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Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam - Islam for Muslims (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by BlackPeni5: 10:19am On May 31, 2013
Abdul Adam56:
4) ISLAM: You are only permitted toprotect yourselves when you are attacked first. And you should retaliate justly but when u gain an upper hand, u shld better forgive and leave everything to Allah.

Kai, I wish I was Muslim based on this quote. Let me deal with some people that have been attacking me. But what kind of retaliation is just. If you slap me, I cannot give you only one slap in return. I'll give you ten so you'll think twice about slapping next time. grin

But I've been told to turn the other cheek... cry


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Ozichim(m): 10:20am On May 31, 2013
Abdul Adam56: 1) ISLAM: There is no compulsion in religion.
BOKO HARAM: Everyone must adhere to our ways else…
2) ISLAM: Love all and be just to all regardless of religion.
BOKO HARAM: If you are not with us you are against us.
3) ISLAM: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived with peaceful Christians and Jews as his neighbours.
BOKO HARAM: All non-Muslims mustleave the North.
4) ISLAM: You are only permitted toprotect yourselves when you are attacked first. And you should retaliate justly but when u gain an upper hand, u shld better forgive and leave everything to Allah.
BOKO HARAM: We attack all who stand in our way
5) ISLAM: A true Muslim is one fromwhose tongue and hands his community is safe.
BOKO HARAM: We do not care your religion. Muslim or Christian we will crush any who stands in our way.
6) ISLAM: Killing of innocent souls is a great sin. No human being has theright to take life except through thedue process of the Law.
BOKO HARAM: Allah will understand.He will not punish us.
7) ISLAM: During war, non-combatant women and children must not be touched. Talk less of peace time.
BOKO HARAM: We kill men, women and children.
ISLAM: At war time, all non-Muslims that run into their places of worship ortheir homes will not be harmed. Talk less of peace time.
BOKO HARAM: We bomb non-Muslims in their places of worship. We also kill Muslims in theirmosques and homes if we feel theyare a threat to us.
So who really are these people withwarped ideologies and intents?
I may not know what they are really out to achieve but I do know for sure they do not represent Islam. Rather, they are acting contrary to it's most sublime teachings: peaceful advocacy.
Of course, Islam strongly disapproves of corruption and incapable leadership!

I don't believe you? give us quotations where we can see this in the Koran. If this is Islam then what are we saying. Why are they attacking Christians every where. So tell us the koran verses to confirm this.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:21am On May 31, 2013
Hmm i reserve my comment..i saw red note "To avoid being banned, please ensure that your post is not offensive to any religion."

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by RuthIsaac(f): 10:21am On May 31, 2013

and i'll appreciate it if u re kind enof to mention just two of wia such word is mentioned
but how comes my muslim friend siad it that when u kill one unbiliver Aljanna (heaven) await you. Maybe you are not an Hausa or staying over here in North
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:22am On May 31, 2013


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by defemz(m): 10:22am On May 31, 2013
It is evident the op has not been watching Aljazeera lately. The sea of combatant muslims with murderous and sweaty faces across the Islamic world shows something is not just right with Islam. One striking thing about muslims is if there is no one else to kill they start killing themselves. So muslims should stop saying what Islam is, they should rather start living it. Probably if any of your loved ones and breadwinners was killed by ever rampaging muslims up north, you will stop believing the trash you wrote up there. We have read the holy quran and we know it would be a daydream wishing muslims to stop shedding blood. Or how was the religion spread in the first place. I only pity good muslims.Too many blood thirst even among their revered clerics. The evil they perpetrate is too gigantic to ignore.God will save us all


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:23am On May 31, 2013
Pardon me, but i don't see any difference whatsoever.
They are one and the same!


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by segzyj(m): 10:26am On May 31, 2013
Abdul Adam56: 1) ISLAM: There is no compulsion in religion.
BOKO HARAM: Everyone must adhere to our ways else…
2) ISLAM: Love all and be just to all regardless of religion.
BOKO HARAM: If you are not with us you are against us.
3) ISLAM: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived with peaceful Christians and Jews as his neighbours.
BOKO HARAM: All non-Muslims mustleave the North.
4) ISLAM: You are only permitted toprotect yourselves when you are attacked first. And you should retaliate justly but when u gain an upper hand, u shld better forgive and leave everything to Allah.
BOKO HARAM: We attack all who stand in our way
5) ISLAM: A true Muslim is one fromwhose tongue and hands his community is safe.
BOKO HARAM: We do not care your religion. Muslim or Christian we will crush any who stands in our way.
6) ISLAM: Killing of innocent souls is a great sin. No human being has theright to take life except through thedue process of the Law.
BOKO HARAM: Allah will understand.He will not punish us.
7) ISLAM: During war, non-combatant women and children must not be touched. Talk less of peace time.
BOKO HARAM: We kill men, women and children.
ISLAM: At war time, all non-Muslims that run into their places of worship ortheir homes will not be harmed. Talk less of peace time.
BOKO HARAM: We bomb non-Muslims in their places of worship. We also kill Muslims in theirmosques and homes if we feel theyare a threat to us.
So who really are these people withwarped ideologies and intents?
I may not know what they are really out to achieve but I do know for sure they do not represent Islam. Rather, they are acting contrary to it's most sublime teachings: peaceful advocacy.
Of course, Islam strongly disapproves of corruption and incapable leadership!

Enough of this Bla Bla Bla....... Let's try this simple Logic.

All Islamah are Boko Haram
Muslims are Islamah
Therefore, Muslims are Boko Haram. QED


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by kufreabasi(m): 10:27am On May 31, 2013
Abdul Adam56: 1) ISLAM: There is no compulsion in religion.
BOKO HARAM: Everyone must adhere to our ways else…
2) ISLAM: Love all and be just to all regardless of religion.
BOKO HARAM: If you are not with us you are against us.
3) ISLAM: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived with peaceful Christians and Jews as his neighbours.
BOKO HARAM: All non-Muslims mustleave the North.
4) ISLAM: You are only permitted toprotect yourselves when you are attacked first. And you should retaliate justly but when u gain an upper hand, u shld better forgive and leave everything to Allah.
BOKO HARAM: We attack all who stand in our way
5) ISLAM: A true Muslim is one fromwhose tongue and hands his community is safe.
BOKO HARAM: We do not care your religion. Muslim or Christian we will crush any who stands in our way.
6) ISLAM: Killing of innocent souls is a great sin. No human being has theright to take life except through thedue process of the Law.
BOKO HARAM: Allah will understand.He will not punish us.
7) ISLAM: During war, non-combatant women and children must not be touched. Talk less of peace time.
BOKO HARAM: We kill men, women and children.
ISLAM: At war time, all non-Muslims that run into their places of worship ortheir homes will not be harmed. Talk less of peace time.
BOKO HARAM: We bomb non-Muslims in their places of worship. We also kill Muslims in theirmosques and homes if we feel theyare a threat to us.
So who really are these people withwarped ideologies and intents?
I may not know what they are really out to achieve but I do know for sure they do not represent Islam. Rather, they are acting contrary to it's most sublime teachings: peaceful advocacy.
Of course, Islam strongly disapproves of corruption and incapable leadership!

Please let us not deceive ourselves as both are one.

1 Like

Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by grandpoh(m): 10:28am On May 31, 2013
Just 2 facts 4 y'll........'Do u knw dat d highest % of dz boko haram sponsors r strong political office holders of which majority r XTIANZ........2ndly dz z a politically orientated act nt a fight 4 islam'xo b4 u criticize a religion think abt ur AZZs!!!!
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by dridowu: 10:28am On May 31, 2013
francis Newton: guy i've always believe dis nt until an islamic teacher based in australia was fumin in d mouth against muslems who dont pray for 'guys' which r workin for allah(e made mention of d militants in afganistan who stay outside under d cold without food or home to fight for allah) so guy forget dis or u kno more dan d islamic teacher whom people from every country in d world call for issues n advisee abegiiii e even said more power to dier elbow in dier fight for allah n against d unbelievers
hmmmmmmm, bros d because d australian preach in support of Afganistan militant does not mean Islam support it, are u now telling me dat d blve of Rev King is what Christanity is all about ? Most christain don't believe in white garment church but dy claim to b christain also. So i will relate any terror group dat uses Islam is acting on their on ideology but not as a ReaL Muslim. Peace


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 10:29am On May 31, 2013
defemz: It is evident the op has not been watching Aljazeera lately. The sea of combatant muslims with murderous and sweaty faces across the Islamic world shows something is not just right with Islam. One striking thing about muslims is if there is no one else to kill they start killing themselves. So muslims should stop saying what Islam is, they should rather start living it. Probably if any of your loved ones and breadwinners was killed by ever rampaging muslims up north, you will stop believing the trash you wrote up there. We have read the holy quran and we know it would be a daydream wishing muslims to stop shedding blood. Or how was the religion spread in the first place. I only pity good muslims.Too many blood thirst even among their revered clerics. The evil they perpetrate is too gigantic to ignore.God will save us all

One of the very few prophecies Christ made was of the coming of Islam:

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand - Matthew 24:15

Every where there is Islam there is destruction and desolation.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:29am On May 31, 2013
Its just so sad dat ppl loose dia senses of reasoning and justice wen it comes 2 d issue of religion. Does d fact dat a so called scholar supports violence automatically imply dt d religion is in favor of it?
There r so called men of GOD out dia who conducts same sex marriages right in dia places of worship. So, do we v to deduce dat d religion backs sodomy?
We r in an era where child molestation, paedophilia and cases of rape r on d high side in places of worship world ova and do we v to take it dat d religion is in favor of such behaviors. Lets talk wit reasonin and respect abeg.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by oyedun82(m): 10:29am On May 31, 2013
Is boko haram anti-islam?


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by ksusi: 10:34am On May 31, 2013
l m asking question why some christians were involved in boko haram operations

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PBundles(m): 10:36am On May 31, 2013
Abdul Adam56: 1) ISLAM: There is no compulsion in religion.
BOKO HARAM: Everyone must adhere to our ways else…
2) ISLAM: Love all and be just to all regardless of religion.
BOKO HARAM: If you are not with us you are against us.
3) ISLAM: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived with peaceful Christians and Jews as his neighbours.
BOKO HARAM: All non-Muslims mustleave the North.
4) ISLAM: You are only permitted toprotect yourselves when you are attacked first. And you should retaliate justly but when u gain an upper hand, u shld better forgive and leave everything to Allah.
BOKO HARAM: We attack all who stand in our way
5) ISLAM: A true Muslim is one fromwhose tongue and hands his community is safe.
BOKO HARAM: We do not care your religion. Muslim or Christian we will crush any who stands in our way.
6) ISLAM: Killing of innocent souls is a great sin. No human being has theright to take life except through thedue process of the Law.
BOKO HARAM: Allah will understand.He will not punish us.
7) ISLAM: During war, non-combatant women and children must not be touched. Talk less of peace time.
BOKO HARAM: We kill men, women and children.
ISLAM: At war time, all non-Muslims that run into their places of worship ortheir homes will not be harmed. Talk less of peace time.
BOKO HARAM: We bomb non-Muslims in their places of worship. We also kill Muslims in theirmosques and homes if we feel theyare a threat to us.
So who really are these people withwarped ideologies and intents?
I may not know what they are really out to achieve but I do know for sure they do not represent Islam. Rather, they are acting contrary to it's most sublime teachings: peaceful advocacy.
Of course, Islam strongly disapproves of corruption and incapable leadership!

Nice write up and I think (hope) you are sincere, but the issue is not what YOU write but the ACTUAL intention. Would be nice if you placed the above mentioned in a public paper or Islamic publication signed by yourself and some Imams and influential muslim scholars. Fortify that by saying that you are not aligned with them and killings by them against innocent people and christians would not be tolerated. That those that sympathise with them should be pointed out named and shamed in the mosque. Will you do that for us? Shouldnt be hard if what you claim above is true. Then I think you will get mine and everyones attention. Let us know when you have done so and I WILL PAY TO GET IT ON FRONTPAGE IF I HAVE TO! We are sincerely waiting and hope this not another Islam is Peace campaign.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by theripper3: 10:36am On May 31, 2013
I don't how Muslims are able to lie with a straight face. This verbose piece of trash should be confined to recycle bin. Believe this redundant missive at ur own peril. Islam is what it is---- a terrorist political ideology.


P.S--- My post aint offensive, I am being objective here.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:37am On May 31, 2013
Ruth Isaac:
but how comes my muslim friend siad it that when u kill one unbiliver Aljanna (heaven) await you. Maybe you are not an Hausa or staying over here in North

d issue is we listen so much to wot ppl say and pays litu attention to facts/ evidences. And dats y d salafists/jihadists got easily brainwashed in d first place.

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by ksusi: 10:39am On May 31, 2013
My question is why some christians were involved in boko haram operations

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:41am On May 31, 2013
Ayishatreal: smiley smileyHope those that critic Islam and Muslims will clearly understand that what Boko Haram and their accomplices are doing is against Islamic doctrine.

Allah has perfected His religion, no amount of evil acts perpetrated by those who call themselves Muslim can spoil the image of the Religion.

if this is true,I STAND TO BE CORRECTED THOUGH,why do they shout allahu akbar after killing and of which they carry such wicked act with a sense of fullfill ment.if they have nothing to do with islam,why can't they say something else apart from that word and they also dress like muslims too.they wear jalamia with a small cap on their head,with tesbiu and long bear bear


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 10:41am On May 31, 2013

The minute you let your guard down that is when they strike.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by dridowu: 10:42am On May 31, 2013
Slaak: Its just so sad dat ppl loose dia senses of reasoning and justice wen it comes 2 d issue of religion. Does d fact dat a so called scholar supports violence automatically imply dt d religion is in favor of it?
There r so called men of GOD out dia who conducts same sex marriages right in dia places of worship. So, do we v to deduce dat d religion backs sodomy?
We r in an era where child molestation, paedophilia and cases of rape r on d high side in places of worship world ova and do we v to take it dat d religion is in favor of such behaviors. Lets talk wit reasonin and respect abeg.

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by nnanyereugo(m): 10:43am On May 31, 2013
yusuff4u2c: you dont know the meaning of jihad

pls tell us d meaning of jihad & wat d 72 virgins stands 4. Also y is it dat oda muslims hv nt com out 2 protest & condemn d activities of d BOKOHARAM? Evn here on NL, muslims do protest weneva u speak or condemn d BH boys.

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Opey4luv(m): 10:43am On May 31, 2013
Hmmmm @ mods, I have created a thread exactly with the same content and it did not make the front page and the OP just copied and re-packaged my work and it made front page. Nairalanders logic
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 10:43am On May 31, 2013

Here is one of the London beheaders preaching hate in the middle of the streets to other muslims.

If they are peaceful bunch why would they rally to hear him speak garbage?


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 10:44am On May 31, 2013
lier! Christ told us about the coming of the false prophets and the anti-christ which Islam and Mohammed is one of them.

do you even read?

mumu. read what i wrote again

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