the skin color to loose pigmentation( this is not albinism by the way which is an extreme form of this mutation). This has been attributed to possible diet patterns or breeding patterns. Loose hair, curly hair, light skin, narrow noses or lighter hair are all native to Africa... This has already been proven.

Different region/climates around Africa, the people have different looks. But most still have a tropical body plan/hot adapted even in north Africa.

Again it should be noted that wavy/loose hair(not be to confused with European type hair), narrow noses, lighter toned skin evolved in certain parts of Africa.


Different features among Africans,
particularly EAST AFRICANS, like
narrow noses are not due to different
"race" mixes but are part of the built-in
physical diversity and variation of
African peoples.
Narrow noses appear in
the oldest African populations for
example, in Kenya's Gamble Cave
complex. East Africans like [b]Somalians
Kenyans do not need any outside race
"mix" or migration to make them look
the way they do.[/b]

".. all their features can be found in
several living populations of East Africa,
like the Tutsi of Rwanda and Burundi,
who are very dark skinned and differ
greatly from Europeans in a number of
body proportions.. There is every reason
to believe that they are ancestral to the
living 'Elongated East Africans'. Neither
of these populations, fossil and modern,
should be considered to be closely
related to the populations of Europe and
western Asia.. In skin colour, the Tutsi
are darker than the Hutu, in the reverse
direction to that leading to the
caucasoids. Lip thickness provides a
similar case: on an average the lips of the
Tutsi are thicker than those of the Hutu."
[Jean Hiernaux, The People of Africa
(1975), pgs 42-43, 62-63)

"In sub-Saharan Africa, many
anthropological characters show a wide
range of population means or
frequencies. In some of them, the whole
world range is covered in the
sub-continent. Here live the shortest and
the tallest human populations, the one
with the highest and the one with the
lowest nose, the one with the thickest
and the one with the thinnest lips in the
world. In this area, the range of the
average nose widths covers 92 per cent
of the world range: only a narrow range
of extremely low means are absent from
the African record. Means for head
diameters cover about 80 per cent of the
world range; 60 per cent is the
corresponding value for a variable once
cherished by physical anthropologists,
the cephalic index, or ratio of the head
width to head length expressed as a
- Jean Hiernaux, "The People of Africa"
1975 p.53, 54

"....inhabitants of East Africa right on the
equator have appreciably longer,
narrower, and higher noses than people
in the Congo at the same latitude.
former generation of anthropologists
used to explain this paradox by invoking
an invasion by an itinerant "white"
population from the Mediterranean area,
although this solution raised more
problems than it solved since the East
Africans in question include some of the
blackest people in the world with
characteristically wooly hair and a body
build unique among the world's
populations for its extreme linearity and
... The relatively long noses of
East Africa become explicable then when
one realizes that much of the area is
extremely dry for parts of the year."
Loring Brace, "Nonracial Approach
Towards Human Diversity," cited in The
Concept of Race, Edited by Ashley
Montagu, The Free Press, 1980, pp.
135-136, 138)

"The role of tall, linearly built
populations in eastern Africa's prehistory
has always been debated. Traditionally,
they are viewed as late migrants into the
area. But as there is better
palaeoanthropological and linguistic
documentation for the earlier presence of
these populations than for any other
group in eastern Africa, it is far more
likely that they are indigenous eastern
Africans. ... prehistoric linear populations
show resemblances to both Upper
Pleistocene eastern African fossils and
present-day, non-Bantu-speaking groups
in eastern Africa
, with minor differences
stemming from changes in overall
robusticity of the dentition and skeleton.
This suggests a longstanding tradition of
linear populations in eastern Africa,
contributing to the indigenous
development of cultural and biological
diversity from the Pleistocene up to the
(L . A . SCHEPARTZ, "Who were the
later Pleistocene eastern Africans?" The
African Archaeological Review, 6
(1988), pp. 57- 72)

Here is Sarah Tiskoff on adaptation...


And here is famed anthropologist S.O.Y Keita on African diversity.


Note:African diasporians are also included in this thread.

dont be talking about somalis,.....lol at kenyans....the only kenyans who look somali are the somali kenyans in northern kenya....i like how kenyans use somalis to say they look good since kenya is a nationality and not an ethnicity....lmao.....untill a somali or ethiopian tells them that kenyans are negroids who got negroid features...]]]

stop mentioning my people forever.....you cant hide behind our beauty by calling us africans...you ugly monkeys......dont ever mention somalia in ur afrocentric philosophy that cant stand the light to whites....you only run after us to prove to whites that africa has a history........

ugly monkeys
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:39pm On May 14, 2013

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:44pm On May 14, 2013

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by somalia5: 7:47pm On May 14, 2013
plz retitle this thread as its misleading. It seems you are posting pictures of ugly people.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:49pm On May 14, 2013

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 7:51pm On May 14, 2013


Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by somalia5: 8:07pm On May 14, 2013
notice those who are fulani not negroid, look much better than the negroid...lmao
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by PAGAN9JA(m): 11:05pm On May 16, 2013
love the pics! smiley
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 11:06pm On May 16, 2013
love the pics! smiley

Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by PAGAN9JA(m): 11:10pm On May 16, 2013
np. wink

this could be nominated for front page.
Re: The African Phenotype Diversity Thread by Nobody: 11:13pm On May 16, 2013
Wow khosian look weird, IMHO.

And please its Baka, pygmies is derogatory

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